Give Me A Reason To Start Aga...

By Sara_Haunted

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Vidilia Thomas is a girl with a persistent troubled past. When she trys to start over in a new town, will it... More

And It Begins
It Seems To Be Working
It Finnally Happened
Trade Secrets
It All Changes From Here
Moving On. Well Kinda
Forgiving Only Happens So Many Times
This New Life Thing Isn't So Bad.
Mama's Little Jellyfish
This Is My Life Now
It Just Had To Happen
Forgetting isn't easy.
Don't Dig Up My Past
Such A Fuck Up
Meeting Mom

Time Away

70 2 0
By Sara_Haunted

*7 Months Later*

All of the snow has melted and it's starting to get sunny again oh how I'll miss the winter. I took another bite of the taffy stick before handing it back to Chris. "Two more days and then we're free to enjoy the world." I laughed turning back around. "We'll im taking a year off before I get started with anything" Devin said with a bit of a smile. " What about you?" I asked Chris. "We'll were going ok our first real tour in 4 days" "Oh my gosh thats amazing!" I yelled hugging him. He put his arms to my waist and squeezed me a bit. I pulled away and rejoined my spot between them and we continued to walk along the shops. "Whoa Pissy does that conflict a bit?" Devin reminded me  "Fuck" "Hey, no cursing. But what conflicts?" Because my moms birthday is two days before mine she decided as a gift to both of us we could take a trip to anywhere and I finnally got her to agree to Canada. So the day that we get out is when we leave and a few days before they start their first tour. "You know how I get to travel for my birthday?" "No it can't be" "Im so sorry" "We'll I'll tell Korel" "Thanks, how long?" "A month and a half" " But thats too long ill miss you guys too much" "I know it'll suck" "Wait was Ryan going to tell me or was he just gonna leave and disappear?" We've had an iffy relationship the past couple months expecially because five months ago I caught him kissing that blonde girl. But he apologized and swore he would stay away.

"Guys say something" I demanded ,but they wouldn't talk. "What the fuck is wrong with him?" " Hey calm down" "No I'm about to go to his job at talk to him about this" I started across the street to subway. "Liddy!" Chris yelled running after me. I walked in through the doors and saw Teddy behind the counter. "Hey Vidilia" "Hey Teddy, do you know where Ryan is I need to talk to him" "he doesn't work today" " wait what?" " only Tuesdays, Wednesday's, Thursdays and , Sunday."She read off of the chart "Do you know where he's at?" "no ,sorry" I felt somone grab me by the waist pulling me back. "Chris wait I'm hungry" Devin whined " You hungry?" he asked me looking down "Why did I ask, come on" he sat me up and walked me over to the case "has he ever even worked Mondays?" I asked."Don't give her anymore she's paranoid. Now what do you want on it." He wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me still. "Ooh can I get the usual thing?" I asked turning around and leaning in the case. " Yeah go sit by Devin I'll get it." I sat up and gave him a hug before sitting in front of Devin. "Dude just call him" I pulled out my phone and dialed his number ,but it went to voicemail. So I called another few times , but it never got through.

"What ever" I threw my phone down , but it slid to the floor. I herd a groan and the three piece were replaced on the table. And he slid in the booth next to me and placed his arm around me patting me on the back. "You know that doesn't make anything better"I mumbled. He stopped and slid me a sandwich "thank you" I took a bite and Teddy came over and joined us. "You okay?" "I guess,  Just really pissed and curious." " Well you know if their is something then its good that you have a whole summer." "yeah" I took another bite. "Hey I'm gonna go for a smoke.You coming?"Devin asked I looked at Chris and he looked a bit upset ,but let me out. I followed Devin out and sat on the bench right outside. He gave me one and the lighter after he got his. I turned around and it looked like Chris and Teddy were having a deep conversation. "What do you think they're talking about?" I asked taking a draw  from the pasty white stick. "I don't know , but don't worry just talk to Ryan at school" "I'm not sure If I want to" "Well im not gonna force anything , but at least text him." I left it burning on the sidewalk and went in to grab my phone and they got real quiet almost pin drop silent. I grabbed the pieces and reassembled it and turned it on. I took my spot beside Devin and opened up my messages. I haven't texted him in more than a week. "Hey whats up?" I texted him.

"Are you sure you even want to be with him I'm sure that you could find someone better." "Maybe ,but I actually kind of love him" "ewww can't you just like not" "ugh its not that simple. And arnt you two friends?" " yeah, and so are we." " You done I kinda wan a see if we could catch what they were talking about." "just ask Chris later you know he tells you everything." " I doubt hed tell me this" "fine lets go in then" I shoved my phone back in my pocket and followed in him and back to the booth. They were talking about some movie and I just ate and listened to them talk. "Hey wanna come back to my house?" he asked "ugh you should come to mine then Devin can chill too." " okay " I hugged Teddy and we walked back to my house. "Hey Liddy" my mom said with a generous smile. "Hey" I  ran up to my room with them closely behind and I jumped on my bed and so did Devin. "What do you guy wanna do?" "Threesome?" Devin asked with a devilish wink. " I worry about you sometimes." "fine swimming?" "too cold, hot tub?" " yeah, I'm gonna go get my suit" home walked out. "What about me?" " Second drawer you left them over here" I herd the friction of the wood and felt something being thrown at me. "Im gonna change in the bathroom. after I herd my door shut I pulled off the t-shirt and pulled off my pants replacing my garments with a thin black swim suit.

I grabbed towels from the closet and waited for Chris to finish. We walked fown to the basement and I turned it on. "Gosh your so skinney" he said and I grabbing my sides. "So are you. But why do you always do that?" " It's comforting." He walked over unwrapped my hands and replaced them with his putting his chin on my shoulder. "Devin thinks I should break up with Ryan." "It's not to bad of an idea" "But, you guys don't get it" "Yeah, I do you think somehow it'll work out and you'll be happy togeather.Because you could swear that person it right for you just by the way they laugh or always brighten up your day even a little bit when you see then. And when your with them its like your floating on clouds and nothing could ruin that moment. Yeah they have a few faults , but you're willing over look them because you love them. And you'd never want to hurt them and if you did you'd have this unimaginable pain because your almost connected." "Exactly how I used to feel ,but lately that feels been disintegrating.  And I feel it's the same with him too. I just really don't want these eight months to have been for nothing." " Well if stay its gonna be nine month then ten and eventually you'll have wasted so much time on something that wasn't worth it." "What's going on here?" Devin winked.

"talking" "okay good, I'm trying to escape. my moms talking to your mom" "Awe" "No, their like best friends and it's just a bit creepy and funny." "Yeah, they share some wierd stay about us" "that will remain secret" I put my finger in the water and it was steaming hot. "prrrrfect" I slowly got in and let my troubles soak away.

" Liddy you phones ringing" I opened my eyes and bent over the tub to grab my phone. "Hello?" "Hey babe" "what do you want?" "for you to not fucking snap at me when I call to say good night" " what ever" "Well I'm going to bed love you" " love you too" I hung up the phone and the it back on my pants.  " I want to sell your soul but I love you" Devin mocked. So I just smiled and flipped him off. "Eh I gotta go, but I'll leave you two for your lady talks" he kissed my cheek and walked up. "Awe, shut up it was a bit awkward earlier." "I can image I was listening through the door for a good minute" "I felt it was you or my mom."

"Speaking of mom's guess what" "What?" "Your mom and my mom were talking and im 90% sure were going to Toronto with you" "No fucking way" "yeah, and it's supposed to be my graduation gift. and I know what yours is." "Yeah my mom sucks at hiding stuff." "Mine does too" " shouldn't we get out before we get all wrinkly" "yeah." I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me and we walked up to my room. And put on vannila scented lotion, "Devin your the only guy that I know that shaves their legs." "It's disgusting. I don't  even let my hair get past shoulder length.I just want to give all of them a hair cut." "You cut hair?" " Yeah I can do yours." " please" " scissors and a comb?" "dresser" I sat up and used the towel as a cape. An hour later I opened my eyes and my bangs were Half the length and pulled down straight down right infront of my eyes. My hair was probably an inch shorter in general but looked amazing.

"I'm pretty sure I didnt fuck it up" he said setting the scissors down. "Oh my gosh it looks amazing." "I know, now go to sleep my child." " Bye Devin" " See you tommorow" he closed my door and I took off my clothes and got under the sheets.

"Wake up one more day after this and you'll never have to go back." My mums voice enriched through my head until I regained consciousness " I know, and I can't wait." " here, you get ready and I'll cook breakfast." I stood up and took a nice long shower before putting on a random band t-shirt and my black leather jacket and skinny jeans. I took my vans down stairs and sat on the couch when I herd someone knock I opened the door and Devin came in." No your not done yet" he grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs back to my room and sat me on my bed. " what now?" I complained he threw a bag down and opened it up rolling out a case of brushes. He put this weird wet stuff on my face and a powder over it. "You blink you die" he warned as he put on eyeliner. I kept my eyes closed and felt him messing with my eye brows. "Keep them closed." He started messing with my eyelids again and then I felt something wet on them. "Okay not bad, pucker your lips" I did as asked and he put a silky gloss on them. After he applied mascara he did one last sweep with a brush before throwing it all back in the bag. " You look so cute" he awed.

I looked in the mirror and I actually looked pretty good. " Now come on Ryan's is giving us a ride to school." I went down stairs and put on my vans. " breakfast?" my mom asked  I looked out of the window and there was no car. "Yeah"  "What about you Devin?" "Sure" We sat down and she put a plate of cinnamon rolls and glasses of milk on the marble counter top. I took one and peeled off a bit. After 3 I took another sip from the glass and herd a loud honk."Ryans here" he said. "Bye mom" "bye, be safe" I grabbed my backpack and walked our with him. "Hey baby" Ryan said before kissing me. "You look beautiful" " thanks, Devin did it" "oh cool." There was an comfortable uncomfortable silence. Its shouldn't be good ,but I really don't wanna talk to him so this. When we got there he put his arm around my waist and we walked to the side entrance ,but he stopped to smoke with them. While me and Devin continued to the cafeteria we saw a tall slim person with hair a few inches past his shoulders and similar black vans.

I ran up and grabbed him "Again really?" he asked lifting his arm up and looking at me. I giggled a little bit "Hey your wearing makeup and your hair's different" " yeah, Devin's full of make over talent" "Well you look absolutely stunning" "awe thanks" "want a coffee?" "sure, but let me buy" She set the cup infront of me and he pushed me away and handed her the money. "No, don't accept it" I ran back up but he picked me up in his left arm and held me away until he got his change. " I hate you sometimes" "No you don't." "you're right." I grabbed the cup and put a few creamers in it. " I don't get how you drink it with no sugar. " " I'm special." We sat back at the table with Devin and he had a smile on his face that he covered with cup. "So whos got the box?" Devin asked "Ricky" "What box?"I asked "Every year we trade gifts at the end of the year ,but you only get 24 hours to get it and you pick the mam out of this box." "Ooh I wanna do it" "ok when they come in were all gonna pick but its secret shopper stuff" "I'm gonna kill at this." "Wanna shop after school?" Chris asked "yeah sure."

I took a sip ,but it was still hot and burnt my tounge a  bit "You ok?" I pointed at my mouth. Devin threw me a packed of sugar " put it on your tounge. It'll help" I poured it on and let it dissolve "is my hair ok I feel like its messed it. "You look absolutely perfect" Chris complimented moving a few strands out of my face. Devin coughed and I looked up all five of them were walking towards us. "Ooh lets see who I get this year" They took the three remaining seat and pulled up one more. Ryan sat in the other half of my chair and pulled me onto his lap. "Wait put my name in" I adressed.  "Already is babe" he whispered kissing my cheek. TJ grabbed a piece of paper out and passed it along a few moments later I got it and pulled out a paper and let Ryan get one. I slowly opened it and saw ANGELO written on it. "yes" I whispered. After Devin got one he took the box and we all started to class.

I went to my locker like always and went to Mrs.Morello's class room since I'm taking pe ,but its co-ed and Devins in my class. And it's the end of the year so were not doing anything ,but talking. I walked up to the stage were a bunch of groups of people where and got on my phone until Devin came. "So..." "So..." "You and Ryan" "Fuck when should I talk to him about it?" "Now!" "What class is he in?" "Spanish and they're having a fiesta so call him!" "You call him" he pulled out his phone and dialed a number "Hello? Vidilia needs to talk to you" he handed me the phone "Hey babe" "hey" "whats up?" "Just in the gym with Devin" "oh thats cool. Can we talk later?" "Sure" I hung up and handed him the phone back.

"You have no spine" Devin grunted grabbing my phone a few seconds later I herd a beep and he tossed it back to me.

Me: Where were you yesterday, I went bye and you wern't there.

Ryan:): I took the day off to help my cousin with his car.

Me: But they said you've never worked Monday's ,but you always tell me your at work.

Ryan:): I have personal stuff to do.

Me: Like...

Ryan:): Are you emplying I'm cheating

Me: wouldn't be the first time.

Ryan:): You're still bringing that shit up.

Me: You won't anwser me.

Ryan:): Well how do I know you're not cheating on me with Chris or Devin.You're always with them and get to fucking comfy.

Me: Don't freaking curse at me and they're my friends and I don't keep little blonde items around even after I swear.

Ryan:): What about when I go in and you're not in the shop huh you cheating on me then?

Me: You're ridiculous you're jsut turning this around on me so you don't have to anwser. We both know that im not cheating.

Ryan:): Really then how does Devin get to your house and have enough time to put makeup on you.


Ryan:): That doesn't mean he needs to be at your house 24/7

Me: He's my best friend.If I wanted to date him I'd just dump you because you're being an asshole.

Ryan:): What about Chris I know you two have something going on. Your probably just fucking behind my back.

Me: You really are an idiot.

Ryan:): At least I'm not a fucking liar.

Me: Haha you lied every week about work and about that blonde whore.

Ryan:): Oh she's a whore, really? We all know Chris fucking likes you so why wouldn't you fuck him

Me: So your just gonna keep making up lies

Ryan:): fuck you

Me: you know what fuck off you're ruining my day.

Ryan:): Same here sweetie

I threw my phone away and laid down. "Can I read?" Devin asked " I don't care" he picked up the phone and scrolled through it obviously getting more pissed. "Dude wanna leave?I doubt all of this noise is helping you calm down." "Sure." We got up and walked over "Mrs.Morello can I got help Devin finish his end of the year Spanish project?" "yeah" She wrote us a note and we walked out "Ugh youre lucky he has Mr.Falls for Spanish" " I know ,But Mrs.Mendoza's cool" I walked up to my locker by her room and grabbed a huge bag of potato chips I had in here. " Want anything? I got a shit ton left and I don't wanna take it all home" "Low fat?" I threw him a bag of pretzels and a water bottle with a little flavor packet.

"Thanks I dont wanna ruin my summer body" "Shave the fucking glory trail" "Its sexy" "eww" I grabbed 2 diet comes and we went into the class room and I set one on the desk. "Don't you guys have class?"she asked. " This one's pissed and I have a project to finish." I sat down next to him propping up my feet and she sat infront of me. " Whats wrong?" I stuffed another potato chip in my mouth "ok so she went to Ryan's job yesterday and found out he doesnt work mondays and he's been lying about it. So when she talked to him he started pulling all of this defensive shit and accused her of cheating with me and or Chris because he doesnt want to answer the question. And im guessing she thinks he's with his little slut again. Oh and he was hinting that she's a hoe and a liar." Devin explained while on his computer. " Well did you think that maybe this relationship just isnt working out?" "Thats what we were talking about last night. But I guess she loves him and doesn't want to leave him. "  "We'll we cant for we her to.Just maybe he's not the right guy." "Can I take a nap?" I added myself into the conversation about my love life. "Yeah, but lay off the chips my room smells like baked potatoes." I zipped my bag closed and pulled out the blanket laying my head on Devin's leg. "Just dump him please" "Im considering it big time." I finnally fell asleep and slept for a good 3 hours before he woke me up.

"Hey we gotta eat" I leaned up and fixed my hair and grabbed my back pack before waking out with him. " wait" I grabbed A bag of Jalapeno chips for Angelo and we walked through the line this time getting a green apple slushie. They were all sitting down in the ground away from everyone else in the courtyard. I threw Angelo the chips and sat by him Chris. " Well you look like shit" Angelo honestly commented "thanks I just slept for 3 hours.Everyone got all quiet to where noone said a word just awkwardly ate. " Will you two makeup or beak up im sick of this fighting shit" TJ started " We'll maybe if shed admit she was cheating" I grabbed my cup and stood up. "Fuck you" I walked all the way out to the side door and sat under the tree. The same tree a while ago I accompanied someone to help Ryan , but I knew he wouldn't be coming out. Angelo and Chris actually did.

" Dude what's up. You two are the most bipolar couple ever" I threw him my phone and laid my head down on Chris's lap while he stroked my hair. I stuck the white straw in my mouth and angrily drank the tart treat. "Ok, so you two need to talk without all this denial shit" " I don't even wanna look at him" "Fine im gonna go get my lunch" he walked back towards the school and disappeared through the doors. "You two should get this sorted before you leave" "Maybe some time away from each other is Better though" "Come on Liddy." "No let me be pissed." " There gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books To make a citizen out of you. Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on your son so they can watch all thing you do" he sung "Chris its not gonna work this time" "Because the drugs never work.they're gonna give you a smirk cause they've got methods of keeping you clean" "I just wanna be mad and your ruining it. "They're gonna rip of your heads your aspirations to shreds another cog in the murder machines" I honestly couldn't help myself. "They said all Teenagers scare the  living shit outta me. They could care less as long as someone'll bleed. So darken your clothes or struck a violent pose maybe theyll leave you alone but not me." We sung.

" I'm gone for 5 minutes and you break out in song." Angelo commented " She's not pissed anymore" " true." He sat down and took a bite of pizza. "So what are you guys doing today?" " Present shopping" "If she can go why cant I" "Because I don't know who she has , but I don't have you. And you sais you'd s ighn for the merch" "plus, I don't have a car" I added. " so I'm only transportation" he played hurt. " yeah, because you never let me buy coffee" " maybe next time.Oh shit Ange she's not doing merch" "What why are you betraying me?" "Trip to Canada with Devin" "Wait you and Devin are going to Canada?" "Yeah, it was my birthday present and our moms are bff's and it's his graduation  Present" "oh, well fuck still." " Just get that Mike kid to do it." "Ok, but its kinda creepy how much him and Chris look alike." " I know." We finished up and I stayed in Mrs.Mendoza's class the rest of the day.

But then me and Chris went shopping and I got some sharpies and a drum pad and a set of sticks. Then we went to his house and I colored on the top of it and everywhere but the head of the sticks. Gosh everyone in Chris's family is so freaking nice it's ridiculous. He drove me home and I went to sleep immediately after wrapping the box with Ange's gift.

"Get up you little fag" I herd a voice deeper than my mom say. I opened my eyes and Devin was going through my closet. "Why are you in my room at 7am?" " I picking out your clothes for Canada go take a shower I'll have your outfit for today laid out." He assured. I did as he asked washing my hair and everything expecially my ears they higher millimeter you have them stretched to the more they stink.Right now I'm at half an inch and I think I'll keep them this size. I walked back to me room and he handed me an outfit. " go back and change I don't wanna see your lady parts and I know I'll look" at least he's honest. I took them and walked back to the bathroom. It was tight leather pants with a studded belt, a lace long sleeve shirt and a corset. So I but on the lace shirt and the pants and hooked it in the front , but wandered back for him to tighten it up. He set down my 2 inch platform boots and I slid them on and zipped them up. " ok sit down" I sat st the foot of my bed and he did a bit fancier makeup than last night.

"you realized there are eyelashes somewhere in your bed." "Shit I forgot last night" "don't forget today these are mine and I don't need them all fucked." "Okay" He finished and brushed my hair a bit." Okay ms. Im leaving for Canada ,but dont have anything at all packed. And I love my best friend Devin for choosing outfits for the 12 days we're there." "Devin is the best" "yes, now come on your moms making food and her's actually taste decent." He grabbed my hand and drug me down to the kitchen. "Happy last day of school sweetie" she said hugging me. "Thank you" She set a plate of chocolate chip pancakes infront of each of us and I smothered them in Hershey syrup. " Here" she slid me an envelope and I opened it taking out the card ,but a car key fell out. "FUCK, I LOVE YOU" I ran outside and a new Chevy Volt was in front on the house. I ran over and basically rubbed myself on the hood for 10 minutes. "The insurance is paid for 3 month please be safe" she Informed "I love you"  I said hugging her. Devin awed so I stepped back and grabbed my backpack and ran back out. " Please don't kill me little one" "sush you're only 19." I got in and everything was covered in black leather and was electronic.

" Damn girl, yo mama spoil you" " I know" I started it and it drove so smooth.But the best part it it had an audio hook up so Devin plugged his phone in and I let down the windows and we blared music all the way to the sad little building. Devin turned down the music and unplugged his phone. "Josh, dude come out to the parking lot. This bish got a new car." A few minutes later Josh,Angelo, and Ricky all came out. After their little crushing session we got inside and I bought a coffee and a hot chocolate. I put his usual 2 creams 3 sugars and handed it to him as he walked through the door. " Thanks" "welcome" he gave me a slight hug and we walked back to the table where  a couple of minutes later everyone was there. We all got out our presents and traded them. But Devin elbowed me "shh I got you something extra in your suitcase." He whispered " awe, now im gonna get you something" "okay" We took turns opening them. TJ got a carton of ciggerettes,  Ricky got a designed bass backing and some strings, Devin has to wait until after school because it's in Chris's car, Chris got seasons 1-4 of Dexter, Josh got a pair of black on  black converse, and Ryan got a bunch of CD's. Me, Chris,Teddy,  and TJ hung out on the track saying bye to the few people we would miss and the teachers. I have Teddy number and I usually text her a few times a week already so she can't escape that quickly."Wanna go back to trash the halls?" "sure" We got up and waited and the end of the hall.But when the bell rung it was a huge moshpit to the other stairs with paper being flung everywhere. If it was gonna be the last time I step foot in a school as a student then I'm gonna enjoy it.Bumping into people and just laughing and they actually got a few people surfing on the stairs.

The main hall was the best, but I didn't dare go through the main exit. Instead I waited for them to get out, "Damn Chris you got fucked up" his hair was everywhere and Devin's was almost perfect like always. "Will you show her shes leaving tonight and It took me 20 minute." "Fine Liddy turn around." I did as he asked,  Devin probably cut his hair he was wearing it on the opposite part today."Ok look at your little fag" I turned around and there was about 2 1/2 inches with absolutely no hair. "Shit" I whispered it didnt look bad I'm just not used to it."I look like fuck don't I?" He asked starting to part it back. I ran over and hugged him "It looks great just different" "thanks" "Can you guys stop I wanna go home."Devin whined "But a month and a half" I argued back " Suck it up sweetie, I'll be here" " As soon as we come back we'll hang out and watch movies the whole day I swear." "Okay." We walked out to the crowded parking lot and over to the all black mustang. He opened the trunk and took out a huge case and sat it down and opened it revealing a large shiny dark grey bass. " I love you" "yea yea.But be careful I spent an assload of time fixing it up." He kissed Chris's cheek with a large smack coming from his lips."dude" "sorry, be my big strong man and cary it to the vehicle" he said in a older woman tone while grabbing his arm. "Okay, where" we showed him to my car. "Whoa your mom get a new car?" " Nope, little Liddy did" " Damn, girl" he slid it in the back seats. "Come give me hug" I demanded "You get a nice hotel room and we get a cramped van." " I'd still wanna be in the van" "you Don't ,but touching" "We gotta go" Devin warned. "I love you he slowly whispered in my ear."I love you too." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got in waving as he walked back to his car. "Sometimes I wonder if you act stupid on purpose" "Shut up" When we drove to my house I put my suitcases in the trunk.Im taking my car and leaving it in the parking lot, I know not so safe ,but safer than in the driveway."Okay you ready to go?" " What about kitty's? " " I left the flap open and set a huge bowl of water and food out.I think they'll be fine.But when you get their you can hangout until 5:15. Then you need to be on the plane." "Okay okay" she handed me my ticket and I waited in the car for Devin. His mom said bye to his dad and hugged my mom.

"What do you wanna do because I dont wanna be stuck in an airport for almost 3 hours." " right now 2 1/2 hours and by the time we get in and have everything straight it'll be an hour maybe." " fine your boring. " "love you too." 40 minutes later we pulled into a spot and dragging the heavy suitcases behind us."This is gonna be too fun" he chatted " I know." As soon as we got in there was a burst of cool air. Great now it's gonna be cold. We showed out tickets and walked through giving the people our luggage. "Okay you can head straight through to get checked and then you can wait until boarding." The kind woman explained with a smile. We turned and started to follow the arrows."I need a smoothie" "I could go for one too" I pulled my cell phone and keys out  and took out all of my earings and lip rings. I placed them all in the small light link tub along with my shoes. Im so happy I wear matched socks, but devins were little misfit socks. "Oh my fuck" he whined " what?" "I had  dermals" " where?" " on my hips" " awe thats cute" " I know" I walked though the scanner and grabbed my bag. But of course it bleeped on him and he had to lift up his shirt and show them."Might be a Hassle but not a regret. Well at least not yet anyways."  I grabbed the little bin and slid my shoes back on.We passed through and showed our passports before getting to the huge waiting wing.

"Does it annoy you how happy everyone acts?" Devin asked  "Only a tad bit.Now Sonic? " " sure" Among the strain of over priced shops we waited in like for shakes and fries before we sat down in the uncomfortable chairs. "How long?" " 23 minutes" "I told we wouldnt have long" "shut up maybe I wanted to say bye to other people" " just call them before you get on the plane." "I am"  " im tempted to call Ryan." "You should wait your both pissed maybe wait until they leave and with him a good tour." "Smart" I slid my phone from its place in my pocket and crossed my legs to hold the bag of fries and cup sti ll. Out of everyone I kinda just automatically call him "Hey" " Hey arnt you on a plane?" The deep voice asked through the speaker of my phone "No ,we have twenty minutes until boarding" "oh, the conspiracy king is over here talking about the Bermuda Triangle and how you'd be gone forever" "he needs facts" " yeah here someone wants to talk to you." I herd a bunch of rumbling and then the voice I though would lastly want to talk to me. "Hey Baby" " Hey Ryan." Devin tapped me on the shoulder " is that Ryan?" I shook my head yes and he grabbed the phone " how the fuck are you peeing if your talking to her" they yelled for a few seconds until he handed the phone back. "Liddy?" "Yeah" "Be safe, and text me when your plane lands. Ricky keeps telling me about all these plane crashes and I'm worried." " I'll be fine it's not even that far" " Still as soon as you can call me so I know your ok" " Its four hours ahead over there" "I don't care if it's six am I'm not gonna sleep right until I know your fine" "Fine it'll be around eight" "am or pm" " pm" "Thanks only three hours and it'll be  four there. So wait until you get settled in ok?" "Okay, whats up with you?" "On break at practice Trying to learn this new song" "hows it going?" "Good, just a bit hard" "yeah, but Devin's talking to Ange and Josh and I kinda just stole Chris's phone" " only a little bit" " Make sure they're ok expecially Josh and TJ." "Yeah they're at different parts. We were helping put it togeather earlier  and Ricky both Josh's have benches. Josh and Chrus have awkward little bunk beds and me and TJ get stuck togeather. " "Don't strangle him." " I won't Angelo would kill me. But I wish you were coming. I wouldn't mind sharing my bed. And we've got Mike coming too ,he's actually here right now" "Tell him I said Hi" "I will, but maybe you could come to a show or something, it's too long to be away from you" "I'm gonna miss you too and I'll try" "You better playing fun but being stud in a van with a bunch of horny dude isnt too great." " Well you give Josh a favor he gives you one back" "Now I don't even wanna look at Josh" "Hey babe" "Yeah" " Can we talk about earlier? " "Later, I really don't want to get into an argument now.Expecially with the day ive had" "What's up?" "My uncle's in the hospital and my mom kept bitching at me" "Im sorry, I hope he's alright. And did you do anything?" " No she just went off about how I never do anything for the house so I went to Angelo's" " Oh well just let her chill out" " I am were all just gonna chill tonight" "Ugh" " I swear I wont get drunk" "good, you always call me and say stupid shit ,but it's cute" "Well they got a video camera so I honestly don't know" "God, I worry" "I do too.Josh has on some shorts that barely cover his ass and he's strutting around." " Oh my gosh thst is too cute" "hey im the only one allowed to be cute. Plus he just shaved his ass cheeks" "less attractive" "good, and you know your cat prrs when you rub its chin" "yeah midnight does, wheres my cat?" "In Angelos room with two cans of wet food" " Awe you got her? " "yea I stopped by your house and she was pawing at the door and Angelo wanted to play with her." " I owe you my mom said they'd be fine but I knew she was lying" "Well she's fine now" " Thank you, if you want you can put her back in the house" " I will eventually she's sweet and im probably gonna lay in your bed" "Why did I let you be the person to hold my spare keys" " because if I broke in the worst id do is cook and watch TV. And by cook I mean order pizzas and Mario's wings" " stop tempting me theyre amazing" "I know now I really want some" "go get some" "I spent all of my spending cash on ciggeretts." " Whos fault is that?" " Ricky's " " Awe you got him drugs for a present" " fucking sixty dollars" "maybe you two should quit?" "Like my job at subway" " you quit?" " I was gonna be gone too long so yea" " Im gonna miss you the little hat" " ew no , but Ill stick to the six dollars packs and try to cut down.You know theyre almost fourteen dollars in New York" "Thats ridiculous" "Thats who im saying. But in Missouri its only three or four" "ugh trying not to give you the whole don't smoke speech" "please don't.But remember to call me every day." " I will every day right before bed" " So I can dream about you.We gotta get back I love you" " I love you too." I already knew there was a smile on my face so I took a sip of the half melted chocolate shake." Awe you two fix everything?"  Devin asked turning towards me "No, we just avoided it so we could both finish this day well" " well you suck, I was talking to him and you stole him." " he stole me from Chris" " ahhh the thievery begins" " yeah ho-" I was inturped by the voice saying out flight was boarding.

"Come on" I grabbed the bag and finished the shake throwing away the trash. We met uo with our moms and boarded it wasnt crowded actually pretty vacant except for ten other people. I leaned on my mom  and watched the aircraft take off into the sky. I peered out of the window and soon saw the clouds below us.This is like a movie a perfect movie where everyones tales end in happy ever after.But life isnt a movie And im not sure if im ready for whats next for me.

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