Baby Girl - Supernatural x Re...

By AngelMariaKurenai

128K 3.7K 2.1K


Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader
Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader (Part 2)
Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader - Dean's Part
Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader (Part 5)
Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader (Part 6)

Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader - Castiel's part

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By AngelMariaKurenai

Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader - Castiel's part

It's been about  three months since you had met the Winchester brothers and Castiel and since then you had joined them. It's been quite a long time since you were in your normal-grown form and it felt kind of weird now. Though it was kind of fun too.

No, not the hunting part. That was quite dangerous and hard. It's been a quite long time since you've done that too. But despite the difficulties you managed to do well.


And obviously some times Castiel too, while the brothers... well you didn't quite understand that part. They got distracted rather easily. Not during the fight; that rarely happened; but mostly when you were at the motels. And that was the funny part.

Their reactions.

You didn't quite understand why they reacted the way they did. How Sam had reacted when he got into your motel room (after the first month Dean seemed to be too much on edge and suddenly decided that you had to take a room of your own) and instead of telling what he came in for, he started stuttering. You didn't understand why, all you were doing was looking through your clothes for a bra to wear, your back was turned to where he stood in the door and you didn't turn before wearing a short shirt (he wouldn't let you otherwise and still he covered his eyes with his hand).

Or how Dean reacted when (still the first months that you stayed with them at the same room) you walked out of the shower with only a towel. All he did was look at you wide eyed before he started choking and needed Sam's help in order to manage to breath again "There wasn't a bigger towel " you said trying to cover yourself as much as possible.

Luckily the towel managed to cover a few things... at least when you stood upright...

But well that was a few months ago. Now you stood at your motel room lying at the bed and reading your mother's diary, it always helped you relax. The way she would describe every day of her life. Since the moment she was in heaven till the moment she came in earth and her life with your father. 

Memories are too precious she said especially when you live forever.

You kept reading in silence before the familiar sound of wings flapping made you look up from the diary.

"Hello (y/n)" the gruff voice of Castiel was heard.

"Hey Cas" you smiled at him as he made his way to come and sit next to you.

"How are you?" you asked.

"Good" he replied "I just came to tell you that Dean and Sam drove off to a nearby town. They had to deal with another case and Dean said that they needed to stay focused, I did not understand that part, and he added that he didn't want to die before he got the chance to go to heaven with you although it he would most certainly go to hell for all the things he would do, and I did not grasp that part either" he added.

"Neither do I..." you said frowning "But when are they coming back?" you added.

"I do not know that, but Sam said that it wouldn't take much time, maybe a couple of days." he said and you nodded.

"And why didn't you go with them?" you asked again.

"I wanted to stay here with you and if they need my help I will go, but for now the don't" he said and you smiled.

"What are you reading?" he asked as he saw the diary.

"It's my mother's diary" you said "She would write since she was in heaven, how she saw humans from up there and how when she came down in earth." you finished.

Castiel took the book and looked at it, reading a few lines "She would write so beautifully"  he said.

"Yeah" you nodded "My favorite part is when she would describe her days in heaven, it's so beautiful up there... I just wish my angel side was awake so that I could go there some times" you said and looked down at your hands.

"(Y/n)-" Castiel started, sensing what you were about to say but you cut him off.

"No Cas just no. I know I would have to sacrifice a lot if I was to become an angel but I just... want to Cas. I want it Castiel" you said and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I want to be able to see into other people's soul  and make their pain go away. I want to be able to help them and heal them whenever needed. And... I know it will sound selfish, but I want to go to heaven Cas. I want to meet other angels, others that are like me and that won't think of me as some kind of monster, because let's be honest Castiel, to most people that know about us, despite the fact that we are angels, they think that we are like every other supernatural being that they've met. And I just want for once to feel the air up there Cas. I want to feel the air through my wings and I want to feel my grace and everything that my mother described it to be... and... I want to..." you hesitated for a moment "I want to meet my mate, my other half" you said and looked into Castiel's eyes.
"(Y/n)..." he started with more hesitation but you once again cut him off.

"Don't you, Cas?" you asked him frowning "Don't you want to know who your other half is? The person that will understand you and you will be able to share every fear and happiness with? That will fill your grace with theirs?" you said and he looked down at the book in his hands.

"And I want to be able to see your wings Cas..." you said the last part shyly in a low voice.

"You do?" Castiel's head snapped suddenly at your direction and you looked up to see him lightly flushed.

"Y-yes and..." you looked back down at your hands "... a-and touch them..."

"If you have no objection" you quickly added.

"N-no of course not" he said and your eyes sparked with hope.

"So you're going to help me get my wings and awake my grace?" you asked hopefully.

"I..." he paused for a moment and looked hesitant to speak "Yes I will help you" he said before he could comprehend anything you squealed from happiness.

"Oh my, thank you so so much Castiel!" you said and hugged him tightly. 

He stood there awkwardly for a moment before he hugged back.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, thank you Castiel" you said and grabbed his face and kissed his slightly pink cheeks.

You pulled away and you were smiling widely at him.

"Then I-I should go and the Heavenly Host if they will be able to do something ab-" he started but you cut him off again.

"Can I come with you?" you asked him and although hi had some difficulty in agreeing he finally gave in.

Castiel took you up to heaven you couldn't help but stare at everything and everyone in awe. You couldn't help it. Everything was just like your mother had described it to be. When Castiel went inside a big building you stood outside and kept looking at your surroundings. What caught your attention was a beautiful garden with all kind of flowers. You went there and stood there admiring them for a while when something else caught your attention this time. And that's how it went for almost the half day. You got fascinated just by the smallest of things and ran immediately from one thing to the other, and although you felt a pair of eyes watching you, you didn't care but continued being yourself.

Now you stood at small corner of heaven that you had always wished you could visit. It was a small garden where your mother would spent most of her time and it was just as she had described it. There were a few trees that provided a cool shade which you needed as you sat down on the grass; enjoying the soft air that made your wet hair dry.

You had to admit, although playing with the water of the fountain was fun now you had started to regret it as you started feeling a little bit cold, nonetheless you enjoyed the view.

You watched the view with a smile when a voice was heard "Nice view, eh?".

You turned to look at a man walk towards you. He had golden-brown hair and whiskey-colored eyes that went along with a smirk on his face. He, unlike most, was dressed in casual clothes but that was not what made your eyes widen. No. It was his six, big golden wings.

You had no idea how long you've been staring at his wings before you felt him wave a hand in front of your face "Hello, heaven to (y/n)! You here kiddo?" he asked and you suddenly composed yourself.

"Oh I uhm, I'm sorry" you said giving him a sheepish smile; blushing.

"But how do you know my name?" you asked after a while.

"Everybody knows you cupcake. And well allow me especially to know a few more things about you." he said and winked at you making you blush.

"Name's Gabriel, by the way" he said and extended a hand and you looked up from yours and shook it.

"You already know my name" you said and he chuckled.

From then on you kept talking with him for a hours and much to your surprise you had a lot in common. And as you kept talking you couldn't help but occasionally glance at his wings and wonder how soft they might be. And he noticed that quickly, so the conversation ended up with both of you talking about angel's wings.

You told him how much you couldn't wait to get your angel side awakened and have your own wings and he told how it would be to have them.

"And this side of the wings is really ticklish" he said pointing to a side of his wings  "So just the smallest touch would-" he started speaking again but immediately was stopped by an almost-girly giggle that escaped his throat as you slightly touched the place where he had pointed.

Suddenly a huge mischievous grin spread on your face "Oh no! No (y/n), no don't-" Gabriel started but was suddenly cut off by a fit of laughter that escaped his throat as you started tickling the sides of the wings that he had said were the most ticklish.

Gabriel kept begging for you to stop but you didn't and just kept tickling him; as both of you had ended up lying on the grass and Gabriel couldn't stop the tears to run from the laughter.

"Ughm" someone was heard clearing their throat and both you and Gabriel looked up  "Sorry for interrupting, but (y/n) we have to go" Castiel said in a more serious voice than ever, his eyes darker than you had ever seen them be.

"Oh ok then" you said and got up as Gabriel did the same "What happened, did they agree?" you asked Castiel and he nodded.

"Yes, in a few days we will come back and then you will have your grace" he said though he eyes stayed focused on Gabriel's hand on your waist.

"But now we have to go" he added and you nodded.

"See you in a few days Gabe" you said and gave him a peck on the chick before you made your way to Cas.

"See ya sweet-cheeks" he waved you goodbye as he winked and Cas took a hold of your hand (a little harder than he should) and transported you to your motel room.

Once you got to your motel room it was night, obviously you had stayed more up there than you thought.

"Sorry" Castiel said as soon as he released his tight grip on your  hand.

"It's ok" you said and grabbed a towel heading for the bathroom "You're really cute when you're jealous" you said closing the door behind you and....

... did you just wink at him?

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