My love for you: phat(complet...

By lettieirvin

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485 29 10
By lettieirvin

So the other night i saw larry and alona kiss. It really made me upset because i thought that me and alona were making our way into being together. I guess she really fell into larry's trap. See this is a normal thing with larry. He finds out Melissa cheated  because she had cheated numerous amount of times, they will break up and she will try to apologize and get him back and a week later they will be back together as a dysfunctional as couple. I really wanted to be with her and make her mine but now i cant. But i will try my hardest to win her back.

Roy: hey bro whats wrong? You look like you've been upset all day.

Laurent: nothing important. I just- i'm fine really.

Roy: i know you like the back of my hand. Whats got you down?

Laurent: alona.

Roy: the thick chick. Oh shit. I saw on the media that she and larry are dating. Wait-

Laurent: i started talking to her and i would always take her out on dates but i knew that larry was jealous of that even though he and Melissa were dating. Then the night all four of us went to the club i left alona to go dance which probably should've never happened and next thing i new she was kissing larry outside. Then Melissa knocked her out because larry broke up with her for alona.

Roy: damn thats rough bro. How your twin get your girl. You never know bro. They might actually make it work.

Laurent: nothing i can do to stop her from dating him but I gotta get her back. I hope she doesn't get her heart broke.

Roy: man this about to be some crazy shit.

Months later

These months have been great and amazing. I love being with alona. She is like a breath of fresh air. She tells me so much and i've been keeping things from her. Yea i know its bad for me to be keeping alot things from her but thats my decision. I don't want her to find out.

Larry: girl what you doing in that bathroom? Come here and give daddy what he been missing.

Melissa: you're so forceful and i like it.

I know your all wondering why I'm with Melissa. I know i'm with alona but its just something about Melissa that draws me too her. I cant let her go. She just does something to me that makes me go insane for her. I feel so stupid but it just feels so right. I have to stop this immediately or i wont ever have alona in my life.

Larry: this isn't right Melissa.

Melissa: what isn't right?

Larry: we have to stop seeing each other. I am with alona and-

Melissa: and what? You don't want her to find out that you're cheating on her with me.... larry just admit that you only got with her to make me jealous and upset. You know you cant resist me even as much as you try not to.

Larry: you were my second love and we had a great run but i cant keep doing this to my girlfriend and you just have to let me go.

Melissa: your all bullshit. You gonna go by her tonight and snuggle up watching some movie telling her how much you love her and never wanna let her go but tomorrow you'll be at my house fucking my brains out like you've been doing for past 5 months. You waited this long to stop what we got going on when you know you don't wanna stop it because you cant let me go... when you girlfriend finds out what you're doing, you'll be running back to me.

She kissed me on my lips goodnight, threw her panties on my bed and walked out. I picked them up and sniffed them. They smell so good like her sweet pussy. The things i could do to her right now. What am i fucking saying.

Friday morning

I came to work as usual bright and early. I love getting a head start so i don't have to worry about it later. Usually in the morning larry and Laurent would be in my office waiting for me but now it just seems like larry only comes to my office. Whenever we go to the studio Laurent doesn't even talk to me. When i say hey to him he just waves with a stale face and if i try to hug him he doesn't want one. He doesn't even talk to me at all. He talks to larry and acts like I'm invisible. I know that this is my fault for why he isn't speaking to me. He really liked me and i did like him but i turned him down to be with larry and i know its been hurting his heart. I thought that maybe he was just talking to me to get back with Jessica but i guess not. When he gets on twitter he is always talking about love and betrayal and relationships and sad shit. I walked into dance studio to see them practicing. I love watching them dance.

Alona: hey larry, hey Laurent.

Larry: hey lona.

Laurent: larry lets run it again.


Laurent: its hot in here bro.

Im trying to be nice but he is making it worse. I walked up to him and yelled in his face.



He stormed away and i followed behind him. Once i reached him i pulled him to face me. His face said I'm pissed and you're the last person i wanna talk to.

Alona: what is your problem?

Laurent: YOU! Go have fun with your boyfriend.

Alona: you haven't  talked to me in months. I miss talking to you.

Laurent: its not like you care. Your so busy stuck up larry's ass that you cant see the lies in it.... i loved you alona and i still do. When we were hanging out and going on dates i thought you loved me and wanted to be with me but then it turned out to be a lie. You didnt want me at all. You were so in love with larry that you never realized that i loved you and i wouldn't cheat on you like he's doing.

Alona: you're lying. Larry would never cheat on me. Take that back.

Laurent: tell that to melissa and lylah.

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