Raised by Katherine Pierce [1...

By RedQueenLeo

20K 441 83

Silva Diana Pierce was left in a basket out in the street on a cold winter night in New York City. Katherine... More

All's Fair in Love and War
First Night in Mystic Falls
Lockwood Mansion
Carnival Fun
Lay Low
Tensions Rising
Party Time
End to a Long Night
Rescue Elena
Rose & The Noble Original
Katerina Petrova
Stopping Murder
Revenge of the Dead
Slater's Apartment
Prisoner of Elijah
Silvia Henrikson
Deal in Action
Dinner Party
The Bitch is Back
Witch Problems
Game On
Missing Mother
No Hope
False Rescue
Risen Sun

First School Dance

346 8 2
By RedQueenLeo

(Silva POV)

Once we got back to the Salvatore House I went to my room and refused to move or leave for a couple of days. It was Monday morning and I heard Stefan knock on my door, "Hey Silva, I'm going to school, but Damon's gonna be here to protect you. We'd really like it if you came out to talk to us."

I then heard Damon's voice, "Anything?"

"No. I can hear her heartbeat, at least, but I'm worried she's trying to kill herself through starvation."

"Get to school, brother. I'll take care of it."

"Please don't hurt her."

"Honestly Stefan, do you really think I could? Whether she likes it or not, the only way she'll be able to get Katherine back is if she helps us. Not to mention that Klaus is gonna come after her next, she needs the protection only we can provide her. Go to school."

Stefan's footsteps retreated, but Damon's remained for a moment as he called through the door, "Silva, I'm gonna go get breakfast from the Grill. I'll bring you back something, if you plan on leaving the house, call me. I'll be back in a bit." I heard his footsteps leave and I sighed. I figured that I should at least shower and change clothes. I had wallowed in sadness long enough, it was time to fight back.

I began pacing my room, thinking. Damon believed that we had a connection and would most likely protect me to further explore that connection. As long as I played along as the sad girl who just lost her mother than I could also manipulate Stefan and Elena. I could use them as my shields until I got Katherine back and then throw them to Klaus as a distraction to make our escape. We'd be running for the rest our lives, but at least we'd be together.

I made my way downstairs and into the cellar, there was also Plan B; Release Elijah. If I played my cards right I could be having an Original protect me against another Original. I would just have to make sure that I hid my vervain, so he couldn't compel me into being his personal Barbie doll again.

Before I could make my decision I heard Damon rush down the stairs, "Silva? Hey, what are you doing down here?"

Still looking at Elijah, I answered, "Weighing my options."

"Elijah? You're thinking of resurrecting him?"

I sniffled, "I don't know, maybe. I mean what could protect me from an Original better than an Original?"

Damon grabbed my shoulder and lifted my chin to look into my eyes, "Listen to me very carefully, I'm not going to let Klaus lay a finger on you. I promise to protect you."

I let a tear slip down my face as I hugged Damon, "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He stroked my head for a second and then lead me upstairs, "Come on, let's get you some food and maybe a little bit of sun. You're looking kind of pale."

I snickered, "I'm still tanner than you."

We ate breakfast and as soon as I was done cleaning the dishes, Damon threw me my jacket, "Come on, get your shoes on. We're gonna get you out."

"Where are you taking me? Now that this house is safe, should I really be leaving?"

He placed his hand on my cheek, "Hey, I promised that I would protect you and I meant it. It's just a couple of hours in the sun so you don't feel stuck inside like a prisoner."

I nodded, leaning slightly into the touch, "Okay, lead the way."

He took my hand, picking me up and whisking me outside. He finally put me down next to the Falls and I smiled, "This place is beautiful." I then smirked, "Can we play a game?"

"What game?"

"I want you to close your eyes and count to fifty and then come find me."

"You want me to hunt you down?"

"The real question is if you think that your vampire enough to catch me?"

He grabbed my waist pulling me closer, "Oh I know I am."

I leaned up and whispered in his ear, "Prove it." I stepped back, "Close your eyes, fifty seconds, no cheating. Go!"

As soon as he closed his eyes I took off running to the other side of the Falls, hoping the sound of the water would mask my footfalls. I began climbing a tree and found a branch surrounded by leaves and waited. A few moments later I looked down to see vamp speed into my sight, looking around. I stopped breathing and stayed still watching him speed away. 

About fifteen minutes later I heard Damon call my name in the distance. He was worried about me. Did he actually care for me? Obsessed with Katherine for 145 years, developing feelings for her doppelgänger and now he's willing to cast all of that aside for a girl he barely even knows?

He called my name again, closer now. Common sense told me that there was no way Damon was completely over my mother or Elena, but a little part inside of me hoped that he did care.

As soon as he came into view again, I decided to end the game and called, "Damon! I'm up here!"

He looked up and jumped to the branch closest to mine, "We are not playing that game ever again? Are you okay?"

I nodded, "I'm fine, just bored." I held out my arms, "Help me down?"

He grabbed me and we jumped down. I stared into his eyes, smiling slightly and kissing his cheek, "I'm sorry for worrying you. Thank you for playing with me."

He looked down and leaned in only for his phone to ring. I stepped back and noticed the CallerID; Stefan. I began walking, "You should probably take that. I'll start walking back."

I got far enough away to not hear the conversation and Damon caught up to me, "Klaus made his first move against Elena, he's going to be at the Decade Dance."

He whisked us back to the house and once Stefan, Elena and Bonnie arrived we began talking strategy. "So we go to the dance and find him."

Stefan asked, "Really? How are we going to do that? None of us knows what Klaus looks like."

Damon responded, "Something tells me he's not going to be sixteen and pimply." He turned to me, "Unless you know what he looks like?"

I shook my head, "I only know the names of the Originals, not the faces. That doesn't matter, Klaus could be anywhere at any time." I looked to Elena and Bonnie, "He compelled someone at your school, which means that he was scoping you out, seeing who you hang out with, and figuring out your daily routine."

"Guess school's not as safe as you two thought," Stefan pointed out.

Alaric then knocked on the door and walked in and Damon said, "Ah, there you are."

"I'm sorry I'm late."

Damon said, "Hey I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move."

I grabbed Damon's arm, "Put me down as his plus one."

Damon smiled, "Oh no you don't, we know that Klaus wants you only to torture Katherine. You're safer here."

I frowned at him, "You told me that I shouldn't feel like a prisoner here. Klaus has my mother, I'm not just going to sit here and worry about whether or not you're alive or dead. I'm going to the dance." I turned to Alaric, "Put my down as a chaperone." I stomped upstairs into Katherine's room and began looking through her clothes. She wasn't a very sentimental person, but she did keep certain outfit from each era she lived, as a reminder that she was alive and not some dead blood sacrifice.

Thankfully she did have an outfit and I got dressed. As I looked at myself in the mirror, my long brown hair didn't fit with the outfit. So I went downstairs, grabbed a pair of scissors and began to surgically style my hair. Now instead on going to to my lower back, my hair just went past my shoulders.

"Wow, you look amazing."

I turned around to see Damon standing in the kitchen, "Thank you, but now that I have the outfit I need to hide weapons in it. I'll be down in a bit." I started to walk past him and he grabbed my shoulder, "Hey, no matter what happens tonight. I want you to stay right next to me."

"As your date? Because I remember you telling me that I would be better off here, you never asked me to go, some girls don't like mixed signals."

Damon took my hand and got down on one knee, "Miss Silva Pierce, will you be my date to the decade dance tonight?"

I smiled, "Of course, Mr. Damon Salvatore. Now go get the lovebirds while I get my weapons."

"On it."

When we arrived at the dance, hugs were exchanged between everyone, which included Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie each hugging me. I figured Jeremy still didn't trust me, but I still gave him a nod, "See you on the other side little Gilbert."

I hooked my arm in Damon's taking a deep breath, facing the door, "Let's do this."

(Elena POV)

We all walked into the dance as a slow song played. Dana got on the microphone, "Thank you for coming everyone. We have a special shout out tonight. This is for Elena and Silva from Klaus." As everyone cheered, I felt my heart clench and I looked at Silva who seemed to pale. 

She began looking around, "He's already here."

Damon pulled her closer, "Easy, sweetie. That was a lame cheap shot. He's trying to bait us."

I nodded, looking around, "I know everyone here."

Stefan spoke up, "Maybe he's not here and just wants us to believe that he is."

"It's a party people. Blend. Make him come to us," Damon demanded as he took Silva over to Ric, and then out to the dance floor and began dancing with her, trying to get her to calm down. Bonnie took my reluctant brother as I was left with my boyfriend.

I smiled at Silva and Damon dancing, "They look so cute together."

Stefan nodded, "Yeah, it's hard to believe that only a couple weeks ago Damon actually killed her. But I did tell him that he'd have better luck getting through to her than I would. They have a lot in common and now that Katherine's out of the picture, Silva can be free to be herself and Damon can finally move on. They need each other." 

I smiled, taking  his hand, "Well, you heard your brother. Dance with me."

"Ah, I don't know."

"Please. I'm begging."


A little bit later Caroline arrived with Matt, "Caroline's here, she doesn't know what's going on. We have to tell her."

Stefan turned, "Alright, I'm on it." Stefan mentioned behind me and then spun me, letting my hand go just as someone grabbed my other hand and pulled me in. "Damon, where's Silva?"

"She's safe, I left her with Ric."

(Klaus POV)

The Salvatore brothers were keeping a close eye on my doppelgänger, it made me laugh a little considering she wasn't my target, yet. I wanted the witch and hopefully a bonus in Katerina's daughter. I looked over at her as she danced with the elder Salvatore. She was human and held herself high, but I could see how broken she really was, probably at the hands of Katerina in order to make her stronger.

The only thing that Katerina ever loved after becoming a vampire. A human girl, whom she had raised herself.

Suddenly Damon came over, "Be right back. Stefan's calling me over to watch Elena. Stay with Silva."

Silva went to protest, but Damon left to dance with the doppelgänger. I could see the happiness leave the girl's face, "Of course. Of course he leaves me for Elena."

I spoke up trying to be the sensitive teacher, "Why are you so upset?"

She looked up at me, "You seriously don't know? I figured you of all people would. Your wife, the woman you loved, left you to become a vampire." She turned to look at Damon and Elena, "Damon promised to protect me and yet his first instinct is to protect Elena. If it came down to saving me or Elena, he'd save Elena."

I looked down at her, "Do you really believe that?"

She scoffed, "I know from personal experience that the allure of the doppelgänger is too much for any one person to resist. You know, originally Katherine wanted me to seduce her werewolf for Klaus, but as soon as I went up to flirt with him, he asked if my mother was single." She looked back at Elena and Damon as the two got extremely close and laughed. The young woman scoffed, "I'm gonna grab a drink, do you want one Ric?"

"No, I'm good, thanks."

I watched her walk away and realized what she had said was true. Even I had fallen for a doppelgänger once and was helpless to resist. In a strange way, I felt bad about using her to torture her mother, but then I remembered that I had reputation to uphold. I walked over and asked her, "Do you have enough weapons in case this goes south?"

She looked up at me, "I've got a stake hidden in each boot and and a small flask of vervain water in my bra. Probably not enough if we get surrounded by more than four vamps or witches."

I nodded, handing her the keys, "I've got a wooden bullet gun in the top left drawer of my classroom desk with a holster you can strap to your thigh to hide under your dress. I'll let you borrow it."

She took the keys, "Thanks Ric, I'll be right back."

I waited all of five minutes before following Silva into the classroom, as she was strapping the gun to her upper thigh. She saw me and turned around, "Ric! Knocking would've been nice."

"Sorry, Damon sent me to check on you, so that you wouldn't be alone." 

She fixed her dress, turning back, "I'm fine, let's get back."

As soon as she passed me I grabbed her arm and threw her head down against the desk, effectively knocking her out and allowing her body to flop to the floor. I took the classroom keys and locked the door behind me, "See you soon, little Petrova and enjoy your nap. You shall be reunited with your mother sooner than you think."

(Damon POV)

After talking to Bonnie, and formulating our little plan I sent a text to Jeremy to find Silva. I was worried about her. I called her and heard her cellphone go off. I hurried towards the sound and came to Alaric's classroom. I looked in and saw her lying motionless on the floor. Breaking the lock I healed her and with some blood and kissed her forehead, whispering to her unconscious form, "I'll be right back for you, I promise."

I went to put Bonnie's "dead" body in the truck before running back to find Silva. However when I came back to Alaric's classroom, her body was gone.

My heart clenched and guilt rose in my chest. I failed her and now she was going to be tortured.

After explaining to Elena that Bonnie wasn't dead, I called Andy in order to distract me from the pain and guilt of letting Silva down.


Klaus has Silva! 

Time for some blood, gore, and torture.

If that isn't your thing you might want to skip the next chapter because Klaus is the worst of the worst; The Big Bad Wolf, and I plan on writing him as such.

On another note, I love reading other fanfictions that have gifs and small music vids of their OC characters. I am not as creative as others out there but I'm curious as to what celebrity you picture Silva as?

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