A Harry Potter Love Story

By elsa2000

5.5K 154 56

Spoilers!!! Dont read description if you dont want to know. End results: Elena+Harry Lily+Dean Ron+Hermione More

Elena's POV
Lily's POV
Hermione's POV
Elena's POV
Hermione's POV
Author's Note
Harry's POV
Author's Note
Ron's POV
Dean's POV
Elena's POV
Lily's POV
Hermione's POV
Harry's POV

Lily's POV

311 14 5
By elsa2000

I couldn't believe that Elena was a witch too! I also couldn't believe how cute Dean Thomas was. Even more so, how into me he is. Elena seemed a bit jealous at how much we were talking. I realized I hadn't said a word to her since we entered the compartment.

"Dean?" I asked partly ashamed at my rudeness, partly loathing what I was about to do.

"Yeah?" he had been in the middle of a conversation. I felt even worse.

"Can I ask you a favor?" he nodded looking surprised,"Don't take this the wrong way at all, but I haven't seen Elena in a long time and I feel like I'm leaving her out. Well I am leaving her out. Alot. So could you (I mean this in the nicest possible way) leave?" he didn't seem the least but offended. He actually grinned.

"No problem! I'll go sit with my friend Seamus. See you at school!" He slid the compartment door open and with one last wave, he disappeared down the corridor. That was the last time I saw Dean Thomas as a free man. His beautiful new girlfriend never left his side and he never spoke to me again-

Where did that come from? My imagination is getting away from me. I tried shifting my thoughts from Dean, and onto Elena.

"So Elena? Where you excited when you received your letter?" I asked her. She seemed to perk up once Dean had left. Though I really didn't understand why she was upset in the first place, as she was the one who had pushed me into him.

"Not really because I knew it would mean leaving you. And Hermione," she added as an afterthought. Luckily her head was currently buried in a very thick book whick looked suspiciously like Hogwarts, a History again. She had read it four times already along with all her other books. She seemed determined to memorize them.

"Same here," we grinned at each other for a moment, but the moment was interrupted by a chubby boy. He slid our compartment door open and, upon a more thorough study of the kid, I realized he had been crying.

"Uh, hi. Can we help you?" Elena asked obviously annoyed by the interruption. Hermione nudged her and stood up.

"I'm Hermione Granger," she smiled real big at the boy, showing off her large front teeth,"This is Elena Lupin and my sister Lily. Who are you?"

"Neville Longbottom," the boy answered, his bottom lip quivering slightly. He shook hands with Hermione and sent a small wave in our direction.

"I've lost my toad, Trevor. My grandmother is going to kill me if I don't find him. You haven't seen him have you?" we shook our heads.

"Do you want me to help you look for him?" Hermione asked politely. She is such a suck up, but I love her anyway. I don't understand why she can't make friends when she is this nice to everyone. Even a pudgy stranger who owns a toad.

"Sure!" he brightened up a little and she followed him out of the compartment.

"Do you want to explore? Maybe we can make a few more friends," I asked Elena. She shrugged and we made our way down the isle, peeking into all the conpartments, trying to see who looked friendly.

We passed Dean and who must be his friend Seamus. He winked at me and I felt my face grow warm. A few more doors down, Elena gasped and pointed to a boy with bkack scruffy hair, and round glasses.

"That's Harry Potter!" she whispered excitedly.

"Who's that?" I vaguely remember Hermione talking about him.

"Oh right. You're muggleborn," she said.

"What does that mean?" I was feeling really stupid right now.

"It means that your parents are magical," she explained.

"And yours are?" I asked.

"Well, yeah," she said awkwardly,"But I couldn"t tell you. It's wizard law!" she looked frightened that I might be mad.

"I understand. Anyway, do you want to talk to them? They seem friendly enough," I indicated Harry and the ginger he was talking to. She nodded and slid the door open.

"Hi Elena!" Harry smiled at her.

"Hey Harry!" she grinned back. She didn't tell me that they knew each other.

I introduced myself to them and shook both of their hands.

"Ron Weasley," the ginger said to me.

"Hey Ron! How's your parents? And Ginny?" does she know everybody?

"Great! Yours?" she replied in the same way.

"Chocolate frog?" Harry offered us each one and we took it. I didn't unwrap it yet though. I wanted to share it with Hermione, being my first magical candy and all.

"So what beings you guys up here? I thought your compartment was at the back of the train?" Harry asked us, though he was looking at Elena.

"Just trying to make friends," She answered with a shrug.

"Well if you meet that Hermione Granger girl, don't talk to her. She's a nighmare. The way she barged in, honestly!" Ron said. I glared at him.

"That's my sister you git," for good measure I chucked the chocolate frog box at his face, intending to keep the frog anyway.

"She's just as bad as her," I heard him whisper to Harry, who nodded with his eyebrows raised. I threw the frog at Harry this time, but he ducked before it hit him.

With one last glare, I turned on my heel and left, leaving the door open. Elena followed close behind.

I was still angry when the train began to slow down. We changed into our robes and Elena put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure they didn't mean it," she said.

"Yeah right!" I shoved her arm off of me and heaved my truck to the floor. I had a feeling this was going to be a long year.

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