Sayu Yagami

By jokergirl2001

34.7K 1.7K 695

In her first life she never believed in the concept of reincarnation. In her second life? She's a bit more o... More

Sayu is me...
1995 to 2005
Quick Character Sheet
Meeting Online Friend and Expanding Influences.
Abandoned alleys should be avoided by people with common senses.
The God, The King, The Queen, The Knight and The Fool.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a requiem of fury for evil.
If only these eyes could see...
Sympathy for the Devil
L is After Beyond Birthday
The Game has only just begun
Lind L Taylor
Rest In Peace Agent Penber


2.6K 157 75
By jokergirl2001

Sayu wasn't sure what was going on in L's mind. She was more sure that no one knew what went on in that detective's mind. It was just a joke on her part when she insisted that Aizawa took her so she can personally deliver those clothes to her father, but it seemed like L managed to turn the tables on her.

There was no way she could refuse after she herself had insisted, it would be too odd. Almost suspicious.

And now L could reveal some things she didn't want others to know. Sure, the things L know may not be so severe, but it'll still cause some changes to her plan. She wanted to shoot herself so badly. Here she was, personally having thought herself to be able to win second place for being paranoid right after Light, and she fell for one stupid trick.

She'd have to step up her game, she couldn't afford two more strikes or it would be over. She'll fold for now, but she was sure she could turn the tables on L later.

An eye for an eye after all.

Yet right now she wasn't really mad or frustrated. She was a bit excited.

 'L's unpredictable, so this is going to be interesting.'

 With that she took out the grape flavored lollipop she had from her pocket and popped the unwrapped sweet in her mouth.

A buzz of sugar was what she needed to think up some answers and how she'd be acting.

Her eyes drifted lazily around the scenery, she could have sworn she heard the hollow laughter of a Shinigami. Probably Ryuk.

"We're here," Aizawa announced.

Sayu merely nodded following the man inside the hotel. The combination of a short girl and a man with an afro-like hairstyle gaining a few curious looks.

Sayu would bet that they'd come up with a few bizarre stories, merely to give their minds something to mull over. It's human nature to draw conclusions after all. Speaking of which she'll have to visit the library soon, there's a book she's been meaning to check out.

"Aizawa-san, have you ever played a word game with antonyms?" Sayu suddenly asked, stepping into the elevator.

Aizawa glanced at her as he pressed a button. "No," he answered shortly, kind of giving the young girl a hint that he didn't really want to make small talk.

"Then let's play it," it seemed like the brunette didn't know when to take a hint. "One of us comes up with a word and then the other person will give the opposite, please?"

Aizawa sighed, fine, he'd humor the girl.


Sayu nodded at the word. "Simple, but good. White, now if I say white you'd say?"

"Black," Aizawa repeated, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"Wrong! The opposite of black is white, but the opposite of white isn't black."

Sayu seemed almost unimpressed with him

Aizawa raised a disbelieving eyebrow, but before he could comment on the childish way Sayu was acting the elevator door went open.

"Whatever, it was a stupid game anyways," he grumbled to himself, not caring if the brunette heard or not.

Sayu merely had an easy smile as she followed Aizawa, but as usual she had to get some revenge, so she was humming some jabs at the man.

"Ra da da da da da da da circus. Da da da da da da da da afro. Circus afro, circus afro, polka dot polka dot polka dot afro!" she sung, even dancing slightly with the song.

Aizawa was practically fuming. "Now I know why the chief only brings Light around."

Sayu stuck her tongue out at him.

"Finally, we're here."

"But, it's only been ten minutes."

"It felt like an eternity."

Sayu had the nerve to give him a wink before opening the door.

"Be at ease, Sayu-hime has arrived!" she announced childishly as she strolled in the hotel room as if she owned it.

"Target found!" Sayu exclaimed standing in front of her father, her left hand held up in a gun motion.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

It was only L who noticed the slight English accent in her Japanese.

"Sayu, you could have just left these at the building," Soichrio informed his daughter taking the bag from her.

"I could have, but that would have been the boring way," Sayu agreed.

"No, it would have been the simple and less energy consuming way of doing things."

The task force who had stayed quiet since Sayu's arrival and Sayu herself turned towards the pale raven haired detective who was sitting on the sofa, his odd sitting position still not something they were used to.

"It would have been effortless then, coming here to personally deliver the bag was the most straight forward approach that shows how much I care," Sayu easily quipped, making sure to keep her tone cheery.

"But, by showing how much you care you're disturbing your father's work, thus it would be counterproductive," L effortlessly returned.

Sayu resisted the urge to quip something back, instead she sheepishly rubbing her neck. "Eh, I'm not good with those logical stuff, so I'll just say that it's the feelings that count!"

"Always deducing things based on trying to understand feelings....I see you haven't changed Sayu."

"Always using big words, eh? You haven't changed either Ryuzaki-san."

"I suppose both of us haven't changed."

'Maybe it's because we're both stuck in the motion. Both not wanting to follow the world's constant circles, we chose to stay still. Not looking back at those who fall further behind than us, and not chasing the ones who leave us.'

"Ah! Stop being so stiff!" Sayu bounded over to L and stretched the detective's cheeks widely, ignoring how the detective tensed. "See? You look better with a smile. No, actually you should get some sleep. Those bangs under your eyes aren't healthy and makes you look like a shut-in. It's been more than a week since you combed you hair, right? And look at your lips! They're so dry."

L managed to both frown and smile at the same time, although the latter was because of Sayu's antics.

"I'm not stiff."

Sayu ignored Matsuda's muttering of L only focusing on the stiff part as she exclaimed: "Not literally!"

"You already know your father's working under me."

"Duh!" Sayu crossed her arms. "I'm going to have to keep it a secret though, right?"

"It shouldn't be too hard seeing as you kept me a secret."

"Well, I didn't want to risk mysteriously disappearing."

"I suppose that would have been a sad occurrence."

"I was joking, you know...?" Sayu asked.

"I know, but I wasn't."

Sayu gulped, "Yeah, glad I can keep secrets."

Aizawa coughed, finally getting fed up with the bizarre scene in front of him.

"When will you explain this?" he motioned at Sayu and then L, his question directed at the detective.

"Ah, there isn't really an explanation, but I suppose you do have the right to know some things. Go ahead, ask some questions."

The task force glanced at each other.

"What did you mean when you said Sayu-san was the second person to know your face?" Matsuda timidly asked.

"Exactly what I said."

"That's rude, Ryuzaki." Sayu chided facing Matsuda. "It just means I was lucky enough to get the honor of L personally showing himself to me...umm.."

"It's Matsuda Touta, thanks for answering."

"Why would L show himself to you?" Aizawa followed.

"Who knows what goes on in Ryuzaki's head? Thing is, I'm sure he didn't plan on showing himself to me."

"You're right, I didn't. It was just a coincidence," L agreed.

"Where did you two even meet?" Ukita asked.

"In LA," Sayu chirped. "Mister..."

"Hirokazu Ukita," Ukita introduced himself.

Mogi coughed, "What relationship do you two share?" he inquired quietly.

L and Sayu glanced at each other.


"Sayu's like a puzzle."

Sayu pouted. "I'm just an object?"

"It was a figurative way."

"Hmph, you could have just lied and said I was your friend."

"But as you said, it would be a lie."

Sayu giggled, "But you're not above lying."

"That I'm not," L agreed absently.

"As you can see mister..."

"Kanzo Mogi."

Soichiro stepped forward, gaining everyone's attention. "Stop beating around the bush and tell us."

Sayu glanced at L, "I'd rather not say dad, it's something I'd rather not think about right now. I'm sure L wouldn't mind telling you."

"It's Ryuzaki" L corrected.

"Sure, sure." Sayu waved him off, "Now if this is all...?"

"Actually, I have one question for you."

Sayu turned towards L. "Shoot."

"How long do you intend to play pretend?"

"...for as long as I can keep it up, I guess?" Sayu shrugged. "It doesn't concern you though, right? You're no different from me."

'We're both great liars. Able to even fool ourselves.'

L didn't answer.

"Ah~ Hideki Ryuga's going to appear on today's interview, I can't miss it!"

Turning on her heels Sayu ran towards the door. "Hit me up when you're free, Ryuzaki," she winked at the detective in English. "Also..." she glanced at the task force. "Soichiro Yagami, Matsuda Touta, Mogi Kanzo, Hirozaku Ukite, Hideki Ide, Aizawa Shuichi. If I were you I wouldn't give my name so easily, not even if the person in question is your chief's daughter. After all, if I were'd be dead by now."

The task force stared wide-eyed at the brunette whom had just said similar words to what L had said.

She lifted her hand in a gun motion.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"She's right," L agreed. "I'd like to assume you won't fall for this a third time."

"Ah, don't be so hard on them Ryuzaki," Sayu smiled closing the door.

"I guess a smile can really hide a lot," Ryuzaki noted to himself.




"L, what was the point of that? Letting me go so easily? What are you playing at?"




"I'm back!" Sayu exclaimed opening the door to her house.

Absently she took off her outdoors shoes, her thoughts still on her weird second meeting with L.

 'Regardless, I'll have to call Leon and ask him to do me that favor this month.'

"Where were you?"

"Oh, oh! It looks like the little sister's in trouble."

Sayu froze at the voice of her brother and the Shinigami. She hesitantly looked up to see a very calm Light.

Honestly, it unnerved her more than it would if he had shouted.

"I-I..." she stuttered out feeling nervous, she was so hung up in thinking about L that she forgot about Light!! Ugh! No words could describe her thoughts.

"You what?" Light calmly prompted.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Sayu blurted out, why was she feeling so ashamed anyways?

Couldn't she just lie or something. It hit her at that moment...

Even though she loves her brother dearly, the thought of Kira seeing through her made her nervous.

"Sorry? Saying sorry would imply that you did something wrong. What are you sorry for, Sayu?" Light gently smiled at her.

Sayu could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. "F-for keeping secrets from you, nii-sama."

Light had a pleased smile, "What sort of secret?"

"L-like me knowing an FBI agent..." Sayu mumbled.

"How did you come to know her?" Light inquired, stepping forward towards Sayu.

"In LA, I...met a girl named Quin Quan, she w-was the second victim of the closed room murder cases, remember? So Naomi-san contacted me to ask some questions, I ended up helping her a bit," Sayu shortly explained, she had to bite her tongue in order to hold herself back from telling Light about her meeting Beyond or L.

"I see...I'm hurt Sayu. Didn't you trust me?"

"I do!" Sayu immediately exclaimed. "I do trust you, nii-sama," she gently said.

'It's Kira that I don't trust.'

"Then why didn't you tell me about Naomi?" Light asked.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry, so sorry! I'm..."

"Shh, it's okay. I forgive you," Light gently pulled Sayu into a hug.

Sayu sniffed, she wasn't crying. But her throat hurt so much. "I...I'll do anything to make it up to you, anything."

"Let's just pretend none of this ever happened, okay? Naomi Misora is just a stranger, someone we've never met before. You never went with me to deliver the bag, and you never saw Naomi."

His voice was smooth, alluring and tempting.

Hesitantly Sayu raised her arms to hug Light. "Who is Naomi?" she mumbled.

"No one," Light answered.

Sayu could feel his smirk.

Ryuk was laughing loudly.

And Sayu had to wonder how come Light was still the warmest person she knew.




"He twirls me around, I subtly step a bit more to the left, he lifts me up, and I slightly smile at the audience. Light leads smoothly without effort in our twisted dance. With some effort I manage to change to flow of the music, subtly changing the pace of our dance."




"What was the point of having Sayu come?" Soichiro asked.

L bit his thumb, "She kind of reminds me of Kira."

Everyone's eyes widened as they looked at L.

"Her teasing advice to not give out your names was a childish jab at your statuses as policemen. I'd say Sayu's style is a bit like Kira's. Either she's just as childish as Kira or more."

"Are you suspecting my daughter of being Kira?"

"Five percent."


"All eyes are on us. Let's give them a wonderful performance, nii-sama."

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