Daughter of the Mockingjay

By serpentqueen02

5.5K 61 96

My name is Iris, Iris Primrose Mellark. Not too long ago I found out about a thing called the Hunger Games, I... More

All About Me
Finding Out
Talking to Rose
The Art Room
Father Daughter Conversation Only
Meltdowns for Two
Girl Time
Can Every Harley Quinn Get Their Joker?
My E-Girls are off Limits!
How Katie and Ashton Got Together
The Secret Wardrobe
T.A.F (Part 1)
T.A.F (Part 2)
Their Answer (Short Chapter)
First Day
President Paylor
The Pins Final Destination
New Book?

Aunt Prim

179 1 2
By serpentqueen02

(Texting Gabe)

Mr J (use emoji's of your choice):

Did you finish the assignment?


Are you for real! It's me Gabe! No I did not finish the assignment!

Mr J:

Sorry beautiful... miss you, so board right now! xx


All good hon, and I've got Katie coming over soon so I'm good, Ashton's helping Mum with laundry so I'll see if he's free for you xx

Mr J:

Aw, you're the best! All good though, Charlie just got home and she's about as fun as watching a snail move!


lol! So I'll take it as a yes on seeing what Ashton's doing?

Mr J:

Yes! But I've already texted him so I'm waiting on a reply, wish you were with me...


Aww, me too!

Mr J:

You know... we haven't actually gone on a date yet...


Well... I'm free, just waiting for you to ask me.

Mr J:

Ok cool, Saturday night, the locations a surprise, I'll pick you up at 6, sound good?

I laugh so hard at his way of asking me on a date but, I love it!


Please ask me out on dates like this again! I killed myself laughing, and yes... sounds perfect.

Mr J:

Glad I'm the guy who makes you laugh, I'll see you Saturday then gorgeous...


Of course, can't wait!

Mr J:

Me to xx



I smile and put my phone down, I'll text the E-Girls later but right now I have to tell Rose!

I race out my room towards Roses room when I stop dead in my tracks. There, sitting on her bed with Dad comforting her is my Mother, crying.

"Mum?" I say entering the room a little Dad looks up at me and lightly smiles.

"Hey sweetheart, she's alright I'll talk to you later ok." He tells me and I nod in response.

"Ok... I'll be in Rose's room." I say and walk out taking one last look at my crying Mother.

"Alright." I hear Dad say.

I close the door to give them some privacy and head towards Rose's room, I knock when I get there.

"Come in!" I hear her call out so I enter.

"Hey..." I smile entering and jumping onto her bed.

"Hey lil sis, what's up?" She smiles looking up from her text book on Ancient History.

"I have a date on Saturday and you and I both know that I'm terrible with fashion so..." I begin and the word 'date' makes her slam her book close and squeal with excitement.

"You have a date! Oh my god! We have so m- wait, don't you have your E-Girls?" She says and I roll my eyes in disbelief that my sister actually doesn't want to help her little sister with her first date.

"Yes but, I want my big sister to help me with my first date." I say with a 'you're dumb' tone.

"Aw, of course!" She squeals and gives me a big hug and drags me towards my room.

We spend like 2 hours in my room discussing different outfits and makeup ideas and when she finally leaves I have a killer outfit for my date! I just hope Gabe likes it.

I sit at my desk looking at my Math homework debuting if it's actually worth doing or just leave it and risk detention... I'll go with risk detention.

There's a knock at my door shortly after.

"Come in!" I yell out and I hear the door creak open.

"Hey angel, what you up to?" I turn around to see my Dad enter and sit on my slightly unmade bed.

"Debuting if I should do Math homework..." I sigh and smirk a little when I see his face.

"I hope your answer is I'll do it." He laughs with a serious tone though.

"Opposite actually..." I tell him turning in my chair to turn the page over and back around to face him with a 'yea... I'm so not doing it' look.

"You really are your Mothers' daughter." He chuckles and I smile.

"I guess, do you need something?" I ask him scrunching up a piece of paper and aiming or the bin.

"Oh yea, came to talk to you about your Mother." He says and I drop everything in my hand and turn to face him.

"Oh my god yea! Is she ok?" I quickly ask.

"She will be it's just the fact that today was the day your aunt Prim died..." Dad sighs and I can tell he's concerned.

"Really..." I say, completely forgetting that there clearly was a date when aunty Prim died.

"Yea, do you remember that at least once a year there's a day where your Mum just stays in our room and I tell you guys she's not feeling well?"

"Yea..." I say furrowing my eyebrows and trying to remember, which I eventually do.

"That's your aunt Prim..." He says and I start to feel guilty.

"Oh, I never even gave much thought about it, I feel terrible now." I say softly hanging my head a little, but Dad is already lifting it back up.

"No no no, don't sweetie, your Mother already feels bad for being like this but she can't help it." He tells me and I smile lightly.

"I understand that now, can I go see her?" I ask getting up from my chair.

"If you want, yea just make sure your siblings don't see."

"Ok." I say heading for the door, Dad not far behind me.

I leave my room and walk towards my parents' room, knocking before I enter obviously.

I hear a very faint and mumbled 'come in' so I enter to see my Mum sitting on the window couch staring out the window, I can see her tear stained face from here.

She doesn't acknowledge my presence so I walk up behind her and place my hand on her shoulder.

"Mamma?" I whisper and she looks up and when she sees me I smile.

"Oh, hey there sweetheart thought you were your Dad." She mumbles forcing a light smile.

"No, just me." I say taking a seat across from her on the window couch.

It's silent for a while until I break it.

"You know, I'm sure aunt Prim wouldn't want to see you like this." I say and she turns her head towards me and sighs.

"I know, I tell myself that every year but I... I just can't help it." She says shaking a little, I grab her cold hands and embrace them with my warm ones.

"I'm not going to say I understand because I don't but, maybe, instead of sitting here staring into nothing and practically forcing yourself into thinking about her, occupy yourself like, I don't know um... watch Dad paint, listen to Ashton play the guitar and stuff, I know your sad Mamma, but it's no use blocking out the day when you know you can take your mind off it." I softly say rubbing my thumbs along the top of her hands.

I see her smile lightly and hear her say;

"Even though your Father said this exact sort of thing to me, I think I'll listen to you."

I smile at the comment.

"Good, now go freshen yourself up and I'll do your hair." I say chuckling a little.

She sighs and says;


Whilst she's in the shower is set up her hair stuff and pick out some new clothes for her to wear.

After she's finished and sitting on the widow couch again I begin to brush and braid her hair.

"I have some exciting news that might cheer you up." I say putting down the brush and starting the braid.

"Go on..." She smiles.

"I did reading homework." I say and I hear her laugh a little causing me to smile.

"Ok that has cheered me up, don't have to worry about another email from the school now do I." She chuckles and I smile again getting closer to finishing the braid.

"Yep, oh and I have a date." I blush and I feel her smirk and smile widely.

"A date! Wow who is he?" She ask, still smiling and I think to myself have you already forgotten that I have a boyfriend Mum?

"Gabe Mum..." I laugh and I hear her tut and franticly say;

"Oh god yea, sorry honey, where's he taking you?" She ask chuckling a little.

"Surprise." I say and she giggles knowing I hate surprises!

"But you hate surprises." She says.

"Yea that's what I love about it though, he knows I hate them so he's using them against me." I smirk laughing a little as well and tying the finished braid.

"You work in mysterious ways my girl." She smiles and I evilly smirk.

"Ok all done! So am I able to go?" I ask eager to hear her response.

"Of course honey." She smiles and a rush of happiness and excitement over comes me.

"Yay! Thanks Mum!" I squeal and hug her, she accepts my hug and chuckles lightly.

It's silent for a while when I start a conversation.

"You know I think aunt Prim would've been my favourite aunt." I tell her and she smiles.

"She would've spoilt you, all of you, she always knew that I never wanted kids, hated the thought of them, but then I met your Dad and he changed my view on pretty much everything." She laughs and I join her thinking about how convincing my Dad can be.

"I can imagine, tell me more about her." I say and she sighs and begins to talk playing with what must have been aunt Prims bracelet.

"She was so beautiful, her blonde hair would sit perfectly without her even trying, her blue eyes would sparkle in the sun, and she had the most perfect skin... She was also one of the smartest and caring people I knew, she had a heart of gold your aunt Prim and I sore her with a bright future, beautiful kids, wonderful husband and overall the perfect life and I come along and ruin it all." She says quietly and I see her eyes gloss over with tears.

"You didn't ruin anything Mum, somethings just happen and we have no explanation for them." I tell her, smiling weakly.

She forces a light smile and says;

"Do you want to see some photos of her?"

"Yea, only if you want me to see her." I reply.

"Of course I do." She says putting her hand on my cheek and stroking it.

"Ok then." I whisper and she gets up and walks towards her wardrobe she stands on her tiptoes and reaches for something, a while later she hands me a book with the words My Primrose as the title.

I start to turn the pages and I see many photos of my aunt and Mum was right, she really was beautiful.

"She really was beautiful..." I tell my Mum and I see her smile.

"Yea, she was." She replies.

"Was that her cat?" I ask when I see a picture of her holding a cat.

"Buttercup, yea, hated him with a passion. I was going to kill him but your aunt Prim stopped me and the way she looked at him I couldn't resist letting her have him, after she died I wanted him to leave the face of the earth for reminding me of her but I couldn't, he was the only thing left that held a piece of her so I never let him go, I actually started to love him, but just before I your Father and I were going to get married, he died on me." She says softly.

"I'm sorry." I tell her.

"I am to, you'd think with the thought of becoming Mrs Mellark I would be sad for a couple of days but I was hysterical for a whole week, blocked out the whole world, even your Father." She chuckles a little causing me to smile.

"Even Dad? Wow." I gasp pretending to be shocked and laughing a little.

"Yea, but after a while he started to get annoyed with me so he sent your aunt Johanna over and she knocked some sense into me, after that I didn't know how to make it up to him I tried making him breakfast in bed but ended up setting the fire alarm off." She laughs causing me to laugh as well, Mum really shouldn't be allowed near a kitchen.


"Yea... He thought it was cute though." She snickers and I roll my eyes and say;

"Of course."

It's again silent until Mum breaks it.

"I'm surprised your Dad let me come see me, he usually leaves me to my own thoughts and tells you guys that I'm not feeling well, but I'm glad you came to see me." She smiles grabbing my hands and pulling me into her embrace.

"I came in on my own..." I whisper.

"But your Fath-" She begins but I cut her off.

"I sore you crying earlier, I wanted to see if you were ok." I tell her looking into her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, I don't mean for you to see me like this." She whispers kissing my hair.

"It's ok, besides I like it better when I'm taking care of you, means you're getting older..." I giggle and she slaps my arm playfully.

"Oh shut up you!" She laughs.

"I'm kidding Mum, you could never get old." I tell her through a fit of laughter.

"Thank you sweetie." She chuckles.

We lay down together and I pull her into a comforting hug and eventually we both fall asleep, me protecting my Mother from any nightmares that may haunt her, not that there will be because she has an angel guardian and her name... Primrose Everdeen.

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