Adopted by the Avengers x oc...

By demonlord663

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This is a continued version of my Adopted by the Avengers x oc book. Peter will be more like the comics tho... More

The Main Bitches (A/n)


68 6 0
By demonlord663

Myya's POV

We all arrived at the party. Liz walked up to greet us. "Myya you made it". She said. "Yeah, I won't stay for long tho". I said. "Ok, hello everyone". She said, everyone mumbled a hey or just didn't say anything at all. "Hey Peter". Liz said. "Hi Liz, great party". Peter said. "Yo, I'mma get some- you got any alcohol"? I asked Liz. "I think the football team brought some". Liz said. "Bet". I said leaving. I saw Raph in human form. "What up". I said hugging him. "Hey sis". He said. "Is that liquor"? I asked pointing to the cup. "Yeah". He said. "Can I have some"? I asked. "Yeah girl"! Logan said handing me a beer with a paper bag on it, and leaving. I drunk it. "So Raph, where is Leo, Mikey, and Donnie"? I asked. "They're here somewhere". Raph said. "Oh ok. I'mma go find Peter". I said. walking towards Peter. "Yo, Pete I found liquor"! I yelled. "And I'm suppose to be happy"? He asked. "Fine, you get none then". I said. "Wow, how will I live"? Peter said. I kissed him. "Then no more kisses". I said walking away. "Myya wait"! He said calling after me. I found our group and Peter came up to. "Myya isn't that your brother talking to Liz"? Michelle asked.

I turned around and saw Leo talking to Liz. "What the fucking shit, not to hell freezes over". I said. "Leave them alone". Peter said. "No, that's my brother". I said. "Come on babe, just stay out of it". Peter said. I sighed and drunk the liquor. "Yo, they coming over here". Keke said. "Hey sis". Leo said hugging me. "Hey big bro number one". I said. "So, Liz was telling me about how you guys were friends". Leo said. "I think the fu-". (Y/n) elbowed me in the rips. "Yeah we are". I lied. "I think it's cool". Leo said. "I'm sure you do". Keke said. "What's that"? Leo asked pointing to the beer. "Dr. Pepper". I lied. "I thought you said you were looking for liquor"? Liz said. "I'mma kill her". I whispered. Peter held me back but played it off as if he was hugging me from behind. "Leo it's so hard to believe you two were raised together. You're so nice, and cute". Liz said. "Did this bitch"? I whispered to my group. Peter held on to me tighter. "Peter don't let go of her". Keke said. "Bailey, I actually feel bad for you". Damian said. "Hey dudette". Mikey said. "Mikester". I said kissing his cheek. "Leo I can't find Donnie"! Mikey said.

"Oh, I think he left with April". Leo said. "Ok". Mikey said. "Yo Michelangelo"! One of Mikey's friends yelled. "Stan"! Mikey yelled walking away. "Myya"! Raph said. "What up"? I asked. "The guys and I are going to see a movie you down"? He asked. "Naw, man. I drove half of them here". I said. "Alright". Raph said. "Don't stay out all night"! Leo yelled to Raph. "Sure Lame-onardo"! Raph said said leaving. "Your brothers seem fun". Liz said. "None of my siblings are fun". Leo said. "Bitch"? I asked. "You know you don't listen to me". Leo said. "You know how I feel about authority". I said. "Why are you two talking anyway"? I asked. Peter still having me in a tight grip. "Oh, I wasted some juice on him". Liz said. "Oh, maybe you should go home and wash that shirt. Better yet, lets go now and I'll clean it for you". I said. "I'm good, Liz is pretty cool". Leo said. Liz smiled at him. I balled up my fist. Peter kissed me. I kissed him back. "Yo, PDA". Keke said. "I'm trying to no get her in jail". Peter said pulling away whispering to the group. "Then continue". Senasia said. "Myya, did you know Leo speaks Japanese"? Liz asked. "Duh, all my brothers speak it, hell I speak it". I said.

"Watashi wa anata ga hontōni kawaī to omou". Leo said looking at Liz. "My god man, didn't I just say I know Japanese"? I said. "What he say"? Liz asked. "It's not in my ability to say". I said. "I said you are really pretty". Leo said. "Aww"! Liz said. "Keke, Keke"! I said. "Yes, what"? She asked stepping in front of me. "I need my pills"! I said. "On it". She said giving me the pills. I took them and drunk then beer. "Are you ok Myya"? Leo asked coming towards me. "Yeah, I'm good, I'm fine". I said breathing in and out. "Ok, I'm good". I said. "Oh, shit anxiety". GG said. "Don't you fucking dare"! Goliath said. "Hold it in, be strong, it's ok". Lucifer said. I stopped and put my head in Peter's chest. "How this bitch gonna be with yo nigga and yo brother. Can we just kill her"? Goliath asked. Keke looked at me, we still share that connection when she and I go in each other's mind. She heard Goliath.

Peter kissed my forehead. "Sis"? Leo asked. "Hmmm"? I mumbled. "You sure you ok"? Leo asked. "Yep"! I said. "Good, I would hate for you to be sick". Liz said. "Peter can you let go of me"? I asked. "No I don't really want to". Peter said. "Peter let go". I said. "Myya I really don't think I should". Peter said. "If my sister said let her go let her go". Leo said glaring at Peter, big brother mood activated. Peter put his hands up in surrender. "Listen here you little son of a bit-". Keke covered my mouth. "She loves the party"! Mark said. Keke let go of me. "Peter get me". I said. Peter hugged me again. "Myya, are you ok"? Liz asked. "Guys, Wade wants me to do something for him". I said. "Oh, right. We can leave in about a minute". Keke said. "What? You guys are leaving? Please stay". Liz said. "Sorry we all have to work late tonight". Peter said. "You all have the same job"? Liz asked. "No". We say. "Wait, I just realized who you were. Damian Wayne"! Liz said. "Yeah". He said. "I can't believe i have two billionaires at my party". Liz said. "Yeah, ok". Damian said. "Myya I saw you on the news classic you". Liz said.

I bit my lip from saying something. "So Leo you're like a ninja"? Liz asked. "Yeah". Leo said. "Is that why you're so muscular"? Liz asked. "My Satan I can't deal with this". I said. "It's, ok we're just here to wait out patrol which is in about 24 minutes". Keke whispered said. "So Peter you and Myya got back together it seems to be going well". Liz said, pointing out how he hasn't let me go all night. Leo looked at this and glared at Peter. Peter nervously chuckled. "Yeah, I'm just afraid to let her go. I love her so much". Peter said. "So in love". Jacob said laughing. "Jacob I will slap you fully black or fully white you choose". I said. He shut up. "You're aggressive today". Liz said. "I need some Vodka". I said. "I packed your flask". Keke said handing it to me. "Baby I love you"! I said. "Honey, I know". Keke said. I drunk out my flask. "Do your parents know you drink"? Liz asked. "I'm a grown ass 17 year old person". I said. "So young". Leo said. "Senasia is the youngest person here". I said. "Oh, you want some"? I asked. "What is it"? Senasia asked. "Gin, Scotch, Vodka, Everclear". I said. "Bet". Senasia said water falling. "How old are you"? Liz asked Senasia. "16". She said. I got my flask back. "Yo, it's time go". I said.

"Bye Liz". Peter said. "Bye Peter". Liz said. "Leo, go the hell home"! I yelled at him leaving the party. "Oh, my shit. I hate her, I want to rip her fuckin throat out. My gods what was Leo thinking. What about Karai I liked her, well technically they are kinda related". I said hyperventilating. "Calm the fuck down"! Goliath yelled. "You don't fucking tell me to calm down, you calm the fuck down. Bitch I'm calm"! I yelled at Goliath. "Deep breaths in out, in out". GG said. "It's going to be ok, when we get to the tower we can break down. Right now we have company and everyone's looking at us". Lucifer said. "You're right Lucifer, we just wait". I said. "Peter I think Elementress broke". Ned said. "No, she's just arguing with her voices". Peter said. "Ok, I'm good". I said. "Are you going to be able to do patrol"? Peter asked me. "Yeah man. I'm awesome, I got this". I said. I snapped my fingers and everyone was in either in there normal clothes or there superhero costumes. "Bailey, I prefer you not do that". Damian said. "It's not like I see you necked. If I wanted to see that I'll use the black mail Tim sent me". I said. "Drake". Damian scolded. I flew in the air, I made in over to a pretty big tower. I saw someone on the edge of it, getting ready to jump, a girl 15 at most. I landed beside her.

"You know"? I asked. She looked at me. "Don't talk me out". She said. "I'm not". I said. She looked at me. "But the sky scraper is over there. If you want I can take you. Cause if you looking to committee suicide this really won't do much, maybe a broking bone and a concussion. "Trust me, I fell from here a couple times". I said. She had tears coming down her eyes. "What made you want to kick the bucket"? I asked. "You don't care". She said. "I kinda don't but hey, I want to see how this goes". I said. "My dad left me, my mom's a drunk, my now ex broke up with me and called me an attention whore". She said. "Damn, who the fuck says attention whore"? I asked. "Yo, at least you got parents and does yo momma hit or insult you"? I ask. "No". She said. "You're boyfriend is a dick". I said.

She laughed. "He is". She sat down beside where I was. "Why did life get so complicated"? She asked. "Man, same". I said. "I still don't see why you care". She said. "I don't. I'm not going to lie and say that. If you jump off this building I'm going to catch you. Cause I'm just going to watch. And also I'll still take you to the sky scraper". I said. "You're crazy". She said getting back up. "Aye homie. I'm not the one standing off a ledge. But if you gonna end it all want some food? No one should die hungry". I said snapping my fingers and pizza appeared. "Wow". She said. "You like your pizza hot"? I asked lighting a fire from my fingers. "That's cool". She said. I nodded and warmed the pizza we ate it. "Ok, you ready to jump"? I asked. "No, maybe another day". She said. "To bad. Now I have to give you the leftover pizza". I said handing her the box. "You know, everyone says you're a monster, but they're stupid". She said. "They are stupid". I said. "You want to fly down"? I asked. "That would be cool". She said. I grabbed her and flew her down. "Take care... ". "Emily". She said. "Bye". I said flying off.

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