The 10

By MandiLynn

55.3K 1.9K 233

A group of high school students is assigned to spend a week at a prison, a "social experiment," as the teache... More



404 23 2
By MandiLynn

Welch walks up to Lillian's desk. She looks up at him and sighs as she points to Sherman's door.

"Thanks." Michael mumbles.
Pushing the door open, he eyes Sherman at his desk and a woman sitting at one of the chairs.
"Welch, how nice of you to show up." Sherman remarks. "This is Lieutenant Drake. I understand she gave you an order I was not aware of."
Michael swallows, sitting next to Drake, crossing his ankle over his knee. "I thought it was approved." Welch says to Drake.
"I'm his boss. Not the other way 'round. I don't need his approval for anything."
"This is my case, Drake!" Sherman shouts.
"I'm still your boss, Sherman. So watch your tone with me."
Sherman's jaw tightens. "I still believe I should've been told about this. I mean, seriously, a wire? What happens if Welch ends up becoming intimate with Rodriguez? What's he going to do then?"
"Cross that bridge when we get there." Drake responds. "Even if they kiss, I'll have the wire scratched, and we'll install cameras in his home. No harm, no foul."
Sherman nods slightly. "I suppose. Welch, I've heard you made some progress today?"
"Yep." Michael smirks. "She's already filling me in on Winters and Samuels. I mean, not that I'm complaining at all, but she's known me for like five minutes, and she's spilling her guts out to me."
"We'll take it however we can get it." Drake says as everyone in the room nods in agreement.
Sherman, Drake, and Welch spend the evening assembling Welch's next assignment.

    A few hours later, as Michael is exiting the station and heading to his car, he groans when he hears his phone ringing. Digging it from his pocket, he snickers when his screen tells him it's Isabella calling.
"Hey," he says, holding his phone to his ear.
"Hey, are you busy?"
"Nah, why?"
"I need to talk to you. And maybe your dad, too, if that's possible?"
"Well, I know you can definitely talk to me," he chuckles. "But I'm not sure about my old man."
"Okay, well, I'm on my way to your place, so see if he can meet us there. Thanks."
"Fuck!" Michael shouts as he tosses his phone to the floor.
    Michael pulls into his driveway, cursing to himself as he watches Isabella get out of her car and meet him at his door.
"So your dad is home then?" she nudges her chin towards the car.
"Yeah, about that," he chuckles nervously as he scratches the back of his neck. "Not really."
"I'm confused." she crosses her arms over her chest. "You have the car. The only car you said you have because your father uses it for work, and yet, here you are driving the car and telling me your father isn't here."
Michael laughs, looking towards the ground. "Yeah."
"So, where's your dad? Because, like, I really need his service right now."
Michael's head jolts up, eyes wide. "Excuse me?"
"You said he's a P.I.. I need him to investigate for me."
"Oh, right, sorry," he treads to the car and finds his phone. "Give me a minute. I'll call him. See if he's around."
Isabella huffs and sits on the stoop.
    Michael gets back in his car and curses at himself while the phone rings in his ear.
"Sherman." A cold voice shouts.
"It's Welch."
"What the fuck do you want? I just saw you."
"Rodriguez. She wants to meet my "father." Says she needs him to do some investigating for her."
"And the persona Drake gave me includes that my father is a private fucking eye." Michael grinds his teeth together.
"Fuck," Sherman groans. "Okay, I'll send someone."
"Someone that Winters' girl hasn't seen." Michael rolls his eyes. "Unless you can't handle that simple task."
"Fuck off, Welch. I'll have someone there soon."
"Someone who can actually pass as someone's dad." Click.
"Well, he'll be here soon."
"Good." Isabella mutters.
    Half an hour later, Isabella and Michael's face light up from headlights glaring through the blinds hanging from the window. They watch as a man enters, dropping a briefcase and shedding a coat. Michael stands and rolls his eyes as he sees this ending in a spiral.
"Michael." The man says sternly.
"Hey, dad."
"Mr. Welch," Isabella stands, holding out her hand. "It's very nice to meet you. I'm Michael's friend Isabella."
"Nice to meet you, too." He looks up at Michael. "So why did you pull me from work?"
"Isabella needs your help."
Lowering his eyes down to Isabella. "And how can I do that?"
"There's someone I need you to look into for me."
"Okay, let's talk then." The man, Steven Lawrence, smirks. "So," he grabs a notepad from the briefcase. "Who am I looking into?"
"Frankie. Frankie Young." Isabella sighs deeply.


That same evening, as Isabella crosses a line behind Kate's back, Kate and Frankie join Laura for dinner downstairs. Frankie's healing smoothly. She can almost laugh without wincing and is slowly regaining most of her strength.

"So, Frankie, do you think you'll be able to go to school this week?" Laura asks, dabbing the corner of her mouth with a napkin.
"Yeah. I'm just waiting for the bruises on my face to lighten because, y'know." Frankie mumbles as she lowers her hands off the table and into her lap.
Kate takes Frankie's hand in hers. "No rush. Besides, if anyone has anything to say, they can say it to me."
Frankie smiles slightly as Laura clears her throat. "So, this week then."
    The rest of the dinner is bland and awkwardly silent.


"Okay, so, this Frankie girl, when did she come into the picture?"
"About a week ago. It's weird. I mean, we never even noticed her before, and suddenly she's Kate's new best friend?"
"You sound jealous, not worried." Steven says.
"Excuse me?"
"You said you were worried about this "Frankie" girl. But now, to me at least, you seem jealous." Steven shrugs. "Just my opinion, though."
"Look, do you want to do your job and get paid, or do you still want to play therapist?"
Steven raises his hands in surrender. "Okay, so what can you tell me about her?"
"Isn't that your job? Finding out what I need to know about her?"
"Of course. But a little insider's judgment usually helps get the case started instead of going in blind."
Isabella raises a brow, turning her head to look at Michael behind her. "Right." she sarcastically remarks.
    Isabella says whatever she has to to get out of there. Michael offers to walk her to the car, but she declines as she fiercely walks the concrete.


Welch and Lawrence decide to begin their investigation immediately. They drive down to Kate's house and park near the driveway. Welch looks up at the dark house from the passenger seat, his eyes drifting left and right, as Lawrence adjusts the radio. Welch turns his head towards Lawrence and spots a car adjacent to theirs.
"Who's car is that?"
"Probably belongs to their neighbor." Lawrence jerks his head towards the home across the street.
"You're paranoid. We're not here to investigate some car outside a house. We're here to investigate what's going on in that house."
"Yeah, sorry."
"What are you going to tell your little girlfriend when you're not in school tomorrow?"
"You mean Rodriguez?" Michael laughs. "She's not my girlfriend."
"She sure wants to be, though."
"No, she doesn't."
"Yes, she does."
"Enough." Michael shouts. "Besides, she's like seventeen. I'm going to be twenty-five, it's not appropriate. Especially since I'm using her to close a case. It's called doing my job, for Christ's sake."
Lawrence smirks. "I knew you liked her."
"Fuck off."
Come morning. Lawrence is fast asleep in the driver's seat as Michael stares intently at the house, waiting for someone to leave.
"Hey," Welch shakes Lawrence. "Here we go."
Lawrence groans as he places his hands on the wheel to help him sit up. "What?"
"I think the Winters girl is leaving."
"You think?" Lawrence huffs.
"Well, it's not my fault Rodriguez didn't provide descriptions."
"So what's the plan? This girl leaves, and then what?"
"I think we should go talk to whoever remains inside the house."
"What? Have you lost your mind?"
"Well, what's your bright idea,  asshole?"
"I'm sure it'll be better than "we talk to whoever's in the house." Lawrence rolls his eyes.
"Look, I say we do it. Or at least I'll do it."
"Yeah, whatever, kid."
Welch rolls his eyes as the conversation dies off.

Lawrence and Welch remain in the car long after Kate leaves. Welch finally takes his seatbelt off and opens the door. Lawrence curses under his breath and follows his idiotic partner. Welch, who's already at the door, knocks as Lawrence strolls behind him.
"Coming!" A woman announces. "Can I help you?" Laura answers with a smile.
"Hi ma'am, I'm Michael Welch. My partner," He jabs his thumb to Lawrence. "Steven Lawrence. We were hoping to speak to either," He trails off, reading from the notepad. "Ms. Kate Winters or Ms. Frankie Young."
Laura crosses her arms, her smile fading. "In regards to what?"
"Just have a few questions." Lawrence interjects.
"And again," Laura huffs. "In regards to what?"
"Isabella Rodriguez sent us. We're private investigators, ma'am." Welch announces.
"Isabella? Why would she send private investigators?"
"We're not sure, ma'am. She sent us to check out Ms. Winters and Ms. Young. Are they here?"
"Kate just left for school, and Frankie's sleeping."
"Is Ms. Young available to talk soon?" Lawrence says in annoyance.
"I'm not sure. Do you have a number I can reach you at? Perhaps it would be better if Kate was here too."
"I agree." Welch nods. "Here's my card."
Laura takes the paper. "Have a good day."
Welch and Lawrence scoff when the door is slammed in their faces.
"Wow. A fiery little one, isn't she?" Lawrence smirks.
"Now, who's got a little girlfriend?" Michael mocks.
Lawrence hits Michael upside the head as they tread back to their car.


"Mom, I'm home!" Kate shouts as she closes her front door.
"Kate," Laura taps the counter. "We need to talk."
Kate joins her mother and Frankie at the counter. "What's going on?" she slows her voice as she drops her bag to the floor.
"Someone sent a private investigator here."
Kate raises a brow. "A private investigator? Why?"
"You don't want to know who sent them?"
"I'd much rather know why first."
"They're not sure why they were sent. Apparently, they want to talk to you guys."
"So who sent them?" Frankie interjects.
Laura sighs deeply. "I don't think you'll believe me when I tell you."
Kate looks at Frankie and then back to her mother. "Who?"
"Isabella." Laura speaks out.
"What?" Kate and Frankie say in unison.
"Why would she do that?" Kate asks herself.
"I don't know." Laura mumbles.
"I'm calling her." Kate grabs her phone from her pocket.
"No." Laura warns. "Don't even think about talking to her."
Kate places her phone on the granite. "You're right."
"So when do we have to talk to these guys?" Frankie asks nervously.
"Whenever you two are ready, I guess. I doubt they're going just to disappear."
Kate curls her lips. "Yeah, I doubt they'll just drop this."
"I'm not even sure what they would want from us." Frankie shakes her head.
"It's okay, girls. You haven't done anything wrong. You'll talk to them, and they'll leave." Laura's voice is calm.
"She's right." Kate nods.
Frankie, Kate, and Laura sit at the counter for what felt like hours in silence before Kate and Frankie adjourned to their rooms.


Later that night, Christopher sneaks in and makes his way upstairs. When he reaches the top of the stairs, he checks underneath the doors. No sight of anyone awake. He turns his head to the left and finds light sneaking from under Kate's door. Christopher sneaks to her door and pulls the door open.
"Psst." he chuckles.
"Oh," Kate whispers. "Hey."
Christopher's brow raises. "Everything okay?"
"Actually, no."
He closes her door and sits on her bed. "What's going on?"
"Isabella sent a private investigator here to ask about Frankie and me. Interrogate us basically."
"So that's who sitting outside your house?"
"You haven't noticed? Brown car. It's been out there since this morning."
Kate stands slightly and looks out her blinds. Huffing, she spots them. "Unbelievable."
"Why do you think Isabella sent them?"
"I'm not sure. I know she doesn't like Frankie, but other than that, I'm not sure why she would do this. I mean, especially sending them to me too. It just doesn't make sense."
"Could it have anything to do with me?"
"I don't know. I mean, anything is possible at this point." Kate laughs nervously.
"Do you want me to stay tonight?"
"With them outside and Frankie here, I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Yeah. Don't worry. I get it." he smiles.

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