Hands In The Stars

By candybuffetcircus

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Money is made over piles of corpses. It always has been and it always will be. This is a world full of never... More

1. Orchid Rain
2. Strange Visits
3. Call Out
4. The Road To Your Heart
5. A Man Never Gets To Sleep
6. Empty Eyes Make Broken Dreams
7. Tormented
8. Child's Play
9. A Heavy Heart's Recognition
10. Jewellery
11. A Palace For Tonight
12. Camellia, Or Tulips?
14. The Break-In
15. Happy Pills
16. Bar Meeting
17. Evening Request
18. Gray Break
19. Showgirl
20. The Art Of Greetings
21. As Friends
22. Banquet Renounce
23. A Drink Or A Flame
24. Abandoned Residence
25. Hit And Run
26. Home, Sweet Home
27. Gentle Needles
28. Pink Plaid
29. Fare Collation
30. Sweet Cherry Cake
31. Contact Collision
32. Returnal Of The Lamb
33. Delayed Birthday
34. Blood And Bones
35. The Holiday Roadhouse
36. Noteworthy Preparation
37. Distinguishing Anchor
38. Revolve Orbit
39. The Run-Away Doll
40. Exhausted
41. About Thirty
42. Connecting The Past
43. Meihui
44. Conducting The Audition
45. Water Is Thicker Than Blood
46. Hit Like A Wave
47. Border Drive
48. Get Together
49. In Time

13. Odd Breakfast

56 5 0
By candybuffetcircus

Datui gradually opened his eyes and tiredly looked around in the unfamiliar, dark area, not really realizing where he was at first. He hadn't gotten used to the layout of his new room. He felt around the broad bed and soon grabbed onto Ai's slim arm to the left of him. A deep blush quickly crept onto his face.
"Oh..." He mumbled to himself and gently turned to look longingly at Ai's sleeping face for a second before he relaxed once again and carefully pulled Ai closer to him. Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, all he could think about was the soft touch of the other. He wrapped both his arms and legs around his friend, squeezing him. Ai rolled around to face Datui with a small groan. He started to open his eyes only to witness the sight of Datui's dark ones staring right back at him, causing Ai to gasp in fright before he recognized his extraordinary friend.
"Ah, please put me back to sleep." Ai begged in his hoarse morning voice, soon feeling Datui's elegant fingers starting to tenderly caress his upper arm in a comforting manner.
"You can go back to sleep." Datui whispered back, not taking his mild eyes off the smaller boy in front of him. He ran his fingertips down Ai's slender arm and grabbed onto his hand instead. He longed for the lips of the other once more, but the request seemed to out of reach, again. Just like before. Were they friends? He dared not hope for more, confirmed denial would only hurt further. 

Watching as Ai slowly closed his eyes once more, Datui's attention focused on their fingers, touching, lovingly. Soon, Ai opened his eyes again and stared back at Datui. Ai pulled his unoccupied hand up from below the soft blanket and obscured Datui's eyes with his fingers.
"Ah, there we go, that is much better. Sleep now, please, I know you need it more than me..." Ai mumbled, stuffing his face against Datui's comforting chest and finally closing his eyes once more. Datui shuffled himself a bit closer and hugged Ai again, kissing his head softly and closing his eyes as well. The two of them laid there in the comforts of each other's arms, their bodies still debilitated from the previous night. Ai could both hear and feel the racing, nervous heartbeat of the taller boy beneath him. For a moment, they both remained in a dream. It felt like hours, long sweet hours, but in reality, it might purely have been 30 seconds, before the peace got broken again. 

"Ai?" Datui whispered tenderly into the other's ear, already getting impatient. And nervous. Mostly nervous. He wished the moment could last forever, but he felt like his anxious, lovestruck heart might choke him if the silence went on any longer. "Ai? Ai, I can't sleep. Wake up Ai."
"Mn, then maybe..." Ai whispered back, pulling his face up from Datui's chest to stare at him. "How about you get your warm, naked body off mine, so I can sleep peacefully on my own?"
"Mh, no..." Datui protested, cracking a small smile across Ai's soft lips, before the scantier male suddenly pushed himself free from Datui's secure hold. Ai rolled to the other side of the luxurious bed, bringing the glossy covers with him. Datui spread his arms and legs out over the now vacant area beside him, taking up as much space as possible and stretching out.
"You should enjoy my warm, naked body while you can." He half-faked an offended tone, causing Ai to giggle quietly in the darkness encircling them. He'd always adored that about Datui. He was always so outspoken, not afraid to speak his mind. Someone who made Ai's heart skip a beat with every gaze. 

An angel, perhaps he'd call him, or maybe just a straight-up miracle. He always knew he'd never be able to title their relationship. Sure, best friends, but there was something more. Something a pair of simply friends couldn't render. A sparkle? A desire? Maybe so. The sheer thought of him made Ai all weak. Someone who's always been there for him, through the toughest of times to the happiest memories he'd ever evoke. After the previous night's happenings, he wasn't sure how to act anymore. Something about that had titled something within Ai. The view of his friend had shifted. Something warm, something bubbly. Something new awoke. He smiled a bit, as he thought quietly for himself in the darkness before Datui's deep voice interrupted his deliberations.

"Ai? What do you want to do today? Are you hungry? Ai, I'm bored." He complained. Datui rolled after Ai, who was only laying with a few centimeters to spare from the cold, dark floor below. As soon as Ai turned back to notice he unexpectedly fell, disappearing from sight with a thud. At least his remarkable escape was halfway successful.
"Ouch." Ai smiled up at Datui and let out a small chuckle as he tried to sit up in his cocoon of blankets, only to fall back down again. "Datui, you can go eat ass for breakfast." Ai mumbled under his breath. He rolled himself free from the blankets and sat down next to his pile of clothes, starting to put on his underwear and blouse.
"Sure, get back up here then." Datui quickly answered back and smirked down at Ai who gave him a disgusted, but blushy, stare. He only ignored Ai's grimace and sat up onto the magnificent bed, reaching down to pick up his own clothes from the glossy floor.

"God, I'm so tired, how long were we even awake last night? Or... It was probably more like today's early morning." Ai wondered out loud. He suddenly got up onto his feet and turned away from the bed, the thoughts of the night making his face go red. He tired to hide it from the other the best he could. The image of Datui's frame above him, as he laid on the soft bed, darkness swallowing them. Ai walked over to the door and swung it open, only to get hit by the sudden flash of light coming from the hallway on the other side. He quickly turned back and rubbed his eyes, shielding his face from the dazzling light.
"Ugh, I'm blind." He mumbled in pain, squinting down at the floor for a second, then turned his gaze back towards the bed. All he saw was Datui, who had only just finished putting his pants on, quickly walking up towards him. Datui grabbed Ai's gentle hand along the way and dragging him out through the hall and towards the kitchen.
"Good, I think it's just about time for you to finally wake up now anyways. We've been sleeping long enough." Datui positively determined and chuckled gleefully a bit as he saw Ai squinting around the decorated room and veiling his gorgeous eyes with his fingers.

"How can you be so hyped right now, god I feel dead... Ow my legs, my entire body hurts..." Ai complained as Datui smirked. He finally started to get used to the light, and looked around the kitchen slowly.
"I don't know, I guess I'm just excited to have you here, maybe. Or maybe, I'm just extremely bored. I guess we'll never know which it is." Datui teased with a shrug, but he knew. Ai's presence kept him alert. Starting to roam through the kitchen, he searched for something nice to eat. He wanted to treat Ai, the boy with him deserved only the best.
"Damn, uh... Yeah, I haven't really been shopping anything, how about... Do you want spring rolls?" Datui subtly suggested, turning to look at Ai who had quickly seated himself down onto one of the wooden chairs by the small table in front of the window, stroking his face tiredly.
"For breakfast? I mean, sure, whatever you say, but-" Ai cut himself off as his eyes locked onto the big clock hanging above the door to the kitchen. "Datui, isn't it Monday? I'm supposed- Actually, we are supposed to be in school right now! We don't have time for breakfast!" Ai suddenly remembered and stood back up again, starting to feel the stress take over, but Datui merely shrugged.
"Eh, maybe so." He answered simply, pulling out the box of spring rolls from the freezer and putting four onto a plate before placing the box back again and closing the door. "Maybe we could do something more exciting though, technically nothing is stopping us from not going. Besides, we've already missed about half of all the classes we have today anyway so what's the point in going at all anymore? People will already have assumed that we're ill at this point. Suddenly showing up will just be awkward." He argued, turning on the stove and pulling out a frying pan from one of the lockers.

"Ai could you set the table?" Datui asked, but Ai simply sat there in silence, staring at Datui who had just started to cook. He thought about what Datui had said about the school situation, then slowly looked down at the small table and let out a defeated sigh.
"Fine then, I guess you're right..." He mumbled in a low voice, making his way over to the white cabinet filled with glasses and plates. Just as he opened the door he suddenly noticed the three small puppies circling around his feet. Ai couldn't help but smile a bit to himself. He bent down to give one of the puppies a quick pat before standing back up straight again. Glancing over at Datui, he noticed the smirk on the other's lips as Datui observed him back. Ai blushed and turn back to the cabinet to pick out one plate and a glass. He pulled out a pair of chopsticks from one of the boxes and placed it all down neatly onto the table, then he backed off again.

"There you go." Ai mumbled in a melodious voice. He leaned against the wall behind the table and watched as Datui shifted his attention from the pan and to the table, then over at Ai.
"Yeah? Well for you too of course!" Datui almost scolded Ai for seriously thinking that he'd let Ai go out of this apartment without eating anything. He sighed heavily. He took a breath to restrain his irritation away, then went to set the table for his friend as well. He knew it wasn't Ai's fault, but the way Ai viewed himself depressed Datui in ways he couldn't explain. He wanted to keep the mood up. Ai deserved a happy environment, something Datui feared he couldn't give. But he'd try.
"Ah..." Ai mumbled in shame as he watched Datui work, yet another slight rosy blush appearing onto his delicate cheeks.

Finally seeing his friend back in the light again, after last night's events, somehow made him look different. All Ai could think of when he looked at Datui during that morning was how gentle his hands had seemed. How soft his lips actually were. His fingers were slender and his voice got a certain undertone in the darkness.
"I'm not really hungry, but, well, sure thing then." Ai tried to defend himself, but soon realized it would be hopeless to try to change the mind of the other. It had always been.

"Hey, Datui? Won't your parents get mad at you? You know, if you don't show up to school?" Ai asked in a concerned voice, letting his eyes run down to the floor below. "I don't want to be one to hold you back from going."
"Come sit down." Datui ordered, his voice now slightly softer, as he put the spring rolls down onto the two plates. They had to look perfect, be placed perfect. Everything, in this moment, had to be preformed perfectly by him. The air was too delicate, the result of the coming hours could shift their entire connection, Datui thought. For a moment, he worried he might have done something wrong. Maybe their morning should have looked different, should he have been calmer? Less demanding? He seated himself by the table and waited for Ai to join him.

"I'll just give them a call and tell them I wasn't feeling well enough to attend. They couldn't possibly get upset for that. I'd rather do something better with today, it's already too late to attend. Hanging out with you is just about my favourite activity anyway, so you won't need to worry about that. Now eat, maybe I'm not the best at cooking but it honestly can't be that bad, I tried at least." Datui smiled nervously, and tucked some hair behind his ear as he looked out the window, trying to calm his beating heart. Ai looked up at Datui and paused, trying to decide if he really thought this all was a good idea or not. It required Ai five seconds to realize that it was probably too late for him to try to get a normal day by now, even if he'd like. He nodded a bit and picked up one of the spring rolls with his hand, breaking it in two and taking a small bite.
"Mh, at least it's not coal." He agreed after a short while, and Datui gave him a satisfied, blushy smile.


The shut of the door, clicking of heels, paws gently scraping against the wood and the sound of the keys getting tucked away indicated to Ai that Datui was back from his morning walk. It was just in time, as Ai had put away the last plate left from doing the dishes just a second before. It would have gotten faster for him to finish cleaning up if it weren't for the fact that he had no idea of where each valuable item was supposed to be stored. He spent more time searching through cabinets and hoping that he wasn't snooping too much than actually dishing.
"I'm at the balcony." Ai heard Datui's cheery voice calling out as the entrance door slammed shut and the sound of Datui's heels echoed through the apartment, from the hall, through the living room, before it got silent once more.

Ai wiped off the wet, somewhat messy desk with a damp cloth and flung it into the sink, then quickly made his way through the apartment and hurried out to the balcony only to be met with a big cloud of the smoke shot right into his face. In a gasp of surprise, he accidentally inhaled most of it, then turned around, coughing for air.
"Shit, Ai! Sorry, I didn't see you." Datui couldn't hold back his laugh, but he moved his hand with the cigarette farther back, looking over at Ai to see if he was alright.
"Datui!" Ai whined back. He turned gradually around to glare at his friend, who only patted Ai's head a bit in response. Ai made his way to the other side of the balcony, looking out over the bleak city landscape. The buildings and streets were all a dull grayscale. The only thing that gave any kind of colour was the few patches of grass here and there, and even that seemed grayer here than in other places. The sun shone through the clouds, giving them a light boost. The heavens above were a very faint blue shade today. The birds sang. Silently, Datui brought the stick of disease back to his lips once more.

Ai sighed softly and smilingly watched Datui for a few precious seconds. He adored how the light shimmered in the taller ones smooth glossy hair. Then, he turned his back to his friend and walked up to the railing, looking down at the ground below. He secured a firm grip of the thick metal pole at the top and climbed onto it. He sat on top in a frog-like position for a few seconds, but when he almost lost his balance he rapidly changed to sitting onto his butt instead, with his legs dangling out over the edge. He slowly leaned his head down and glued his eyes onto one of the few cars on the ground below them.

"Hey there..." Ai mumbled quietly, which caused Datui to turn his head around and look at Ai. Datui hastily dropped the cigarette down from the balcony and leaped over, wrapping his arms around Ai's slim body and locking onto him tightly.
"Damn it, Ai! Be careful!" Datui scolded in a harsh voice, but Ai just leaned down even more as Datui protectively pulled him even closer.
"Isn't that Ethan?" Ai asked, watching a brown-haired and a blonde couple seeming to be having a conversation by a big, black, expensive car.
"Hm?" Datui mumbled, looking down over the railing and nodding a bit. "Oh, yeah, he lives on the floor above this, sadly." He admitted. "...The other guy is his boyfriend, Edwin." He continued after a while and made a disgusted face expression before pulling Ai back completely and putting him back down onto the balcony floor again. "Don't sit there, please." 


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POV your upperclassman and his rich boyfriend is your neighbour what do you do- 

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