Almost Lover (Harry Styles)...

By Posh777

1.6M 50K 8.6K

Ava McCain An aspiring song writer living in London with a secret past. Harry Styles A famous singer who mak... More

Cast & Story Info
Chapter 1: This is what I was born to do
Chapter 2: Hair or Tattoos
Chapter 3: Everybody Hurts Sometimes
Chapter 4: No Harm Love
Chapter 5: Literally Frozen
Chapter 6: Opportunity Knocks
Chapter 7: Memory Lane & Text Messages
Chapter 8: Change Your Life
Chapter 9: Lover-Boy
Chapter 11: Barfights and "Goodnight"s
Chapter 12: Saturday Hangover
Chapter 13: Sunday Brunch
Chapter 14: Friends
Chapter 15: "Goodbye London."
Chapter 16: Falling
Chapter 17: A Confession and A Wager
Chapter 18: Evening the Score
Chapter 19: Let Her Go
Chapter 20: "Stop Thinking."
Chapter 21: "Not a Chance."
Chapter 22: The Not So Great Escape
Chapter 23: Inspiration and Pub Brawls
Chapter 24: When I Was Your Man
Chapter 25: Karaoke and A Huge Step Forward
Chapter 26: Text Messages and Twitter Pics
Chapter 27: Soundcheck Revenge and CPR
Chapter 28: "We sort of have company."
Chapter 29: A Not So Good Start
Chapter 30: The Truth
Chapter 31: Breakfast and....
Chapter 32: "It was bloody amazing."
Chapter 33: Toasts and Secrets
Chapter 34: "I Love Cereal."
Chapter 35: No Going Back
Chapter 36: "Tell me."
Chapter 37: "Keep going."
Chapter 38: She was Right
Chapter 39: Words of Wisdom
Chapter 40: Sheet Music and Shaving Cream
Chapter 41: Hiking
Chapter 42: "I dont know."
Chapter 43: The Plan
Chapter 44: Waiting
Chapter 45: "I want revenge."
Chapter 46: Heartbreak All Over Again
Chapter 47: "You know."
Chapter 48: "Over."
Chapter 49: Jokes Laughs and Racing Hearts
Chapter 50: Love Looking Back
Chapter 51: Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 52: Fan-girling and Extra Pressure
Chapter 53: Lies and Bets
Chapter 54: Testing Testing
Chapter 55: To Do or Not to Do That is the Question.
Chapter 56: "Okay."
Chapter 57: "I'll stay with you every night."
Chapter 58: Halo
Chapter 59: Secret Plans
Chapter 60: Friday
Chapter 61: "I'm with Kelsey Worthington."
Chapter 62: "You need to go. Now."
Chapter 63: Estates Holdings and Threats
Chapter 64: Emotional
Chapter 65: Stalker or Romantic?
Chapter 66: Tweets
Chapter 67: Making Plans and Saying Sorry
Chapter 68: Surprise After Surprise
Chapter 69: A Bad Day
Chapter 70: "I am afraid."
Chapter 71: Images
Chapter 72: Whatever It Takes
Chapter 73: "It's called love."
Chapter 74: A Night Out
Chapter 75: "I'm Yours."
Chapter 76: "I'll go get him."
Chapter 77: Wise Advice or a Drunken Rant?
Chapter 78: Signing Shopping and Sighing
Chapter 79: A Perfect Dress and A Decision?
Chapter 80: Girl's Night or Plans?
Chapter 81: "A french saying."
Chapter 82: A Secret
Chapter 83: A Beautiful Dress a Present and a Castle
Chapter 84: Three Words
Chapter 85: "What did you do?"
Chapter 86: "Make me not feel anything."
Chapter 87: Heartbreak and a Text Message
Chapter 88: "Let me go."
Chapter 89: A Punch in the Face and A Plane Ride
Chapter 90: I can move on.
Sequel: All of Me

Chapter 10: Wrecking Ball

21.4K 654 188
By Posh777

< Song for the chapter is Wrecking Ball by Jasmine Thompson. It is attached to this chapter. I will let you know when to start playing it :) >

-Harry's POV-

Ava takes a deep breath before placing her hands down on the piano. Once again, as before, she relaxes as soon as her fingers touch the keys.

>Start Song Now<

Her fingers effortlessly move across the intrument as if it were an extension of herself. She closes her eyes and begins singing.

We clawed, we chanined our hearts in vain. We jumped, never asking why.

We kissed, I fell under your spell. A love no one could deny.

Don't you every say I just walked away, I will always love you.

I can't live a lie, running for my life. I will always want you.

I came in like a wrecking ball. I never hit so hard in love.

All I wanted was to break your walls. All you ever did was wreck me.

Yeah, you. You wreck me.

I tear my eyes away from her and glance at the lads. Louis and Niall's mouths are hanging open, while Liam has a huge smile on his face. Zayn looks over at me and gives me a thumbs up.

I put you high up in the sky, and now, you're not coming down.

It slowly turned, you let me burn, and now we're ashes on the ground.

Don't you every say I just walked away, I will always want you.

I can't live a lie, running for my life. I will always want you.

Came in like a wrecking ball. I never hit so hard in love.

All I wanted was to break your walls. All you ever did was wreck me.

Came in like a wrecking ball. Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung.

Left me crashing in a blazing fall. All you ever did was wreck me.

Yeah you. You wrecked me.

I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in.

And instead of using force, I guess i should have let you in.

I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in.

I guess I should of let you in...

This song is even better then the first one I heard her sing. I can literly see it on our next album. By the looks on the lads faces, I know they are thinking the same thing. Louis catches my eye and mouths 'Wow' to me. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I came in like a wrecking ball. I never hit so hard in love.

All I wanted was to break your walls. All you ever did was wreck me.

I came in like a wrecking ball. Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung.

Left me crashing in a blazing fall. All you ever did was wreck me.

Yeah, you. You wreck me.

As the song ends everyone at our table stands up and cheers. I am absolutly chuffed at how well she did.

Ava immediatley goes into her next song, singing Everybody Hurts, the song I first heard her sing just a few nights ago.

Once she finishes, another round of cheers sounds from our table. She thanks the audience, smiles, and heads off stage. Poppy promptly gets up and heads towards the stage door.

Louis grabs my shoulder, "Mate, I had my doubts, but you were right, she is absolutely smashing!"

"Her voice was amazing as well. Does she really not want to be a singer?" Zayn asks dumfounded.

"Darling no, she would never!" Freya answers.

"She's right." Finn sighs. "We've all tried to convince her, but she won't hear of it. She wants to write and that's it. She hates the stage!"

"That's a shame. But her writing is wicked! Really Harry, I can't believe ya found her!" Niall can't stop smiling, he knows I'm onto something here.

"Me neither Niall." I can't believe it myself.

"Have you seen her portfolia Harry? The two she sang tonight where wonderful, but we can't base a decision off of just them. Does she have more songs?" Liam asks.

"No, I haven't seen it." I answer truthfully. "I wanted you guys to hear her first, before I asked her for it. I didn't consider how many she would have to show us. I doubt those are her only two."

"Of course they aren't her only two." Parker spits "She has a whole journal of them, each one in it being better than the last. The songs are all very personal. She only showed me because of how close we are. She would never show them all to you."

"Really Parker? Cause in the future I see her sharing EVERYTHING with me." I scoff at him. Why is it every time he opens his mouth I have the severe desire to shut it with my fist?

The lads all laugh, while Liam rolls his eyes.

Freya steps in between us, causing some deja vu. "Really Darlings! Must we start this nonsense again! Let's try to get along. After all, we have a wicked bender ahead of us!"

We both calm down as we see Poppy and Ava heading towards us. When they reach us, everyone gives hugs and congradulations to Ava. Her face is beat red, but she is obviously very pleased that everyone liked what they heard.

When she reaches me I envelope her in a tight hug. "Really marvelous Ava! Really." I grin down at her.

"So Ava do you have a portfolio we could take a look at?" Liam asks.

"I didn't, but I made one up just in case." She responds shyly. "I put all my favorite songs in it."

Liam shoots her a genuine smile. "Great! Well we will make sure to arrange for Harry to get it from you. After we take a look at it, we can move forward from there. But I think I can speak for all of us Ava when I say we were really impressed with you."

"Thank you so much, all of you. You have no idea what that means to me. What this opportunity means to me."

"Alright already enough work talk! It's time to get royally pissed and make bad decisions!" Poppy exclaims, grabbing Niall by the arm, who onces again looks scared as hell.

"Don't look so fretful darling!" Freya latches onto Nialls other arm. "It's almost guarrented you'll be going home tonight with her knickeers in your pocket!"

Niall chokes making us all bust out laughing.

"What's wrong mate?" Louis asks, an evil look in his eye. "I instincly recall you saying earlier today you planned on getting right pissed tonight and having some proper fun."

If looks could kill Louis would be on the floor crying out in pain right now.

"Well, no worries then Niall!" Poppy leans into him, giving him a whink. "I excell at having 'proper' fun."

Niall visibly gulps while the girls pull him out onto the street. Louis was so right, Niall is all piss and no wind. We are all still laughing as we file out the door. We all pile in several cars, me ending up next to Ava in the back seat of an SUV. Fancy that.

I smile at her as I sit down, and she smiles back before nervously turning towards the window, fidling with her hands. I open my mouth several times to speak to her, but nothing comes to mind. I am never like this. She looks at me several times, about to open her mouth, before turning quickly back to the window. Well at least I'm not the only one having trouble speaking.

"I hear its a good year for bananas." She suddenly blurts out, before smaking her hand to her face.

I can't help but bust out laughing.

"I mean, I heard the weathers been like, good for them... So they are like really good this year." She stammers.

I literally cannot stop laughing.

"Oh god" She yelps, laying her head against the headrest of the seat in front of her. "I'm like so awkward. I just didn't know what to say. And then I remembered hearing you liked bananas, and I saw that on the news and... oh God. Please stop me."

My eyes are squeezed close, tears coming to them, I'm laughing so hard.

I try to compose myself. "No, no!" I laugh. "They are like reeeeally good this year!"

"Oh god." She puts her face in her hands. "Please can we pretend that didn't just happen? Like my first real conversation with you wasn't about fruit?"

"No way". I laugh.

"God Harry, please? I'm mortified." She says into her hands.

My laugh turns into a chuckle as I pull her hands away from her face so she will look at me. "No Way! That was literally like the best thing ever."

I know she is embarrassed but I love how the tension between us is now gone. I like this girl even more now. Her awkwardness is endearing.

As we pull up to the club and pile out onto the street, I grab her arm. "Will you dance with me tonight?"

"Sure." She answers. Nodding. Her cheeks still bright red.

"Good!" I wink at her, "I hear its an excellent season for dancing."


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! It only takes a second and it would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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