The High Warlocks of Brooklyn

By Magie329

55.3K 1.1K 247

Percy Jackson. A name that many knew. He was a hero to all. But Percy Jackson is not here anymore. Not since... More

The Beginning
Clarissa Fairchild. Oh Goody.
Valentine Pissed of a Greek
Ungodly Past
One Hell of A Ride
Those Already in Love
Feeling Nothing
λιακάδα & Αγάπη: Vampire
Forsaken, Weddings, and Hotels, Oh My!
I Know
Possible Discontinuation/Adoption

An Alliance. . . Maybe?

2.4K 63 10
By Magie329

Hey guys, thank you all so much for the support! I really appreciate it when you vote or comment on my new chapters! 

"It appears the cavalry has arrived," stated sunshine, opening the gate, "You'll wanna use the back stairs." As Clarissa and the newly-born walked out, I- quite literally- shadowed them after sending a wink to Λιακάδα, letting him know I was okay. As we left the building, I saw Prince Bleached, Isabelle, and Luke waiting impatiently for the two to arrive. As soon as the door creaked open, Clarissa and the 'Mighty Blonde' met each other in a hug as Αγάπη was held reassuringly on the shoulder by his DownWorlder brethren. When Blondie and Clarissa separated, he quickly turned pissed as I continued to watch the show.

"Where's Noctis?!"

"Noctis?" Simon whispered, almost too quiet for me to hear.

"Yeah, he was supposed to watch you guys since Raphael's his friend!" Αγάπη looked slightly angry but more concerned and inquisitive, as Clarissa looked curious.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, oh Bleached one," I drawled out as I dramatically stepped out of the shadows at a slow pace. "You'll turn grey with stress. Besides, I was watching them the whole time." I smirked slightly as he mumbled something along the lines of 'it's natural' and 'mean Warlocks'.

"Wait, hold up," Simon interrupted while holding up both of his palms towards me as to say 'stop right there'. "You're friends with Raphael? The evil Vampire king?"

"More like the moody New York Vamp Clan Leader, but yes, Αγάπη. Raphael is a friend."

We all heard a slight 'I heard that, arsewipe'. But, you know, with more cuss words. So I, of course, did the logical thing.

I turned around.

Looked up.

And respectively gave him the bird.

As I turned back around, I saw a beautiful sight. The Nephilim were trying to hide their smirks, the Werewolf and Clarissa weren't even trying to hold in their chuckles, and my stunning υπέροχο φως του φεγγαριού was staring at me with adoration and a slight hint of lust if I do say so myself.*lovely moonlight*

Wait- MY?! At this thought, my trance was broken- not that I was staring at him, psh, no, Hahaha . . . ha- and I looked to Isabelle because I knew she was probably the only sensible Nephilim here. "Explain."

"The Clave is planning on murdering Meliorn."

"What?" Clarissa and I said simultaneously, except I growled.

"They think Meliorn has more information on Valentine and the attack then he's saying," Blondie explains.

"They're taking him to the Silent Brothers," poor ομορφιά, she loves him. She must be heartbroken, good. A heartbroken person is a dangerous person. I should know. I'm dangerous, aren't I?

"That's the plan, Clary. Rescue and Recovery."

"We get him from the guards, in and out, nobody gets hurt."

"I'm seeing minor  flaws, darling," I squeeze my pointer finger and thumb together with some space in between them and squinting my eye while looking through the space to show the small issue.

"You want us to go up against the Silent Brothers, and an elite Shadowhunter guard unit?" I sway my arm towards Clarissa as a way to say 'exactly'.

"Without any backup?"

"Pretty much sums it up, yeah."

"Wow, you just furthermore proved your idiocy to me, Blondie."

"Is Alec coming?" The two Shadowhunters glance between one another. It's obvious that Alec has chosen his Fiance's side.

"No, not this time."

"If they're doing this to Seelies, no DownWorlder is safe. But we can't go in alone, not if we want to be detected."

"My pack will track the unit, create a distraction."

"I would suggest Vampires, but I doubt they'll cooperate."

"As much as I hate to agree with Simon, Vamps aren't exactly team players."

"Not if you have the right resources, and a little wager, of course. They're wise and know not to go in head first," I step in, of course, defending my friends and family.

"Let me talk to Raphael," I raised an eyebrow in the Redhead's direction. "I think I can persuade him."

Later, the whole clan is behind Raphael to show his dominance, and Clarissa in front of us to show hers. Somehow, Clarissa convinced Λιακάδα to talk with the clan in the main room, where we were minutes beforehand. I was once again in the shadows, not letting the present Vamps see me. Raphael had looked for me, I saw his eyes dart to the shadows beforehand. Now it was Clarissa turn to make sure we aren't drained.

"We're offering an alliance with the Seelies," good, they don't like waiting. Clarissa glanced at Luke, who in turn rolled his eyes and sighed.

"And the Werewolves.'

"Why should we believe you? You killed our people. You violated our home."

"You kidnapped a Mundane, remember?" shut up Blondie, your idiocy will infect them.

"That was me," you're so cute, my lo- NOPE, NOT YOURS!

"Look, you were just following Camille's orders. She violated the Accords. You're a different kind of leader," she glanced around the room. Good, include the others. "We are a new generation of Shadowhunters. We believe everyone can be equal, but we have to work together to stop Valentine. And to ensure the Clave doesn't repeat past mistakes. What do you say?"

"This decision requires a consensus." There was a momentary pause, then Simon stepped up.

"I vote yes," good job, υπέροχο φως του φεγγαριού.

"Well, well, well, baby's first words."

"Don't make me regret them."

"If our newest member pledges his loyalty to his new leader and joins our clan, we'll all stand beside you."

"That won't be needed, won't it, Λιακάδα?"


"In the flesh, Sunshine."

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