Love Written in Ink

By RayLaurenzMonterola

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A high school romance. More

Full Story

80 7 3
By RayLaurenzMonterola

On  a  hot  summer  afternoon,  the sparrows  were  twittering  up the  trees in the park while on the path beneath an  acacia  tree,  a  child  impatiently  pulls his  parents  to  the  ice  cream  shop  across the  street,  and  a  young  couple  were busily  taking  their  pictures  at  the  gazebo surrounded by wooden benches. A zephyr blew  and  it  soothed  the  young  lady  who was  sitting  at  a  bench  shadowed  by  a mango  tree.  The  lady,  named  Kristie  and who  was  in  her  late  20s,  was  rummaging in  her  bag  for  a  book.  Accidentally,  an old  pen  fell  to  the  ground  so  she  bent  to pick  it  up.  While  she  looked  at  the  pen she  remembered  about  something  and

it  wasn’t  about  the  pen’s  history  but  the story that lies with it five years before.

It started on Kristie’s senior year when the  class  were  busy  doing  their  projects.

“Psst! Kris.” called somebody from behind Kristie.

 “What  is  it  Rick?”  she  replied.

“I-I just  want  to…  I  mean,  can  you  help  me with my project?” asked Rick shyly.

“Yeah, sure,” gladly replied Kristie.

Rick quickly sat beside her and they began working on his project. Kristie is a smart girl, that is why she is the best student in the class --and she has a pretty face-- while Rick is a transferee who doesn’t have a mind superior in academics but  in  athletics  and  who  never  fails  to charm  girls  at  their  school.  It  has  been long since Rick became attracted to Kristie at first sight. There are times during class when Rick would  daydream about Kristie, or gaze intently at her using his notebook as  cover  and  its  holes  as  peephole  then make a long sigh.

“Rick,” called the teacher. “Rick!” repeated the teacher loudly. “Why aren’t you paying attention? And what are you doing?”

At this point, Rick would just reason out “Watching -- I-I mean reading, Ma’am” then the class would laugh. Kristie would chuckle and Rick would wink at her.

For  Kristie,  Rick  is  a  funny  guy.  He would make her laugh and take away her sadness.  This  made  her  like  Rick  and  she developed a longing to make him her bestfriend.  Kristie  do  not  have  bestfriends because  of  her  drunkard  father  who  is ill-tempered  and  strict.  She  would  not  be allowed  to  attend  parties  nor  hang  out with friends and if she will do so, whips and spanks are her punishment. Added to this, being the only child of the family and her mother’s death on childbirth is the root of her sorrow.

One Christmas Eve, when her father got drunk, Kristie had her chance to go out. She strolled around town hoping to find something fun to do or see. She went to the park and sat on a bench. The cold air blew  and  she  started  her  usual  soliloquy. Her eyes became misty but before a drop

of tear had shed a voice called her.

“Kris! How are you?” It was Rick and he is with his parents.

Kristie stood quickly, blinked back her tears and smiled to them “Oh, Hi Rick.”

“Ma, Pa, this is Kristie my friend,” said Rick to his parents. Rick nestled his hand on her shoulder  and  pinched  her  on  the  cheek.

“Hello, Kristie. Nice to meet you,” greeted Rick’s  mother  and  shook  her  hands.

“Hi, call  me  Uncle  Rene  and  call  her  Aunt ‘Phia,”  said  Rick’s  father.

“Hi  Ma’am  and to you Sir. Merry Christmas!” she replied.

“Merry  Christmas  too!”  greeted  back  the parents.

“Anyway,  Kristie  are  you  alone?” asked Rick.

“Um-- y-yeah,” said Kristie.

“Well come hija, join us for dinner,” said Uncle Rene.


“Come on Kris. I have a gift for you at home,” said Rick.

Then after a sniff and a smile Kristie said “Okay.”

That night was the happiest moment in Kristie’s life when she had felt the love of a family and when for  the  first  time  she  will  be  celebrating Christmas Eve. Time  had  passed  and  the  final  exams came. The affection that Rick had for Kristie were now the same as Kristie’s feeling for him.

On that day Rick was late and rushed to  school.  The  examination  has  started and  when  Rick  searched  for  his  pen,  he realized he had left it. He was afraid to ask others for an extra pen or the proctor, Mrs. Caitum,  known  to  be  notorious  in  giving punishments and is very strict, would send

him  out.  He  pretended  to  be  searching hurriedly in his bag and scratched his head to  be  noticed.  Kristie,  who  was  worried for him did notice and she swiftly handed him  a  pen.

“Thanks,”  whispered  Rick  and Kristie smiled back.

While taking the test, Rick  was  also  thinking  about  Kristie.  He wanted to tell her something and he must do it now or they might not see each other again  since  it  is  the  last  day  of  school.  A moment later “Finally!” uttered Rick when he got finished.

He realized that Kristie had left already so he hastily passed the paper and ran outside hoping to catch Kristie. He looked inside the school and then outside but he couldn’t find her. Rick doesn’t have a clue where Kristie lives since nobody else in  the  class  knows.  His  face  turned  sad and  he  went  home  gloomily.

Rick  and  his family is leaving town and they will migrate somewhere far. He just wanted to bid her goodbye and confess his love to her before they go but this is now hard to do since the only place where she could be found is at school or maybe at the park. So he spent the rest of his days, before their departure, either at school or at the park but still, luck has  not  come.

On  the  last  day  while  Rick was  sitting  with  his  friends  in  the  school, his hopes had faded. The dusk came and he accepted  the  truth  that  he  won’t  see  her again. Before he went home he left a box for Kristie to Ana, one of his classmates.

The  next  day,  Kristie  showed  up  at school.  She  looked  happy  because  she thought that she will be seeing Rick again. Ana came to her and said “It’s good to see you. Here take it.” she handed the box to Kristie  “Rick  left  this  for  you.  He  and  his family  will  be  migrating  to  the  U.S.  and

they are leaving now.”

Kristie was shocked to  hear  the  news,  after  a  while,  she  took the box and ran towards Rick’s house.

“Rick why  haven’t  you  told  me?”  she  thought to herself. When she got there the house was empty. Not a soul was there and the house was silent. Just a minute before, Rick stood where she was standing now. Tears began to fall from her eyes and she sat on the sidewalk, sobbing. A moment later, she opened  the  box  and  saw  a  fountain  pen that  looked  like  the  one  Rick  had  given her on Christmas. She read the note “Kris, I’m sorry that I haven’t told you about us leaving.  I  have  just  learned  about  it  on that last day we saw each other. Take this pen instead because I have lost the one I borrowed and I can’t find it. It is mine. Use it  when  you  want  to  remember  me.  See you soon. -Rick”

Kristie  still  has  it,  on  that  afternoon five years later. She likes to keep it in her bag and she would only use it to write in a journal  she titled DEAR RICK. She placed the book on her lap and began writing down on the  50th  page.

“I’m  on  the  bench  where you saw me at Christmas Eve. I remember that was the first time you called me your friend.” she stopped when she had noticed the  ink  cartridge  was  emptied.  Kristie

twisted off the cover for the first time and took out the ink cartridge. While doing this, she saw a paper rolled around it. She slid it off and unrolled the paper. It contained a note saying “I love you Kristie.” She was dazed after reading it. Her hands trembled that  the  pen  on  her  hand  fell  and  rolled away,  and  the  trembling  moved  to  her body.   She  cried  and  then  laughed,  and then  cried  again  while  she  said  to  herself “What? After all that time before, he had loved  me?”  Then  for  a  minute  she  stood silent.

That  time,  a  man  was  standing under  the  mango  tree  and  he  was  there already the moment before she sat on the bench. The man had listened and saw her then he went closer to her and picked up the pen on the ground. He held her hand, placed  the  pen  on  it,  and  said, “And  he’s still  in  love  with  you,  Kris.”

Kristie  looked up,  while  wiping  her  eyes,  and  saw  the man’s silhouette against the sunlight. “I’ve finally found you,” he said smiling.

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