Bullied By The Vanoss Crew (B...

By lpsinsanity123

15.6K 394 324

Hey it's Anastasia! It's been a year and now I'm 17. I am now a member of The Lightings but I'm still a rooki... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5: New Contest
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: I need your help
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19: Should I do a roleplay book?
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27 1/2
Part 27 2/2
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34: Merry Christmas!!
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42: Tagged and a new idea
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58:Starting a new book for everyone to join
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67

Part 59

167 5 14
By lpsinsanity123

I was in school and was putting my binder from last class into my locker. "Anastasia please come to the principal's office". The principal said in the mic. What the hell did I do now? I closed my locker and I went to the principal's office. Once I got there, I saw the principal's and..... Mortikiy. "Hello Anastasia. This young man said he's your older brother. Is this true?" Principal Mackintosh said. "Yes he is". I said. "Oh ok. Well he says he taking you out of school early so I suggest you get your things and you can go". He said. I was confused but nodded. Once I got my stuff, me and Mortikiy left the office. I then noticed people watching us walk. "Hey Anastasia, who's that cute guy your with? Your other boyfriend?" I heard a girl say. Probably one of the cheerleaders. Mortikiy stopped walking only to look at her and give her an disgusted look. "Just ignore her". I said. He looked at me and nodded. We left the school and he took me to a blue car. "Why did you take me out of school? Why isn't Derrick taken out of school?" I said. "First off, Derrick wasn't in school. He's right here". Mortikiy said. Derrick came out of the car. "Sup Sis!" He said and I waved to him. "Secondly, I got a call from a guy. He said he knew our parents. He wanted all of us to go see him". He said. I froze. Some guy k-knew our parents? "What if it's a trap Mortikiy? You know, we can't trust all humans. Well except for Ana's friends". Derrick said. "I am aware of that. However, the guy sounds..... so familiar". Mortikiy said. "Alright then. Let's go". I said. We got into the car and we drove off. "Where does this guy live?" Derrick said. "Not too far from here. At least that's what he said on the phone". Mortikiy said. "Hmmmm... I hope this is worth it". I said.

"We're here guys". Mortikiy said. I looked out the window. "Which house is it?" I said. "That one". Mortikiy said and we looked and saw a brown house with a front patio and a swing chair. We got out of the car and looked at the house. I was nervous. I grabbed Derrick's hand and he squeezed it. We went to the front door and Mortikiy knocked on it. Footsteps could be heard from the house. Soon the door open to reveal a man probably in his mid-thirties. He wore a black t shirt and jeans. He looked young to be in his mid-thirties. "It's..... you. You kids grew up so much". He said. "It's nice to meet you sir. You said you had information about our parents?" Mortikiy said. "Yes! Yes! I do! Please come in". The man said. We walked inside and he close the door. "Would you kids like anything? Water? A snack?" The man said. We declined and we sat in the living room. "Mind to tell us your name mister?" I said politely. "Oh course. My name is Issac Lawton. I was the one who protect your parents from getting caught by either the government and or the police". He said. "So, do you.... know our names?" Derrick said. "Oh yes I do. Your name is Mortikiy, the oldest. And you two are Anastasia and Derrick. The twins". He said. "Ok well. What do you know about our parents?" Mortikiy said. "Well first to tell you is that I know you are in a gang Anastasia. I seen you on the news in the background shapeshifting into a bird". He said. "O-Oh". I said. "Now about your parents. Well I do know was that they loved all three of you. If they were alive, you all would've had a great life". Issac said. "Can you explain how you knew our parents?" Derrick said. "Well I guess this will be a story". He said.

I was a happy six year old boy playing in the backyard of my house. My house was next to a forest. As I was playing, I heard some noises behind some bushes. As what a curious kid would do, I decided to investigate. That's when I saw your mother. But she had splinters from getting into a thorn bush. Me and her were the same age. "Are you Ok?" Said little Issac. "Owie...". Their mother said. "Here I'll help you". Said little Issac. I helped her out of the bushes and took out all the thorns she had on her body. That's when I heard some growling. I turned around and saw your father. He was in his wolf form at that time. I was afraid at first until I saw your mother turn into a wolf herself. She went over to your father and told him to calm down and that I was only trying to help her. He was overprotective. They both change back to normal into their human forms. Your father was two years older than me and your mother. "Who are you guys? What are you guys?" Said little Issac. "I'm Lina Cruz". Their mother said. "I'm Marcus Valentine. Her best friend". Their father said. "I-I'm Issac". Said little Issac. "We are shapeshifters. We can change into any animal". Lina said. They told me that they left their parents because they were neglecting them and they taught me things about shapeshifters. "Where do you guys live?" Said little Issac. "We don't live anywhere. We just go into the forest". Marcus said. "Well you could live with me but I don't know what my parents will say". Said little Issac. "I don't think your parents are gonna let us live with you Issac. We're not humans". Marcus said. "They'll think we're freaks". Lina said. Then I thought of a plan. I hid them in the old basement my parents never use. I would bring them leftover food my parents had and would only let them out to play or I stay in the basement with them to play. I would also teach them some things from school when I'm home from school. Years later, me and your parents were in our teenage years. Me and your mother were 17 and your father was 19. I always thought your father was like a older brother to me. He thought the same way but me as his little brother. During teenage years, your father started to fall in love with your mother. Your mother felt the same way. It seems nice for them to feel that way towards one another. As for me, I had someone already. Soon we all got to adulthood and my parents let me keep this house while they go to a house they got in Washington. Your parents had their freedom to roam through the house but sometimes they would come and have fun with me and my friends. Of course in that time, they learned how to control their powers. Then one day, Lina became pregnant with you Mortikiy. I knew how to take care of this because I had a job being a doctor in the hospital. Soon she had you and then two years later, she had you two. They loved all of you so much. At those times, I would baby-sit you Guys while they went to have fun in the forest. That is until.... that day when I got a anonymous call telling me that they knew that I was hiding your parents and you kids. I told your parents what happened and let me tell you. They were scared. They didn't want to lose any of you nor each other. "What are we gonna do?" Grown up Issac said. "I don't know but..... we can't have our kids in danger. They deserve a life without danger". Marcus said. Then your mother had this plan. "We need to separate them. Somewhere. Somewhere far away from here". Lina said. Me and your father were shocked. "Lina, you... you can't be serious. T-That would only mean...". Marcus said. "I know you don't want this Marcus. I know you love the kids. I love them too. But this is the only way we can have them safe". Lina said. Both of them were crying. I was crying myself too. We took time and took all of you to different parts of the world like Mortikiy in New York, Derrick in Florida, but Lina considered putting you Anastasia some here in California. But somewhere far. But then all danger started three weeks after we did your mother's plan. A gang surrounded the house and were pointing guns around us. Both of your parents were protecting me. But I will never forget what your parents did and what your father said to me. "Listen, you can take us away but you will leave Issac alone". Marcus said. "Yeah. He's not apart of this". Lina said. The gang leader only smiled wickedly. "Fine then. We'll leave him alone. Say your last goodbyes". The gang leader said. I started crying uncontrollably. Your father grabbed me by my wrists and me looked at him and your mother dead in the eyes. "Issac don't cry. Don't you make this harder than it already is. I want to thank you. For taking care of us, for giving us a great life. We're gonna miss you so much. If there's a time where you meet our children, tell them we're gonna miss them and that we love them. Promise me that". Marcus said. I was still crying but I nodded at his promise. Then they hugged me and they whispered 'Thank you for everything' to me. "Take care of yourself little brother". Marcus said and soon they left with the criminals and it was the last time I saw them again.

I was crying from the story. I noticed Derrick and Mortikiy were crying too. "I know it's hard for you to hear this. It's hard for me too. They were like my siblings. But I'm sure they are happy that you guys have a great life and are safe". Issac said. I was upset because I feel like I knew who the killer was. But he didn't know me. That's when I remembered that dream I had last year. "I-I". I said still choking in tears. "I think I knew who killed our parents". I said. They all looked at me. "I'm not sure it's him but I'll just say it. There was this guy named Jerome Matthews. He was the gang leader who was allies with mine. But he passed away. He also had a son named Zane Matthews. We use to be friends but he turned his back on us so we killed him because he entered my school and shot me twice last year. I'll get straight to the point now. I had a dream. Maybe a vision. It was a woman in chains and Jerome was there and he said some bad things about shapeshifters. Then he said.... my name. Then the woman told him to not hurt me. I feel like that woman-". I said. "Was our mom". Derrick said finishing my sentence. We all stayed quiet but Mortikiy broke the silence. "Well at least we know who killed our parents and what our last names are". He said. "Yeah..... Valentine". I said. "Thank you so much Issac. This means a lot". Mortikiy said. "It was my pleasure to meet you kids again. Here". He said and handed us a photo. We all looked at each other our photos. It was Issac with two people and holding three babies. It was our parents. "Wow, mom looks like you Ana". Derrick said. I smiled at the picture. "Yeah.... dad looks like you guys". I said. We said thank you to Issac and gave him a hug. After all, he is kinda like family. We soon said goodbye and we left Issac's house. I couldn't take my eyes off the picture of mom and dad. I finally know what my parents look like.

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