Forever {Cashton 5SOS}

By butterflyash

96.6K 4.2K 1.8K

Ashton has never been the happiest and has never thought highly of himself, but soon he learns being famous... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note
Author's Note Again (sorry)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 8

3.4K 156 83
By butterflyash

Ashton's POV.

All I can see is white, but I can feel what they're doing to me and I hear people talking all around me. They're discussing what state I'm in. Apparently I'm suppose to wake up in a few days, but I don't know if I actually want to.

Everything is so peaceful in here. I don't feel sad in here. It's kind of enjoyable actually.

Yesterday, I think it was, I can't really tell what day it is, but it feels like it's been about a day, the guys were here.

The only time I actually wanted to come out was when Calum came to talk to me. He was begging me to wake up and he kept saying he missed me. I knew he probably didn't miss me and if he did he would get over it. His life would probably be better without me.

Either way, he sounded so broken. He even laid his head on my stomach and I felt him sobbing on me. All I wanted to do was scoop him up in my arms and hug him, but they wouldn't budge. Calum ended up falling asleep on me and it was kind of nice.

Michael and Luke came a bit later, but only one could talk to me at a time, so they left Luke with me.

Luke kind of scared me though. He kept apologizing and telling me that it was all his fault. He sounded even more broken than Calum. I'm kind of worried about him. What if he does something stupid like I did?

Later Michael came in and told me I needed to wake up for Calum, but I just really don't want to. I love it in here. I don't get constant hate. I don't have to worry about anything. I don't want to come out. Ever.

Calum's POV.

I spent the night at the hospital, sleeping on those uncomfortable chairs, but Ashton's worth it. I'll get to see him first thing in the morning and I know that when he wakes up it'll make him smile knowing I stayed with him the whole time.

Luke and Michael went home a little after visiting hours. Luke is taking all of this really hard. Maybe even harder than me and that's saying a lot.

When I woke up I was confused at first by my surroundings, but remembered where I was and checked my phone to see what time it was. 8:58

Perfect timing I get to see Ashton in exactly two minutes. I hope he's still doing alright, you never know what could happen overnight.

I walk up to the front desk lady. It's the same one ugh I hate her so much. She glares at me knowing what I'm gonna ask and says with a sigh, "Go see him."

I mentally flip her off and go to his room to find that he's not there. I feel my heartbeat speed up and I ask a doctor where he is. they all tell me they don't know. Finally I find Dr. Finch.

"Where's Ashton?" I say frantically.

"They took him in for testing again. Nothing to worry about!" he says and I feel my heart start to beat normally again, but then he tilts his head down, looking at his feet and I hear him mutter under his breath, "unless they results say he's never going to wake up again."

"Wait what?!" I ask him and my heart begins to race again. Tears starting to build in my eyes at the thought of that actually happening.

"Let's go sit somewhere." he says and takes me down a hallway into what I assume is his office. he takes a seat and so do I. Then he begins explaining, "Last night the nurses came in and checked on him and he wasn't reacting as well as others had. So, we're checking right now to see if he's going to wake up or not. Before, when we did the CT scan he seemed just fine. Like I said before, some patients don't want to wake up. Your friend may be one of them, seeing as though he was the one that did this to himself. People say comas are very peaceful."

My heart breaks with every word he says. Ashton has to wake up. He does. I would do anything to just go back a few days. None of this would have happened if I hadn't let Ashton go to the bathroom. "How could I have been so dumb?"

I didn't mean to say the last part out loud, but I guess I did. "Don't blame yourself. That's not going to get you anywhere. None of this is anybody's fault. It is what it is. He will probably wake up." Dr. Finch said, though I don't believe a word of it.

We sit in his office for about twenty minutes and then a nurse comes in to tell him Ashton's test results came in. We walk back to Ashton's room, which Ashton is sadly not in yet, and the same nurse hands him a clipboard which I assume has his results on it. He reads over it emotionless, so I'm not able to tell whether it's good or bad.

He looks up from the paper and right into my eyes. He sighs, shaking his head.

"What?" I ask, "What does it say?"

He waits a minute, but finally says, "There's a 75% chance that he's not going to wake up." I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me and I have to hold back the tears threatening to spill over. "If Ashton doesn't wake up in the next two days, then chances are he's not going to wake up at all."

At that moment they wheel Ashton in on his bed and the tears I've been holding back fall over my face. I have to try very hard not to sob in front of the doctor.

"Can you call Luke and Michael and tell them to come here?"

"Sure thing." he says while patting my shoulder. The doctor leaves and I sit in the chair next to Ashton and start to break down. After 20 minutes of sobbing, I try talking to him again.

"Hey, Ash!" I say, my voice cracking due to my large amounts of crying.

"I know it's nice and peaceful in there, but we really want you to come out now. We miss you." I hate just talking to him and him not responding. It's killing me inside not hearing his voice for so long.

What if Ashton can't even hear me and this is a huge waste of my time.

"Ashy, please wake up. I miss you so much. It's unbelievable how much I miss you." The tears start flowing again. "I miss hearing your laugh early in the morning because it makes waking up not so bad. I miss cuddling and watching movies. I miss how sweaty you get after concerts. I miss hearing you're voice and seeing your dimples pop out. Ash, there are so many things I need to tell you. I guess I could say them now since you probably can't here me anyways, so here I go, Ashton I l-"

At that very moment Michael and Luke walk in. Luke has fresh tear stains on his face and he's clinging to Michael's arm.

"The nurse told us about Ashton." Michael states, voice shaking, but he's trying to stay strong for Luke.

I just nod. We stand for a moment, then Michael speaks again, "Only one of us can be in here, so who wants to go first?"

I rise from the chair next to Ashton walking over to Michael, I say, "I just sat with him for a while. Does Luke wanna talk to him?"

Michael looks at Luke and Luke vigorously nods and releases his grip on Michael quickly sitting in the chair.

"Take your time." Michael says to the already sobbing Luke as we walk back to the waiting room.

"What do you thinks gonna happen?" I ask Michael.

He looks down before turning back to me replying with, "I honestly don't know anymore."

I feel my eyes heat up with tears, but I don't want to cry. I've cried enough these past few days for the rest of my life. I bring my knees to my chest and hug them tight, laying my head on them. I feel my eyes get heavy because I didn't really get much sleep last night. I fight to stay awake though, so I'll be awake when I can see Ashton again.

"Go to sleep, Cal." Michael says gently putting a friendly hand on mine rubbing his hand across it.

"Okay." I say with a sleepy voice. Michael's smile is the last thing I see before I fall asleep.

My sleep is short lived though when I am awaken an hour later with news I never saw coming.

Michael's POV.

Calum fell asleep, so I was left all alone. I decide to got through twitter for a while to distract myself from all this Ashton stuff. Suddenly my stomach growls as it so often does. I need food.

I don't know where they have a vending machine here, so I decide to look around a bit.

After I've checked everywhere I think it might be on the first floor, I continue on to the second, then third. When I get to the fourth I am about to give up, but just as I'm turning around to go back, I see a blond quiff at the other end of the hallway about to round a corner.

What's Luke doing up here? I stand still confused for a moment, but then realization hits me. My heart starts to pound, "Luke!" I yell.

He turns around for a second. when he sees who screamed his name, he bolts around the corner.

"Luke, Stop!" I yell again, chasing after him. My lungs feel like they're on fire. I really need to get in shape, man.

Luke turns another corner and I lose sight of him again, but I can't stop looking, I won't. I can't let two band members be in the ICU, so I keep running.

I gain sight of Luke again, but it may just be too late. He slides open the glass sliding door, but it takes him a second because it gets stuck. This helps me get closer to him, but not close enough.

He steps out on the balcony and he turns back to shut the door. I stop moving when I get a glimpse of his face. He has tears falling nonstop down his cheeks. The pain on his face breaks my heart and tears of my own begin to fall.

As I stare into his eyes, he stares back and just as I start to think he's gonna come to me, he quickly slides the door shut again.

I run up to it and start pounding on it but he's holding it shut. I try to pull it open, but he's stronger than me so I'm unable to pry it open.

I let go of the handle and stand directly outside the door. Luke does the same, but on the other side.

"I'm so sorry, Michael." Luke says, "I'm so so sorry." I can barely hear him through the glass, but I can tell what he's saying by the little I can hear and by reading his lips.

"Luke, please come back down to the waiting room with me." I say as calmly as I can, trying to get him to come back.

He sadly shakes his head and grabs ahold of the door handle again since he knew that was what I was going to do.

"Michael." he says.


"I love you." I can tell by the way he says it that he means it as more than a friend. I would love to smile right now, but just after he says that he turns around and runs up to the ledge of the balcony.

I forcefully open the door while Luke climbs up on the ledge. He stands up and looks down, then back at me.

"Luke, don't" I tell him taking a step towards him. He has tears falling everywhere and so do I.

He turns back and I go to grab his leg, but I'm just a bit too late and he starts to fall.

I left it on a cliffhanger *moon face emoji* Poor Luke :-( lol okay sorry I didn't update yesterday I wanted to wait till it had 1K reads which it does now omfg thank you guys so much!! Anyways I didn't actually plan on the whole 'Ashton's not gonna come out of the coma thing' but I was bored and yeah oops let's hope he does this could just end up being one of those really depressing ones. But yeah I'm rambling now haha so anyways, please vote and comment and such. Thanks for 1K it makes me really happy you have no idea omg! Oh and btw I was too lazy to proof read this so I hope I didn't make too many errors.

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