Call Me Crazy

By Fanta_xx

10.5K 443 172

Meet Tee Williams. An 15 year old girl who aspires to become an inspiring rockstar. And she has an ultimate p... More

Call Me Crazy - Blurb
Call Me Crazy - Prologue
Call Me Crazy - Chapter One: Reality Check
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Two: School Sucks
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Three: My Cousins Are Unique
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Four: Revenge Is Sweet... But Carrying It Out Is Hard
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Five: Headaches Are SO Not The Way To Die
Call me Crazy - Chapter Seven: I Need A Break
Call me Crazy - Chapter Eight: You're Obnoxious, No Joke!
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Nine: Stalkers Can Play Guitars Too
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Ten: I Was Right, School Does Suck
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Eleven: The Important Phone Call
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Twelve: The Freaks Know Nothing
Call Me Crazy: Chapter Thirteen - Mad, Mad, Mad!
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Fourteen: Indebted To Leo
Call Me Crazy - Chapter Fifteen: 'Mysterious'

Call me Crazy - Chapter Six: Operation Zoe

534 22 17
By Fanta_xx

A/N: This is dedicated to Sesa36 because she is a great fan and stuck around to continue reading my work, even though I know it isn't the most coolest story on wattpad but she still reads on. If you get what I mean... I'm not good at thanking.

Call me Crazy

Chapter Six: Operation Zoe

     I didn’t even have to walk to my house door to know that no one was home because: a) there weren’t the sounds of something smashing in the kitchen; b) I couldn’t hear anyone listening to rock music; c) no shouting.

                        Instead of taking out my mobile to text my mum or Zoe, I decided to try and live my life without them. Now, I thought, where to go?

                       Normally, I would say hi to my neighbours, who fortunately for their case… deaf. They used to be a couple living in the house on our right but when they split up their marriage, the ex-wife moved to our left. I don’t think that’s a good idea if they really want to ‘move on’. And no, they’re not old: they’re around their thirties and still very young looking. Though they’re as mature as old people, I suppose.

                       Funnily enough, the main thing they fight about these days is who could get Zoe’s attention. They practically love Zoe from the day they’ve put their eyes on her (when they were still together).

                       Thinking about Zoe, I guess I should go and find her. She’s probably with those ‘no good friends’ as mum calls them. I personally think that her friends can’t be that bad if they hardly talk. All they do is listen to their iPods and walk around acting like ‘creeps’ or so people in Zoe’s year call them.

                         I hate stereotypes. Say no more…

                         It only took about ten minutes of walking to get to my destination – the Dead End (which basically is the ‘dead end’ of a street area. The only special thing about it is that all of the Goth/Emo/scene kids go there.) I expected Zoe to be there but she wasn’t.

                         I looked at the road for cars and ran across it. I sort of expected a school kid to point out to his/her mum and complain that the girl over there doesn’t follow the road safety rules. Good old days, good old days… I miss being all cute and small and getting whatever I wanted.

                         “Hey you!” I shouted out, waving my hands in the air like a madman (madwoman). About three kids turned to look at me with their eyebrows raised, all of them friends of Zoe. I continued running to them, not bothering about how ridiculous I looked in a school uniform and calling out to the ‘freaks’ (according to Zoe’s year).

                         “Hello guys,” I said when I was standing with them in the circle, “Have you seen my sister Zoe?”

                         “Which part?” a girl asked me, smirking. She had who had dyed pink hair, wore black skinny jeans and a rainbow coloured t-shirt. Goth rainbow if I add which consists of black, red, purple and dark blue. I sighed and looked at the other two. They were all girls but one had a headscarf.

                         “Do you guys even know Zoe?” I asked, annoyed. “Well, she’s Goth and she’s well,” I gestured her height a bit slightly taller than I was, “And she’s well this is width,” I gestured with my hands that she was a bit only the skinny side. I looked up at their faces and found them all smiling for once. Geez, I knew from Zoe that her and her friends wouldn’t smile unless it really amuses them, which means when someone mentions something homicidal just to creep out the others.

                         “I like you,” said the pink girl. “My name’s Rea and no, I didn’t see Zoe. She doesn’t always hang out with one set of people, she has other friends too you know.”

                         “I’m Tee, not short for anything before you asked. My mum loves tea so she named me after it. Embarrassing really,” I rambled on. They didn’t smile but took it all in.

                         “That’s sad,” said the girl with the headscarf. “My name’s Leila.”

                         “OK,” I said, “Uh, are you Muslim?”

                         “Yep,” she replied, popping the ‘p’. “Not a terrorist!” she added, laughing at her own joke. I smiled back. I wasn’t expecting them to laugh.

Like I said before, I hate stereotypes. And here I was, thinking that they’d all be ‘deep’ and ‘depressing’.

                         “Uh, I think I’m just going to go now. I need to find Zoe.”

                         Rea looked at me and gave me a smile that wasn’t a smile, if you get what I mean. “I’ll see you at school then.”

                         I turned back after I started walking off. I was seriously shocked that I’ve never seen them at all at school. I’ve seen almost everyone and made a mental record of everyone and yet I didn’t see them at all. I think my mouth was gaping because one of them told me that they were going to call me at school tomorrow.

                         I kept my head down as I walked past the Dead End. I don’t know how long I was walking for but as I reached the central library, I felt the tingling sensation that someone was staring at me, or worse watching me. I turned around as casually as I could, pretending that I was looking for someone, someone that I wanted to see. But that person, people, I saw wasn’t exactly on top of my list.

                         It was two of my cousins, the ones who were the leaders of the rest of them, the oldest one and the youngest. It took me a great deal of effort to not run at them with a battle cry and murk them right there and then. The youngest one, the little cute but evil girl, held out a plastic yellow gun. As expected, it was aimed at me.

                         “Yo sucker!” the oldest one, the guy, said. I frowned, totally not getting it. Well, I got it when she pressed the trigger. I totally got the other side of it.

                         As I was soaking wet, I started wondering on how on earth I ended up with these kinds of people. Was I born cursed instead of blessed? Quickly realising that getting another shot of the water gun would end up with me walking home with clothes sticking onto me, I did what any other teenage girl would do.

I ran into the library.

                         Oh and that did prove something, my cousins have absolutely no morals or manners in situations like these. As I stealthily ran, avoiding the sights of any librarian, they followed me shouting out words that I couldn’t repeat. They soaked literally everyone that got in their way, and hell, I even saw the older one head butt someone just to get to me. I never knew I was going to die like this.


                     “Hey Tee! Come back please,” shouted out the little girl. I almost stopped because it sounded like her heart was breaking or something and it sounded so cute, well until I heard the rest of her plea. “I need to soak you or I won’t win the bet because of you!”

                         “Never!” I shouted back, running right into a small shelve of books. It nearly toppled over before I stopped for a second to hold it in place. When it was secure, I realised that they were really closing into me now. Kill me now before they kill me. I watched my cousins walk towards me, all intimidating because I had nowhere to run to. Why oh why do things like this happen to me? I was the one who was meant to get payback and here they were, trying to escape from them when I was surely going to die for a dare. Well, I wouldn’t die but my sanity would.

                         My little cousin raised her gun and closed one eye, ready to aim at me perfectly. Then as usual, my mum decided to call. That irritating ring echoed through the library, making me wince. I guess the person who invented the telephone was stupid enough to design ring tones that go loud enough to annoy the shit out of anyone to make them answer the phone.

                         I held up a hand in a ‘wait’ gesture and my cousins nodded. I knew all of the world’s population would agree that I really needed to take off the annoying phone. I don’t want to die whilst hearing it ring. “Hello?” I said, answering the phone. It was Zoe.

                         “Tee, you have to come home now!” before I could ask why she said, “Dad’s back.”

A/N: I wonder why Zoe’s tense with the word ‘Dad’.

But to tell the truth, that just came in randomly. I guess I needed to add the drama in. My sister’s watching wrestlers which kind of triggered my sense of dramatic endings. It’s really distracting.

Anyways, vote and comment as usual. I don’t want anyone to forget that! Comments mean more ‘cause I need to know what you think. If it were up to me, I’d go OMG THAT WAS GREAT.

But that’s my own story so of course I’d say that.

This is not edited. Hell no, none of it is even read by me. I just write it and then upload so tell me if I make mistakes. I’ll correct it when I’m forty something.

Oh and listen to the song on the side after. I think the video’s great, but weird. But weird is good. Weird is bloody cool.

And thanks for reading, without at least one person reading… I don’t think I would really bother upload. But that’s good because no matter what, even if no one votes or comments… Someone is out there reading this shit!

Excuse my language.

I hope you’ve read the first few sentences.

Say DARKNESS if you’ve sticked around to read it.

And say RAINBOW if you’ve just seen the last sentence. ;P

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