Creepypasta: 24 Hours with Ho...

By Ash54thegravekeeper

1.9K 70 11

Adam, is newly graduated former high school student. Spending his summer nd new found freedom, on vacation wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

174 7 2
By Ash54thegravekeeper

Chapter 3

Adam's POV:

I did not want to wake up. My body felt heavy and everything hurt, like someone was using me as their own personal punching bag or something, the feeling made my chest feel tight, and hard to breathe. I didn't like the feeling and I could hear myself whimper in my sleep. I felt so tired, yet so aware at the same time, it was weird. Almost like laying on top of pins and needles. My shoulder was killing me, and I just wanted to dive deep into the comfort of sleep. It would be so easy, my eyelids felt too heavy to open anyway, and they seemed glued together, so tightly, that the thought was so very tempting. It would take a lot to jump start me into getting up and out of bed. Not after that terrible dream.

The sound of something slamming, jolted me right up into a sitting position. Shouting and grabbing at my shoulder as pain shot down my arm at the sudden movement. 'Okay! Maybe some of it wasn't a dream!'I winced seeing my shoulder slumping at an odd angle. My eyes quickly jumping around the room I was in, scanning everything in sight, before letting out a sigh of relief. I was in my room. I don't know how, but I was in my room. Looking down at myself, I seen that I hadn't even bothered in getting dressed for bed, or to get underneath the covers. I mean I still had my shoes on, and there was still blood staining my clothes. I started to hyperventilate at the sight of it. I had really hoped that, that part of the night had been a dream. My panicked eyes landed on a gray t-shirt, and black sweatpants the laid innocently on my nightstand. By this time I was positively sure that it wasn't I who had put them there.

"Brian?...." I asked out loud, looking around my room again.

The squeaky sound of my bedroom door opening answered my call, as Brian walked through the door. He walked over to my bed and I realized that I could not hear his footsteps, and he was moving slowly toward me, like one would a startled animal. I probably wouldn't look so startled if he wasn't approaching me wearing the creepy ski mask again. I'm kind of glad I don't live with anyone, he would no doubtingly scare my roommate if I had one. The side of my bed shifted and sat down on it. "Give me your arm." He said, his tone slightly quiet, but it still held that monotone feel to it. Black leather gloved hand extended out toward me. He was no longer wearing his yellow hoodie, which showed off his plain black t-shirt. He must have taken the hoodie of when we got to my house.

I intended to question him, but found myself lifting my arm up. Which really isn't like me. I question everything.

"Your other arm." He corrected, indicating my injured arm.

I slowly turned my body to show that I was willing to give it to him in this manner, instead of physically lifting it, because dude, would that hurt like hell. I barely felt his fingertips as they pressed in to my arm, almost like my nerve were dull. 'I must still be in shock or something.'I mentally noted. "What....happened?" I finally asked, too many question racing for the surface, and that was the one that slipped out first.

"Elaborate." He mumbled, still lightly prodding my shoulder and arm.

"Uh." I paused, trying to think of the question, and wince slightly as my hearing drifted of to the sound of white noise, that faded as quickly as it started. Like something that was trying to latch on but was back off. The sound made all my question blur together again. Knowing how my arm had gotten hurt in the first place wasn't helping either. "How did I get here?" I finally settled on wanting to know how I ended up back in my house.

"That should be obvious." He said, not really answering my question.

I could tell he didn't want to talk, but I wanted some answers. "Oh. Then how did we get out of there?"

He stopped feeling around my shoulder, and tilted his mask face as if in thought. White noise sounded again before vanishing as quickly as it started again. "You don't need to concern yourself with the details."

"Hmm." I looked away from his masked face. He was being vague on purpose. "Not a satisfactory answer." I told him bluntly. "Why help me escape? Wouldn't it have been easier to have left me behind?" I asked, looking back at him and sitting myself up straighter. I wanted at least one straight answer from this guy, but as soon as I asked the question, I immediately felt a scream bubble up to the surface. Before any sound could escape, it was quickly muffled by a gloved hand covering my mouth, as a sharp and ungodly pain shot through my arm. He had set my arm back in place, where it was meant to be. I had full control of my arm again, but it hurt like the hell I knew it would. I grabbed at my shoulder to try to soothe the pain that now was starting throb as it dulled down slightly. I fell back onto my pillow as soon as his hand left my arm. Brian followed my movement, so to keep his hand firmly in place over my mouth, muffling cries that still spilled from me.

"Quiet down." He hissed.

I gulped air though my nose trying to get control over myself, squeezing my eyes shut, before reopening them to gaze up at him. Brian was crouched over me, almost halfway on top of me. I forced myself to go silent, reminding myself that the pain could have worse. Soon I was completely silent, just staring up and Brian as he stared back from beyond his frowny ski mask.

"I cannot answer your question." He said. And for a moment I was very confused with what he was talking about. "I could probably make something up that I think would be logical, but I can't. I don't consider myself a liar, so the answer to last question, is I don't know." Oh, he was answering my last question, but that wasn't an answer either. "You done making noises now?" He asked.

I nodded my head underneath his hand.

He slowly removed his hand, before slowly retreating off my bed. I followed after him, standing on the opposite side of the bed, rubbing at my sore shoulder. I was gonna need to go the a doctor to have it checked out in the morning. Heavy silence settled in my room between the two of us. I reached for the clothes that were sitting on my nightstand. Brian simply watched me, it was unnerving, to me. I wasn't use to someone observing me, with such silence.

"So, um." I stared at his masked face. Apparently far longer than normal as he seemed to scoff again, and took the mask off, stuffing it in his back pocket, and continued to stare. He must have realize the mask still bothered me. I don't know why, it bother me. It just did. " you want to stay over and rest?" I finally asked. I mean it seemed like the only thing I could offer after the experience we both just went through. But then again he seemed to be handling the stress of this morning better than I was.

He tilted his head. "You're not scared of me?" He asked.

"Me scared?! Dude, I'm surprised your not jumpy after getting mistaken for a character that's nothing but an urban legend." I said, chuckling a little. I rubbed my head a little as my vision blank out a little, hearing a spark of white noise, before it was gone again leaving behind a slight headache.

"Some would say legends hold a bit a truth." He countered, his cold dark eyes focused on me.

"Yeah, but not the character they were accusing you of being. Hoodie was a character created for Marble Hornets, a Youtube series. I can pull up the real Hoodie like that." I said, snapping my fingers.

"Hmm." He said, looking at my laptop, which was sitting open on my desk.

"Besides, there was obviously something wrong with those guys. I mean riot gear and guns, for two teens. Come on, that's crap you read on fanfiction sites." I chuckled, going to my dresser and pulling out extra clothes, that might fit Brian. "Do you go commando?" I asked, hands searching for a pair a boxers. We both needed a shower, to wash away what happened at the Bio-Domes. Then we would call the police. I was mentally making a list of what we needed to do, before we separated paths.

"Are you a Creepypasta and Marble Hornets fan?" He asked, not answering my question.

"Hmm, no. I couldn't keep up with the hype. I had to much homework and project to do. I don't know how my friends even stay informed about that stuff, but I had other important stuff to do. One being, not giving my parents a reason for regretting in letting me move out before I finished high school. Oh, and let's not forget about keeping my part time job. I had too much to do. Dude, even I'm surprised I kept the friends I have." I rambled, handing him the clothes. "Bathrooms down the hall to the left."I said.

He took them without saying anything, before he left, he handed me a pill bottle. "I found this in you medicine cabinet, hopefully it will help with any pains you feel." He said, giving me the Tylenol to me.

"Oh, thanks." I thanked him, as he left the room.

As soon as I heard the shower turn on, I took off my bloodstained shirt and went to the kitchen to toss it in the trash. I saw Brian's yellow hoodie draped over one of the two chairs that were in the kitchen. My house wasn't so big. Wasn't really my house, either. I was just renting it, from one of my parents friends, at a very reasonable price. Brian's hoodie was stained too. I thought about throwing it out for him, but then again it wasn't my place to throw something out that wasn't mine. I think I will just wash it for him. 'I hope the bloodstains come out.' I thought to myself. Remembering what the old lady in the Deadpool movie said, about lemon water or something. Can't hurt to try, I guess. It might come out smelling like a lemon, but if it works then it works. I tossed it into the washer which was right next to the my kitchen, so I didn't have to walk far to it, and dumped a generous amount of lemon juice into the wash.

It was when I finished putting together two sandwiches that I realized that Hoodies has been in the shower far longer than normal. I gave him another five extra minutes just in case, you know. "Brian?" I called, knocking on the door. There was no answer, so I opened the door, to find the bathroom empty, and the window open. I leaned out, and looked around. I could not see any sign of him. "Hmm...." I said, closing the window to the bathroom. Didn't know I was such terrible company.

I went back to the kitchen and wrapped up the second sandwich I had made. As I was closing the fridge door, I had to lean against it as I blacked out slightly to the sound of white noise that seemed to resound in my head. I must still be a bit traumatized. Oh, well, guess it was better this way. It's not like we were friends. We were only stuck in a Bio-Dome Museum, attacked by a bunch of psycho's. Rubbing my head I went back to the kitchen to eat my sandwich and took the pills from the Tylenol bottle, when my head started hurting again.

Hoodie's POV:

So, maybe I wouldn't be breaking his neck right away. How was I suppose to know he was going to be that accommodating and a talkative victim? It wasn't my intention to fix his shoulder either. I don't even know why I felt compelled to fix his shoulder. I did not take a shower, but I did leave it running as I opened the bathroom widow, so I could sneak out. Adam didn't even believe we, Creepypasta, existed, just that we were internet urban legends. So even if I did let him live it shouldn't effect anything. I even broke down and gave him the pills that would make him forget, something I rarely do. But if it came to it, that if it became necessary for me to kill him. Then I would came back and kill him. Now, however, I could not stay. Slenderman was calling for me. And no one made Slenderman wait. Especially, after all the inconvenience that happened with Masky. It was when I was half way home that I realized I had left me hoodie back at Adams place. Meh. It would fine, I have other identical hoodies at the mansion and Adam would just think it was his. Slenderman was waiting for me, as soon as I was entered our woods. If he was waiting for me, then he had a mission for me.

"You want me to go back?" I asked.

He nodded.

"More pests are still there ?" I asked.

He nodded again.

"Is there anyone else I need to hunt?" I asked.

He crossed his arms and seemed to tower over me. He knew about Adam.

"I will kill him once I get rid of all the pests." I confirmed, not even going to argue that after tonight Adam would not remember anything. Whatever he demanded, I would act out in his name.

Slendy did not give a response to my promise, he merely just turned around, going back to the mansion. I was not excited about needing to staying far from the mansion longer than what I was told. But it wasn't like I was going to disobey Slendy. I was just going to have skulk around with the humans for a while till I eliminated the rest of the pests.

Adam's POV:

I could not believe that I slept a whole day and night away, and let me tell you what a rude awakening it was. Not only could I not find my phone, but my shoulder and arm was killing me and my head was hurting so much, that I immediately went to the hospital. The doctor who examined me, informed me that I was probably just experiencing a migraine, and my shoulder had signs that resembled that of having been dislocated and then popped it back in. I don't even remember doing anything that would cause such an injury. However, now I was stuck in a sling for a couple of days, and banned from any heavy lifting within the next three months, so I would pretty much be able to resume most of my activities before three months were up. However, I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was forgetting something. What was even weirder was finding a yellow hoodie in the wash. I don't even remember owning a yellow hoodie. It wasn't even my size. I contacted my friends and they had all said the hoodie wasn't theirs.

The next few days I spent replacing my phone and getting fussed over by Amy who had apparently been trying to get in contact with me spouting about her blind date to the Bio-Dome turned out to be a pervert, and she ended up kicking him to the curb as soon as she caught him rifling through her pantie drawer. I mean, come on man, how cliche could guy get. Although, she got even upset at me when I admitted not even remembering shadowing her to the Bio-Dome. Now I was apparently going to shadow her again, and that was the reason as to why I was walking around uptown this evening. I was mostly wasting time till it was time for me to shadow Amy and her new date to the movies. The girl was just a glutton for punishment. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell her that its a bad idea to go on these blind dates, before she begins to listen to me. I didn't even want to be out, there have been a bunch a murders in the past few days and they still hadn't caught the guy who was causing them. It gave me the shivers, When her date was over and she went home, who was going to walk me home? That was my question, I didn't want to be out late with a killer running around. Not only that, but I was still getting sharp pains in my head every few times a day, that I would swear it wasn't a migraine.

I looked up at the sky which was going to be dark soon. I was seriously thinking of calling Amy and telling her that I was going to go home, until I got shoved aside, by a guy in a yellow hoodie. My new phone was jostled from my hand, and I had to do a comical show of hot potato before I could actually get a good grip back on it. Before I could even sigh in relief that I had not dropped my new phone, I was pushed roughly to the side and against the side of a building as two men rush passed, my phone leaving my hand again. "Hey!?" I complained. Hand going to my arm that was in a sling, to massage the dull ache that had awaken from being pushed into a wall.


I stopped whatever else I was going to say and looked down, at my phone that was now underneath my foot. Closing my eyes in a quick plea, I removed my foot, and was greeted by seeing my screen shattered. "Come on! That was a new phone!" I grouched, looking after the three bodies that were still running up ahead. They soon turned a corner and it was then that I noticed that two of the guy that was chasing the one in the hoodie were both carrying weapons. "Oh, shit!" I mumbled, immediate reaction to call the police, but stopping and grimacing seeing that not only could I not see anything on the screen, but the touch mechanism wasn't working. "Great. Just great!" I grouched, hating myself for even coming to the decision to follow the three retreating bodies.

I jogged to keep them in view, they were heading toward the park. The park was gated off with high bushes to give the area its own little private space. That guy in the hoodie was running away from civilization, which just didn't make sense to me. But if I remembered correctly there should be a payphone around here somewhere, so I could call the police about a potential assault at least. We weren't that far from the nearest store either, so I felt confident in someone hearing should something actually happened. And if I couldn't find the payphone I could just run tot he nearest store.

It wasn't my intentions to walk up on the three strangers, I was literally looking for the payphone, but instead I found the three guys fighting, well two of them were fight, one of the guys that had been following the guy in the hoodie, was on the ground in a pool of blood. My body froze all on its on, like if I didn't move then they wouldn't see me; as stupid as that sounded. I took a slight step backwards when the guy in the hoodie, knocked the other guy down and started stabbing him over and over. I must have made a noise or something, because he stopped suddenly and turned his head my way slowly. Staring at my through a black mask with a red stitched frownie face on it, making him seem all that more frightening.

I could feel my heart jump into my throat, as I started backing up. "I-I didn't see anything!" I said, quickly, putting my hands up in front of me. "I mean I mean they attack you first, right?! I saw them chasing you!" My mouth rambled on and on, as I continued to back up. I felt my self wince as a sharp pain hit just behind my eyes, seeming to bring a ringing in my ears that sounded like white noise.The guy in the yellow hoodie was now walking slowly towards me, bloody knife in hand. The way he moved, it wasn't rushed. He knew; I knew; No we both knew, I was going to be next. "I'll just- just- Bye!" I shouted, making a sharp U-turn and running. I did not look over my shoulder. People who looked over their shoulders always got caught. I just have to make it out of the park. I felt like such an idiot for following what was obviously a dangerous situation. "Stupid, stupid, stupid Adam!..." I chanted to myself, breathlessly. I honestly did not pay attention when I first entered the park exactly how far I had followed them in, and it was totally dark now. Which made this situation even less desirable to me. After a while I realized that I was not hearing anyone chasing me, and I dared to slow and peek over my shoulder.

Coming to a full stop I scanned the area behind me. I wasn't being chase. "Wha....?" I gasped, catching my breath. He let me go, but why? My eyes were bouncing off of everything in view, looking for the guy in the yellow hoodie, but seeing no one. "This is crazy!" I mumbled to myself, looking this way and that. I was not going to let my guard down just yet though. I needed to get to the payphone or to the nearest store, whichever came first. Spinning around slightly in a circle, looking around to get my bearing, I started running again, in the direction I was sure would lead me to the parks entrance. It was stupid to follow strangers anyway, I when I get somewhere safe I was going to bang my head on something to try and knock some commonsense back in it.

That yellow hoodie and mask though, I feel like I should know who that is. I know I haven't seen them around town before, maybe the news or internet maybe. What are the odds if I'm running from the one that has been committing the murders that's on the news lately. And there I go scaring myself even more now. "How big is this stupid park?!" I growled out in annoyance and growing fear, when I continued to not see the entrance. There was no way I could be lost. I just came from that entrance. I almost stumbled when another wave of stinging pain echoed in my head, making the white noise deafen my hearing for a moment.

A yelp escaped me when I thought I heard something like a stick snap behind my, and I actually looked over my shoulder to check. Nothing. When I face forward again, I almost ran into the payphone, needing to place my hand in front of my and yanking the phone off the hook, and holding it in the crook of my neck as I hurried and started digging in my pocket, for a quarter. "Thank God!" I rejoiced breathless. My plan was to call the cops then keep running for the entrance. I looked around my surrounding frantically as the phone rang, making sure the guy had not caught up yet, even though it looked like I had got away.

"Police what is your emergency?" The voice of a lady asked.

"Yes, I ne-Mph!" I was interrupted as a black gloved hand shot over my shoulder and covered my mouth, and arm coming to circle around my torso, scaring my so bad I dropped the phone. I started screaming and struggling for all I was worth, as the body behind me started pulling me away from the phone.

He pulled me away from it and tossed me to the ground so that I was facing away from the direction I was mostly heading. I scramble backwards on the ground away from him, mournfully looking at the phone that was now blocked by the guy, my eyes then locking onto the red eyes of the frownie mask he wore. Where the hell did he come from anyway?! I was sure I was constantly looking over m shoulder and he wasn't even any where in sight when I had started dialing, I was so sure. "Help! Anyone Help Me!! Police!" I shouted, seeing him slowly walking toward me, pushing me further away from the phone. Wincing at the white noise in my head. In my mad scramble backwards, I turned to quickly jump to my feet and ran away from him, and while I was doing that, I quickly realized that I was also running away from my point of easy escape from the park.

Hoodie's POV:

I wasn't really expecting to run into Adam again, but he was just in the wrong place and wrong time again. This time however, I was not going to spare him. He should have ignore my presence and those of the men that I had chasing me, then maybe he would have lived longer. Too late now. I let him get a head start, he wasn't going to be able to get far, even if his arm wasn't in a sling. There was a reason I chose to lure my prey to the park, and I wasn't going to let Adam make it out. His Slender Sickness should have started back up upon being in my presence, although he would not remember me, and maybe that was a small blessing for him. Let this be our second and final meeting, my final kill here; for now anyway. I was done here, and tonight I would be returning to Slander Mansion.

Following silently behind Adam, I enjoyed the aura of his fear. It was what we Creepypasta's lived for. I usually enjoy watching my prey shake in fear, enjoy the chase. It didn't matter who it was, as long as I was fulfilling my purpose as a Proxy. I let Adam reach the payphone that was located here, and waited for when he started speaking to put myself behind him and yank him backwards, covering his mouth so he barely made a sound. I smirked seeing that he was able put up a decent struggle with one arm trapped in a sling. I revel in the killing of my prey, I felt alive covered in blood. I don't usually waste much time playing around and taking pleasure in the struggle. So, I could not explain why I had not just place him in a choke hold and end him. Instead I found myself tossing him to the ground placing myself between him and his hope of escape, giving him only one choice; To run in the direction I wanted. And run he did. And once again I let him get out of my sight before I stalked after him.

Maybe I will run him until he dropped, a good chase was always thrilling. It made the kill worth something. Made the prey's fear that much captivating, when their own body refuse to help them evade an inevitable fate.


A/N: This chapter has been revised, I think it sound much better now. Let me know what you all think by Favoring, Following, or leaving a review.

Until next time


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