694 103 123
By GMTSchuilling

2001, Seventeen Years Backwards

The three girls lay on the blanket, their heads close together. Their favorite spot in the park was the wide green lawn leading down to the lake. Here they spent countless hours talking while gazing at the trees beyond, which changed from the deep hues of orange, brown, and red in fall, to the bright yellows, magentas, and greens of spring.

Regardless of the season, picnicking was their favorite weekend tradition. And now, 'stuffed' was the operative word as they sipped on their apple wine and celebrated whatever was to come.

"Do you think we'll still find time to do this once in a while if we all go off to our colleges?" Tay's voice cracked with sentiment. College acceptances, or rejections, were due to arrive any day now and each of the ones they'd applied to was a minimum of three hours away from the others.

"Of course, we will!" Anaya tried to soothe her. "However full our lives get, let's make it a point to come back home for the holidays."

"What if one of us gets rejected?" Kait began fixing the blanket around them. Anaya's choice to teach the next generation was a noble one, Kait had said, and as a result, decided to go into politics to shape the future for all. Never one to be outdone, Kait had applied to the most prestigious college in the country and was incapable of keeping still as the days went by. Her regularly squared and French tipped nails were dangerously chipped and jagged, and she touched her platinum hair so often that it had started to look like the kinked bristles of an overused toothbrush.

"Then we'll find tutors and retake the tests, or apply to other colleges that aren't stupid enough to pass one of us up." Tay reached out and took her hand. They all knew Kait had only applied to one. The best.

Kait nodded and relaxed a little. "How do you feel with the new meds, Ana?"

"They're slowly helping to even out my moods. Can you tell?" The doctors had experimented with several pills and dosages to settle on these ones, and Anaya would have to stay on them for the rest of her life or risk a relapse. She'd told the girls about this, but never divulged her father's treatment to anyone. It wasn't her story to tell.

The only other person who knew was her mom. She kept tabs on both their moods. Sadly, it had taken a shared illness to bring the three of them closer and get them working together again as a family. Anaya closed her eyes. As ironic as it might be, they were content for the first time in many years.

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