The Unbreakable Bond: A Pokem...

By awesomeasim

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After defeating Team Flare and Parting their separate ways, Ash, Serena and their Pokemon still share a bond... More

Hoenn Alone!
Alola to past Adventures!
The future is now, thanks to Science!
An Interrupted Reunion
A Wild Goose Chase
The Bond Phenomenon
The Beginning of a new Adventure!
Kanto, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!
Turning over a new Bayleef!
Oak-Kay, Braixen!
'THE' Ash Ketchum
Blast off at the Speed of Charizard! (1k views special)
The Untapped Power Within
The Bond Between the Ketchums
GoodBye, Ash Ketchum
Detective Serena
An Old Friend
Cerulean Blues
'B' is for Badass, 'R' is for Rivalry
P1 Champion: Fight!
Hawlucha's Time to Shine!
Cleaning up the dense Ketchum! Mystery of the GS Ball!
GS - Gold and Silver
"Calem" down, Ash! | The unexpected Baby!?
Battle of the Legendaries! Ash vs Bonnie!
Battle for the Thunder Badge! Lt. Surge vs Bonnie!
Remembering the Past! The Egg incubator is Broken!? Team Rocket's New Plans??
Mega-Team Rocket! | Serena vs Misty!
The Mysterious Pokemon of Mount Moon
Betrayers get Betrayed! Dr. Fuji's Stolen Experiment!
Battle for the Boulder Badge! Brock vs Bonnie!
Pokemon Mutiny! Calem's Revenge Plan
Professor Sycamore's Discovery! An Unexpected Eeveelution!
The Team Rocket Virus! Baby's first steps!?
Keeping an un-kept Promise! The voice of the Forest!
A Bloody impression! The Knight of Cameran Palace!
The Legend of the Ninja Hero! A Happy Accident!
A Calem-ly executed attack! Here Comes the Squirtle Squad!
A Champion's Battle! the Spark of Another Journey! [10k Special]
The Return of Ashley Ketchum
Detective Looker's Chase
A Meeting of Journeys
The Bonds of Mega-Evolution
Mega-Greninja: A Tale From The Past
The Quest for Charizardite X
The Ancient Civilization of Pokemopolis | The Origin of Ash's Greninja
The Alolan Sunset, The Kantos Sunrise
The Cinnabar Volcanic-Panic
The Appetite for Power
Rivals now, Friends Forever
A Fourth-wheel Battle!
A Null Search! The Step-Battle!
The Veteran Performer
The Lucario Kingdom! The Aura Sphere Riolu Returns!
Charizard's Revenge | The Mysterious Third Pokemon
Ash vs Bonnie: Battle Begin!
The Semi-Final Frontier: Ash versus Tobias!
The Kanto Queen is here!
The Finale Finish! Ash versus Alain!
The Guardian's Arrival
The Tears of Life
Training Daze
Training Daze Pt.2
A Promise to Never Forget
The Speed Challenge
The Elite Storm (Part 1)
The Elite Storm (Part 2)
Two to Three! Serena's News!
The Vision
Stronger--- Together!
A New Friend
The Thunder Of A Brand New Rivalry!
INB4 The Ultra Recon Squad!
Unknown Ultra Beast: No Assembly Required
Day Two Revelations
Zossie's Electrifying Ambitions!
Join the Battle | Not a real chapter
The Bond, The Myth, and the Legend
Anthea & Concordia: Love & Peace
All Revved up! Riley's Forgotten Past!
The Legendary Sil-Tang of Mount Silver!
To The Grave, and Beyond
Beyond The Cave of Mirrors! (Part 1)
Beyond The Cave of Mirrors! (Part 2)
Movie-Style Chapter reveal & details [Not a real Chapter]
Pokemon The Fan-fiction Movie: Zeraora And The Destiny Of Spark
Valor, Mystic, and Instinct
The Challenger (Part 1)
The Challenger (Part 2)
The Truth that Lies
Fanning the Flames
The Alolan Water Crisis!
From Dusk to Dawn
The Tao Trio: Assemble!
Staying True
Andale! Lucha Libre del Kuria Región!
The Illusion of Truth
The Rage
Just For You
Trio to Duo
The Ultimate Key
Spark In The Dark
End of the Beginning
The Beginning of the End
The God Stone
The Original Dragon
Till Death Do Us Part
Enter! The Greatest Master Tournament Begins!
Battle of the Elites! Indigo versus Hoenn!
The Final Challenge! Indigo versus Sinnoh!
The Guardian's Staff (Part 1)
The Guardian's Staff (Part 2)
Bonds (Part 1)
Bonds (Part 2)
And Then There Were Five
The One That Stole The Light
The Day Two Suns Will Rise (Part 1)
The Day Two Suns Will Rise (Part 2)
The Day Two Suns Will Rise (Part 3)
The Day Two Suns Will Rise (Part 4)
[END] The Unbreakable Bond!
[S2E01] Anna and Zenith's Birthday
[S2E02] The Message From The Other Side
[S2E03] The Journeys Begin
[S2E04] Professor Oak's Summer Camp
[S2E05] Ash Ketchum: Pokemon Master
[S2E06] Sword and Shield
[S2E07] Rhi's Arrival
[S2E08] Team Ultra: Origin
[S2E09] Tough Decisions
[S2E10] Declaration of War
[S2E11] The Ultra Megalopolis
[S2E12] Trial By Fire

The Beast Within

2.9K 75 156
By awesomeasim

Note: I don't know how I've been forgetting to point it out, but the Pokemon DP movie trilogy where Arceus and Giratina are cool buddies and all is NOT cannon to this book because of the obvious lore that I've built up and the whole rivalry between Giratina and Arceus.

Also while I'm at it, the 14th movie where Victini appears alongside Reshiram and Zekrom is loosely cannon, since there's two of them with alternate timelines.


In the Alola Region, over at Jessie, James, and Meowth.

The trio were in the hospital after being rescued by Ash and the rest. James and Meowth had already been discharged after their treatment, but Jessie was yet to regain her consciousness. James walked around the hallway with a tense look on his face, continuing to walk to and fro around the door of Jessie's room. Meowth sat on a seat nearby, looking at James.

"Runnin' around like dat isn't gonna make her okay, Jimmy" Meowth said, looking at James.

James stopped. "I know!" He replied, before walking up to the door. He looked in from the window. He could see Jessie lying on the bed, with an oxygen mask covering her face. She had yet to move an inch. "I'm just worried!"

A nurse walked up from the end of the hallway, and approached James and Meowth. "Um- Are you with the patient?" She asked, before looking in her file that she held. "Uh-- James?"

"Yes!" James replied, looking at the nurse. "What's the problem with Jessie? Is she going to be alright?!"

"Please-! There's nothing to worry about!" The nurse said.

James and Meowth both took a sigh of relief, and eased up.

"Speaking of--- is the patient your wife? Are you her husband?" The nurse asked James.

"Wife?! Husband?!" James said, with popped open eyes. "Me and Jessie?!" He added, as a thought bubble formed over his head. This appeared in the bubble.

"I'D RATHER DIEE!!!" James yelled, holding his head in pain.

"Shut up, Jimmy." Meowth said, jumping straight ahead and stomping on James' foot.

The nurse sweat-dropped. "Uh--- then I guess you're just her friends, right?" She asked.

"Yeah" Meowth said.

"Oh, then I guess I should tell this to you anyways." The nurse said, reading the files. "The reason why the patient 'Jessie' is taking so much time regaining consciousness is because she's pregnant." She said. "Be sure to give my congratulations to the father!" She added, before turning around and walking away.

Both James and Meowth stood still, with popped open eyes. They were both as if frozen solid.


"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" James yelled, looking at Meowth. He instantly began to run around, panicking.

Meowth formed a fist in anger, and then opened both his paws wide. Glowing Fury Swipes formed on them, before he quickly swung them towards James' face.

*Swipe* *Swipe*

"AGH!" James dropped down, with streaks on his face.

"YOU did this!" Meowth yelled.


"Don't cha' remember?!"

"Remember what?!"

Meowth cleared his throat. "Back when Jessie got a hotel room 'cause she was competin' in the Veteran Class showcase! You twos got drunk and had sex!" He yelled.

James' face went completely pale. He walked up to the door's window once more and looked at Jessie inside. "I'm toast."

"Not just toast, yer Toast, Roast, and ya look like a damn ghost!"

"This isn't something to boast---" James said in a downed manner.



Narrator: "After that dangerous encounter of the Interpol Convoy with the attacking team of Agent Dulse, we now move forwards, as Dr. Fuji, with the help of Mewtwo, saved Riley and the precious person that was present in the convoy---"

Riley opened his eyes. He was lying down on a bed, with his head pointed at the white ceiling. He was in some sort of special treatment room that was identical to that of a hospital. It was inside the Holon Research Facility, a secret place inside the Holon Region.

"I'm alive--- agh---" Riley said to himself, as he started getting back in his senses. He wanted to use his right hand to hold his head in pain, but then suddenly noticed the bandages surrounding his right shoulder; his right arm was completely absent.

A shooting pain hit Riley's head, as he looked at his missing right arm. He averted his gaze from his shoulder, and looked at Mars who was sitting on a small chair next to his bed. She was asleep, with her head resting on the bed beside Riley's left leg; the leg was also missing but from the knee down.

"My leg!" Riley yelled. Everything went dizzy, as he began sweating instantly, before going unconscious once more. The last thing he saw was Mars getting up and telling him to not worry.


Mars walked into an office of some sort, where Dr. Fuji was standing, typing on a laptop while accompanied by Mewtwo.

Dr. Fuji looked at Mars as she walked up to him. "Oh, hi there. Don't worry about Riley. He's going to be alright, apart from the limbs he lost." He said. "We can't reattach them, since they were severed using a Steel-Type Aura." He added.

"I--- Riley said that to me once--- about Steel-types." Mars replied, placing her hand on her chest. "I have no choice but to help him recover." She added, and then looked at the Doctor straight in the eye. "But--- will Riley stay like this? Can you please get him a prosthetic or something? He loves to drive, I can't see him being forced to abandon driving because of all of this!"

Dr. Fuji lowered his head. "I've been thinking about making a prosthetic limb, but its too tough. The technological limits when it comes to using Auranium are--- too severe for us. We know too little." He said.

"So what are we going to do then?" Mars asked.

"Hope isn't lost." Dr. Fuji said. "We have an expert on the case, and until he says that the limbs can't be reattached, there's still a chance."

Suddenly, a SWAT officer knocked on the door behind Mars. Dr. Fuji looked at it. "Come in." He said.

The officer entered, and saluted Dr. Fuji. "Your excellency, I carry a message." He said.

"Drop the 'your excellency' part already, officer." Dr. Fuji replied. "I lost my title of 'King of the Cameran Empire' after the last war. I'm just a Doctor in genetics now." He added. "An infamous one, at that---"

"Understood, Sir." The SWAT officer said. "Apologies."

"What message were you talking about?" Dr. Fuji asked.

"The little Alien girl that goes by the name Zossie wishes to speak with you."

"Okay. Mars--- Mewtwo--- are you two coming?"

"Of course."


The SWAT Officer led Dr. Fuji, Mars, and Mewtwo straight towards an armed room in the underground facility. He opened the door, revealing Zossie sitting inside. Zossie was seated on a comfortable chair, listening to some music to calm herself down. The instant she saw Dr. Fuji and Mars, she took the headphones out of her ears and stood up on her feet.

"What is it, little girl?" Dr. Fuji asked in an elderly and polite manner, with his arms behind his back.

"I--I wanted to know when I could meet mommy." Zossie replied.

"Worry not." Dr. Fuji said. "Your mother is unharmed, and is being kept in similar conditions as you. We are all waiting for little Lawrence to come back from Orre." He added. "He will be the one present in the room when you two meet up."

"Okay, thank you for your help!" Zossie said, bowing for a brief moment.

"Little Lawrence?" Mars said, looking at Dr. Fuji. She then began imagining Lawrence, the over 6-foot-two muscle-covered behemoth of a human that Dr. Fuji was referring to as 'little'.

"Little Lawrence might be taller than me now, but I still see him as the little boy that I raised." Dr. Fuji said. "Although, He seems to have lost his more innocent side since---" He was saying, but then stopped. "Anyways, he's busy in Orre for now, so it might take him a day to get back, Zossie. You must remain here in this facility until then. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." Zossie replied.

"If you need anything, just ask the good Officer and he'll get it for you. Apart from the Internet, obviously. We can't risk any foreign government finding about this secret facility for the time being." Dr. Fuji said.

"Dang it!" Zossie said in a joking manner, looking at her PokeGear that was completely useless to her without internet access. "Can I at least see Mr. Riley, then?"

"Sure, I was just headed towards the boy!"

Moments later, over at Riley.

Inside the special treatment room, Riley lied on his bed, unconscious. Dr. Fuji, Mars, Mewtwo, and Zossie entered the room.

"He's going to be okay, right?" Mars asked.

"Of course, don't worry, my child." Dr. Fuji replied. They all stood surrounding the bed, and looked at Riley, and his missing right arm and left leg from the knee down.

Zossie stared at the injuries, thinking of how Riley managed to get into this position just to ensure Dulse didn't end up killing her. "But what of Mr. Riley's arm and leg? When will you be reattaching them?" Zossie asked.

"Oh, I'm not the one working on that." Dr. Fuji said. "We have a great doctor that has worked with us for several years, and was transferred to this Holon Facility for his expertise with Alien beings. Lucky for us, he's well educated in the field of reattaching amputated arms." He added.

The door slid open, and a man entered the room. Everyone looked at him.

"Hello, Fuji!" The man; a Doctor said.

Dr. Fuji, and everyone else looked at the Doctor/Researcher that walked in. Mars' eyes widened in particular, as she recognized the man. "Uncle Mohn?!"

"Huh?" The Doctor, Mohn, said as he looked at Mars. "How do you know my name?"

Dr. Fuji stepped in. "Oh, she was just a fan of your work, being in the Interpol." He said. "Don't mind her, she calls everyone 'uncle' who're older than her." He added, before looking at Mars. He signaled her with a gesture, as if he were saying 'I'll explain later'.

"About your Grandson, Doctor---" Mohn said, walking close to Riley and reading all of the charts of data on the machines attached to Riley's body.

"Will Mr. Riley be alright? You're going to reattach his arm and leg, right?" Zossie asked.

"I'm sorry." Mohn said. "The amputated arm and leg had their nerve endings completely destroyed." He added. "There's no chance they'll reattach and be of any use."

"What do you mean?" Mars asked, with widened eyes.

"Even if the surgery is successful, Riley will never be able to control his arm and leg. To put it bluntly, they'll be equal to dead meat hanging off of his body. He'll have to resort to a prosthetic arm. There's no other way."

Mars placed her hand over Riley's chest, as she looked at his unconscious face. Tears formed around her eyes.

"There's nothing you could've done." Dr. Fuji said, before turning to Mohn. "Please halt your research for the time being. We need to develop a prosthetic arm and leg for Riley that can be attached to his nervous system." He added.

"But the technological limitations are too much." Mohn said.

"What if you had all the budget you needed?" Dr. Fuji asked.

"Hmm--- if budget isn't a concern, we could have the worlds best on the case. Its a possibility." Mohn replied.

"Can I help?" Zossie suddenly spoke up.

"Huh?" Everyone said, looking at her. "How?" Mars asked.

"You can reverse-engineer my arm." Zossie said, as she suddenly pressed a button on her right prosthetic arm. The arm made a mechanical noise before expanding a bit. Zossie suddenly took the arm off, revealing that she didn't have a real right arm from her right elbow down.

Everyone's eyes widened, as Zossie took off her prosthetic arm as easily as taking off a shirt. She handed over the arm to Mohn.

"Y-You have a fake hand?!" Mars said, shocked.

"Oh yeah" Zossie said, looking at her right arm which lacked anything from the elbow down. There were some mechanical parts attached on it, coupled by two metallic points that looked like they served the functions of nerve endings.

"Amazing---" Dr. Fuji said, as he closely observed the arm in Mohn's hand. "Auranian Technology--- if we can find out how this one is made, we can certainly create another one designed for Riley." He added.

"Great! Then build one quickly!" Mars said.

"Don't get hasty." Dr. Fuji said. "This is a delicate process. We still have zero clue how to open that briefcase that the Auranian Woman was carrying when she landed on Earth. Its contents are a mystery to us. The same way, there's no telling if we can even figure out how this thing works." He added.

Zossie lowered her head. "I wish I could help anymore, but all of our technology was created by our Captain. Only he knows its inner workings." He added.

"It's alright. We'll do our best with what we have. You must not feel guilty about anything. Now you must return to your room." Dr. Fuji said, before walking out of the place with Mohn, Zossie, and Mewtwo, leaving Mars with Riley all alone.

Moments later, Riley opened his eyes, looking just straight up. Mars took notice, and tried to talk to him, and explained what happened just in case Riley had trouble remembering the events of the attack.

"So--- I lost an arm and leg, huh?" Riley said in a low voice.

"Y-Yes---" Mars replied. "B-But Zossie revealed that she has a prosthetic right arm; it isn't just armored!" She added. "She's taken it off and given it to Dr. Fuji and Uncle Mohn so they can make something similar for you."

"Its okay--- we survived--- and we completed the mission." Riley said, as he tried to get up, struggling from the pain in his shoulder and knee. Mars stopped him, telling him to rest.

"Why did you have to use your body as a shield when your powers weren't working against them?" Mars asked. "You don't owe anything to that girl! What would've I done if you were killed?!" She said.

"Sorry--- It's just--- my body moved on its own." Riley replied. "Besides, Zossie was my responsibility. Just like you are now---" He added, looking at Mars as she suddenly blushed.

"Idiot!" Mars yelled, as she tried to stop blushing. "Stop it! You're making me blush!"

Riley laughed a bit, before taking a deep sigh. He looked at the white ceiling. "You know--- when Zossie first landed here, and she looked at me and mistook me for Sir Aaron--- it made me feel special." He said. "I never thought I would be so similar in appearance to him, even though I did imitate him as much as I could, so it was a great boost in self-esteem." He added.

"You're a weirdo." Mars said, shaking her head.

Riley smiled. "I know--- but I'm your weirdo." He added.

Mars blushed intensely. "Hey! What did I just say about stuff like that! Recover properly first! Stop seducing me!" She yelled in a chibi style.

"By the way, did you get a chance to meet Mohn?" Riley asked.

"Oh yeah--- I almost forgot! How is he ALIVE?!" Mars yelled. "Why doesn't Aunt Lusamine have any idea about this?! And what on earth even happened to him! He completely let himself go!"

"Let himself go?" Riley asked. "Do you mean he wasn't always like this?"

Mars quickly took out her PokeGear and scrolled through it. "I have an older picture of him around the time he married Aunt Lusamine--- look." She said, before pointing the PokeGear towards Riley's face.

"What the--- this is Mohn?!" Riley said, with widened eyes.

"Did you seriously think that Aunt Lusamine fell in love with the version of Uncle Mohn that's here?" Mars asked. "Is he really Mohn, though? He didn't even recognize me! I attended their wedding! What's going on?"

"He's lost his memories of the past." Riley replied. "He was obsessively researching Ultra Wormholes and Ultra Beasts. He somehow managed to get hold of a baby Cosmog, and had a few encounters with the Ultra Beast that he named Nihilego, which he had extensive data on. His sudden disappearance is what triggered Lusamine to get obsessed with these Ultra Beasts and Wormholes in the first place. She wanted to get Mohn back, but then soon her desire to get her husband back turned into desire to research Ultra Beasts and control them all. It was a complete mess."

Mars sighed. "And then Ash and everyone else managed to stop it all." She said.

"Ash altered Lusamine's memories, so she now thinks her husband died in an accident or something." Riley said. "Lawrence's orders, so I've got no clue why he chose to do that."

"Your Uncle Lawrence sure is a mysterious guy." Mars said. "He's like a walking mountain of unknowns. Next thing you know he's the keeper of the mythical Ultimate Weapon." She added, rubbing the back of her head.

"Don't jinx it." Riley said. "Anyways, where's my car?" He asked.

Mars took a step back. "Uh--- Okay, Riley--- don't freak out." She said.

"Where's my car? Where's Porygon-Z?"

"Don't freak out, Riley--"

"Where are they?!"

"Porygon-z is completely fine since he's digital, but-- uh--- the Siltang---"

"Call a nurse over. I need these machines off of me and a wheelchair."

Some moments later---

Riley was sitting on a wheelchair, while Mars pushed it from behind. The two went through a hall and entered a huge warehouse-like place, where more than a few dozen scientists and researchers were working on their own different projects, testing weapons, armors, jet engines, and tanks for the Japanese Military.

Mars stopped after taking a few steps, before being greeted by one of the scientists as he approached them.

"Hello there, Detective R." The scientist said, standing right in front of Riley and Mars. It was Colress.

"I see that getting to the Holon Region has cost you an arm and a leg--- literally." Colress said, as he looked at Riley.

"Cut the chit chat. Where's my car." Riley replied.

Colress got a bit serious. "I see you're the exact same with that cocky attitude, R." He said. "Even in this condition---" He added. "Fret not, I am going to be working side by side with Professor Mohn to develop your prosthetic arm and leg while studying the alien prosthetic we secured from that Alien Girl."

"Her name's Zossie." Riley said.

Colress smirked. "Well, allow me to correct myself, then." He said. "We're studying the prosthetic arm we secured from Zossie." He added. "Happy?"

Riley squinted his eyes, staring straight at Colress as he adjusted his glasses.

"Why so angry at me? Do you wish for me to create another Z-power ring for you as well with Necrozma fusion powers?" Colress asked. "I can certainly put aside some time to make one. The traces of Necrozma we once recovered from Lawrence's Solgaleo are more than enough to create a dozen more of such rings." He added.

"I'm here for my car." Riley said. "Take me to where my Siltang is."

Colress sighed. "It seems you still don't trust me after all these years, R." He said. "Fine. Come."

Colress walked ahead through the huge warehouse-like lab, while Riley and Mars followed.

"What's the history between you two?" Mars asked Riley from behind, as she continued pushing the wheelchair.

"Colress is an ex-member of Team Plasma." Riley said. "He was the one who developed the DNA splicers for Ghetsis; the device he recently used in Orre to fuse Kyurem with Zekrom." He added.

Before Mars said something, Colress spoke up. "It was for the advancement of Science. It is my aim to make my mark in history as one of the great minds that helped advance Science--- great minds such as Albert Einstein and Madam Curie." He said. "Besides, my previous expertise with fusions was the reason why I was able to create the Z-power Necrozma-powered ring."

Riley squinted his eyes. "The advancement of Science can be for both good and evil." He said. "And you have a track record of not caring which side you're on as long as your science keeps advancing."

Colress laughed. "Oh, I see what you mean. How hypocritical, if I might add."

"Hypocritical?" Mars asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your Dear Riley's Grandfather--- the last King of the Cameran Empire--- Dr. Fuji." Colress said. "After relieving himself from his duties, he went on to live in hiding, becoming a scientist thanks to his enormous IQ which was the result of his Fighting/Psychic-type Aura. Dr. Fuji married another woman in his new life, and had a child with her. Unfortunately, because the child; a girl named 'Amber' died at an early age, Dr. Fuji began his experimentation on Human Cloning in an attempt to revive his daughter." He added. "His wife soon left him, but Fuji continued his scientifically and religiously immoral experiments, going as far as getting recruited by Team Rocket to fund his work and also begin a side-project alongside his attempts to clone his daughter."

"Mewtwo---" Mars said.

"Correct." Colress said, stopping. "Thanks to your father, Giovanni, Dr. Fuji had all the funding he needed; funding that was absent before due to the fact that Dr. Fuji cut all ties related to the kingdom and the vast wealth with the Ketchum family right when he remarried. He was no longer royal, and no longer able to ask his own two sons for money. The end result was a failed attempt at human cloning, and a powerful godlike Pokemon named Mewtwo that now accompanies Dr. Fuji for the sole fact that he thinks Amber is still al-"

"SHUT UP!" Riley yelled. He was sweating, and taking deep breaths as he tried to keep his cool.

"Why, did the harsh reality sting a bit too much?" Colress asked.

"Do your job." Riley said. "And speak according to your pay grade."

"Only the greatest scientists put morals aside." Colress said. "Many great scientists were involved in creating the atomic bomb. They all knew what it was going to be used for, but they worked to reach that goal anyways--- for the advancement of Science!" He exclaimed.

Mars sighed. "Can you get on with it, this is getting boring and repetitive--"

Colress exhaled loudly, before continuing on silently. Moments later, they arrived inside another separate warehouse-style place where Riley's Sil-Tang was placed in the center. It looked less of a car and more like a giant crushed soda can. Mars pushed Riley's wheelchair ahead, allowing him to touch the crushed vehicle.

Moments passed by, as Riley looked at his destroyed car, with his head lowered.

"Riley--- I'm sorry." Mars said.

Riley rubbed his left hand on the crushed body of the car, and then looked at the place where the engine was supposed to be, but was absent instead. "What happened to the engine? Where'd it go?" He asked.

*Engine revving noise*

"Huh?" Riley said, as he turned towards the distance, where a car was parked, with a huge cloth over it.

Colress walked towards the car. "The engine has been modified. And it sits under the hood of that GT86-X." He said, as the car's headlights turned on, and it drove straight towards Riley.

Riley's eyes widened, as he looked at the Silver GT86-X. He noticed there was no driver. "What the-? How is it driving?"

"Pory-Pory-Zee!" Porygon-Z's voice screeched as it suddenly popped out of the computer in the car, and came out of it. "Zee-Zee!" It added cheerfully, looking at Riley.

"It has complete support for Porygon-Z..." Riley said in a surprised manner.

"It's the GT86-X. X for Experimental, but the computers completely matured now. Porygon-Z can easily do anything a normal driver can, so he can work as an Autopilot AI that has complete control of the vehicle." Colress said.

Riley lowered his head. He then turned around and looked at his old car. "I wonder if I'll ever like it--- I love my Sil-Tang so much---" He said. "The bond between man and machine is way too sacred to be diminished like this---"

*A few moments later*

"Holy shit!" Riley exclaimed, sitting in the driver's seat. He was holding the steering wheel with his left hand, the only one he had while the clutch and gearshift were under complete control of Porygon-Z since Riley lacked an arm and a leg. "It feels like I switched from driving a tank to a light jeep! This thing is a piece of cake to control!"

Mars sat beside Riley, almost bursting out with laughter as Riley slowed down the car and headed straight back to the research lab. "You were just going on about how much you won't get used to this one!" She laughed.

"This car is amazing!" Riley said, with stars around his head. "It feels like a completely new car, but at the same time, it's still the old one! Incredible!" He added, as his eyes suddenly started glowing with a faint blue Aura.

Mars was about to say something, when suddenly---

"AGH!" Riley exclaimed in pain, as his right shoulder, which was completely bandaged-up also glowed. The bandages wasted zero time in getting stained red, showing that the wounds had been cut open from using the powers of Aura.

The car suddenly began spinning out of control as Riley instantly lost consciousness, but immediately stabilized as Porygon-Z took over complete controls.

One hour later, back at the treatment room and its bed.

Riley lied on the bed, once more hooked up to the machines. Mars, Colress, Dr. Fuji, and Professor Mohn looked at Riley while standing beside the bed.

"He can get so reckless." Dr. Fuji said, shaking his head. "He sure has the blood of Thomas in him." He added.

"Does this mean he can never use his powers again?" Mars asked.

"No, but he'll have to learn to adapt to things. He can't throw equal amount of Auranium from his heart straight to both limbs, now that there's an imbalance between their lengths." Dr. Fuji replied. "Well, for Riley, he's completely lost a whole arm so it's gonna take some real hard training for him to be able to safely use his powers again." He added.

"Oh--- I see."

"Everybody, back to your stations--- we need to continue work, and look into the possibility of the prosthetic allowing Auranium through itself like a real arm."


A Day later---

A tank drove up to the main building of the Holon Research lab at the heart of the Holon Region. The huge armored door opened, and Lawrence stepped out. He went straight in, before the tank drove off.

Lawrence made his way inside, being saluted by any employee as they came across him. He walked down a huge staircase, into the underground part of the lab which was the majority of it. Soon, he entered an office that belonged to him, and saw Dr. Fuji sitting on the seat in the middle of the room, accompanied by Mewtwo.

"So you've finally decided to show your face, old man." Lawrence said, squinting his eyes.

Dr. Fuji looked at Lawrence, and so did Mewtwo. "Hello, son. I see you're doing well."

"Don't say that like its a surprise to you, old man. After what happened that day---" Lawrence replied, squinting his eyes. "Have you heard of anything from Thomas?"

"No. Not a single thing."

"His son was gravely injured. He should've at least give more than two shits about him. I wonder what Riley even thinks about his father."

"Thomas isn't like you. War has changed him too much."

"Nobody remained the same after the war." Lawrence said, looking at his hand. "And nobody can go back."

"I believe democracy was the best choice. Lifting the burden off of you children."

"Why are you still here? Are you attempting cloning again? If so, I'm gonna give you fifteen minutes to disappear from the whole region, before I myself take the honor of putting you out of your misery."

"No. I'm not doing that thing again. I've learnt my lesson."

"Then what are you doing here? And why is Mewtwo sticking with you these days?"

"That's why I'm here." Dr. Fuji said, getting up from Lawrence's seat. "Mewtwo has been getting a psychic link to Amber in his dreams. I need to find the meaning of that." He said, looking at Mewtwo a few feet away from him, standing silently.

"I see." Lawrence said, turning towards Mewtwo. "What does the girl say to you in the dreams?"

"That she's alive." Mewtwo replied.

"Are you sure this isn't a figment of your imagination?"

"I know what's real and what's imaginary!"

Lawrence sighed. "Fine, has she talked about where she lives or anything?"

"She says she's over 20 years old now. I never understood what she said whenever she brought up the place where she lives."


"What's so interesting?" Dr. Fuji asked.

"My kid Ash had a similar psychic link in a dream recently." Lawrence said.

"Ash did?" Mewtwo and Dr. Fuji asked at the same time.

"Yeah. It was Lucifer who made the connection. He's trapped somewhere, but due to the nature of how humans forget dreams quickly, he can't remember." Lawrence said. "Anyways, are you helping with the arm and leg that Riley lost?"


"Good. Put that Psychic type aura to some use, old man. About time you put that damn blessing to actual good use." Lawrence said, turning around. "I'm gonna attend to the two Auranians in our custody."

Dr. Fuji chuckled. "Would it kill you to call me 'Father'?"

"If it did, I'd call you 'Father' every second of the day." Lawrence replied. "I've been trying to die ever since you gave me that curse, ya damn old Man."


Moments later, over at Soliera.

Soliera sat on a comfortable chair, with a chain fitted on her ankle so she couldn't go very far away from the spot. She was looking at a TV that had anime playing on it.

Manly voice on TV: "United States of--- SMAAAAASH!!!"

"These humans make amazing works of art!" Soliera said, looking on.

Suddenly, the TV screen froze, and then turned off. "Huh?" Soliera said, looking at the TV.

Instantly, the door to her room slid open, and Lawrence appeared, accompanied by a bunch of SWAT officers. "It's time. You're coming with me to another room where you can see your daughter."

Moments later---

Inside a completely armored room, the door slid open and Soliera walked in. Lawrence followed in, as the door closed automatically behind him. Soliera was wearing her URS armor, but lacked her visor and helmet. On the opposite side of the room, a similar door also slid open, and Zossie appeared, accompanied by some officers that just stood outside. Zossie looked at Soliera and instantly ran inside, while the door behind her automatically shut close. Lawrence, Soliera, and Zossie were the only ones inside the armored room now.

"Zossie!" Soliera said, as she dropped on her knees.

"Mommy!" Zossie yelled, crying as she ran up to Soliera and gave her a warm hug.

Moments passed by, as the two remained still in their long hug.

"I missed you so much! Were you alright? Were you hurt, Zossie?" Soliera asked, as she released Zossie from the hug.

"When I landed, the escape pod crashed and I was hurt a little, but Sir Ashton helped me recover and took care of me, along with Mr. Riley and General Lawrence here." Zossie replied.

"And your prosthetic arm! What happened to it?" Soliera asked, looking at the missing right forearm.

"I took it off myself, actually--" Zossie was saying, when she got interrupted.

Soliera looked at Zossie's helmet, which had a small point colored red as an indicator. Her eyes instantly widened. "You were in grave danger!" She exclaimed, as she suddenly turned around and looked at Lawrence. "You LIAR!" She added, as suddenly her shadow started moving independent of her body. The shadow blasted straight towards Lawrence and wrapped itself around his body, completely halting Lawrence's body movement.

"What-- the---" Lawrence said in pain, as his body shook. He couldn't move at all. "What is this?"

"A paralysis technique that's exclusive to Ghost-type auras." Soliera replied, as she walked up to Lawrence. Her shadow got more and more powerful as she got closer to him.

"Mommy! Stop!" Zossie yelled. "General Lawrence had nothing to do with that!"

"My dear, I know they've brainwashed you to side with them---" Soliera replied.

"It was Dulse!" Zossie yelled.

*Complete silence*

Soliera looked at Zossie, with her eyes wide and shock on her face. "No--- you're just saying that for attention--- You always have." She said.

"It's true--" Lawrence said. "My own nephew lost an arm and leg while saving your daughter's life from that other Auranian." He added, with visible pain on his face.

Soliera turned towards Zossie. "Come here, Zossie. Let me see that helmet." She said. Zossie walked over to Soliera and stood still, as Soliera pressed a hidden button on the helmet. All of a sudden, a tiny ray of light came, that projected the footage of the events earlier from the point when the helmet had to activate its safety feature. The footage showed Dulse throwing two spears at Zossie back to back, and Riley using his right shoulder and left leg as means to deflect them away, losing the limbs in the process.

Soliera dropped her shoulders, as her shadow released Lawrence's body completely.

"I always told you he hates me, Mommy--- you never believed me---" Zossie said.

Soliera teared up and hugged Zossie, apologizing for all the times in the past when she ignored Zossie's cries for help.


Meanwhile, over at Captain Phyco, the Alola Region.

"You DUMBASS!" Phyco yelled at Dulse.


Dulse got blasted away from the slap and crashed into the wall. Both Jupiter and Saturn stood in the distance, silently looking on with fear on their faces.

"ONE Job. I gave you ONE JOB!" Phyco yelled. "And all your pathetic self did was disable a human! Do you realize how complicated the situation has become now that you've disabled one of their top officers?!"

Dulse stood up, and dusted himself off. "Its not my fault that the job was so tough. Stop acting like a dick already, Captain." He said.

"What-- did you say?" Phyco said. "You're going to stand up against ME? It is by my grace that you're on such a high priority mission, instead of lying on the streets and making buildings using that Rock and Steel type aura of yours! I gave you EVERYTHING you have!" He added in anger. "You are NOTHING without me!"

Dulse stopped speaking.

Phyco was about to say something further, but then suddenly got a notification via his visor. "Interesting..." He said, instantly losing his temper.

Back over at Soliera and Zossie.

"Like I said, we Humans are only-" Lawrence was saying to Soliera, when suddenly a beeping noise came from Zossie's helmet. Suddenly a live incoming transmission self-activated, and a projection of Phyco appeared before everyone.

"Hello!" Phyco said, as his projection looked at Soliera, Zossie, and Lawrence.

"What the-?" Lawrence said, startled. "No signal is supposed to enter this room!"

Phyco laughed. "You humans always think you have it figured out."

Soliera and Zossie instantly saluted Phyco's projection. "Captain! It pleases me to see you are doing well!" Soliera said.

"Ah! Agent Soliera and Zossie. I see you two are finally together. Good, it seems these humans aren't the cold hearted beasts we thought of them to be." Phyco said.

"Orders, Sir?" Soliera asked.

"I have started this transmission to speak with the General." Phyco said, before his holographic projection looked at Lawrence. "I have a proposal for you."

"What kind?" Lawrence asked.

"An exchange. You humans will be giving me Agent Soliera and Zossie, while in return, I shall operate on your officer that lost his limbs while protecting Agent Zossie. I have all the parts to create advance Auranian Prosthetics that work exactly like a real limb. The current model I've created a prototype of, allows complete and uninhibited flow of Auranium through it." Phyco said.

"Not a chance." Lawrence said. "You're going to surrender to us and tell us why you're here. That's what's going to happen." He added.

Phyco laughed. "Oh, I think there's something else I have that you would be very-- uh-- Interested in obtaining." He said, as he walked around, causing the projection to expand and show a hibernation chamber. Lucifer was visible through the glass of the chamber, in his deep artificial slumber.

Lawrence squinted his eyes, as he looked at Lucifer.

Phyco curled up his handlebar moustache. "Well, is this payment enough?" He asked.

"We'll be taking Necrozma too. Then, I can hand over these two to you." Lawrence said.

"Hm-- Necrozma, you say? Quite the useful thing that you're demanding in addition." Phyco said, thinking.

"And your plans on Earth--- I wanna know what brings you to this planet." Lawrence said.

"Fine." Phyco said. "I shall do everything you ask. What coordinates shall we meet at for the 1-hour operation and exchange?"

"Here. The Holon Research Labs." Lawrence said.

"You current location? Done." Phyco responded.

"And I'd like to have a word with the dickhead who did that to Riley too." Lawrence said to Phyco, forming a fist.

Phyco smiled. "No problem. I'd be glad to have a Fighting-type teach that rogue idiot a proper lesson." He said, before looking at his hand that he earlier used to slap Dulse. His hand was still hurting.


Some hours later.

Zossie and Soliera were inside a place which looked more like a studio apartment. It was on the top floor of one of the buildings in the Holon Research labs. Lawrence accompanied them. They all sat around a dinner table.

"I see that you're capable of shattering Dragon Seals." Lawrence said, remembering how Soliera used her Ghost-type Aura to make her shadow restrain Lawrence hours ago.

"You don't understand Ghost-types at all, General." Soliera replied. "My shadow does not require Auranium to be used. Your seal inhibits release of Auranium." She added.

"Hmm, I see." Lawrence said. "Your Captain has scheduled the exchange two weeks from now. Is there a specific reason for that?" He asked.

"The injured officer Riley." Soliera replied. "In 2 weeks, his wounds will be healed to the point where an operation can be safely done on them." She added.

Lawrence thought for a moment. "Your captain is a complete mystery. His actions make zero sense to me."

"Same with us." Soliera replied. "We weren't told anything about landing on a planet at all. All the planning is done by the captain." She added.

Zossie raised her hand a bit. "Uh-- General? Are we supposed to stay in here for the next two weeks?" She asked.

"Good question." Lawrence replied, as he took out an image. It was an image of a Delta Charizard; a Ghost/Dragon type. "I wanted to know if you could help us with this thing." He added.

"A Charizard? And a Mega-Evolved one at that" Soliera said, as she looked at the image.

"This Charizard has killed many researchers inside the ruins where it lives. I see you're an experienced user of Ghost-Type Aura, and could help defeat it for us." Lawrence said.

"Why can't you do that yourself?" Soliera asked.

Lawrence began thinking. "I can't tell her that both Marshadow and Solgaleo are weak against it--- and Altaria gets too scared inside that ruin that she refuses to battle. I'd use my own powers against it, but that thing is completely immune to my fighting-type attacks. And that darkness it summons according to reports is another headache--- I hate Ghost-Type opponents---" He thought for a moment, and then spoke up. "I have my reasons. If you can't do it, don't do it."

"What do I get in return?" Soliera asked.

Lawrence thought once more. "Ah, crap--- she has no reason to obey my command--- wait! Idea!" He thought, and then looked straight at her blue eyes. "That briefcase you brought with you to this planet. We'll hand it over if you help us deal with that Mega-Evolving Delta Charizard."

Soliera thought for a moment. She turned towards Zossie beside her. "What do you think we should do, Zossie?" She asked her daughter.

"We should help them regardless, Mommy!" Zossie replied. "That Charizard has killed many irreplaceable researchers! Can you imagine what their families must've gone through to not even get the corpses of their loved ones back?" She asked.

Soliera thought for a moment, and then turned back towards Lawrence. "Okay, General--- we'll deal with that Charizard for you!"

"Glad we could come to an agreement." Lawrence said. "Besides, what is in that briefcase?" He asked.

"Some equipment and my Beasts." Zossie replied.

"Beasts? You mean Ultra Beasts?" Lawrence asked.

"Not all of them. Some are normal Beasts." Soliera replied.

"Oh! Mommy!" Zossie spoke up. "Humans use the word 'Pokemon' for Beasts!"

"Pokemon?" Soliera asked.

"Yes, we call them Pokemon." Lawrence said. "Pocket Monsters. Pokemon for short. Anyways, I'll get you the briefcase on the mission. We leave in 1 hour."


Two Hours Later, in the Mirage Forest of the Holon Region.

Lawrence, Soliera, and Zossie walked through the thick forest. In the distance, a fieldworker was collecting berries, when she heard a noise. "Huh?" She said, looking around. "Is someone there?" She asked.

There was Mew hovering in the distance behind the fieldworker, teasing with her just for fun. Suddenly, Lawrence and the rest approached her.

"Don't worry--- It's just Mew playing around." Lawrence said, pointing at the Mythical Pokemon.

"Mew?! Where?" The fieldworker asked, as she quickly turned around. Mew disappeared into thin air before she could see it.

"Ah, forget it." Lawrence said, as he took out a small map and looked in it. "This is the right course for the 'Ruins of Death', right?" He asked the fieldworker.

"Y-Yes, General!" The fieldworker replied, saluting Lawrence. She surprisingly looked at Soliera and Zossie walking along with Lawrence completely unchained. "P-Please bring back my brother if possible, Sir!" She exclaimed as Lawrence walked away with the rest. Lawrence raised his arm as a signal while continuing to walk.

Soliera and Zossie looked at each other, and then at Lawrence.

"Her brother was among the top archeologists here in this secret facility." Lawrence said. "He was among the first to disappear in the ruins. The last search party was able to electronically send an image of a Mega Delta Charizard before we lost contact with them." He added. "This Charizard is a complete monster that we need to take care of. We can't give up on the secrets these ruins hold in them."

Moments later, the three made their way through the entrance hallway into the ruins.

"Remember. If things get out of hand, I want you two to run. I may be unable to beat that thing on my own, but I sure as hell won't be getting killed." Lawrence said, continuing to walk.

Soliera and Zossie nodded their heads. They continued ahead as it began to get darker and darker.

"I'll handle the darkness." Soliera said, as she opened the briefcase she brought with her to Earth. She took out a Delta Ball.

Note: A Delta Ball is a special Pokeball made to capture Delta Pokemon. It appears sky blue in color, and has a large white δ symbol on it.

"You're needed, Greninja!" Soliera yelled, pressing the button of the Delta Ball.


"Nin-Ja!" Soliera's Delta Greninja exclaimed as it came out of its Delta Ball. It looked like a Greninja, except that it was nothing like a normal Greninja.

"A Delta Greninja---" Lawrence said, as he took out his PokeGear and pointed it at the Delta Pokemon.

PokeGear: "Delta Greninja. The Guardian Pokemon. Grass/Fire type. It hides within the deepest of foliage, only appearing to intimidate intruders. It blocks its enemies easily using its armor before incinerating them."

The whole interior got illuminated by the flames coming off from Delta Greninja's body and tongue that was made of fire.

"Never imagined this is what a Delta Greninja would look like." Lawrence said, putting his PokeGear away.

Zossie turned towards Lawrence. "Mommy specializes in Fire and Ghost-type Pokemon, so It's a given she'd have such a dependable Pokemon with her!" She said.

Lawrence was about to ask what Zossie meant by 'Dependable', but then it popped in his head that Delta Greninja had its classification as 'The Guardian Pokemon'. The trio continued ahead, as the walls and floor of the passageway began to get more and more covered in moss.

Zossie spotted some writings on the walls, and quickly asked everyone to stop. She quickly began reading the writings, which were written in Unown script but encrypted to the point where it was impossible for any other researcher to make sense of it.

"It speaks of 'The one that shall restore the light'." Zossie said. "The other stuff is hard to make sense of because of this moss." She added, trying to scrub off the extremely tough moss.

"Leave it." Lawrence said. "We're here to fight that Charizard and take what its guarding."

Everyone continued ahead, while Lawrence began thinking. "So its like I thought--- The one that shall restore the light--- this place has some connection to Kyurem, if the Intel from Ash regarding the Gray Chapter is correct." He thought.

Soon enough, everyone entered the huge main hall of the ruins. Nothing was visible in it. It was completely pitch black dark. Even the ground wasn't being illuminated from the light coming from Delta Greninja's flames.

Soliera looked at the dark ground. "I can sense things easily, thanks to the fact you removed that seal for the time being. Because--- It's here." She said.

"Here? Where?" Lawrence said, as he looked around in search of the Delta Charizard.

"Everywhere!" Soliera yelled, as she formed a fist. Her fist suddenly burst into flames, as she aimed it straight for the ground. "SMAASH!"


Dust kicked off everywhere, but got quickly sucked inside Soliera's hands as if she were using some sort of vacuum cleaner that worked only on smoke/dust.

"There it is!" Lawrence yelled, as he pointed at the far distance, where the Delta Charizard was visible, flying high in the air.

"It's the Charizard--" Zossie said, as she pointed her PokeGear at the Delta Pokemon.

PokeGear: "Delta Charizard. The Skeleton Pokemon and the final evolved form of Delta Charmander. Ghost/Dragon type. The flame on its tail grows in the presence of strong opponents. Its breath gives the impression of being engulfed in magma but causes no physical harm."

"It almost hit us with that Shadow Sneak attack!" Soliera yelled, as her eyes glowed with a Shadowy dark purple Aura. "Greninja! Attack mode!" She added.

"Nin-Ja!" Soliera's Delta Greninja replied in response, jumping above everyone and standing a few feet away from them.

"Grr--!!!" The Delta Charizard growled loudly, making the ground tremble a bit. Its whole body glowed for a brief moment before it Mega-Evolved into Mega Delta Charizard on its own. As soon as it completed its Mega Evolution, the place got even darker than before.

"It's Mega Charizard's ability!" Soliera said, as she looked on.

"What?" Lawrence asked.

"I can feel it--- My Ghost-Type Aura feels suddenly more powerful than usual!" Soliera said.

"So its got some ability similar to the Drought ability of a Mega Charizard Y---" Lawrence said.

The Charizard growled once more. Its eyes glowed, as it attempted to attack once more.

"Greninja! Sucker Punch!" Soliera yelled.

Greninja's body glowed with a faint dark outline, before it catapulted straight towards the Mega Delta Charizard. The darkness in the surrounding area increased the power of the Dark-Type move, as Greninja formed the glowing dark fist aimed for Charizard's face.


Dust formed and cleared, revealing Greninja's fist connected to Charizard's face. It had only managed to slightly move Charizard's head.

"Grrr-!" Charizard growled loudly before swinging its tail, smacking Greninja far away. The Guardian Pokemon crashed on the ground in front of Soliera.

"Nin---ja--" Greninja said, getting up on its feet while injured a bit.

"Grr--!!!" Charizard roared, forming a portal in front of itself. It plunged straight into the portal, and mere milliseconds later a similar portal opened right in front of Greninja. Charizard emerged straight from the portal and went for a powerful Phantom Force attack.


Greninja blasted straight towards Lawrence, making him form an Aura Shield that Greninja smacked onto before falling to the ground, completely unconscious.

"Greninja! Come back!" Soliera said, as she called back Greninja into its Delta Ball before she put it away. "So strong---" She said, turning towards Delta Charizard as it rose higher and higher.

"We've got to attack it with everything we've got!" Lawrence yelled. "Marshadow! You're the only one who has a shot! Let's make it count this time!"

"Shadow---" Marshadow said in its innocent little voice, emerging from the ground near Lawrence's feet.

Soliera took out and threw a Beast Ball.


A Blacephalon screeched as its came out of its Beast Ball and stood in front of Soliera, ready to battle.

"Can I help too?" Zossie asked.

"What Pokemon have you trained, Zossie?" Soliera asked.

"Its Poipole!" Zossie replied, as she took out a beast ball and pressed its button.


"Poiiii--Pole!" Poipole squeaked, as its came out of the Beast Ball and hovered in front of Zossie.

Lawrence's eyes glowed with an intense blue Aura. "Let's finish things this time, Marshadow!" He exclaimed, before smashing his fists together. In mere moments, full body armor of a Knight formed on Lawrence's body. He formed a Knight's shield on his left hand, to ensure complete readiness to defend.

Soliera and Zossie both looked at Lawrence with a surprised look on their faces, as Lawrence's Marshadow jumped ahead into combat.

"Don't just stand there!" Lawrence said. "Order those Ultra Beasts to attack too! This isn't a formal Pokemon Battle where one-on-one is a must!"

"Oh-- Blacephalon! Shadow Ball!" Soliera said.

"Poipole! Use Sludge Bomb!" Zossie yelled.

The two Pokemon attacked as directed, but their attacks got neutralized by the Charizard's simple Dragon Pulse. The Charizard quickly used Shadow Sneak at the same time in order to attack Soliera and Zossie instead of the Ultra Beasts in front of it.

"Watch out!" Lawrence yelled, as he quickly dashed towards Soliera and Zossie. He wrapped his arms around them while his eyes glowed with an intense blue aura, creating a giant blue Aura Shield that blocked the Shadow Sneak attack.

Soliera's heart thumped, as she felt Lawrence's large muscular arms wrapped around her shoulders. She looked at his face, as her head imagined the image of her own late husband that looked extremely similar to him, apart from the hair color. Lawrence turned and looked straight into Soliera's blue eyes. For Soliera, it felt as if the moment executed in slow motion, and sparks flew everywhere around her.

And then, Lawrence opened his mouth. "ORDER THEM TO FIGHT, DAMNIT!"

"Shadow Ball!" "Dragon Pulse!"

After going on for a few rounds of intense fighting, the Mega Delta Charizard was finally backed into a corner, covered in marks of injury. Both Marshadow and Blacephalon were also completely worn out at this point, while Zossie's Poipole was mostly unharmed thanks to all the evasion tactics she had come up with while training with Ash.

"How many of those 'Mind Blown' moves can that Blacephalon execute?" Lawrence asked Soliera.

"Just one more--- The recoil cuts the health in half, so any way you see it, Blacephalon can only use the move twice in a battle unless its healed by something." Soliera replied.

"Damnit--- That thing won't go down with just one of those Fire-type attacks--- It already resists them." Lawrence said.

Poipole quickly flew ahead of Marshadow and Blacephalon, looking at the Delta Charizard getting ready to launch another attack. "Poi---!" It screeched, before its whole body began to glow with an intense white color.

"What?" Zossie said in surprise.

"It's evolving!" Lawrence said, looking on as Poipole turned its body upside down and grew a bit.

"DeeEeeal-!!!" Naganadel screeched loudly, with its claws open wide.

Zossie pointed her PokeGear at her newly evolved Pokemon.

PokeGear: "Naganadel. The Poison Pin Pokemon and the Evolved form of Poipole. Poison/Dragon type. One kind of Ultra Beast, it fires a glowing, venomous liquid from its needles. This liquid is also immensely adhesive."

"Adhesive, huh?" Lawrence said, as he instantly cooked up a strategy. "Zossie! I want you to order your Ultra Beast to attack right when I tell it to--- do you understand?"

"Uh--Okay!" Zossie replied.

"Good! Soliera! Order Blacephalon to go out with a bang! I'll handle the rest!"

"Blacephalon! Mind Blown!"


Dulse formed and cleared, revealing a knocked back Delta Charizard and unconscious Blacephalon. Soliera quickly called it back into its Ultra Ball.

"Quick, Zossie! Get some of that Adhesive stuff on Charizard's Tail! Trap it on the ground!" Lawrence yelled.

"Go, Naganadel! Sludge Bomb! Aim for the tail on the ground!" Zossie yelled.

"DeeEEEeel!" Naganadel screeched, blasting up in the air in the blink of an eye, before shooting a whole barrage of venomous purple bombs towards Delta Charizard.

"Grh?!" The Delta Charizard said in shock, before attempting to dodge, but failed to save its low-hanging tail from being caught in the extremely adhesive poison that Naganadel secreted. The remaining barrage only further anchored Delta Charizard on the ground, completely immobilized.

"Yes!" Zossie said, forming a fist. "We did it!"

"Great job, Zossie! That was so good! I'm so proud of you!" Soliera said, almost at the brink of tearing up.

Lawrence formed a wide grin. "Let's do this, Marshadow! We won't miss this time!" He yelled, raising his arms up in the air and forming a cross with them. His uniform's sleeve rolled up, revealing the black Z-power Ring he was wearing, fitted with the Marshadium-Z. The Z-Crystal glowed with an intense bright color, while Marshadow's head switched colors, transforming it into Zenith Marshadow.

"Shaaadowwww---!" Marshadow screamed while punching in the air, mimicking Lawrence's actions. A complete set of 7 stars formed in the air right in front of the immobilized Delta Charizard. Bright lines formed between the stars, completing the shape of a Z with a ^ sign on top of it.

"This is all we've got!" Lawrence yelled, his voice echoing in the whole place. "Soul-Stealing 7-Star STRIKEEEE!!!!!"

Marshadow jumped straight up in the air, before all of the Z-energy transferred into its foot.

"Sha--DOW!" It screamed, blasting straight towards Delta Charizard.




The whole place trembled as if being hit by a minor earthquake. Parts of the ceiling also cracked and fell, allowing the midday light to pierce through them. Marshadow jumped away and landed on the ground right next to Lawrence, completely wiped out, breathing heavily. It had returned to its normal form now, and was barely conscious.

The dust cleared around Charizard, revealing it was completely unconscious with spirals in its eyes. It reverted from its Mega-Evolved form, before disappearing into nothing. The streaks of light coming from the broken ceiling illuminated the top of a few stairs in the middle of the whole place, where a small blue crystal was visible, twinkling from the light.

"Good job, Marshadow--- take a long rest now." Lawrence said, as Marshadow sunk into his shadow completely.

Zossie's Naganadel descended, and hovered right beside her. Zossie looked at her newly evolved Ultra Beast, unable to contain her excitement. "Naganadel! You grew up so much!" She said, looking at the various spikes protruding from the Ultra Beast's body.

"DEeeEEel!" Naganadel replied with a screech, rubbing its huge poison filled body against Zossie as a manner of affection. Soliera also petted the UB, congratulating Zossie on making her first UB evolve. She then turned towards Lawrence, who had already walked ahead and was right next to the mysterious crystal.

"What is it that the Charizard was guarding?" Soliera asked from the distance.

Lawrence picked the crystal, observing it closely. "Not too sure--- we'll have to investigate it further." He said, putting it inside his pocket. "I'll call for backup so any corpses of the researchers can be found and taken away--" He added, looking around the dark place.


Later that day---

Soliera and Zossie returned to the apartment they were given to stay in. Soliera was inside the bathroom tub, completely naked as she took a dip in steaming hot water.

Soliera sighed. "It's been an eternity since I took a bath." She said to herself, while raising her arm. She looked at the color of her skin. "Even my skin is starting to lose its color--- I wonder if its the same for everyone else on the team." She thought.

Soliera then recalled the moment when Lawrence protected her and Zossie. "He looks like a carbon copy of him--- just with a different hair color." She said in a low voice.

"Yeah." Zossie's voice suddenly came from behind the bathroom door.

"Zossie?!" Soliera said, shocked.

"Eheh!" Zossie said, before she slid the door open and leaned in. "General Lawrence looks and acts just like Daddy, don't you agree?" She asked with a cheerful smile on her face.

Soliera smiled. "Yes, dear. He does." She said.

"They're all so brave and heroic, don't you think?" Zossie asked. "Mr. Riley didn't hesitate to put his life in danger just so he could protect me--- Sir Ashton did so much for me just so he could teach me how to control my powers--- They just want to help when you look at it truly." She added.

"Indeed. They all seem like great people." Soliera said. "The General acts like a complete tough guy, but he's equally soft on the inside." She added.

Zossie formed a teasing look on her face. "Eheheh! You like him, don't you?"

"Yeah." Soliera replied, blushing. Suddenly, Soliera's face turned red as she got hit with the realization of what she said. "Wh-What?!" She yelled.

Zossie giggled. "Mommy--- you're a pervert! General Lawrence is Sir Ashton's father! He's married!"



Moments later, over at Lawrence.

Lawrence walked into a small hall in the Holon Research labs, and stood beside a bed in the middle. On the bed, Miyamoto was lying, still in her state of coma. A specially appointed doctor walked up to Lawrence, holding a tablet phone which showed all of the current status of Miyamoto's health.

Lawrence looked at the Tablet's screen. "I see there's improvement. Good." He added, before taking out the crystal that he obtained from the ruins earlier that day. He placed the crystal on top of Miyamoto's chest. There was no reaction. Lawrence sighed, before taking the crystal back. "I guess the rest of them need to be assembled for the desired effect." He said to himself, before turning around and walking away. "One down, two more to go." He thought, looking in his PokeGear. A map was visible on it, with three dots on it. One of the dots was marked 'X'.


Meanwhile, over at Ash, Serena, N, and Perry.

The four had finally arrived in the Kuria Region, and now Perry was done covering up the stealth chopper with sticks and greenery from the surrounding area.

"Well, Au revoir!" Perry said.

"Huh? You're not coming?" Serena asked.

"Non, mademoiselle." Perry replied. "I will stay here and stay in contact with the General and with you, working as a bridge of communication." He added. "The worst thing to happen to us in a foreign land is lack of communication."

"N's guy did say he'll get us SIM cards for our PokeGears that don't raise any suspicion." Ash said.

"Good, then you can stay in touch with each other by normal means, and use the other transmission chip when you need to talk to me here." Perry said.

Ash, Pikachu, Serena, and N said goodbye to Perry and continued ahead on foot, as they made their way to the place where N's guy was waiting for them to meet up.

"Just you wait, Team Vitreus! You've no idea who's about to launch his first offense!" Ash thought, as he continued on.

Narrator: "And so, our Heroes are off towards their task in the Kuria Region: Take down Team Vitreus! Stick with us, as the Journey continues!"


Thanks for reading!

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