Her Chaos

By Phyxianna

941 145 8

I never thought my life could make a 180 degree turn . I just wanted to party and enjoy like the rest of the... More

Author's note
chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 5
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15😈
Chapter 16😈
Chapter 17😈
Chapter 18😈
Chapter 19😈
Chapter 20😈
Chapter 21
chapter 22😈
chapter 23😈
Chapter 24😈
Chapter 25📍
Chapter 27📍
Chapter 28📍
Chapter 29📍
Chapter 30📍
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42


12 3 0
By Phyxianna

I woke up with a huge throbbing headache. the first thing that came into my mind was that I was on a soft bed.

A really really really soft bed.

My bed was not this soft. .
I immediatly shot right up and scanned my surroundings.

"This is definitely not my room"

Panick surged throughout my whole body so I stood up from the bed .

Which was a big mistake By the way. Because once I got up, my headache felt worse..

"Oh fck" I curse as I tripped over a pillow and landed with a thud on the floor .

A booming deep laugh suddenly resonated behind me and it made my head whip to its direction.

"That was cute. First laugh of the day klutz."

I glared.


"Me" death said in  a flat tone.

I clutched the blanket that i was holding tighter onto my chest.

"What? "No thank you my hero for saving me yesterday Speech?" He arched an eyebrow.

I squinted my eyes and stared at him.

His 6' something height is blocking the door by leaning on it.
He's wearing a simple white shirt that clings to his body so freaking well, his toned abs are kinda obvious, his tattoo is visible and its pretty enchanting.
His hair is sporting an I just woke up look and dare I say it, its pretty.
He has his arms crossed. And he is wearing tight leather pants with matching boots.

Needless to say he looked hot. Like bad boy hot . Not to mention the lip piercing . Jesus.

"Done checking me out?" He grinned showing white teeth with long fangs.

Am i fucking dreaming?

"Uhm no. Dont you remember anything?" His smile is filled with mischief.

then he told me what happened.

To say that I panicked would be an understatement.

I paced back and forth in the room while pulling my hair up.
Totally ignoring Death's voice

"Oh my Gosh it really happened--" my heart is thumping loud

"Drama queen"

"-I almost died and the witch! Oh my go--" back and forth, back and forth...

"Can you please stop"

"-sh the witch! She said she was gonna cut my arm off for this- this Bracelet!!--"

Why didnt I just give it to her.  She was gonna kill me!!!

"I know you cant see it but im rolling my eyes now"

"-my therapist is a witch. Oh my gosh she's a witch! Wait- what am i doing here? Have I been sleeping the whole day yesterday?--"  I said to myself.

What have i been doing?
Then it dawned on me.

"--Holy shit my mom!!! I forgot about my mom! --"

my eyes are wide like saucers now.  Panic is totally getting into me now. Inhale exhale Paris. Inhale Exhale!

"If you would just-"

"--my mom's soooo gonna freakin kill me. I didnt even give her a call.she doesnt know where I am.  I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM---"

inhale exhale

"--listen to me and stop talki--"  his voice is starting to get loud now.
Warning me to just shut the hell up.

But I imagined my mom scolding me and that itself frightened me even more .

"--she'll think ive been kidnapped Oh my gosh she must be worried sick now and I cant even---"

"--ING. JUST SHUT THE HELL UP FIRST  WOMAN AND LET ME EXPLAIN." Death's booming voice made me stop on my tracks and stare at him.

Wow . That- that was scary

Scratch that. It was really fucking scary.

He glared at me with all his might.
I was just too shocked with his voice that I dropped on my knees and sobbed.

When I looked at him, his expression changed into a concerned one.

I suddenly felt arms wrap around me and it felt warm.

Just like the tears im shamefully letting out now and wiping on his t shirt as i clutch it while he held me on an embrace.

"Jeez why are you crying now? Did something happen? Did you stepped on something???" His voice clearly laces concern.

I sniffed

"That- that was really scary...I just-- n-no one has ever -- yelled at me like that before. .. i dunno it just, kinda scared me i guess..."  I said as i let him hug me .

The hug feels different. Almost as if we have a connection ... right now, its as if were-- friends...

I quickly killed the thought. Me?? Friends with someone -- not human?

Oh shit just got real...

I quickly stepped away from him .

"Look--" he started, voice filled with guilt. His head is hung low. Something i never thought id seen the grim reaper doing.
"--im sorry for yelling at you like that. I just wanted to get your attention.."

I furrowed my eyebrows..


"What?" He asked , brows scrunched in confusion..

I sighed."i said, youre not mad at me?"
I furrowed my brows.

He graced me with a chuckle  and shook his head.

"Nah, im not mad at you. So please stop crying.." he smiled. A warm smile.

I wiped my tears and stopped sniffing.
"Okay..."  I guess he's not gonna kill me .

He smirked.
"Im not gonna kill you Paris."

What? How did he even know?

I crunched my eyebrows.

"Ah...I think you forgot.." he said in that deep voice.

Jeez how can someone have such good voice like that?

"Forgot what?" I asked.

He shrugged and went to the door.clearly exiting. He made a motion  with his head telling me to follow him.

I stayed.

Oh im not gonna go anywhere with you until you answer me asshole.

He stopped by the door and looked back.
A knowing smirk gracing his perfect shaped features.

I arched an eyebrow.

"I think. You forgot that I can read your mind.."

My eyes shot up. Heat immediatly crawling up on my face.

I cant freaking blush right now.

I think he just heard what i said awhile ago.. oh fuck

"Thanks for the compliment though. I know , chicks have been digging my deep  perfect - as you'd gladly put it- voice ya know? " then he winked and walked out.

Frustrated on him and embarrassed with the fact  that he just went on my mind which by the way, is a total envasion of My privacy, I followed him  out while giving him an earful of how disrespectful it is to go into someone's mind.

HECK! Whenever I was asked If id want to have mind reading as a super power when I was a kid, id politely say No because i dont wanna go around walking hearing people's secrets...

But him... oh him! Such an embecile!!!!
He just ignored my outbursts and chuckled lowly to himself. He's enjoying this!

I followed him to a hallway and it is until now that I noticed that ive been here before.

When I met the seven deadly sins  .

Theyre pretty cool.

We made a turn, and another turn before we got to the kithen.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He said in a normal manner

'Why? Are you gonna posion  me and send me to oblivion because ive been a whiny brat tha--"  I stopped talking because suddenly , the room temperature dropped.

Then I noticed someone standing from the other side of the room

The person gave me a big smile.

"Fancy seeing you here Ms.Andrews"


The vampire .

The one I pissed off at home.

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