Death Vengeance

By Rose1221

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Rhia has lost her family but still remains strong, until she is taken from her home by the same man who kille... More

Death Vengeance Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

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By Rose1221

Although he didn’t fully agree, Vallon could never decline my desires. We were walking down to the torture chambers, and the only thing running through my head was how Ciarán could do this to me. How could a man I once believed loved me kill my parents and set out to kill me? I guess I was wrong to believe that he could every truly love me.

I was wrenched from my thoughts as Vallon wrapped his arms around me, and whispered in my ear, “Don’t let anything Elijah says get to you.”

“I won’t,” I promised aloofly.

The silver doors loomed before me as I walked to meet the man who could decide my fate. I pushed them open and was greeted with the metallic odor of blood and the stench of decaying bodies. I turned towards the door, which I knew would hold Elijah, and pushed it open. I stepped inside and let it slam shut behind me. Vallon knew I could do this myself. And I knew I didn’t just want this- I needed to do this.

“Well, don’t you look all grown up now?” Elijah mused sarcastically, a smirk present on his lips.

            “Aww, don’t you look like your about to be skinned alive and fed to my pet tigers? Because I hear a lot of people would like to put you in their part of my grounds.” I laughed, smiling sadistically. I was trying so hard not to walk over a punch him until death. My anger fueled the fires of my passion to see him dead, but I resisted their sinful temptations.

“You know, sometimes I think you enjoy irritating people, but it sounds more like you enjoy to hear yourself talk,” I said, withholding a smirk.

“No, I just enjoy seeing you suffer. My poor king was devastated to find out that you believed him dead and moved on to his brother. He was trying to get you back, but your parents got in the way, saying that he could never have you after what he did. All he wanted was you, yet you choose his brother. Oh, I wonder what my king will do to you. I can see it now, Vallon’s lifeless body on the floor, with Ciarán standing over him, blood glistening on the sword like water. You will cry your eyes out over Vallon, but in the end, you will choose Ciarán. You will always choose Ciarán. Ah, I cannot wait until that day comes. I am counting the hours.”

I stared at him in shock, and then cleared my head by shaking it. “You’re wrong. Ciarán betrayed me the day he killed my parents. Nothing he does will ever make me love him again. Nothing will ever change that!” I exited through the doors, once again slamming it behind me.

I rushed my way through the court yard, Vallon racing to catch up.    

            “Rhia…! Rhia, what happened back there?” He asked, gasping for breath.

            I wasn’t sure what I should tell him. The way I saw it, I had two options

One: I could say I threatened him and stormed out to make a dramatic exit.

           OR, two: Tell him the whole truth.

            I chose the latter because I thought he had a right to know. I went through and explained to him what had happened, alienating not even the slightest detail. It was hard to restrain him after he heard about his brother, but I somehow managed.

            “Now you know everything. Vallon, he will never get me. He lost that chance the day he ordered my parent’s deaths.  He lost me the day he took that kingdom’s rule.”

            I made a vow to myself and Vallon in that heartbeat: I would never again fall for my fiancés brother.

            Vallon was looking at me in shock. I don’t think he realized the full meaning of my words until that second. He crushed his lips to mine with a growl. The kiss was possessive and heated, and I knew it was something Ciarán could never give me.

            I don’t know how long it lasted or if anybody had knocked on the door, all I knew was Vallon. We broke apart and lay down on the bed and he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me protectively. And, after a few minutes of listening to his breathing, sleep overwhelmed me.


Sweat trickled down my brow as the hungry chains of sleep released me, my chest heaving and my breaths coming out in pants. My limbs were tangled in the linen sheets, which were now dampened by sweat. I raked my fingers through my hair in a feeble effort to calm myself. It wasn’t working. And there was nothing Vallon could do to assist me.

            I untangled myself from the grips of the sheets, my eyes transfixed on Vallon’s face as I struggled to keep silent. He was inexplicably beautiful in sleep. His face was softened by dreams, a peace that would surely be disrupted once he realized my absence from the room. But I need time to think and clear my head.

            Stepping onto the veranda, I cradled my chin in the palm of my hands as I stared out into the mountainous, green lands of my beloved kingdom. The cold wind whispered the approach of winter, teasing my skin with its cold nibbles and pressuring me to return inside. It was as if the wind knew of my problems, and pitied me. But I didn’t need its pity. I squeezed my eyes shut.

            I didn’t need anybody’s pity.

            Then, I felt someone caressing my cheek with a cold hand. The pain was numbed for a moment at the contact. I opened my eyes to meet rich azure orbs, a faint smile consuming her lips as she gazed at me sympathetically. However, she was translucent; the bright light of the midday sun touched her pale skin and kept going. I vaguely see the mountains and field through her. Hurt apprehended her eyes for a moment when she saw my misery, but that immediately faded into a glorious, angelic smile. I almost grinned in response. She was nothing like the limp, pathetic being she had been when her body had been consumed by death. Instead, she was more like a celestial maiden.

            “Mother,” I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes.

            Her smile seemed to widen as she listened to the sound of my voice. Her eyes danced with excitement and love. She cupped my cheek lovingly, a small, tinkling laugh escaping from her rosy lips. “I’m sorry I left you to this burden, Rhiannon,” she said softly. “I just wanted to protect you from him. I couldn’t allow your heart to be broken any longer.”

            I placed my hand over hers “But why did you have to die?” I demanded weakly. “Why did you have to leave me? I could’ve fought him myself!”

            She shook her head. “No, you couldn’t have. He was too strong. You are lucky that Vallon was there to rescue you.”

            “But you could’ve lived had I fought,” I protested. “You and Father could still be here with me now if I had done something! I never should’ve fallen in love with him…I never should’ve subjected myself to him…I’m sorry, Mother. Your death was my fault.”

            Her ghostly lips turned downward into a disapproving frown. “It was not your fault,” she responded sternly. “I do not blame you for falling in love. Falling in love is the most wonderful thing there is! I just wish you didn’t have to endure it in this way. However, I am relieved that you have found Vallon. It is this fact that is allowing your father and I to rest in peace.”

            “I will do your memory well, Mother, and fight to reclaim your honor.”

            The solemn queen shook her head. “That is not what I ask of you, Rhiannon. I want you to live a happy life without war. But if that is the course of action you must take, then know that I am behind you.”

            I smiled. “I love you, Mother.”

            “And I love you, my daughter,” she whispered. “Do not let your heart be twisted by Ciarán’s greed.”

            “I promise.”

            And then, in the blink of an eye, my mother had disappeared.

AN: Tell me what you think, vote, and comment. Thank you

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