2moons & Sotus Oneshot

By PurplePeach96

49.1K 1.1K 125

All couples from the two series will be appear in this book. The couples may not pair up like in the series b... More

Knot & Tew
Forth & Beam
Tay & Aim
Park & Lam
Sotus The Memories Live on Stage
Kongpob & Arthit
Ming & Kit
Prem & Wad
Tew & Day
Pha & Yo
Ming & Yo
Aim & Kongpob
Pha & Yo
Arthit & Kongpob
Park & Lam
Tay & Aim
Forth & Beam
Knot & Tew
Prem & Wad

Dear & Toota (+Bright)

1.6K 51 11
By PurplePeach96

Fate and destiny

Toota was in love with someone else before but that someone already give his answer . He does it with an action. I'm still with my friends but when he is here hanging out with them, Toota can't help but get up and run away. The feeling of rejection eats him inside out. Knot is the first one to notice me. But he doesn't say anything to others but keep it as a secret. I am thankful for that.

Who was this someone Toota loved? He is Bright. Yes. The womanizer, Casanova among them.

Toota is now alone. Why? It's because Bright is now with the others at the moment. Toota can't keep straight and calm face if Bright is there. It is already 4 weeks he and Bright not talk to each other. He doesn't know if the others notice it or not. Suddenly, someone sit beside him.

He looks to his side. To his shock, the one who sit beside him is Dear. His senior in 2nd year. He greets the senior.

"You're Toota right?" Dear ask

"Yes. How do you know me P?" Toota ask

"I always watch you. You always with your friend but at some point you seem to run away from. Why?" Dear ask

"Y-y-you always watching m-m-me?" Toota stutter

The senior just nodded with a smile.

"I-it's nothing p?"

"You're lying right?"

"It's true."

"I don't believe you. You...run from...Bright...right?" Dear ask hesitantly


"It's okay of you don't want to tell me. I'm sorry if I'm forcing you but I can't stand looking you so sad."

There is a minute long silent. Toota is thinking whether he should tell the senior or not. Dear looks kind to him.

"It's true P. I was running away from Bright." Toota said after gathers his courage.

Dear nodded listening to Toota. While he listening to Toota, he can feel that Toota is crying when he tells the story of him and Bright.

He can't help but hug the other tightly. Somehow, Toota doesn't refuse him but letting Dear hug him. He can feel his heart is hurting seeing Toota crying.

"Toota. I don't know how to calm you down but let me tell you one thing; I am always here for you. No matter what." Dear tell Toota.

Hearing that sentence make Toota cry a little louder. Thank goodnees they are alone at the park. Dear still hugging Toota.


A few hours later, Toota can calm himself down. He looks at Dear. To his surprise, Dear wipe his tears away. He smiles to his senior's action. He never feels this loved by anyone else. Dear is the first one.

"P...do you love me?" Toota ask. He can't help himself. The action his senior does on him makes him curious.

"If you are ready to accept someone else in your heart, I will tell you." Dear said with a smile.

Since then on, Dear would always be with Toota whenever Toota feels lose and sad. Time to time, he become happy and forget about his sadness.

Knot, who the one notice him ask him, "ai'Toota...you looks happy. You okay?"

"Yes. I know you notice my secret about me and Bright but I'm okay now. I have found my new love. Thanks for keep it quiet at that time." Toota said with a smile.

"If you say so. Let's go eat lunch." Knot asks with a smile. He feels relieved that Toota is okay now.

"I'm sorry ai'Knot. I have agreed to meet P'Dear. Next time okay. Tell the others for me. See you." Toota said with a smile.


Toota walk to his secret meeting place with Dear. That is the place where Dear first talk to him, at the park. He already bought the food for the two of them.

When he sees Dear already there, the smile on his face grew wider. He walks closer.

"Sawadee P'Dear. I bought you your food." Toota said

"Hey...Wadee. You're late." Dear said with a smile

"I'm sorry p but ai'Knot want to ask me something. Let's eat P." Toota said


The two eat while joking and laughing around. The lunch with Dear never bored Toota. It is always happy. He realizes how much effort Dear has make for him. suddenly, the affection for his senior fill him inside.

"P'Dear...I have to tell you something."

Dear stop eating and look at Toota curiously.

"I love you." Toota blurt out.

Dear choked on his saliva. He looks at Toota face. The other just smile at him. Then he realizes it. Toota has started to open his heart for him.

"Really?" Dear ask

"Yes P. and I know you actually love me too. Right?"

Dear smile fondly and said, "Yes I am Toota."

Toota blush at the smile Dear give to him. He was glad that he find his true love.

Meanwhile, Knot with his friends eat their lunch together. As always they just 4 of them. Prem and Arthit who are so curious ask Knot, "Where is Ai'Toot?"

"He is with P'Dear. Eating his lunch with him." Knot said

"Why?" Bright suddenly ask

Knot just shrugged his shoulder.


Some days later, the 4 of them sitting together to eat lunch and Knot can see Toota walk to their table.

"You are not with P'Dear today?" Knot ask.

"Yeah...P'Dear is busy with his project and he already eat his lunch with his friends." Toota said.

Toota sit down beside Knot. The other three look at the happy face Toota has.

"Oh guys...I have something to tell you guys...I and P'Dear are officially dating now." Toota announce happily.

Knot congrats to him. Prem and Arthit are frozing but a moment later they throw Toota a various question. While, Bright keep his quiet.

Knot notice Bright text him secretly.

'you have to be happy for ai'toota. He is suffering all this time after what he did to you'

'what do you mean? Wait...you know ai'knot?'

Yeah...I know. but I just guessing. Toota never tell me. His expression tells me everything happen between you guys.'


'he has new love now. You should happy he not love you anymore'

'yeah you right'

Knot frown reading Bright's message. But later he gasped

'you love toota too right?'

'yeah. I was running away from him because I was not sure of my feeling. And when I realize it. I am already too late'

'I'm sorry ai'Bright. but you have to move on from him. he already have p'dear'

'yeah. Maybe his fate is not with me but with p'dear. But ai'knot...keep this a secret.'


Knot look up and see a force smile on Bright's face. He gives him a sympathy smile. The two look at the happy Toota. Sometimes, fate and destiny is too ruthless.


edit: thank god, now i can say where do i get this idea for this story. this is @spectral416 continuation story from Confession and other one shot book. a story about Toota love Bright but Bright leave him without answer. my story is the continuation from that book. Try to read that first before this sory. Oh and the Author already give me the permission for this story.

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