A Child I Never Knew About |...

By Creativityismylife15

10.2K 335 236

Joey and Daniel have been in a loving relationship for two years. Daniel goes to visit his family, but witho... More

Let me explain
S-E-V-E-N-T-Y: Broken Hearts, Healed Souls. Part 1
S-E-V-E-N-T-Y-O-N-E: Broken Hearts, Healed Souls. Part 2
Sequel idea


81 0 0
By Creativityismylife15

Kacey's POV:
I see the message on the window which said; 'Look Behind You.' I heard a voice, say:

'There you are! Been looking all over for you!"

I turned around it was Joey, with a devilish look on his face. As dark red blood was running down his face. His eyes had no light, the darkness had gotten to him.

Kacey: Joey what had gotten into you?!

Joey: you've been a very naughty girl! Under my roof you as your told!

He gets out a butcher knife from the kitchen drawer and charges towards me with it, I grabbed hold of his wrist trying to stop him from plunging the knife into my throat.

Kacey: don't do this!
I said as I kicked him away. He drops the knife onto the floor, I grabbed it before he could pick it up. He was about to charge towards me,  it then Daniel wakes up and grabs Joey, keeping him away from me.

Daniel: Joey what has gotten into you?!

Joey: I just wanna play with her! Don't you wanna play with your new daughter?!

Kacey: he had a knife, he tried to kill me!

Joey breaks out of Daniel's grip, he charges towards me making me drop the knife. He sees it land on the floor. He picked it up and tried to stab me with it but ends up stabbing the wall. I got away. Daniel grabbed him again holding Joey's head and his wrist and in Joey's hand was the knife. The knife was only a centimetre apart from Daniel's throat. I gotta do something.

Daniel: don't make me do something I'll regret!

Joey: let me at her! Let me fucking play with her!  You fucking asshole!

Daniel: Joey! No! Drop the knife, before you do something you'll regret! Killing me!

I grabbed a pan from the kitchen cupboard and whacked Joey in the head. He drops the knife and falls to the floor.

Daniel: oh my god...I can't believe this... thank you for that.

Kacey: he left me no choice, if I didn't do it he would have killed us both. I don't know what has gotten into him but it wasn't Joey.

Daniel picked up the knife, wiping it and open the draw, about to put it back in and then says:

Daniel: you did what you had to do, but..........

He started getting in pain, he nearly screamed as it was so much. This concerned me.

Kacey: oh my god, Daniel are you ok?

Daniel: BUT YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT! You son of a bitch!!!!! I took such good fucking care of you and this is how you repay me!!!!???!!!!

He yells, his skin was pale and his eyes went dark, he had that same devilish grin on his face as Joey. He charged towards me with the knife. I moved out the way causing the knife to hit the wall, he growled in anger and pulled it out, pinning me to the wall.

Joey: kill her Danny!!!!! Kill her!!!!!
Joey yelled getting up for the floor, with pale skin that had blood running down his face

Suddenly he drops the knife and falls to the floor in pain, saying!

Daniel: no Joey! I won't!! I'm sorry Kacey I don't know what has come over me.......argghhh!!!!! No!!! Leave me alone, get out of me!!!!! Kacey go!! I don't know how long I can fight it!!!!!

I ran upstairs, closing my bedroom door, pushing the bedside table towards it holding the door shut. I took out the wooden box with the weapons, I knew where I was going. I took out the bow and arrows, the dagger and the gun. I left the sword as I shut the wooden box, putting into the floor boards. Covering it with a rug. 

Kacey: I know it's not night time, but I'm ready now.

Th voice comes and says:

'Very well then. You will be going into an unreal world in the time 1978, your father is in that group and you must help out him and the group.'

Light began to flash. As it went I found my self in a town at night time, on a tree stump I saw a mask which was black and spiky. It had slits for the eyes. I looked at what I was wearing, it was; dark brown 70s boots which were knee high, along with dark grey trousers that were tucked into the boots, I had a dark grey button up, with a long pointy collar like they had in the 70s, finished with a black belt that had a big buckle. And a dark brown leather jacket. My hair was in a side braid which had a wire wrap as a hair tie. My weapons where on as I checked. The gun and dagger were next to each other.

I see a piece of paper. Which said:

'Put on the mask, don't let them see your face."

I did so, putting on the mask, it went on like a head band which was quite convenient as if I would only need pull it up, instead of taking it off and holding it. I hear laughing, I peaked my head up the corner and saw the group, I looked carefully and saw Joey in that group. As clowns had them all tied to the carousel and laughed as the carousel went round, as one clown spun the dice. They were about to shoot. I had to do something.

'Save the group'

The voice has spoken. I got out an arrow and fired at the clown holding a gun, the arrows went in the their skull, killing them on the spot. I fired at a few more running round to try and get more clowns. After about six arrows fired, help came to them and shot down the remaining clowns. I quickly ran into hiding before they could see me. If I can succeed in this I can restore Joey's goodness. But if I fail, I won't be able to.

They get untied by the man with the gun taking them to a building.

'Well done you have succeeded the first task.'

Kacey: now what's next?

'Keep a close eye on the group, follow them wherever they go.'

Kacey: I'll do my best.

I peaked through the window of the building and saw it was an arcade. In the distance tent I saw clowns, I tried to hide the best I could, when they were looking, I ran and went into the police office closing the door, with a piece of wood. That was close but now I can't keep an eye on the group. I gonna have to sneak out without the clowns seeing me.

I looked out the window, it was clear. I took the piece of wood out and opened the door, going outside, I see some of the group out there going towards a tent, I followed them. They were solving puzzles, then a clown comes into the tent, I was at a tent window crouched down in the back, the clown couldn't see me.

The small group all hid, I got out an arrow and point it out the window aiming at the clown.

Clown: come out to play little chickidies!!!! I won't bite....hahahaha!!!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!

I fired, the arrow into the clown's stomach. They fell to the floor, dead. The group comes out of hiding and looks around. One wearing a yellow hat said:

???: who did that?

Another said:

???: I don't know, did you see who did it Ro?

Ro: no I didn't Matt.

So they're names are Ro and Matt. Interesting.

Matt: Manny, did you see who did it?

Manny: no I didn't. But whoever it was, we owe them our life.

Ro: I'm gonna look out side.

Matt: it's dangerous out there. Especially when there clowns around.

Ro: I'm gonna be careful, besides I'm a tough cookie.

Oh crap! Better get moving, I quickly get away from the window and get up. I started to run, but then I heard the same lady voice say:

Ro: wait! Stop! Who are you? Please, I won't hurt you.

I stopped and turned round. She looked at me in the eye. She got closer to me, she was very little, wasn't even five foot.

I could hear the voice in my head say:

'Don't be afraid to show them your face, it won't mess their heads as it's only one person.'

I slowly say:

Kacey: I'm the one who took down the clowns that trapped you on the carousel. I shot down the clown that invaded the tent.

Ro: we thank you for that. Now please what's your name? I'm Ro.

I pulled up the face of the mask, showing my face. Ro had slightly wide eyes at this point.

Kacey: I am Kacey.

Ro: Kacey who.....Gr.....

Kacey: no, Kacey Valdez.

Ro: oh.

Ro's POV:
This girl, Kacey looked awfully familiar. She looked similar to Joey. What am I saying?! The girls a spitting image of him! I have a feeling Joey is hiding something and I think is it.

Back to Kacey's POV:

Kacey: you should go and get back to your group. Go now! Run before another clown comes.
I said telling her to go. She ran back to the tent, as I pulled the mask back over my face and ran away from the ten and back into the police building. I feel like I have blown myself over by revealing myself to her.

I hope the others in the group don't find out.

I hear the voice say:

'Well done, that was very brave of you to reveal yourself like that to a member of the group.'

Kacey: now what?

'Now you must protect the group.'

Kacey: how do I do that?

'You must not let any evil get to them, but however keep a close eye on your father who is linked to darkness just like you are.'

Kacey: so when I'm done helping the group, will Joey's goodness be restored or do I have to do something for that?

'Enough has been said, protect your father.'

The voice leaves making me feel alone in this building. I looked around, and out the window, seeing four people go into a tent. The doors open and inside revealed clowns then the door closes leaving it unknown on what happens next. I watched for minutes, till I see clowns dying and turning to ash, as three people walked out the tent, one holding something in their hand.

They walked into the the arcade. I waited for them to go inside, and then sneaked out the building, carefully easing into the windows of the arcade. I see them go through a secret passage way, from there I saw nothing.

I walked around the town centre, looking out for evil. But it was all quiet. Then out of nowhere I see Joey sneaking out the arcade, I followed him. Being as quite as possible with each step. He reaches a church like building and sees glowing fog around it. This must be where the evil is.

He looked around, I quickly hid behind a bush. Luckily before he could look even more, the rest of the group finds him and asks him where he has been. One of them calls him a liar. Joey tried to say something but then feels defeated and tells the group the truth. Together he and the group head back to the arcade building.

I followed quietly, I waited for them to go inside and through the secret passage way. I sneak inside as I want to hear to he has to say, I quietly walk inside the arcade and pressed my ear against the door of the secret passage way. I was able to hear clearly of what they were saying:

Joey: I guess I should tell you guys the truth. So the truth is, I died. I died and I appeared here at this town, very confused. Not knowing what was going on, then I come to this building, that had two people at the entrance saying if I want to live, I must save this town and for that to happen, my friends must die.

Then I hear someone say:

???: so you brought us all here, knowing we were going to die.

Joey: I'm sorry but I didn't have much of a choice. If I had known about the town I wouldn't have invited you all here.

I hear another voice say:

???: liar! Your a liar! You act like you don't know what's going on, when really you do. I don't believe a word of what you said.

Joey: Colleen, I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth!

So her name is Colleen, interesting.

Colleen: I don't believe you.

I hear another voice say:

???: thanks for telling us that we are all going to die. Thanks a lot.

Joey: I'm sorry, I should have told you guys sooner but if I did, none of you would show up.

Colleen: you got that right.

I then hear another voice say:

???: anyways how about we move on with the next task and get the hell out of here.

Joey: of course, now what's next.

I took my head off the door, sneaking out the building. Accidentally the bow on my back knocked over a glass on the table in the arcade, I knew at this point they heard.

???: wait what was that noise?

Then I hear Joey say:

Joey: it's coming from outside the lounge, let's investigate.

I leg it out the arcade, rushing over to the pharmacy. I closed the door, securing it with a long piece of wood. At this I never felt so vulnerable, they could catch me at any second, which could mess up their heads and cause me to fail restoring Joey's goodness.

I stayed as still and quite as possible, trying hard no to move a muscle. Then I hear them say:

???: damn it! We lost them and what's worse, we don't even know who they are and plus they could have been helpful.

???: well let's just go back to the lounge, and solve out next clue.

???: alright let's go.

I hear them leave, I peaked at the window and saw them walking back to the arcade. Phew, that was close! I remained in the pharmacy for a bit. I got an arrow prepared for outside if anything tries to attack them or me.

The voice comes back to my mind.

'I left you with curiosity, unanswered questions. Would you rejoice if I told you how to restore your father's goodness?"

Kacey: yes, that would help me.

'There are two more steps to completing what you want to have so desperately.'

Kacey: please tell me.

'You must let the members of the group die. Once they have your father's other half will empty, the only way to fill his soul is evening out the good and evil, and that is for you to bind goodness into him.'

Kacey: how am I meant to do that?

'You must first gather three angel artefacts, they are; a golden halo, feather of an angel wing, and a vial of angel's tears, you must find these whilst your protecting the group. Once these artefacts are gathered, your father's goodness will be restored.'

Kacey: ok, now where could I find the first one?

'In the arcade building, in the lounge the group is in on the window part somewhere.'

Kacey: the last time I went in the arcade I almost got caught.

'Then be careful, and wait for them to leave the building.'

Kacey: fine, I'll wait. Oh wait there's only four of them coming out.

'In this world, minutes go like hours. There only four group members remaining. Hurry and get these artefacts.'

The voice left, I ran out the building. Rushing to the arcade, closing the door behind me. The voice returns saying:

'A way in the lounge is through that fridge over there.'

I saw the fridge door, I opened it and saw another room on the side. I stepped in and looked around this lounge, it was very warm and felt weirdly safe. I kinda liked it. Anyways back to work, I looked everywhere and then remembered it was on the window part somewhere. I went to the windows and looked.

There was nothing, I then looked carefully at the ledge of the window and saw something wasn't quite right, there was a rectangle cut in the window shelf, I pressed it and it popped open, revealing the golden angel halo. I took it out and hoped the group didn't need this.

I rushed out the lounge, but suddenly a voice is heard and felt like it was coming from behind me.

It was...........

Author's Note:
Ooooh I just love a good cliffhanger, don't you? Don't worry I will update soon with more to be shown.

Bye! :)

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