The Silver Stream

By TheTwoWritingNerds

457 16 2

The war in Silvia and Elodie's homeland, or kingdom, they didn't care which, had been happening for years now... More

Prologue (Silvia)
Prologue (Elodis)
Chapter 3 (Friends)
Chapter 4 (Disagreements)
Chapter 5
Elodis warms up to room temperature
Plans of War
The Suicide Tree
Military Duty
The general
Silvia Takes One For The Team
Aide de camp
Pained Mind
The Battle of Blood
Elodis ends up in the infirmary
Settling in
Harper and co. Force Alex to Sing
Sleep and Shopping
The Crew Meet a Pagan
We interrupt this program to bring you text conversations of the authors
Alaric joins the team
Dresses Are Weird.
The Ball
Alex is a cat and Silvia is a meme
The Silver Stream
200 reads celebratio?

The Hotel

4 0 0
By TheTwoWritingNerds

     As soon as everyone did the same, Harper raced in. "I have beat everyone!!" She yelled. Elodis quickly followed her.

     After she had to talk to the person at the front desk for a while, she eventually booked a few rooms for all of them. "HOTELLLLL!" Alex yells, and races Harper down the hallway. Elodis kept her head down, apologizing to a few people who opened their doors. 

"This isn't like you, you okay?" Silvia asked Elodis softly.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

"Mentadas!" Silvia said with a raised eyebrow.


"Lies. Anyways, who's rooming together."

"I don't know, and don't care. There's two beds per room, but I only got one room so have fun whoever's sleeping on the chair or with two other people."

"I'll sleep on the chair..." Silvia said.

"Have fun. I hope it's comfortable. Anyways, who's bunking together?"

"We will!" Alex and Harper yell, with that innocent smile

"Okay. Everyone get settled in. I might go and get some food in a bit since it's about 6:00 and I haven't eaten."


Elodis walked in and put her stuff on the bed, sighing softly. Her face was a bit red, although she hid it well. She sighed and started going through the bedside drawers to see what they had there.

"Mints.!!!!!" Alex holds up a bunch of mint candies

"If you save some for me I will give you $2, Alex."


"Thank you." She said before rummaging through the bedside drawer more, finding lotion and stuff like that. "They have.. a lot of lotion."

"Can i have one? I'm making a make shift first-aid"

"Sure. There's a bunch of scents. Peppermint rush, strawberry blast, caramel cinnamon.. ew, and lemon lime along with others." He just grabs one of each and stuffs them in.

"That works too." Elodis said, standing up and shutting the bottom drawer before rummaging through the top. Emery had been quietly looking at her phone the whole time.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get food. Who's coming with?"

"No one, apparently."

"Okay, starve."

"Fine I'll go." Silvia said.

"Okay, cook something great with those mints." Elodis said before walking into the hallway.

"OI, get back here, I'm coming with you!" Silvia yells, before following.

"Okay so what are we getting?"

"Cereal, Jicama, coffee, ya know what, I'll just hand you the list." She hands Elodis the list. Elodis takes it and looks over it.

"Okay. Let's go."

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