The boys next door (Destiel...

By misunderstood_mayhem

47.5K 1.8K 1.5K

The Novaks move in next door to the Winchesters and old history comes up, including why Sam doesn't speak, wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

1.7K 77 61
By misunderstood_mayhem


At the end of school, Dean and I go up to the hospital. Gabe's awake, talking to his brothers and Michael. Dean pokes his head in and Cas blushes "Hey, can I talk to you?"

I take the seat Cas was in "Hey Sam." Gabe gives a sleepy smile "How was your day at school?"

"Well." I sign "I met this new girl named Meg and she can speak sign language... she's nice I guess."

Gabe holds his hand out to me and I take it "Well, that's good." He sighs "In done with this fucking hospital."

Cas rushes back into the room and hisses at Lucifer "You're an assbutt!" he pants for air "Both of you!" he points to Michael "Never told any of us that you were married! Goddamn idiots!"

"Geez Cas, assbutt?" Lucifer asks and Cas frowns at him "Does it really matter that I didn't tell you?"

"Yes, Lucifer!" He turns to me and Gabe "Cover your ears, now." we fakely do and he turns back "I could have popped that studs cherry in my junior year! Now I get to pop it in his senior year!"

Dean walks in with a blush on his face "Dean?" Michael asks and Dean looks to him "No way you're a virgin?"

Dean clears his throat and looks down, grabbing the back of his neck and shrugging "What can I say? I just haven't been really thinking about having sex since I was fifteen..."

"Let me guess, since dad beat your ass because of what's his name?" Michael says, picking his nails.

"Crowley gave stellar blowjobs, okay?" Dean insists.

Michael scuffs "Yeah, the only blowjob you ever received."


Two weeks later, Gabe rests his head on my lap as we watch a movie. However, I don't pay attention. My focus is on the latest book. I've already finished five of them and I'm almost finished with my sixth.

A weird repetitive thumping comes from upstairs and I believe Dean left an hour ago. I nudge Gabe and point up to the ceiling.

Before we start up the stairs, I grab the bat Michael broke my ceiling fan with. "Where's it coming from?" he asks quietly.

I use one hand to sign "Dean's room."

When we get to his door, all I can hear inside is a loud repetitive thump. As the door swings open, I realize what the thumping is.

I will not speak of what my brother and Cas are doing... but it involves a gag and pink fluffy handcuffs. The thumping sound is from the headboard hitting the wall. Neither of them even notice us, so we just back out and shut the door after us.

"So, wanna finish the movie?" Gabe asks, hobbling down the stairs.

I scoff "Just saw our brothers together and you want to go back to watching a movie?" I sign.

"I mean, we could do something else?" he wiggles an eyebrow at me suggestively and I bite my lip.


After I get dressed, I lay in bed next to Cas "That was..." he looks to me and we chuckle together "Awesome."

"Well..." Cas flips onto his sideways and pulls me close "If it was that awesome." he smirks, before sucking at my neck.

I push him away when I hear a gasping groan "What was that?" I ask, listening for any type of sound.

"Gabe probably got scared during the middle of the movie." he shrugs, before attacking my neck.

Two minutes later, I hear a whine and push Cas off again "I'm serious, what is that?" When I hear a gasp, I jump up and start towards the door.

"It's probably nothing." Cas sighs, getting up after me. As I hear a groan, he frowns "Maybe not."

As I open the door, the sound gets louder and he starts walking towards the stairs, but I grab his hand to stop him "Sammy's door isn't supposed to be on it hinges." I point out and he walks back.

We stand there for a minute, listening for a noise. When a cry comes from inside, we both burst through the door.

After a split second, we both know we fucked up. Gabe growls "Get out!" We just stare in shock "Get out!"

As I pull Cas out of the room, Cas scoffs "Go Gabe!" After I shut the door, Cas smirks "That was... surprising."

"Yeah." I sigh, before pulling him down the stairs "We should probably give them some alone time."

When I offer him a cup of coffee, he shrugs "At least they're smart enough to know that Gabe shouldn't be moving."

"Fuck!" screams from upstairs.

"Was that...?" He stops, trying to figure out the sound, which is cut short by moans "Is that Sam?"

I shrug "You know what they say about the quiet ones." He chuckles as I sit at the table, sipping on my coffee.

"So, why did you say you won't be here long?" I ask, rather nonchalantly as he sits next to me with his coffee.

He takes my hand with a weak smile "My family life is very bad. My parents were against people of the LGBT community."

"But they're dead." I blurt out, before biting my tongue "I mean, how could they effect you now?"

"My parents are dead." he agrees, before sighing "Obviously, we're not against the community, but..."

He slips off into silence and I grip his hand tighter "But, what?" he sighs and takes a gulp of his drink "Cas, talk to me." I whisper.

"My sister hates us." he states and I look at him in confusion "She's twenty-seven. She's got a teachers degree. And she's threaten to kill all of us." he clears his throat "Gabe, most of all."

"But, why?" I ask, receive a sad smile "I get that ignorant people hate what they don't understand, but why does she have it out for Gabe?"

"Her college fund went to Gabe getting a hip surgery." he sighs "Luci gave up his. I gave up mine. She thought, if he had that many problems, we should put him out of his misery." he shrugs "Gabe was five."

"How did she find out you were gay?" I ask and he smirks mischievously "Let me guess, she walked in on you?" He nods and I sigh "What's her name?"

"Niome." he sighs and I can't help but feel a spark of acknowledgement in my mind.

"Well." I sigh "As long as Michael, Sam and I are around, I'm not letting anytime happen to you three."

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