Secrets and Lies

By ElisaHenderson2

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Aidan, a high school football phenom finds himself squaring off with his father over his future prospects. W... More

The Meeting: Monday, March 23
Home Life - Monday, March 23
Home Life - Monday, March 23 8:10
Establishing a Routine
Senior Year Football Season
Thursday Night Football

Routines Interrupted

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By ElisaHenderson2

Routines Interrupted

As much as Aidan shied away from his father's military discipline, his life required routine. In fact, he made sure that his routine had little variation. He spent his days in class, his afternoons at practice and after that he tutored with Jocelyn. Once that routine was established, he didn't deviate from it. He had even established a game day routine. He never saw Jocelyn at school on those days, not for lack of trying. But after the games he would spend some times with the boys, which meant spending time with Jessica Lydell, then he would go to see Jocelyn. Twice a week he stopped by her place to help Shawn with his homework. This also gave him more time with Jocelyn, although he rarely saw her on those days. She was always busy doing things around the house.

Aidan thought it was weird that the two were home alone so often. Thanks to Shawn's talkative nature, he found out that their father spent a lot of time traveling for his job. But both Shawn and Jocelyn seemed to be very closed-mouthed about their mother.

As Aidan sat in English before lunch, he couldn't seem to get the thought of Jocelyn's mother off his mind. He was pretty sure she wasn't dead. But he could be wrong. Maybe I should just ask her, he thought. The deep rumble of thunder filled the classroom and the sudden sound of rain pounded the roof of the building in earnest.

A few of the girls squealed and everyone looked up.

"My, my! This is some storm," Mrs. Howard declared. Even after her words, the sky voiced its anger again by growling loudly. The class began to murmur among itself about the chaotic heavenly display.

Five minutes before the bell rang the principal came on the school intercom with an announcement.

"Attention students and staff, due to the inclement weather conditions, the football game for this evening has been cancelled. I repeat, the football game has been cancelled."

Aidan smiled. For the first time he got cut a break. When the bell rang, he got up and left the building. He bet that Jocelyn would be at the library as would many of the students to escape the downpour outside. Maybe he could find out what she did on Thursdays that was so important yet secretive.

Whoever said that it never rained in Southern California was a bold-faced liar. Today seemed to be the ultimate exception to the rule. Water poured from the heavens in buckets and according to the radio announcer on the small radio behind the library checkout counter, there was severe flooding on many of the major streets. At least I know Shawn has a ride home, she thought. I'd better check with Mrs. Jones that everything is okay.

"Darla, can I use the phone. I have to see about my little brother."

"Sure. Just use the one in the back room and don't forget to dial..."

"Nine. I know. Thanks."

Jocelyn dialed Mrs. Jones who informed her that she had already picked up the boys due to flooding in front of their school.

"Will you be alright getting home?" she asked. "There is a flash flood watch in effect."

"I'm sure I'll be fine Mrs. Jones. Just tell Shawn to stay put at your place till I come pick him up."

"No problem, dear."

Jocelyn hung up the phone. She rubbed her temples methodically. How do I get to mom, then home with all the flooding? Downtown would be a mess, with the old sewer system. The buses ran regularly but they may have to detour around streets that had flooding issues. Could she even get to the hospital?

"I thought I would find you here?"

Jocelyn looked up to see Aidan in the book room behind the library circulation desk. "What are you doing back here?"

"Darla was pointing me to you and said I could come talk to you."

"Don't you have a game?

"Cancelled, due to weather."

As if on cue, thunder rumbled above. Jocelyn remembered the announcement but she had been too preoccupied with her own issues to realize that Aidan would be free this evening with no game. His words brought her out of her musing.

"Do you need a ride?'

"I... uhm..."

"Look we said friends remember. I wouldn't let my enemy walk home in this weather, let alone take the bus."

She looked up into serious brown eyes.

He continued, "I'll take you wherever you need to go, and drive you home after. No strings, no questions. Cross my heart."

He actually crossed his heart.

"What are you going to do if I say no."

"Follow you to make sure you're okay. Can't have you washed away into the darkness."

Darla choose that moment to join them in the backroom.

"Are you leaving? They cancelled everything including tutoring. Apparently, the flooding is getting really bad."

Aidan looked back at Jocelyn expectantly. Jocelyn sighed, defeated.

"Fine, you can give me a ride."

His eyes twinkled at her knowingly.

"Good," replied Darla. "I was hoping you would not have to take the bus in this weather."

"Well, I live close to her so it seems like a no brainer to take her home."

"Don't expect this to be an everyday thing," she muttered.

"Never," he chuckled.

Aidan smiled knowingly to himself. If he had it his way, he would drive Jocelyn home every day for the rest of the year. But she didn't need to know that. She promised to meet him after she got something out of her locker. He walked out the commons of the school into the front and gazed at the downpour. Students stood in groups under the shelter of the building waiting for rides. Most were in deep discussion about the weather. Apparently, it hadn't rained like this in almost ten years. Regardless, Aidan was glad for any opportunity to spend more time with the mysterious Jocelyn.

"Aidan, are you getting ready to leave?"

Aidan's dash to his car was forestalled by the infamous, Jessica Lydell. Unable to be rude, Aidan turned and smiled at the cheerleader as she stood in front of him in her skimpy cheer outfit.

"I'm in a pickle," she chimed, hands clinging to his forearm where she pressed her ample bosom. "My mother was supposed to pick me up but she's stuck downtown and says it will be an hour before she can come get me. Could you be a dear and take me home in that nice car of yours?"

Aidan expected as much. "Sorry," he said calmly. "I have a friend who needs my help so my car is already promised to another. Maybe one of the other guys can take you, or one of your girlfriends."

With that said Aidan extracted his arm from her sticky embrace and dashed into the rain toward his car. He did not want Jocelyn walking any more than she had to in this downpour if he could help it.

"How do I get to the hospital without Aidan?" Jocelyn mumbled. She clutched the copy of Fahrenheit 451 in her hands as she walked quickly to the front of the school. Aidan's offer for a ride was very sweet but it did little to ease her peace of mind. She did not want him to drive her because then the questions would start. Aidan asked enough questions already.

Jocelyn stared out the front doors of the commons and frowned. Jessica Lydell pounded on the doors begging entry. Jocelyn opened the door in time to catch some of her angry tirade.

"Finally," she huffed. "I can't believe he turned me down. How am I going to get his attention? He and I would make the perfect couple yet he seems clueless to what he's passing up. I have got to figure out how to get his..." The door closed effectively cutting off Jessica's shrill words to one of her cheerleader friends.

Jocelyn shook her head. Aidan didn't know what he started hanging out with her, she thought. Thinking of Aidan, Jocelyn looked around. He was nowhere to be found. Jocelyn looked at her watch and noticed that a bus should be coming soon. In fact, she could see it down the street moving slowly through the torrential rain. Not wanting to take a chance on missing the bus and dealing with the unpredictable football player, Jocelyn dashed through the rain to the bus stop. I need to see her today, so it's okay. I'll talk to Aidan tomorrow.

Aidan slowly drove his car to the front of the school. "This weather is no joke," he mumbled. As he turned his car into the pickup zone in front of the school, he saw Jocelyn running to catch the bus. "What the hell," he muttered.

His first inclination was to get out of the car and chase her down but a scene in the rain was not what he was going for. Instead, he watched her climb onto the bus then decided to follow it. Today I will figure out the mystery of your missing Thursdays. He pulled his car out into traffic to follow the city bus.

Aidan stayed a few cars behind in order to compensate for any bus stops along the way. However, the weather left little to be desired and many people were not riding the bus to get somewhere. From what he could tell, they rode to get out of the rain. However, he paid close attention. After almost thirty minutes of playing detective, his choice to follow her paid off. The bus pulled to a stop almost a block ahead of him. The red light that halted his progress was the only reason he saw Jocelyn get off the bus. She didn't look around in the rain. She hastily put up a small umbrella and crossed the street heading into the heart of downtown.

At first, Aidan thought her destination would be the library at the center of town. He doubled back in his car to follow. He watched, as she had to almost tread water to cross two streets before she turned left and began to sprint across a large parking lot. Aidan looked up and realized she ran toward the Memorial hospital downtown. Aidan drove his car carefully through the rising waters to pull into the parking lot and find a parking space. I have to hurry if I don't want to lose her in there.

Wet and irritated, Jocelyn emerged from the bathroom on the ground floor of the hospital. The paper towels did little to soak up the water that covered most of her body. "Why did I use the umbrella? It didn't work," she groused. Jocelyn walked to the bank of elevators and pressed the up button. The tell-tell ding sounded and a large group exited the vertical vehicle. Jocelyn scurried on along with five or six other people. She stayed by the bank of buttons and pressed four. Then she dived into her backpack to look for the book. She'd had the presence of mind to cover it in plastic. Mom will like this, she thought. She loves Bradbury.

Jocelyn stepped off the elevator on level four and turned right. She waved at the nurses in the nurse's station and continued down to room 4011. She walked up to the doorway to see her mother sitting near the window watching the rain.

For a moment, Jocelyn was thrusted in the past. She was held in her mother's arms as they stared out the front window at the falling rain. Her mother's long black hair cascaded down her back and she brushed Jocelyn's hair as they watched the storm beyond the window. Her caramel skin glowed with health and vitality as they discussed books that others would deem to old for an 8 year old to understand. Yet Jocelyn was not a normal 8 year old.

Jocelyn shook her head to banish the memory and looked at her mother as she sat in the chair. Her skin, pale and her head covered by a colorful scarf, Cressida Tran was still lovely. Her honey colored brown eyes turned to meet her daughter's, as did the keen intelligence that brimmed there.

"I didn't expect you today, honey. What with this wonderful weather we're having." Her waifish hand gestured toward the downpour beyond the window.

"What, and miss giving you some new reading material. Never." Jocelyn entered the room and moved toward the window. She gazed at the rain-washed world beyond and sighed. "I know I can't stay long but I can read to you a little today. And get you caught up on things at home."

"Well sit and tell me all the news."

Aidan almost lost her on the 4th floor. When he entered the hospital, she had just come out of the bathroom on the first floor. She was so into her errand that she didn't notice him behind her at the elevators nor did she see him ride the same elevator as she did up to the 4th floor. He had waited a moment to get off trying not to draw her notice. The moments delay had him wondering what direction she went. He walked down to the nurse's station and looked around.

"Can I help you young man?" A tall, nurse in scrubs with ducks on it came up to him. "Are you looking for someone?"

Aidan wasn't sure how to play this. He did not want to be seen as the stalker dude, so he went with his gut. "Yes, I'm Jocelyn Tran's ride. She went ahead while I was parking the car. She told me the floor but I forgot the room. Silly me."

The nurse smiled. "Jocelyn is here every week like clockwork. I'm so glad she has a ride today. This weather is no joke. If she didn't tell you, she's down in room 4011."

Aidan smiled. "Thanks so much."

He walked down the hall to room 4011 expecting anything but what he saw. He stood in the doorway and gazed in awe. Jocelyn sat in a chair that was pulled up to the bed. Behind her sat a woman who could have been her twin. They both had the same build and skin color, although he could tell that the older woman was sick due to her pale complexion. The woman brushed Jocelyn's hair as she spoke about events during her week. Suddenly it all made sense. This was Jocelyn's mother. Before he could duck back out of the doorway, both women turned their eyes to him. He saw the surprise and fear on Jocelyn's face yet her mother's eyes were just curious.

"Hello, can we help you?"

Her voice even sounded like Jocelyn's. Aiden took the question as an invitation and walked into the room. "Hello. I was looking for Jocelyn. I'm here to take her home. Can't have her getting washed away in all the flooding."

"Well that's nice of you. Jocelyn didn't tell me she had a ride. And you are?"

Aidan looked at Jocelyn who turned away. Her cheeks were mottled red. From anger or embarrassment, he couldn't tell but he wasn't going to let her off the hook. He stared at her and spoke quietly, "Jocelyn hasn't told you about me?"

"No," she said smiling warmly. "I don't believe she has mentioned you. Joce..."

Aidan waited as Jocelyn huffed uncomfortably. "Mom, this is Aidan Moore. He tutor's Shawn in math."

"Oh so you're the infamous tutor. My son cannot stop talking about you. You play football right?"

"Yes ma'am. And you are?"

Jocelyn sighed in defeat. "Aidan this is my mother, Cressida Tran."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"No the pleasure is all mine." Aidan inclined his head gallantly. "I just wanted Jocelyn to know I was here and she could take all the time she needed. I'll just wait in the hall till your visit is done." Aidan walked out of the room and found a seat nearby. He pulled the chair up to the outside of the room and waited, listening to the dulcet tones of Jocelyn's voice as she explained about her week then as she read to her mother.

As always, Jocelyn's voice soothed him. When she stopped speaking, he perked up. A doctor walked past him into the room with the two women. Aidan leaned over and listened carefully.

"I didn't expect you today Jocelyn," he said.

"I don't miss if I can help it doc, you know that."

"Well while half of the city is being washed away, you sit in here and read to your mother. You are a good daughter."

Jocelyn didn't reply to his compliment. Aidan leaned over to hear more.

"I see you've worn her out again. She's sound asleep."

"She told me once that she sleeps best after a story so..."

"Yes, I know this has been hard on the family."

"So is the new treatment working?" Jocelyn's voice was strident.

"Not as we had hoped," the doctor replied. There was a stretch of silence.

"So what now?"

"We make her as comfortable as we can."

"There's nothing else you can try?"

"Unfortunately not. Her white blood cell count is low. Anything else could make her worst."

Aidan got up and walked down the hallway. Jocelyn's mother was very sick. And it didn't sound like she was going to recover.

Jocelyn brooded in silence as she sat next to Aidan in his car. The rain thundered down around them as he traversed the streets, seeking the least flooded path home. She was thankful for his silence. He had only asked one question.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Cancer." She waited for her one word reply to open a floodgate of questions, but he sat unusually quiet. The premature darkness, due to the storm clouds overhead, left her feeling just as lost and uncertain as the doctor's words. Treatment isn't working... Not much more we can do. Jocelyn hated feeling helpless. She was a doer not a waiter. Yet here she sat, cast into the role of wait for the inevitable. She was surprised when Aidan pulled the car over and stopped. She looked out and realized they were in front of her house. She tried to speak but her throat clinched holding the words captive. She cleared her throat and tried again.

"I have to pick up my brother. He's at his friend's house down the street."

Without a word, Aidan restarted the car and drove to the house she pointed out to retrieve her brother. When he stopped in front of the house, he kept the engine running. Before she could open her door, Aidan jumped from the car and ran up to the front door. Within a few moments, he had returned with Shawn in tow who exclaimed over being driven home by the football phenom.

"Thanks for the ride Aidan."

"Anytime sport."

"Jocelyn don't you think Aidan has a nice car?"

She nodded without speaking. Shawn spoke about inconsequential as they drove down the street. Aidan parked the car in front of their house.

"Shawn, do you have your key?"

"Sure Aidan. Why?"

"Why don't you go open the door for your sister. She's had a long day."


Shawn opened the door and dashed to porch. Jocelyn reached for the door but Aidan's hand on her arm stopped her.

"Do you want me to come in?"

"I..., I..."

He smiled warmly at her. "That sounds like a yes."

Before she could protest, he too jumped from the car and raced around to open her door. He held an umbrella over her head as he walked her up to her house. Shawn left the door wide open. Jocelyn entered the foyer, wet and disoriented. Her mind still in the hospital with the doctor.

"What's for dinner sis?"

"Hey, why don't we flip the script and make dinner for your sister today. I'll stay and help. Won't that be fun."

"Yea, that would be awesome. But it should be something simple. I'm not good with the stove. I can microwave though."

"Great go see what we can cook up."

Shawn ran off toward the kitchen. Jocelyn turned toward Aidan.

"You really don't have to do that. I can manage." She stopped when he placed a finger to her lips.

"You're turning blue after traipsing through the flood to get to the hospital. Just go upstairs, shower and then come back down. The men will take care of dinner.

Jocelyn stared up at the knowing look on Aidan's face. She opened her mouth to ask a question but was cut off by that offensive finger again.

"Go get dry. I'll take care of your brother."

Jocelyn nodded and went upstairs. When she returned fifteen minutes later, the men had pulled out soup and crackers for dinner. Shawn grabbed her hand and pulled her to the table.

"Come on, Jocelyn. You can tell us how good dinner is."

Jocelyn let Shawn push her into her seat. He raced back around the table to his chair and Aidan sat down next to him. Before her was a bowl of chicken noodle soup and saltine crackers.

"This looks delicious," she said smiling. Jocelyn turned her tired eyes to Aidan. "Thank you."

His smile said he knew there was more behind those simple words than Shawn would ever guess at.

"Let's dig in," Aidan replied.

Jocelyn ate slowly and tried to clear her mind of the news from the hospital. At least Shawn doesn't know yet, she thought. She listened to him rattle on about school, the storm and the canceled football game. It was Shawn's unexpected bout of sneezing that bounced Jocelyn back into her motherly-sister role.

"Okay, if you're finished, upstairs with you. Shower and stuff. I can't have you getting sick."

"Aww Jocelyn..."

"No arguing sport. You listen to your sister."

Jocelyn smiled grateful for the backup. Where Shawn would have questioned her, he listened unerringly to Aidan. He raced from the table with the promise to be right back. Aidan stood and collected the dishes.

"I can do that. You guys cooked. I'll clean up."

"How about we do it together?"

Jocelyn sighed. "Okay."

Jocelyn followed Aidan into the kitchen carrying her bowl. He placed his dishes down by the sink.

"Dishwasher or old school?"

"Old school of course. We conserve water in this house."

Aidan laughed at the disdain in her voice. "Nice to have you back."

"Sorry. I just got some news that was a little..."


"I didn't know you knew big words like that."

"Well I have a good English tutor."

Jocelyn gave Aidan her half smile as she ran dishwater in the sink. The two cleaned up the few dishes from their dinner in companionable silence. Aidan broke the silence as Jocelyn wiped down the counters.

"When's your dad coming home?"

"Tomorrow. If the weather doesn't keep him away."

"Are you going to tell him? About your mom..."

Jocelyn turned and looked at Aiden. He stood leaning against the island with his arms across his chest, a guarded look on his face. Words tumbled from Jocelyn's mouth of their own accord.

"I don't tell my dad about my visits. He takes Shawn on the weekends."

"So he'll find out..."

"When he gets back."

"That's why you've been writing in your journal. It's your escape."

Jocelyn turned away and finished wiping down the counter. "I guess. I'm surprised you noticed."

"I notice a lot about you Jocelyn Tran."

Before she could question him about his cryptic comment, Shawn came barreling into the room.

"I'm clean," he yelled to no one in particular. "Can we watch a movie?"

Jocelyn placed the sponge by the sink and turned to look at the two men in her kitchen. Shawn was doing his best to imitate Aidan by leaning against the island with his arms crossed. Jocelyn smiled at the sight.

"Sorry Shawn, Aidan's got to go home." She walked over and placed a motherly hand to his forehead checking for a fever. His brow was cool to her touch.

"Ahh, Joce!"

"Don't try it. It's late and you need to get to bed."

"Can you at least tell me a story tonight?"

Jocelyn looked up at Aidan's who's eyes brightened at the prospect of a story.

"That sounds good," Aidan chimed in. "I love a good story."

"You are both incorrigible."

The men looked at her with pleading eyes. Jocelyn shook her head and sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you a story if you are in bed and waiting in the next five minutes."

Jocelyn shook her head again, as she watched Shawn grab Aidan's hand and lead him upstairs to his room. His boyish chatter carried back to her in the kitchen as he pulled Aidan up the stairs in his wake.

"Joce tells the best stories. I'm sure you'll love them too."

Jocelyn ran her routine check of the downstairs, making sure all the windows and doors were secure. Then she climbed the stairs and went to Shawn's room. He little brother sat on his bed with the covers pulled up to his waist waiting for her, a drawing in his hand. Aidan sat backwards in Shawn's desk chair.

"I've got a new drawing," he whispered as he handed her a picture of a fierce looking monster. "It's Carcerous. The monster holding the maiden captive. You describe it so well in the last story, I drew the picture."

Jocelyn looked at the muscular beast depicted on the page. "This is good, Shawn. It's just like I pictured Carcerous to look. Now where did we leave off?"

"Carcerous had taken the maiden away to his labyrinth lair and she couldn't get out."

Jocelyn sighed and blinked rapidly trying to hold her tears at bay. "That's right."

"Joce, will the maiden get away from Carcerous?"

Jocelyn met her brother's candid stare. "I can't give away the end of the story." With that, she dove into the fantasy world she created to help her bother and herself cope with the horrors of real life.

Aidan was impressed. In his life, he knew about two kinds of people, fighters and whiners. Whiners complained and fighters pressed forward no matter what. Jocelyn was a fighter. He watched her as she sat on her brother's bed, weaving a story to calm his fears. A maiden lost in a labyrinth being chased by a villainous monster named Carcerous, who wouldn't like the adventure and intrigue. She even wove in the storm outside into her telling. He was just as caught up as Shawn until she stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" Shawn complained with a yawn.

"I stopped because you need to go to sleep." She leaned over and kissed his forehead. "We'll continue the story another night. Okay."

Shawn smiled dreamily. "Okay. See Aidan, I told you. She tells the best stories."

Aidan nodded appreciatively. "Yes she does. I'll see you later champ." Aidan followed Jocelyn out of Shawn's room and down the hall to her bedroom.

"You can go home now, you know."

"That story is about your mom, isn't it?"

"You should probably go. Your mom will be worried."

"Jocelyn, we're supposed to be friends. Friends talk to each other."

She stood with her back to him facing the desk. Her back, ramrod straight, Jocelyn the tutor with all her shields in place, refused to look at him. Aidan would not be deterred. He walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She stiffened even more, which he thought could not be possible.

"It's okay to share a little bit about what you're thinking. I will not tell anyone your secret. I promise."

"Really," her voice sounded thick with emotion.

"On my honor."

"That sounded really gallant."

"Hey, I learned from the best."

Aidan turned Jocelyn toward him. She didn't resist. The tears that fell from her eyes astounded him.

"Hey, it's okay," he murmured. "Everything will be all right."

"Will it? I couldn't tell Shawn."

"Tell him what?"

"That not all stories have a happy ending."

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