Canceled till further notice...

By E_Gamer_In_Space

22.5K 457 279

UA is the most prestiges of Hero schools in all of Japan. The worlds greatest hero All Might himself graduate... More

Character Sheets and Info
The Entrance Exam
Pass or Failed?
First Day: Part 1
First Day: Part 2
All Mights First Day
Creek Time!!!
Job Job Job
USJ: Part 1
USJ: Part 2

First Day: Attempt 2

1.8K 36 37
By E_Gamer_In_Space


Opening my eyes I see that I'm in my bed waking up before I got dressed. Smiling I grab a gun and get ready for the day again.

Seeing everything repeat I try harder and actually improve a little. "Kenny!" Time for the show to start.

I walk over to the spot this time with out the bat. I decided not to use it cause it's kinda cheating. But then sensei stats his interrogation.

"Do you even have a quirk?"

"Yes I do sensei." He gives me a suspicious look before looking at his clip board.

"You claimed your quirk is the ability to die and comeback to life at a point in time before your death. That sounds like a bunch of bull shit to me."

I roll my eyes and look at him. "You would think that except I've already proved my point by being here." His eyes twitch and his eyes look even more annoyed.

"What do you mean by that?"

I shrug my shoulders before smiling. "I told you that I'll die right now and come back with the phrase you said to me. Now I'm going to say the phrase you said at the same time as you."

He narrows his eyes and lets out a huff. At the same time we say,
"You can't die here, it's U.A. You think I'll-"

In that moment I quickly grab the gun and aim it at my head and pull the trigger and fall to the ground...

"OH MY GOD!!!!" I say the exact same thing at the same time as Stan.

Laughing I slowly get back up and see the shocked expressions of everyone in the class including the teacher. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Damn I'm so glad I brought the toy gun I had this time!"

Now that Aizawa looked at the gun he saw the signature orange cap on the end of the gun. The sign it was a toy and not real.

Slowly his face starts to show his anger at the fact I gave him a scare but all i do is stick my tongue out and smile. "Proof enough?"

He grumbles before handing me the soft ball. "Just throw the damn ball."

Giggling I chuck the ball as far as I could while Aizawa-sensei gives me a angry look. When the ball lands he writes the measurements down. "80 meters."

I do a little fist pump in the air and walk back over to Stan and Wendy, who looked pissed at me. Stan was about to karate chop my head when Wendy socks me in the face. I do agree I kinda deserved that.

"Don't use your quirk for such a stupid reason as to prove it exists!!!"

Rubbing my face I turn to look at the Broccoli hared boy who I hadn't seen take his toss since I died. He clearly looked nervous. Like me his scores where normal, but worst then mine.

But I knew why he was being careful with his quirk. That test showed well enough what happens when he's not careful with his control. Looking at Aizawa I realize that he was staring pretty intensely at the kid.

'Maybe his quirk has to do with his eyes...?'

Everyone was ether talking to each other or watching the poor boy as he seems to have a pep talk in his head. Finally he seemed to get into a throwing position. By the determined look on his face I could tell that he might go over board.

The moment he was about to throw the ball, Aizawa-sensei's hair raised up and his stare intensified. The ball only traveled a little ways from the boy. His eyes filled with shock as he turned to the teacher.

"What the heck where you trying to to do?" Instantly Broccoli boy goes pale a bit.

"I-I was trying to use my quirk.... b-but it w-was era-"

"Erased. Yeah that's my quirk." Aizawa-sensei takes bottle of eyedrops from his scarf and places some in his dry looking eyes.

"I've already seen what your quirk is. I also know the consequences it cause on you physically. Now tell me. How do you expect to be a hero like that? Every time you use your quirk you get crippled and have to rely on others? That would just make you a burden."

I look at the kid and see how the words are hitting him hard. Normally I would have said something but I know not too. If I do then the truth might never sink in.

"Now. Stop living in a dream and face reality."

The teacher looks back at his clipboard and looks like his going to write something when the Broccoli boy says something that doesn't surprise me much.

"A-as long as I'm able to be of use I can do it?!"

Aizawa-sensei looks up at him with a tired and dry look before sighing a yes.

I watched him as he started to prepare to throw. As he threw the ball it blasted through the air faster then anyone could see and high into the sky. Aizawa-sensei looked at his measurer thingy and smiles. He then looks at Broccoli hair and sees only his two fingers where broken.

I couldn't help but admire him a little. Though he broke two fingers he was still smiling through the pain. "I-I can still move...."

I don't know why but a sudden aura of rage explodes to my right. Looking their I see Bakugou charge fist blazing towards Broccoli hair. "DEKU!!!!!!!"

Right before his fist could come down on the hurt boy, Bakugou was wrapped in the same scarf Aizawa-sensei had wrapped around his neck moments ago. His hair raised as he glared at Bakugou.

Still struggling against the scarf Bakugou says, "W-What is this stuff made off?!"

Aizawa explains how his scarf is made from a material that is really difficult to break before dismissing Broccoli hair to visit Recovery Girl. When he was sure that the kid had left he releases the ash boy and has a smile that pisses me off on his face.

"Now The is are the scores." Fuck. I was dead Last below the Broccoli hair kid. Oh by the way I do know his name I just like calling him Broccoli before I have a proper greeting.

"Also....." Aizawa smile widens a bit. "That detail about who ever was last failing.... was a lie to bring out your full potential." Everyone yells out what except for Momo.

"Well yeah. He can't just expel someone for not doing good on a test. It's obvious that it was a lie." Everyone starts complaining to her about the fact she didn't tell them. But me. I followed Aizawa as he left the class.

As he rounded a corner I notice him saying something to All Might. I was a bit from ear shot but I heard one thing. " weren't lying.........expel....."

Instantly I thanked the gods for my blessings. He wasn't lying. Everyone just made the cut. Carelessly I let out a sigh. "AH MY BOY! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?"

Surprised I look up fast and am treated by the face of All Might himself. I suddenly break into a sweat as he looks down at me. Hesitantly I decide to say something, surprisingly I sounded calm.

"I was just going to ask Aizawa-sensei a question on how I passed." All Mights face doesn't change as he lets out a full hearty laugh.


Nodding my head I quickly walk away. 'He did say he was a teacher. Maybe I can ask for his autograph for my sister.'

Smiling I enter the PE locker room and change my outfit.

•— Time Skip—•

Grabbing my satchel I go to Craig and Tweek to start heading home. Stan had to leave early since he kept getting sick around Wendy, like always.

As we leave I see Broccoli hair standing starting out the gate with a sad look. "Hey guys. I think I'm going to walk with him instead."

Craig rolls his eyes before grabbing Tweek's hand. "Cool. That means me and Tweek can go on a date."

Leading Tweek away I see the twitching boy blush as he follows Craig letting out little yells.

Quickly I walk over to the boy and tap his shoulder. Quickly he turns around to me. "Hi! It's been a awhile hasn't it."

His eyes widen in recognition as he starts a rant on how he's surprised I survive and how he's so curios on my quirk. Giggling a bit I poke his nose maki g him stop and blush a little.

"First. Names. I'm Kenny McCormick. You can call me Kenny though. Now what's your name?" He blushes a bit more and twiddles with his fingers.

"Midoriya Izuku." Not that he could see but I smiled through my mask and shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you officially!" Suddenly I hear foot steps and turn to see two families faces.

"DEKU!!!" A brown short haired girl runs up with Mr.Robot behind her. Instantly Midoriya's blush intensified. 'He's never talked to girl before us he....?'

At the sight of me Mr.Robot stiffens and points at me while keeping his distance. "Ah! Hi again Mr.Robot!"

I hear someone spit a bit at my nickname and turn to see the girl trying not to laugh. Smiling I gently grab her hands. "Hello I'm Kenny McCormick, And what is your name miss? I didn't catch it at the entrance exam. Also thank you for helping me escape the rubble." I wink and she blushed a little bit is clearly not interested.

"I'm Uraraka Ochoco! It's nice to meet you Kenny-kun!"

I smile to her and wave my hand. "Just call me Kenny! I'm honesty not used to the whole horrifics yet since I grew up in a small town and everyone latterly knew everyone."

Turning to Mr.Robot I smirk. "And what's your name? Or would you like for me to call you Mr.Robot for the whole school year?"

He gets a slightly angry look before staring his name. "My name is Tenya Iida."

Smiling I chuckle a bit. "Seems you guys will be fun to tease."

They all look at me confused for a few moments. "So wanna wall home or not? The suns going to set soon you know." They all blink and nod their heads. Talking about our quirks and different things we leave the school campus. Completely unaware of a certain person we passed eye the school like a price of meat.



I hope you guys enjoyed the longer chapter! All 1,800 words of it! I'm so excited to get this story on the road but I must be patient or else it will suck. 

Now I'm still working in the character sheet thing but it's kinda hard to imagine exactly what the South Park characters would look like in BNHA universe and their quirks. But don't worry it's not like I'm not going to update it!

Also during repeat moments, I won't repeat what I wrote unless certain actions are changed during the next try. That's why the description of what happened during the time after Kent wakes up is vague. It usually means "It's the exact same thing so don't worry you didn't miss anything."

But I should get some sleep since it's almost twelve. Night and until I update again, See y'all!!!


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