Dark Role Model

By cheshireisahuman15

4 0 0

This poem was inspired by someone who walked this earth once with us and was amazing as hell!. Rick Genest... More

Dark Role Model.

4 0 0
By cheshireisahuman15

As the sun was setting, 

i found comfort to expose myself outdoors. 

Who would want to see a monster in daylight?  

The sight wouldn't be as scary as at night , 

Look at me about five times- i am aging only steps away from hell, 

I have been chasing a dream that seemed so real! 

now the weight of the world is on my scale, 

the number of sins is my entrail, 

untamed; i feel so demned all because of my actions!, my lies! 

All my neighbours i pulverised, 

I was once a cat with golden teeth, 

I walked the earth as a god on four feet, 

My mouth spread deceit 

as all kingdoms i was yet to defeat, 

I promoted chaos and watch the world leaders corrupt their morals, 

i never asked to become a role model, 

But i really appreciate most of you people, 

I was once an owl with diamond eyes, 

I saw the beauty in everything 

but now i see nothing 

because i was robbed by a girl with selfish motives 

who made me nothing but a blind zombie, 

I promoted chaos and heard their sollows, 

I never asked to be a hero 

but i really appreciate all of you people, 

I  was once a goat with a blonde beard, 

the wisest in the land of the wicked, 

my voice scared off the witches

and protected the weakest , 

I promoted chaos yet still became a role model,

and i really appreciate most of you people for giving me hell. 

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