You're Human Now

By RCMatt

62.7K 1.5K 972

After a confrontation with Bill about what he is hiding. Ford finds himself in possession of Cipher's child... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

3.7K 89 67
By RCMatt


"You okay kid?" A muffled voice said to me. I squint my eyes at the bright light shining in them. I propped myself up with my one arm and rubbed my eyes with the other.

"What happened?" I mumbled, opening my eyes more. Placing my hand above my eyebrows to block the light, I look around the room. I see Grunkle Stan and Mabel both giving me a worried expression.

Locking eyes with Mabel she said, "Dipper you just passed out."

"I did? How long?" I try to stand up but I barely get up before falling back down due to lack of balance.

Grunkle Stan grabs my arm to help me up saying, "You were out for a good couple of minutes. Mabel you should tell Ford Dipper is back he wanted me to let him know when Dipper returned."

Mabel shakes her head and head to the kitchen where the elevator is hidden. I stumble to the recliner with Grunkle Stan's help. I feel like I am going to throw up. My mouth is dry and my nostrils are clogged like I got a bad head cold. Not even 30 seconds after Mabel left Ford is entering the room.

"Dipper are you okay? Stan how long was he here? I wanted to be told instantly!"

"Ford I have only been here for like a minute its okay, I am fine." I mumble, shielding my eyes again and leaning against the armrest. "I just feel sick alright, probably allergies."

"Allergies don't make you pass out, Dipper. What happened today?" Ford asks, taking out the same pad he used earlier today.

"I uh... was just sitting under a tree, writing in my journal when..." My eyes met Mabel's. I can't tell her, not yet. This is my mystery to solve, I committed to keeping this a secret until me and Ford figure out how to get rid of Bill. "When uh, I saw it was getting dark so I just ran back here and passed out I guess."

Ford furrowed his brow at me. He knows I omitted something, he has too! I hope Grunkle Stan or Mabel don't notice I am hiding it. Before anyone else could say something Ford asked, "You left early today did you eat anything besides breakfast today?"

"Uh... no I haven't." I said. It is weird I completely forgot to eat today. "I guess I wasn't hungry... heh." I say trying to laugh it off but I was just met with confused looks.

"Alright, well, we know why you passed out." Ford said, etching away at his pad.

"Let me cook something up for ya." Grunkle Stan said as he went towards the kitchen. From there the conversation focused on what to eat. Eventually we decided on mac and cheese much to Mabel's delight. I stared down my bowl with no desire to eat. My appetite was non existent, maybe it wasn't a head cold but a stomach bug. I glance up to see everyone watching me have a staring contest with my food. I grabbed the fork and started shoving food in my mouth. Almost instantly, the hunger hit me like a gut punch. My stomach growled and I started devouring my food, practically licking the bowl clean.

I let out an extended yawn and tell my family that I am just going to go to bed early, joking that the reason being that passing out really takes it out of you. No one laughed...

Ford opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but stopped himself. I put my bowl in the sink and made my way to the attic. I laid down on the bed and pulled out one of my detective novels. Need to get my mind off all this weirdness.


Days passed, nothing of note has happened, its been nice. Having a few normal days, normal for Gravity Falls at least, is a good deviation from the end of the world feeling Bill gives me. Me and Mabel have been working on thinking of things to add to my journal. It has been hard as Ford is weary on us leaving the house, for obvious reasons. I really do not mind as going outside has been making me feel sickly. Mabel says it is just allergies but this feels different than allergies. Maybe it is like magical pollen that exists only in Gravity Falls. Actually, I should talk to Ford about researching the plant life in the woods. If it could hold all these mystical and weird creatures why not plants?

Mabel has not left my side due to Ford's restrictions not letting us go into the woods. We cannot even go into town unless he is with us. Mabel knows something is up, she been pestering me to find out what. We should probably just tell her that Bill is back again but I just need the right moment. It is kinda hard to just be like, "Hey Mabel, the demon that we have almost died fighting is back and we got no clue what his plan is or how to deal with him." How are we going to deal with Bill?

Shivers ran down my spine as I laid in my bed thinking the night away. Bill regenerated from literally being erased. How can you destroy something that powerful. Maybe we did not do it right when we erased Grunkle Stan's memories. Doesn't matter, there is no way we can trick him a second time in entering one of our minds only to be deleted. Unless... it was me or Ford... no! There has to be another way, another option. Maybe Ford's gun would work if we can get a good shot. Now how could we set up a good shot, we don't even know where he is or what he is doing. Oh wait! We could just summon him. Have one of us summon him and the other can just shoot him, we wouldn't need any help so we don't have to tell anyone else Bill is back.

Perfect, got a plan and now I just need to talk to Ford about it tomorrow. I look over at Mabel, turning on my side. I murmur, "Don't worry sis, I'm not letting Bill ruin our summer." A smile overtakes my face, finally, some good news! My body stiffens, as the same intrusive thought enters my mind as it has the past few nights. My hand makes it way under my bed frame and returns with a crumpled ball of paper. I throw my blanket over my head and turn on my flash night. I stare at this ball of paper like it is a bad report card. My fingers twitch as I began to unravel the piece of paper. My breath staggers as I read the title of the page...

A guide to your demonic flaming hand! With your pal, Bill!

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