Pensamientos que naufragan en...

By CarlosJavier271

390 7 6

Voy a experimentar con la poesia "slam" espero que les guste. More

Historias de Vida
Lo Indescriptible
El punto que nadie esperaba
Atraccion Fatal
Carta sin direccion
La prision de Hades
Letter from a friend
A Lotus
Privilege in All Caps
My Self Worth
My color
I'm back here again
It annoys me
The Used
Recuerdos: Él
A day in me

Tell me

10 0 0
By CarlosJavier271

You who was bright and shiny.

You who was the non care giving smiling dude.

You who was the one to break all the expectations and rise from the ashes of your former self.

Tell me... What ails you?

Tell me... What changed?

Tell me... Are you ok?

You were once the most empowering person who radiated confidence, willpower, patience, love, kindness, sweetness, solidarity, strength, endurance and so much more.

You achieved everything you set out to do and so much more. The endless crave for adventure is no more.

You are tired, beaten, on the ground and all you have left is the responsibility to do what you can't pick yourself up for.

You are in pain, no tolerance, no patience, no self control, no thrive.

You are stuck in automatic mode trying to get by.

You are tired, very much so.

Tell me... What ails you?

Tell me... What changed?

Tell me...

...What will you do?

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