Let her go: alternative Endin...

By Lizmely_raura

125 3 0


Let her go: alternative Ending contest

125 3 0
By Lizmely_raura

So the chapter takes place right after the last line on the chapter :Ch.25~10 years later~ The fault in our life >> this is for a contest....❤️


The Pain of the bullet rushed though me, but I didn't mind cause I knew Laura My Laur was okay, and at this moment that's all that mattered.


I rushed to Ross with tears in my eyes, I collapsed on the floor and knelt beside him and sobbed onto his chest as I heard his heart beat slowly and quietly and slowly and faintly even beating

" call the Ambulance!!!"

" Ross you can't leave me!! Please not like this. I love you I can't live without you, we're going to have kids when we are older and get married live our own little world, and my world can't continue without you.. So please just hang in there...."

Ross took hold of Laura's shaking hand

Ross lightly mumbled under his breath " don't worry Laur I'm not going anywhere, I'm okay. Your okay. And that's all that matters.... I love-

I love.... You.

Laura lightly kissed his pale lips.


With that his eyes closed....

" Ross open your eyes please!!!"

The ambulance had finally arrived they picked Ross up and put him in the ambulance.

Laura: I Need To Go With him

" what's your relationship with him"

" he's the love of my life! My everything! My boyfriend! The future father of my kids"

The paramedical just nodded his head gesturing Laura to go inside.

Laura sat right next to Ross's body and held his hand, tears dropped down her cheeks.

" Ross just hang tight, we're almost there. You can't leave me. I love you."

Laura felt a squeeze and looked and realized Ross squeezed her hand, he was still with her.


" he's okay. He just has major damage due to the bullet, his is in the recovery room, he has requested to see someone by the name of Laura"

Stormie has filled her eyes with tears along with the rest of the family as soon as they heard the word " "his is okay "

Laura rushed to the recovery room and there she saw him, as pale as someone could ever be

Their eyes meet and to them it felt like the first time they have ever meet, the first time they looked at each other in love.

Laura walked to him and all she did was hug him and cry on to him.

' I thought I was going to loose you, I love you'

Ross looked at her and lightly chuckled

" I wouldn't leave you for anything in the world!! But just so you know I would take a millon bullets for you, with out thinking about it, cause I love you too much to let you go"

Laura looked up at him and leaned in to kiss him, she felt his breath on her and she lightly connected their lips together, who knew a simple 3 second kiss could mean so much...

They again connected their lips and this time their was this rush throughout their body and that was.... Love... True love, and at that moment they both knew they wanted to spend the rest of their life with each other


It's been 3 years since the incident and Ross and Laura are still together and nothing could ever bring them apart.

Everywhere Ross goes Laura does and everywhere Laura goes Ross goes.


It was now their 3 year anniversary and Ross booked a flight to Paris and Laura didn't have a clue..

Ross Pov

It's our 3rd year anniversary this weekend and I wanted to bring Laura to Paris cause it is the city of love and he had planned out the thing he has been planning ever since he laid eyes on Laura.... Proposing.


They were going up the Eiffel Tower Ross' arms around Laura's waist and Laura leaning onto Ross.

Ross reached into his pocket to check of the Ring was still In Place.


I reached for the chair and pulled in back and waited for laura to sit, then tucked her in.

And then I sat down.

I admired how Laura looked around admiring the scenery, she was so beautiful it amazed me.

"happy anniversary laur I love you so much"

"Happy anniversary Ross I love you even more"

" yeah I don't think that's possible cause no one loves anything as a much as I love you. I love you even more"

Ross gestured Laura to come to him and Laura got up for her chair and sat in Ross' lap

Ross took a deep breath and at that moment he knew it was the time to propose the time he had been planning for the past 3 years, it had to be perfect.

Ross took Laura's hand and lightly kissed her.

Laura giggled


I can look into your eyes and I can easily see myself reflected back. That doesn't mean much to some people, but to me it's everything. It means I see myself in you, a part of you that I don't ever want to let go of. Being in the same room as you just makes my heart buzz and beat with excitement. I lose my breath, my voice is whisked away just by the essence of every word that brushes past your lips. When we lock eyes, I can feel a jolt go straight into me, past my physical being. It's overwhelming and it belongs to you.

Every year when Valentine's Day comes around, and our anniversary, just like today I know I have to be better than the last year. I'm so worried I'll pale in comparison to what you do for me, or the present year won't live up to the previous. But when I stress, that's when you put on that ever-so-charming smile, look right at me and say, with the softest voice, "Listen, gifts are superficial in the sense that they only excite our feelings of joy; barely scratching the surface. But what matters is so much deeper. Our hearts beat the same rhythm on the same time scale along with the feelings that are so much more than hormones. And for that I love you."

And when it's my birthday we stay inside for a very romantic dinner, surrounded by our closest friends who shed tears before the cake is even brought out. But when they go home and it's just us, you bring out your present. Each year it's a single kiss or maybe even two because you know it's my favorite present. and our lips lightly meet, and the silence is perfect. I want to freeze this moment and just live in it forever.

But as we're sitting right here, right now, in this beautiful city of love as we eat our dinner right now, being all dressed up on our anniversary, I'm pouring out my feelings to you.

Every pair of star-crossed lovers always finds their destined partner in time. Always. The stars are now tangled in web of love, passion, and friendship. So this question I want to ask you.


Marie Marano will you please do the honors of becoming a lynch and please make me the happiest guy on earth.....

Will you marry me?

At that point Laura was in tears.

Ross lightly Carries Laura off his lap and kneels down and takes out the ring from his pocket.

He held it out and smiled up at Laura.

So will you??? - marry me???

Laura couldn't manage to get out any words so she just nodded.

Ross got up and grabbed Laura's hand and slid the ring on her finger. Laura Looked at Ross and at that moment she found the guy she wanted to spend the rest of her life with...

They smiled at each other and Ross leaned in to kiss laura

His hand traveled down to her waist to pull her close to him, and laura wrapped her hands around his neck.

Ross Reached down to carry her. He held her in his arms bridal style not breaking the kiss.

They slowly pulled away due to lack of oxygen.

" i love you"

Ross smiled and connected their lips once again.


Later they arrived at their hotel Room and for the first time they showed their love to each other they made love... And as much as cliche as that sounds it wasn't to them cause it was making love it was their love their true love, they were just showing it.


There wedding passed and it been 4 year since they got married they were both 24

Today was the day Ross came back after a world tour..

But Laura had some news to tell...


Laura was washing the dishes at her and Ross' house

She heard the door opened and peeked her head through the kitchen door and she saw him she took a deep breath she was about to tell him.... She was so nervous.

She wiped her hands and rushed to Ross he hugged her so tight like of their was no tomorrow, he lifted her up and spun her around. He let her down. And connected his lips with hers

" I missed you so much laur"

" I missed you too"

"Um Ross I need to tell you something"


"We're gonna be parents....

"I'm pregnant"

Ross' jaw dropped he smiled

" you kidding me right!!!"

" nope.."

He lifted Laura


" laura kiss me"

They connected their lips once again

Ross knelt down and pulled up Laura's shirt and began kissing her stomach. Planting sloppy kisses all over her belly.

He then began talking to her stomach

" your mommy and I are so excited for your arrival"

He looked back up at Laura and asked laura

" laura boy or girl???""

' It's a boy!!'

" he then proceeded to talk to the baby- we'll mr. Baby lynch, I'm your daddy and laura is your mommy and were gonna be the best parents okay. Once your older ill teach you how to play sports and sing and dance for you can be just like me.. A mini Ross... I already love you"

He then stood back up and held laura up on his arms and brought her to the couch and turned on the movie....

" you should relax.., were gonna watch a movie Laur so you and little Mr. Lynch will be okay "

Laura just giggled

Laura and Ross both stated discussing names and it was perfect...

" I love you"

" I love up you more laur"

They then kissed once again but this time it was different for some reason it felt special... And it was like none other...

But at that moment they knew it was the start of their new life

And nothing could break them apart cause it was their

" their own little infinity"


The end.........

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