Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna...

By Nextdoorgirl101

6.7K 358 78

"Let me go, Aurnia! You're going to kill me!" he gurgled out feeling more lightheaded by the minute - she onl... More

Author's Note
Gifted Luna Series


249 13 4
By Nextdoorgirl101

So the second chapter is now up and I will be updating this book from now on.

But the updates will be very random and not concise since I have a lot going on at home and school. And in a few weeks, I'll be travelling back to my homeland, London.

So updates will be even scarcer.

Nevertheless, enjoy this book and chapter!


"If 'I love you' was a promise,
Would you break it? If you're honest.
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before.
I don't wanna be you...
Anymore." - Billie Eilish- Idontwannabeyouanymore

Entering my first lecture of the day- biotechnology- I settle in my usual seat in the front of the class. Opening my laptop and copybook, I patiently wait for our lecturer to come to class.

Our lecturer, Mrs Java, was a very lazy woman to say the least; if it weren't for some tuitions with other teachers then I don't think I would be able to take this course.

Mrs Java had the most monotonous voice that I have ever heard - even mine couldn't compare - and within a few seconds of her talking, the whole class had already grown fed up.

Even I had let out a few sighs of frustration during her lectures, and that only says a lot.

I wonder what has become of that man?

Why am I even wondering this?! The reason for which he keeps popping up in my thoughts still stuns me.

I pick up my pencil and start writing every physics formula that I know.

Ek = 1/2mV2

W= mg

P= W/t

I wonder if he felt that too...

P= F/A

I really hope he did


Maybe I'll see him again at the café...


I really want to see him again...

I halt my doodling as my stomach jolted slightly at my foreign thought.

Why on earth would I want to see him? A stranger? An older man?

I was getting eager to see him, at the same time wanted to strangle myself for overthinking obscene situations between him and I.

A muscular figure entering the room terminated my train of thoughts.

He walked nonchalantly to the teacher's desk - plopping his books onto the mahogany wood - as he turned towards us.

His grey eyes seemed much more mesmerising now that I can look at them directly and not from my periphery like at the café.

His eyes zoned in on me, unapologetically taking in my appearance.

I couldn't understand why he was staring with lust-filled eyes, I hadn't worn anything out of the ordinary.

Ok fine! I did wear an off the shoulder white blouse, but still, it wasn't a reason!

And if I hadn't caught what happened very quickly, I would never have seen it.

He smirked.

He smirked the same lopsided grin as my hallucination from yesterday!

"Hello class," were his first words.

The simple words sending vibrant pleasure-filled shivers down my spine. I had to bite my lip and briefly close my eyes shut to prevent any sound from escaping my lips.

What was going on with me?

I instantly straightened myself and listened to him.

"I am Mr Stravos and will be your biotechnology teacher from here on out." He looked at each and everyone of us, stopping a little longer on me.

"What happened to Mrs Java?" the familiar unruly male voice boomed from the back.

Malcom Davis Orlando, former jock at my high school and still the ladies' man.

He probably slept with half of the girls in high school and another half as he set foot in university. Though he is quite a man-whore, he is a very bright student who didn't need the good graces of his rich parents to get his place in Yale.

Mr Stravos glares at Malcom lethally, and his eyes glazes over briefly. A small, almost inaudible whimper echoed from the back, but no one took notice, except from me.

When some students voice out their curiosity on the topic, Mr Stravos huffs and clears his voice to get their attention.

"She is on...vacation. A long, vacation. And probably won't be back until next year." Well that didn't sound suspicious at all.


"Anyway, I would like for each and everyone of you to introduce yourselves and say one thing you like." He flashes a dazzling smile at the class.

"Who do you think we are? Kindergartens?" Malcom shouts from the back as his small group chuckles at his lame joke.

"Well from how you're acting, I can see you're still an itty witty boy." Mr Stravos answers raising a challenging eyebrow at Malcom while he gives him his famous death glare. The class erupts in a choir of 'burn' and 'roasted'.

I couldn't help but feel a tad bit proud of how Mr Stravos put Malcom in his place.

"Now how about we start with you? Miss Adonis." He points in my direct, and for a few seconds my blood runs cold as I stiffly stand up.

I hated public speaking or speaking to other people for that matter.

How did he know my name anyway?

" name's Aurnia Calista Adonis, I'm nineteen-years-old, soon to be twenty, I-I come from Manhattan and recently moved to New haven, and I don't like anything." I stutter a bit but keep my voice as stoic as I could.

Mr Stravos frowns at me, then leans on the front of his desk.

"How could you not like anything?" he questions as I just give him a blank expression.

"Well, there's nothing to like. But if I really needed to like something it would be..."


", I guess." I uncomfortably shrug as he nods understandingly.

"Fair enough, you may sit down, Aurnia." I tilt my head at how appealing that sounded.

The way he said my named, was like the gentle purring of a cat. But I knew nothing about him is gentle...

Get your head out of the gutter Aurnia!

While the rest of the class introduced themselves, I quietly started reading my Biology book, trying to distract myself from the scrutinizing stares of Mr Stravos.

After the introductions - which lasted at least twenty minutes because of Malcom's side comments - Mr Stravos started his lecture.

I am not a person who admits that someone is more intellectually capable than me, but he did a pretty good job at teaching on the mutation of animal genes.

Frankly saying, he was beyond my expectations, as stereotypical as it sounds I thought he was more of a "walk and look pretty" type of guy.

Time flew by at an impressive speed as he dismisses us from class. Everyone stands up and starts exiting the class, as I do, but Mr Stravos holds me back.

"Miss Adonis, could you wait a minute please?" he asks as he leans against his desk.

I nod reluctantly and make my way towards him.

He waits for every single one of the students to leave before he openly sweeps his eyes over my body, licking his lips simultaneously.

"Aurnia, how are you holding up with this course?" he asks - more like purrs at me.

"P-Pretty well, thank you. I should really be going Mr Stravos-"

"Othello to you." He cuts me off, I just keep a straight face and continue.

"Mr Stravos...I really need to get to my next course." I slowly repeat his teacher name, making it clear that I have no intention of using his name.

It would feel too intimate I think, and god knows that I want to be intimate with him...

Wait what!? No! I don't want to be intimate with him!

"What's the rush, Calista?" he uses my second name as he crosses the distance between us with such rapidity that I didn't have time to step back.

He stops a mere few inches in front of me, just enough for his breath to fan my face. His eyes travel from mine to my lips then proceed to my neck where he stops and stares a bit longer.

His hand reaches up and caresses my neck so soft that if I weren't looking at what he was doing, I wouldn't have felt it. He touched me like I was a crystal that could shatter at any moment.

The funny thing was that I didn't shy away, I stay fascinated by both human contact and lustful shivers erupting from every fibre of my body. But the only part of my body which really reacted is way too embarrassing to even mention.

I close my eyes relishing the uncommon sensation and bit my lip again to stop a moan from leaving my mouth.

Sinful thoughts ran wild in my mind, making me long for an even rougher touch than this.

"You're all mine, all mine." He mutters to himself as his hand travels to my cheek, his thumb caressing my bottom lip.

"Specially this. All mine." His voice reduces in amplitude at this, making it nearly impossible to hear.

Especially considering that I couldn't really concentrate at that precise moment.

Then my eyes snapped open.

How could I let him touch me so freely!?

I stepped back as his hand fell to his side, a small animal like whimper slipped through his lips in protest. He tried to step up to me, but I held out my hand to keep him at bay.

I can't let myself be influenced so easily by the faintest bit of affection, especially from this stalker-teacher. I walked backwards making sure he doesn't pull another one of his intoxicating advances, then I turned and bolted out of there like a freaking maniac.

I've never ran this fast in my life; and I ran because of a male! I should have stayed calm and walked out unaffected but no! I ran with my heart rate already haywire and my palms sweating profusely. From what I've read these symptoms were...fear.

I ran out of fear; fear that I was so easily lured into his arms and hypnotising words and that I would do it all over again without second thoughts.

God knows I would do it without any second thoughts!

No Aurnia! You will not be permitting it anymore! I scolded myself all the way to my next class until I finished my courses in the afternoon.

Alright my loves!

Any theories?

Why could Aurnia possibly be this attracted to Mr Stravos?

But let's stop to talk about Malcom...

Any theories on him?

So I hope y'all liked this chapter!

See you later alligators!


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