Danganronpa Ask or Dare Seaso...

By DruidAmari

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It's season two of Danganronpa Ask or Dare! Disclaimer: I do not own Danganronpa or any of its characters. More

Beginning of Season 2!
First and Second Dare!
Third Dare!
First Ask!
Second Ask!
Fourth Dare!
Time to Make a Ship Sail!
Fifth Dare!
Sixth Dare!
Seventh Dare, Third, and Fourth Ask!
Eighth Dare!
Ninth Dare!
Tenth Dare!
Fifth Ask!
Sixth Ask!
Seventh Ask!
Eleventh Dare!
Twelfth Dare!
Eighth Ask!
Ninth Ask!
Tenth Ask!
Thirteenth Dare!
Fourteenth and Fifteenth Dare!
Eleventh Ask!
Twelfth Ask!
Sixteenth Dare!
Thirteenth Ask!
Seventeenth Dare and Fourteenth Ask!
Fifteenth Ask!
Eighteenth Dare!
Nineteenth Dare!
Twentieth Dare!
Sixteenth Ask!
Twenty-First Dare!
Twenty-Second Dare!
Seventeenth Ask!
Twenty-Third and Twenty-Fourth Dare!
Twenty-Fifth Dare!
Eighteenth Ask and Twenty-Sixth Dare!
Twenty-Seventh Dare!
Twenty-Eighth Dare
Nineteenth Ask!
Happy Birthday Kotoko!
New Arrival for Ten Chapters!
Twenty-Ninth Dare!
Twentieth and Twenty-First Ask!
Thirtieth Dare!
Thrity-First Dare!
Rescue Mission!
Twenty-Second Ask!
Thirty-Second Dare!
Thrity-Third Dare!
Twenty-Third Ask and Thirty-Fourth Dare!
Thirty-Fifth Dare!
Thirty-Sixth Dare!
Thirty-Seventh Dare!
Thirty-Eighth Dare!
Thirty-Ninth Dare!
Twenty-Fourth Ask!
Fortieth Dare!
Forty-First Dare!
Forty-Second Dare!
Forty-Third Dare!
Forty-Fourth Dare!
Twenty-Fifth Ask!
Forty-Fifth Dare!
Water Park!
Twenty-Seventh Ask, Forty-Sixth and Forty-Seventh Dare!
Twenty-Eighth Ask
Happy Birthday Kokichi!
Forty-Eighth Dare!
Forty-Ninth Dare!
Fiftieth Dare!
Twenty-Ninth Ask!
Fifty-First Dare!
Fifty-Second Dare!
Time to Take Away Glass
Thirtieth Ask!
New Appearance!
Thirty-First Ask, Fifty-Third and Fifty-Fourth Dare!
Fifty-Fifth Dare!
Thrity-Second Ask!
Thirty-Third Ask!
Fifty-Sixth Dare!
Thirty-Fourth Ask!
Happy Birthday Kazuichi and Peko!
Thirty-Fifth Ask!
Fifty-Seventh Dare!
Fifty-Eighth and Fifty-Ninth Dare!
Sixtieth Dare!
Happy Birthday Ryoma!
Thirty-Sixth and Thirty-Seventh Ask!
Thirty-Eighth Ask and Sixty-First Dare!
Sixty-Second Dare!
Sixty-Third Dare!
100th Chapter!
Sixty-Fourth Dare!
Sixty-Fifth Dare!
Sixty-Sixth Dare!
Happy Birthday Hiroko!
Sixty-Seventh and Sixty-Eighth Dare!
Sixty-Ninth Dare!
Seventieth Dare!
Thrity-Eighth Ask!
Seventy-First Dare!
Thirty-Ninth Ask!
Seventy-Second Dare and Fortieth Ask!
Seventy-Third Dare!
Seventy-Fourth Dare!
Seventy-Fifth Dare!
Happy Birthday Yasuhiro!
Seventy-Sixth Dare!
Forty-First Ask!
Forty-Second Ask!
Seventy-Seventh and Seventy-Eighth Dare!
Seventy-Ninth Dare!
Eightieth Dare!
Eighty-First Dare!
Forty-Third Ask and Eighty-Second Dare!
Eighty-Third Dare!
Forty-Second Ask and Eighty-Fourth Dare!
Eighty-Fifth Dare!
Eighty-Sixth and Eighty-Seventh Dare!
Happy Birthday Tsumugi!
Eighty-Ninth Dare!
Happy Birthday Fuyuhiko!
Forty-Third Ask!
Ninetieth Dare!
Forty-Fourth Ask!
Forty-Fifth Ask and Ninety-First Dare!
Ninety-Second Dare!
Ninety-Third Dare!
Forty-Sixth Ask!
Ninety-Fourth Dare!
Ninety-Fifth Dare!
Ninety-Sixth Dare!
Ninety-Seventh Dare!
Ninety-Eighth Dare!
Forty-Sixth Ask!
Ninety-Ninth Dare!
Forty-Seventh Ask!
Fourty-Eighth Ask!
Hundredth Dare!
Hundred and First Dare!
Hundred and Second Dare!
Fourty-Ninth Ask!
Fiftieth Ask and Hundred and Third Dare!
Hundred and Fourth Dare!
Happy Birthday Kiyotaka!
Hundred and Fifth Dare!
Fifty-First Ask!
Happy Birthday Teruteru.
Fifty-Second Ask!
Hundred and Sixth Dare!
Hundred and Seventh Dare and Fifty Third Ask!
Fifty-Fourth Ask!
Hundred and Eighth Dare!
Happy Birthday Shuichi!
Hundred and Ninth Dare and Fifty-Fifth Ask!
Fifty-Sixth Ask!
Hundred and Tenth Dare, Fifty-Seventh, and Fifty-Eighth Dare!
Hundred and Eleventh Dare!
Fifty-Ninth Ask!
Hundred and Twelfth Dare!
Hundred and Thirtieth Dare!
Happy Birthday Sakura!
Sixtieth Ask!
Sixty-First Ask!
Hundred and Fourteenth Dare!
Hundred and Fifteenth Dare!
Hundred and Sixteenth Dare!
Sixty-Second Ask!
Sixty-Third Ask and Hundred and Seventeenth Dare!
Hundred and Eighteenth Dare!
Sixty-Fourth Ask!
Hundred and Nineteenth Dare!
Sixty-Fifth Ask!
Hundred and Twentieth Dare!
Sixty-Sixth Ask!
Hundred and Thirteenth and Hundred and Fourteenth Dare!
Sixty-Seventh Ask and Hundred and Seventeenth Dare!
Hundred and Seventeenth Dare!
Sixty-Eighth Ask!
Hundred and Eighteenth Dare!
Sixty-Ninth Ask!
Hundred and Nineteenth Dare!
Hundred and Twentieth Dare!
Seventieth Ask!
Hundred and Twenty-First and Hundred and Twenty- Second Dare!
Hundred and Twenty-Third and Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Dare!
Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Dare!
Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Dare!
Seventy-First Ask!
Hundred and Twenty-Seventh and Hundred and Twenty-Eighth Dare!
Hundred and Twenty-Ninth Dare!
200th Chapter Special!

Twenty-Sixth Ask!

214 2 0
By DruidAmari

Amari: Alright there's an ask!

Binx: This ask is from Soul from Soulin89 and he asks 'How did Ouma do during the no Fanta dare?'

Amari: Better than you would think, then again I did hide his stash and went out with him everytime he went out.

Kokichi: That's so mean Amari! I I, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!! *cries crocodile tears*

Amari: Kokichi, we both know that you would try to sneak drinking that drink.

Kokichi: *stop* Okay that's true, where did you even hide my stash anyway?

Binx: In my room.

Kokichi: Binx I thought we were friends!

Binx: Your not getting any exceptions, especially from me.

Amari: I would have hidden it in one of my rooms but you go in there way to often. Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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