Jack Avery|| wrong Number

By seaveysstories

55.7K 794 246

y/n means to text her best friend but instead she texts Jack Avery. And.. who knows what'll happen. More

"tHiS iS yOuR nEw NuMbEr, cOrReCt?"
the fight.
"you guys are cute"
"I just told off a 9 year old"
"i DoNt ThInK tHeY lIkE mE"
"you're mine and mine only"
"of course, princess"
"i think he knows.."
"i lost $20 cause of you, smh"
"she's mine!"
"no, dont even try"
"why would she be hurt?"
"i never want to lose you"

"do you guys like each other?"

3.1K 43 13
By seaveysstories

everyone finally wakes up from their naps and its 1:26pm. "do you guys like each other?" zach asks.
corbyn puts his hand out and says "stop! do not answer that!" and he puts his hand on zach's shoulder and starts walking away with him. "zach you can't just do that! obviously they like each other but like you gotta let them tell each other on their OWN! you can not force them to tell each other! that just ruins the moment of telling each other!" corbyn snaps at zach. "okay okay" zach laughs.

you and jack look at each other awkwardly then just ignore what zach said. "what do you wanna do today?" jack asks you. "wanna go for walk or something? and then after the mall?" you suggest. "yeah, good idea" he smiles. "can we stop at my house though? i have no clothes with me and i gotta do my makeup." you ask. "nope. i'll give you something to wear and you don't need makeup babygirl. you're hot without it!" jack says. "shush" you say. you grab jack's hand and run upstairs to his room. "now pick me out something to wear" you giggle. "you can wear whatever you want" jack says. "but i want you to pick" you whine. "okay fineee" jack says.

jack picks out an outfit for her and then they leave the house and go for a walk first. jack wanted to take pictures of you so he did. and then you took pictures. of jack

jackaverymusic: look at my best friend looking all hot and stuff in my clothes ;)


fan1: I SHIP
hater1: ew she's just using you for "fame"
seaveydaniel: bEsT fRiEnD mhm sureeee
y/n<3: you know who's hotter? the person who took this picture ;)
jackaverymusic: me too  jk... maybe ;) fan1
jackaverymusic: yeah okay you can get off my acc now tyvm! your lies don't affect me hater1
jackaverymusic: she is  only my best friend what don't you understand? haha seaveydaniel
jackaverymusic: no i think you're hotter ;) y/n<3

y/n<3: my best friend is cute ;)


hater1: ur a hoe. ur just using him. u cant even lie.
fan1: omg u guys would be so cute together
jonahmarais: ikr jack is SO hot!!
jackaverymusic: i was blushing in this one!! why did you have to post this one there were like 5 other ones but nOoO
y/n<3: im a hoe? yeah okay. i haven't done anything with anyone ever! i've never cheated on anyone. actually ive only had one boyfriend ever. and im a hoe? and im using jack? he is my best friend and i love him so much words can't even explain. i would never use anyone cause i know how it feels to be used. so stop assuming stuff and hop off my page thank you very much :) hater1
y/n<3: he really is!! i didn't even know it was possible to be that hot jonahmarais
y/n<3: you looked extra cute in this one tho!! you were playing with your hair, you were blushing, you were smiling, and you were looking down. this picture is ADORABLE!! jackaverymusic

(heres a small chapter again oops sorry its short)

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