• One Lifestand [BxB] •

By BellaDeLacy

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When Zale gave in to his best friends suggestion of going on a blind date he expected to have a preferably go... More



5.9K 206 80
By BellaDeLacy

My day has been pretty uneventful ever after I left Mario's penthouse. Taking the cab back to my place had taken about 15 minutes in the early Saturday morning streets. With everyone still asleep at this time of the day, unless forced to be somewhere, the streets had been relatively empty and the peace and quiet made me stop in front of my apartment upon arriving, basking in the sounds of birds in the distance and the overwhelming smell of freshly baked goods nearby. 

While enjoying the white facade of my apartment building being illuminated by the sun and the sunrays warming me up, despite the soft cold autumn breeze, I had decided to go buy myself some bagels before going back to work on the new book, and ended up buying two cupcakes as well, unable to resist my sweet tooth and the pink sparkly toppings. 

Right now I'm sitting on my counter, stretching my tired arms and fingers for a little after having written a couple of hours on the new book, my clock indicating it's well past 1pm, with a glass of orange juice and my lap-top propped up on the counter in front of me. Somehow writing always came easier to me once my apartment was spotless and organized, it made me feel free and my mind could completely engross itself in the new stories being put on screen, without experiencing the constant pressure of a deadline up ahead. Therefor I had started writing soon after coming home, completely forgetting about everything else.

I look out the window, letting out a content and relaxed sigh. During my work I had been especially focused and inspired, the release of my previous pent up lust definitely doing me some good. After the memories of last night had come back to me in the morning hours, they left me with an awkward boner to take care of, but I had allowed myself to think about the date for a little, coming to the conclusion that the absurdity of the whole thing would somehow deserve it's own short story. Over all the evening had been a nice one, one I'd be remembering for a little while to come, content with it being a comfortable memory and a new experience in my usually monotone life.

However having a sneak peak into the life of the rich and famous I realized that I would miss my average and peaceful life, not quiet comfortable with the stares and eyes on me as we had been walking out of Mariu's, the memory still sending chills down my skinny frame and making the hairs on my neck stand up.

Ripped out of my daydream about the date by my phone buzzing I instinctively go to grab it from my back pocket before remembering I had put on some cute comfortable boxer shorts upon my arrival at home and inwardly slap myself for forgetting already. I look around me, not sighting the device before my eyes land on the couch where I'd thrown it down lazily. 

With an exaggerated jump like the little predatory kitten I am, I jump on the couch to fetch my phone. Yeah- no I'm not going to grow up anytime soon in case you were wondering, after all I have a free pass for staying a cute, sassy and smexy unicorn for the rest of my life. Duh.

'Hey babe, go and hide all your stinky socks. Mario's gonna drop by in a few.' Charles text reads, a dramatic gasp leaving my dropped jaw. How dare he accuse me of stinky socks when his apartment is basically littered in dirty clothes! If anything I'm the one with an OCD issue here by the way my fingers itch to clean whenever I so much as see a dirty spot somewhere. 

Furrowing my brows together I read over the text again, this time locating the original message behind it, questions instantly popping into my head at the words on my screen. Why would Mario come over and how did he even know my address? As far as I know, with remembering all of last night again clearly, I hadn't given him my contact info or anything of the sort. Thump. obviously.. His driver had picked us up yesterday, how could I forget the awkwardness of that?! I should really worry about my head sometime later, something is definitely off, and I'm not talking about my usual loose screws.

Before I can answer Charles with a sassy and maybe provocative text of my own, about how his apartment literally smells like death due to all of his own stinky socks, the doorbell announces a visitor downstairs and I lift myself off the comfortable position on the couch with a groan and make my way over to the intercom. 

"Hello?" I answer, although I can already guess who's standing in front of the general entry downstairs after Charles text.

"Hello beautiful, sorry for the sudden visit but I missed someone at breakfast today and wanted to check on you. Also I wanted to ask you something if I might? If you aren't busy that is." Mario's deep baritone voice sounds though the speaker politely, making me -for the first time ever, realize just how smooth and melodic it is.

"Uhm.... sure? Come on in." I reply confusedly, pressing the button to open the automatic door downstairs for him, before opening the actual entrance to the apartment and awkwardly waiting in the frame for him to make it up to the third floor. Somebody please tell my why everything I do always has to end up being awkward, I bet I could make even breathing get awkward! uargh.

The moment his face pops around the corner of the staircase a shit- eating smile spreads about his gorgeous features, before his expression turns into one of disbelief and breaks out into a full blown laughing fit. Confused and slightly annoyed I look down at my superman boxer shorts and the matching t shirt that he seemed to find so ridiculous. No sense of fashion I swear. The combi looked cute af and I won't let anyone tell me different. 

Raising an annoyed eyebrow above the bridge of my glasses, making it a habit of pushing them up further, I step aside, holding the door open for my guest that still seems very much entertained by my choice of outfit.

As if he doesn't have something comfty and funny in his wardrobe, what did he even expect just barging into my lazy saturday afternoon, the fuck. I bet he's got even worse stuff in his own and he just tries to play it off by ridiculing my own one. That must me it.

"Are you done now?" I snap after another few minutes of watching his face contort in laughter and the tears threatening to descend his cheeks, hand on my hip in barely concealed annoyance. When he finally calms down and enters the door, allowing me to close it and not embarass myself in front of one of my neighbours any more than I might already have, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, walking ahead of him into the living room, hearing his steps follow me close behind.

"Can I get you something to drink Mario?" I ask as I motion for him to take a seat on the couch as he looks at me dumbfounded for a second before answering with a dazzling smile. "A coffee would be appreciated, thank you love"

A little irritated with his weird nickname game I busy myself in the kitchen, making two coffees and taking out the cupcakes that I had originally intended to devour by myself, not questioning his choice of words any further and instead mourning about my now sacrificed treats. Being nice and polite really is harder than they always say, I grumble to myself.

"Sooo..." he trailed off nervously once I had taken a seat next to him on the sofa, "the thing I wanted to ask you was-...

I don't really know much about that stuff but even though that yesterday was a blind date I felt something with you. I would like to take you out on another, proper date and maybe build up a relationship in the future..." Mario confesses, making me halt dead in my tracks.

"We do-" he starts but before he can deepen the topic any further my panicking skinny frame manages to get him pulled up and out the door in a matter of seconds thanks to his surprised state. 

What the fuck just happened?!

No, no, no, no, no... Mario Vanstone did not just ask to build a relationship together, hell to the NO to the no no no!

I pant so  hard I have to rest my shaking hands on the wall in front of me, slowly making my way back to the living room once again with my mind still not wrapped around what just happened. This was a bad idea after all, I just made myself the biggest burden in history oh goood I can't even imagine how getting away from someone like him should be possible. Please god let it be a trival crush that he'll forget once the next person goes by swinging their hips in his face, pleasee.

I'm just a nobody author with a specialty for awkward situations and anxiety, what does he possibly want with somebody like me anyways while there are thousands of other boys throwing themselves at him?! Feeling my stomach clench I clasp a hand over my mouth, feeling the bagel from this morning churning disgustingly inside me before making a run to the bathroom and emptying my stomachs contents into the toilet.

Feelings I thought I had overcome rise inside me, making my head spiral further and further into darkness as I manage to clasp onto my phone, sitting on my bathroom floor, my whole body shaking and the most gruesome of all headaches spreading across my skull. 

"C-charles.." I managed to croak out through the speaker after speed dialing my best friend, the annoyance from yesterdays events long forgotten in my state of mind, "I- I need you." 

After a quick affirmation of location from Charles he hangs up to make his way here, my head falling against the cooling tiles of the wall as I try to keep unwanted memories and fears in the back of my head and holding my shit together as good as possible. At least until Charles would be here.

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