The Attack a Percy Jackson/ W...

By 17Phoenix12

629 26 4

This is my first ever crossover story and I'm bad at book blurbs but nobody's perfect hehe. It was a normal d... More

Introduction Pt. 1. ( Sort Of )
Intro Part 2
Chapter 3: Oh Great
Chapter 4: Morning Routine
Chapter 6: Impossible
Chapter 7: I'm Sorry
Chapter 8: Another new recruit?
Chapter 9: Infirmary
Author's Note
Chapter 10: Interview

Chapter 5: New found friend?

46 2 0
By 17Phoenix12

A/N okay sorry for that weird cliffy a few chapters ago ( we left off at the "dead" guy waking up). Okay on with le story

Olivia's Pov

"Umm hello?" I said waving my hand in front of his face. "God, are you o- hey!"

He just flipped me over his shoulder. Great first impression there dude.

"Ow, God I'm just trying to help you" I said standing up.

" Yeah, sure like I'm gonna believe you". He spat

" Just hear me out okay"

"You have ten seconds"

" uhh... Well if I WAS an enemy shouldn't I have killed you while you were still knocked out?"

"I guess so... "

" great, lets start over. Hey, my name is Olivia Antares, daughter of well one of the Greek gods". I said awkwardly

"Wait you're a demigod?" He asked surprised.

"Um, yeah?"

" sure, Im Connor Stoll, son of Hermes, so yeah, well you need help? I can get you to our base just uh watch out for traps. "

"Wait you're a demigod too?"

"Um, yeah" he mocked copying my voice.

"Ugh don't tease me, it's just that I haven't met another- wait, base? Where?"

" woah slow down, yes we have a base, I'll show you where it is. Just dont pull off anything or you're toast" he said

"Haven't we just established I'm a good guy?" I whined

" well I'm not taking any chances"

" okay fine, fine" I said. " can we just please get to the stupid base"

"Sure princess, whatever you say" he teased walking away.

"Darn it Connor" I jogged after him, playfully punching his arm.

"Wait, traps?" I asked surprised

"Well we need to protect the base somehow princess" he said

"Stop calling me princess!"

Hmm this could be the start of a good friendship.


Yeah, I just had to bring Connor into the mix. Don't worry maybe nothing will happen to him... Maybe

Btw check out "Hunt for the goddess of magic" my friend wrote it and she needs some readers

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