Sorry Isnt Enough

By MocaLatte_1D

725 15 13


Simple Day, Struggle the Way
New Life, Might Not Go So Fine
"He is so..." I must have a fever!
First day going NOT so great
Geez Math
My Beloved Rose
Simple Day, Late Noon
EF Academy

Sorry Isnt Enough

112 2 0
By MocaLatte_1D

New school. New friends. New me. New life. Same you. To think you were dufferent. Your sorry will not pay up with what you have done.

My name is Nevaeh Hemsworth and I'm from LA. My family moved to England, and of course so did I. I've never really had a boyfriend or alot of cool friends, but England changed my entire teenage life. I experienced love, heartbreaks, bad friendships, and many other things. But one blue eyed boy... Changed me.

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