High school years ( Zib fanfi...

By MandamHat

97 1 0

Last day of Summer. Last chance to make things right before it goes wrong again. Last chance for some romance... More

Chapter two: First day of school

Chapter one: Last day of Summer

65 1 0
By MandamHat

Zim was running through the rain. He was trying to get to Dib's house. He felt the burns. Soon he slipped and fell in a puddle. He started to whimper as he burned. " Dib help me!" He yelled needing help up. He started to cry from the pain. This was it for the young invader. Or so he thought.

Dib saw Zim running to his house. He knew the rain was hurting him. He wanted to help but Gaz went out with the umbrella. He saw Zim slip into a puddle. He heard Zim yell for him. His heart rivaled his brain. Yes he has had a crush on Zim since middle school started. It was when Zim changed his look. He learned more about Zim at lunch because his sister was still behind them. By a year. He ran outside to Zim. He picked Zim up and took him inside. " What are you doing in the rain?" He asked shutting the door.

He set Zim on the couch. Zim was panting from the pain. Dib felt bad for Zim. He knew that he must be in pain from something other than the burns since they were disappearing. Soon his dad came home. " Um son who's robot is this?" He asked wondering who Gir belonged to. " Master." He ran to Zim and helped him. " Gir. Are you okay?" He asked worried about his friend. " I'm okay master. Are you okay?" Gir asked checking over him. " Zim's. I've always liked Gir. What's up with him bud?" Dib asked worried about Zim. " Leg is broken. He'll need help. Hold his hand while I put some of the bone back in place. Then I'll make a cast and make sure he heals properly." Gir said getting all the tools out. He starts getting the bone back in place. " Dib." Zim said squeezing his hand. " I'm here Zim. I'll always be here." Dib said squeezing back.

Soon Gir got done and put the cast on. " There we are master!" Gir yelled happy about what he did. " Great job Gir." Zim said laying there. " Is this your boyfriend son?" Dib's dad asked hoping it is. Dib blushed. " Dad! Well not yet!" Dib said getting flustered. " Alright you boys have fun." He said heading to his lab.

Once he was gone Dib sighs. " I hope I played that off well." Dib said knowing he didn't. " You didn't." Zim said knowing he didn't. Dib sighs and sits with him. " So what was that?" Zim asked wondering why Dib was trying to hide things. " Because I haven't told you yet." Dib said feeling bad for that. " Then tell me." Zim said scared about it. Dib sighs. " I love you." He said tearing up. He was ready for rejection. A love that was growing for three years. Would be shattered for him.

Zim giggles. He felt the same way. The same time. Three years. " I love you too." Zim said ready to make this true. Dib pulls him close. Zim blushes bright blue. They got a inch away from each other and kissed.

The door slammed scaring the two making them pull away. They looked at who was at the door. It was Gaz and her girlfriend Tak. Zim growls. " Tak." He said getting mad. " Oh calm down Zim I'm not after your mission anymore. It's been five years now. Besides I'm younger than you big brother. Besides me and Gaz are tired from our day at work." She said looking at Zim's leg. " Did you break your ankle?" She asked worried about him. " Yes. I forgot the umbrella." He said feeling embarrassed. " Just rest. Everything will be okay." She said heading upstairs with Gaz.

Once they were gone Dib looked at him. " You have a sister?" Dib asked never knowing Tak was his sister. " Yes. We are the royal siblings." Zim said looking Dib. " Wait so your tallest are your parents?" Dib said scared of that fact. " Yeah. Why do you ask?" Zim said wondering why he asked. " I've seen them. And made a bad first impression." Dib said getting more scared. " You did what?! Dib this is bad!" Zim said knowing it's bad. " Why?" Dib asked wondering why. " Because I'm the heir and they know I love you." Zim said knowing that it would be bad. " Then introduce me again." Dib said wanting to see them. " Okay." Zim said wanting to do it. " Good now let's watch a movie." Dib said turning one on. They watched movies until they fell asleep.

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