Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Rebo...

By mintgreyashes

158K 6.2K 1.5K

「Sequel of Cursed Sky-Katekyo Hitman Reborn」 --- They were twins. Yet why was it that one was depicted as a f... More

CH1:A Change
CH2:Meeting Him
CH3:Second Chances
CH4:Dying Will Bullet
CH5:No Regrets
CH6:Smoking Bomb
CH7:Falling Down
CH8:The Threat
CH9:The Plan
CH10:The Bazooka
CH11:The Attacks
CH12:Burning Anger
CH13:Battered Body
CH14:Whispered Thanks
CH15:Stolen Memories
CH16:New Bonds
CH17:The Swordsman
CH18:Changing Times
CH19:Into Darkness
CH20:His Pain
CH21:Truth & Trust
CH22:A Sun's Bond
CH23:Crossed Fates
CH24:A Little Change
CH26:Two Faded Bonds
CH27:Their Beginning
CH30:False Realities
CH31:Believe in Me
CH32:Jaded Visions
CH33:Unfulfilled Promises
CH34: His Sacrifice
CH35: Distant Memories
CH36: Colliding Worlds
CH38: Hope
CH39 : His Drive
CH40: Bittersweet Memories
CH41: Our Promises
End 1: Deja Vu
Epilogue 1
End 2: Jamais Vu

CH37: Experiment 101

1.5K 77 12
By mintgreyashes

Gokudera Hayato knew that he had the devil's luck.

He had managed to survive about five years out on the streets, often taking dangerous jobs. He earned his name - Smoking Bomb Hayato. And eventually, he found his place as a loyal storm with a certain brunet.

But even with his luck, he knew that this shouldn't have been possible.

Everything, from the injuries to the pain- everything was gone. He knew it was a powerful dose of harmony that came from Tsuna, but even then...

Gokudera sat up, emerald eyes flickering with emotion.

Tsuna was a sky, and not a sun. It shouldn't be possible. So why on earth did Tsuna's sky flames have sun flames' properties?

And then he saw it.

An angel.

Two white wings, mixed in with a few black feathers, on Tsuna's back. And not just any wings, they looked like angel wings.

The power around the brunet was palpable, filled with so much pressure and harmony.

"W-What's going on here? What's wrong with Tsuna?" A new voice was heard.

Gokudera and Mukuro promptly turned around, but Hibari kept his eyes on the boy. "T-Tsuna-sama... H-He, I don't know." The silveret admitted, meeting Takeshi's hazel eyes.

Yamamoto's gaze darkened, cheery smile nowhere to be found. "Haha, what do you mean by that, Gokudera?"

The bomber twitched, catching the dark undertone of the seemingly-harmless comment.

He heard it - The accusations. Yamamoto thought that he had caused Tsuna to become like that in the first place.

A twitch.


Another twitch.


Yamamoto seemed to slump, smile grim as he apologised sincerely to Gokudera. "S-Sorry, Gokudera. I got too carried away-"


Everyone flinched.

The boy with fluffly brunet hair and amber eyes turned and faced right at them. "Please be quiet."

Yamamoto blinked as several others recoiled back in shock.

"A-Ah... Hai, of course. S-Sorry, Tsuna."

Tsuna did not reply.

Hibari's eyes narrowed. "Tch." He faced the crowding herbivores, but did not make any moves to 'bite them to death.'

"Something is wrong with the Usagi."

Everyone frowned, even Reborn let a tiny scowl cross his usually emotionless face.

"The Usagi is... not in control." He continued reluctantly, careful eyes scanning the boy. The occasional twitch in his fingers, the slight tilting of head when asking a question - None of these small ticks that made Sawada Tsunayoshi....himself, were there.

Hibari continued to observe.

The brunet's eyes were also glazed over, lacking any signs of its usual glow and his actions were stiff and robotic - as if he were being programmed to move that way.

Hibari felt ice settle in his stomach, making it churn in worry.

Something was wrong with his Tsuna, but he would fix it.


The room was silent, tension skyrocketing as the presence of other flames were detected.

Six other powerful flames, along with their original sky flames, swirled around the room.

Tsuna stood in the middle, posture stiff and arms raised in anticipation of an attack.

And then suddenly, he wasn't there.

It was a blur, one moment he was in the middle of the room, one moment he was next to Ienari.

Ienari's eyes widened and he turned, only to find himself on the receiving end of a heavy punch.

He smashed into the wall, breaking it and leaving debris flying everywhere. The guardians' eyes widened at that, some in shock and a fair amount of fear.

Lorenzo smiled wickedly. "Ara~ Subject 27... You're relying on Experiment 101~ Aren't you thankful I gave you all that power~?" Reborn growled at that, eyes glinting dangerously as he oozed murderous aura.

"Speak. What is Experiment 101?"

The man was unfazed by the gun. In fact, the smirk on his face only seemed to grow.

"Ara~? So he didn't tell you~? How sad~ Experiment 101 - The Angel experiment. It was meant to make him even more powerful than maybe even the Tri-Ni-Sette itself~ A being that surpasses a god!"

Lorenzo was sickeningly gleeful, even as he turned to face the gun. His cold eyes only reflected cruel amusement.

To him, it was all just a game. Reborn picked up on that.

"Go ahead, shoot me! I've done my job anyway. Nothing will be able to stop Subject 27 now, not even the 'World's Greatest Hitman.'"

Reborn scowled, slamming his feet into the man's gut.

"You idiot!" Hissing, the infant prepared to shoot, only to be stopped by a large burst of smoke. Crap. I let down my guard. It was only for a split second, yet the man was able to find an opening.

Reborn found himself unable to move, totally paralysed.

What is this...?

The wild look on Lorenzo's face grew as he savagely threw the hitman off him. He focused his attention entirely on the two white wings on the brunet's back.

And smirked.

We won't have a repeat of what you did to me, Sawada Tsunayoshi. You won't take my princess away from me. Not again.


It was a world of inky black with nothing in sight. There was no left and right, nor was there an up and down. It was just... empty.

Tsuna tried to peer into the darkness, yet there was nothing to set his sights on.

It was hot, or was it cold? He felt like he was flying, but was he even standing?

His back stung, yet the rest of him felt free. There was a sense of peace and comfort he hadn't felt in a long time.






...What are you...saying?


There was a burning pain that hit him smaxk his side, and the brunet couldn't hold in a sharp gasp.

What was going on? Who was that?

There was familiarity in that voice. Tsuna knew that someone who had called out to him.


Who would call him Usag-



Vision exploding in colours, he couldn't help but scream.


He could smell the blood on him as he rampaged. He could hear Ienari's enraged snarls.

And then it struck him.

His purpose - why he had surrendered himself. Wasn't it to stop his precious twin brother? What did he come here to do?

The one he had failed to protect time and again.


He felt his flames burn brighter than before and allowed his harmony to roam free. It hurt alot, but he would endure it if it meant that Ienari would have another chance in life.

Five years ago, he had failed. His flames weren't strong enough to purify that inky darkness.

But now, five years later he just might be able to do it.

He had gained new bonds, new memories and his flames slowly grew - their purpose to protect.

"Ie-kun..." He whispered, tears falling as he gave his brother a tight hug.

The world cleared, so did his vision. There was blood on his hands, as well as Ienari.

I did that.

"LET GO! LET ME GO!" His brother screamed, yet the own tears on his face said otherwise.

He didn't want this. Nobody did.

"Kyoya... Thank you."

He closed his eyes, and let his flames do the job.

He succumb to the darkness completely. And yet, there was none of that bitter poison that had engulfed his being just mere minutes ago. This time, he was in control. And... He was peaceful.

"I kept my promise Ie-kun. I've finally broken that awful curse of ours."

He smiled, a single trail of red escaping from  his chapped lips.

"Well, it was nice while it lasted."

Amber eyes slid close, succumbing to their fate.


"It's you... What are you doing here?"

The figure merely smiled, ruffling the other's brunet hair. Sora pouted. He was a grown man, not a 7 year old!

"Well, you are still a child... And cut me some slack, I haven't seen you since...-" The voice trailed off.


Giotto merely smiled, despite it being a half-saddened one. "Well, come give your great grandfather a hug then!"

Sora did just that, relishing the slight smell of mint of Giotto's clothes.

....Did ghosts even smell like anything?

He blinked, shaking the random thought away.

Irrelevant matters aside, the brunet knew that there was something wrong. Otherwise, Giotto wouldn't have been here at all. He knew that Giotto knew that as well.

Heh. Tongue twister.

"...Tsuna." Giotto began suddenly, running a hand through blond locks.

"I'm... sorry. I'm so sorry." His voice was soft and his eyes were downcast, filled with regrets.

'Ask him why,' His intuition urged, though they knew that they wouldn't like the answer.

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong!" Sora replied, just as gently. However, he had been caught slightly off guard, put off by the fact that someone had called him Tsuna instead of Sora.

It had been a long time since he had identified himself as Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Decimo and son to Sawada Nana.

It was... a nice change, to say the least.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you, or even save you from the hands of that Garofano man."

"Giotto, don't be silly. Those things can't be helped and I don't blame you at all-"

"No!" Giotto hissed softly, yet there was unrestrained anger colouring his tone.

It made Sora reel back slightly, autumn eyes blinking in surprise. Giotto inhaled softly.

"I'm sorry." Blue eyes gazed at the brunet softly. Sora nodded, accepting the sincere apology.

"Look-" His voice was pained and barely above a whisper. "-I'm pathetic. I couldn't save you then. And now, two years later, I-"

The man stopped, eyes averting itself from his descendant.

What's happening to me?!

It hurts...

It hurts alot...

"It's happening, isn't it?"

His hands were a glitchy-white. Sora whimpered, almost desperate.

"Time is running out."

Autumn eyes met with the solemn amber gaze of his pap- no, of Vongola Primo. A seasoned battle veteran, eyes hardened as he watched his comrades fall over and over again.

They were filled with pain, so much pain.

Giotto had never looked as human as he was now.

"I'm sorry... I failed to save you again."


"...Why are you here? Now?"


Tsuna's amber eyes glowed dully, yet they never stopped staring at seemingly regretful autumn eyes.

Sora didn't say a single word.

"Where were you when we needed you? When I needed you?" The younger brunet spat out, sounding desperate now.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I caused you to had to do what Dr. Kashima never wanted you to do-" Tsuna hissed slightly. "-But... Please... Give me another chance. I'll make things right again."

Maybe it was because of the pure sadness and weariness in his tone, or maybe it was the regret and sincerity, but Tsuna couldn't help but want to believe in Sora once again.

"...Okay. And I'm sorry for acting like that too. You wouldn't have left us if you had a choice, right?"

"Yeah. You're really mature, Tsuna. Use your powers for your friends, okay? Share your burdens and protect them with your dying will, okay?"
do what I was never able to do.

Tsuna nodded, eyes glimmering with resolve.

"...Humour me and promise it, please?"

"I promise." And he meant it. He never broke his promises.

But still, he could not shake off those awful feelings of unease.

"Good. I'm..really proud of you."

Why does it seem like goodbye?

Why does it seem like I'll never see you again?

You're usually so happy, so why do you have that kind of face on now?




"Thank you for the fun times."

"Eh? What suddenly brought this up, Sora?"

"...The next time we see each other, we'll be free from our chains and our curses."


"Until then, please hold on. Never give up."


"...Take care of yourself, okay?"


"Goodbye, Tsuna."

HELLU PEEPS!! MY EXAMS ARE OVER AGAIN~ (also why im like updating at 1.10am even tho there's school tomorrow *cough* )

Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
the end is coming closer and closer :^) thoughts?

Thanks for reading <3

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