mlb imagines ✰ requests close...

By gonecarlo

112K 1.3K 469

✰ please accept that i'm not the best writer ✰ requests are not being taken at the moment ! they will be open... More

requests ✰ closed
request queue
one ✰ g. stanton (nyy)
two ✰ g. stanton (nyy)
three ✰ e. hosmer (sd)
four ✰ m. trout (laa)
five ✰ d. swanson (atl)
six ✰ a. judge (nyy)
seven ✰ j. gallo (tex)
eight ✰ d. swanson (atl)
nine ✰ k. hendricks (chc)
ten ✰ c. yelich (mil)
eleven ✰ c. yelich (mil)
twelve ✰ m. kepler (min)
thirteen ✰ k. hernandez (lad)
fourteen ✰ a. judge (nyy)
fifteen ✰ a. duvall (cin)
sixteen ✰ e. thames (mil)
seventeen ✰ c. correa (hou)
eighteen ✰ c. taylor (lad)
nineteen ✰ e. hosmer (sd)
twenty ✰ m. trout (laa)
twenty-one ✰ g. torres (nyy)
twenty-two ✰ i. happ (chc)
twenty-three ✰ g. torres (nyy)
twenty-four ✰ c. yelich (mil)
twenty-five ✰ a. benintendi (bos)
twenty-six ✰ c. yelich (mil)
twenty-seven ✰ g. stanton (nyy)
twenty-eight ✰ t. story (col)
twenty-nine ✰ t. beede (sf)
thirty ✰ a. barnes (lad)
thirty-one ✰ n. arenado (col)
thirty-two ✰ s. gennett (cin)
thirty-three ✰ l. mccullers (hou)
thirty-four ✰ c. yelich (mil)
thirty-five ✰ i. happ (chc)
thirty-six ✰ a. bregman (hou)
thirty-seven ✰ g. torres (nyy)
thirty-eight ✰ i. happ (chc)
thirty-nine ✰ s. gennett (cin)
forty ✰ a. judge (nyy)
forty-one ✰ a. judge (nyy)
forty-two ✰ a. bregman (hou)
forty-three ✰ c. seager (lad)
forty-five ✰ n. arenado (col)
forty-six ✰ m. betts (bos)

forty-four ✰ a. judge (nyy)

3K 39 11
By gonecarlo

ice cream at 2 am

for nani_ynvr

I fly between the automatic double-doors, the bright light of the grocery store instantly blinding me as the contrast is completely opposite of the pitch-black sky. I sigh, my tiredness causing my eyes to slightly close. Someone tell me why I decided it was a good idea to go to a grocery store at 2am. What can I say, when you have cravings, you have cravings. And right now - I need ice cream. In an extremely oversized Yankees sweater and shorts you can't even see under them, I rapidly make my way towards the frozen foods section. I'm trying to get in and out of here as fast as possible. I walk through the aisle of frozen pizzas, internally sighing when I realize how dumb I was to think the ice cream would be in the same aisle as the frozen pizzas. I scratch the back of my neck, looking at the signs hanging above each aisle. I notice the sign for the next aisle over - ice cream. I begin walking to the end of the frozen pizzas, my loud and quite hurried footsteps being the only sound echoing through the store. I take a step out into the opening looking to my left, towards the aisle that holds the goods. The second I walk in that direction, a metal cart runs into my side, sending me flying onto the ground. A piercing pain runs from my hip to my calf. I hear a loud, deep gasp.

"Oh my god." I feel the presence of someone kneeling down beside me as I rub my hand along my leg, which I'm sure is bruised by now. I hold onto my hip, letting out a small, painful groan. A large, and might I say, warm hand is gently placed on my thigh, sending chills through my body.

"I am so so sorry about that." A deep voice says. A bell rings in my head. That voice sounds so familiar. I just can't put my finger on where I'd know it from. My eyes slowly open, my face unclenching from the painful look it previously had. I turn my head to the side, hoping to see a total stranger - someone I'd never have to see again, especially when I look like this. But, I finally match the voice to the person. My jaw surely drops to the floor, my eyes flying wide open. Aaron Judge. I look between my sweatshirt and Aaron, completely starstruck. He notices my anxious actions, his adorable, gap-toothed smile spreading across his face. Aaron clears his throat, extending both of his hands, which I gladly take. My palms are extremely sweaty in his hands, butterflies taking over my stomach.

"I'm really sorry about that. Uh, are you okay?" I take a deep breath. Aaron Judge is talking to me. If you couldn't tell by now, I'm easily one of the biggest Yankees fans. And I just so happen to have had the biggest freaking crush on Aaron Judge since he was drafted by the Yanks in 2013. My eyes remain fixed on the giant man in front of me, my heart pounding like crazy.

"Uhm, yeah. I think I'm fine." Aaron's eyes trace my legs, examining the area hit by the cart. His perfect brows furrow.

"Your leg doesn't look like it's okay. What were you here for? I'll help you to the aisle." I place a hand on my sore hip, slightly wincing at the pain.

"No really, I'm okay." Aaron quickly wraps an arm around my waist while swiftly grabbing his cart at the same time. His deep eyes look down to meet mine, although his seem extremely serious.

"What were you buying?" Aaron asks kindly. I lower my head, slightly embarrassed to be buying ice cream at 2 o'clock in the morning. A blush rises to my cheeks as I let out a short laugh.

"Ice cream." My voice is low, my eyes still focussed on the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Aaron staring at me, a huge smile forming on his lips. He begins guiding us towards the ice cream aisle.

"Me too." A small grin forms on my face as we silently walk towards the ice cream. Finally reaching the frozen area, we split to find our own ice cream flavours. I quickly find my own, having planned exactly what I wanted prior to entering the store. I turn to see Aaron still deciding.

"So if you're only getting ice cream, why did you need a shopping cart?" I say with a laugh, pointing to the cart with one hand while tightly holding my tub of ice cream in the other.

"The team's having a party right now and they chose me to go ice cream shopping." I stand in the middle of the aisle, staring at Aaron as he continues to search through the ice cream flavours, casually throwing a few tubs into his cart.

"You're having a party?"

"Mhm." He mumbles.

"Now?" I ask, beyond confused. I thought baseball players got good nights sleep everyday, and only ate healthy foods. Why are they partying at 2 am and eating ice cream?

"Yep." Aaron says with a firm nod, throwing one last tub into his cart while letting the door to the freezer slam shut. He places his hand on his hips, staring at me.

"I like your sweater." He says, looking me up and down. I shift my balance from foot to foot, suddenly becoming extremely self conscious with his gaze tracing my figure.

"Uh, thank you." I say quietly, anxiously adjusting my sweater. Aaron rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

"No problem, uhm... shit." Aaron mumbles the last part to himself, causing me to laugh.


"I never asked you what your name was." He says bluntly, being completely straight up. How is he so confident? I mean, of course he is - he's Aaron Judge.

"It's Nani." My voice echoes through the whole store, the building being almost completely empty.

"Okay, well I'm Aaron-"

"I know who you are." I interrupt him, almost regretting it the instant the words left my mouth. Now I probably seem like some crazy stalker. He slightly nods, the echoes of our voices still ringing through the store. Aaron and I both notice the empty sound, and not to mention lack of people throughout the whole store.

"Do you think there's anyone else here?" He leans in, asking quietly. I simply shake my head, speechless at the small distance he's made between us. A cute smirk forms on his face.

"You know what I've always wanted to do?" Aaron asks, still maintaining the tiny space between us two.


"Build a paper towel fort." His face lights up, as does mine. Isn't that everyone's childhood dream. I gasp as a huge smile forms on Aaron's face. I nod, thinking of how much fun it would be. An empty store, 2 o'clock in the morning - what's stopping us?

"I'll race you there." Aaron looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"Did you forget that you ran me over with your shopping cart?" I say, pointing harshly at my bruised leg, causing Aaron to burst into a fit of laughter.

"I have to run with the cart I ran you over with. I think we're even." I lower my eyes at him, a smirk forming on my face.

"You're on." And with that, I speed off, leaving Aaron in my dust.


After an extremely tiring run from one end of the store to another, I finally made it to the paper towel sections, Aaron following in close behind me. Both stopping to catch our breath, we meet each others eyes, nodding at one another. And we get to work. Rearranging the rolls to have a hollow centre to fit the both of us did not take as long as I'd anticipated. After I easily slip inside first, seeing as I'm quite short, Aaron struggles to slide in after me, his tall frame clearly holding him back. I grab onto one of his large hands, lightly pulling him inside. We both lay back relaxing in our little fort. And while we sit in comfortable silence, I'm not exactly sure what's running through Aaron's mind. But what I am sure of is I can't stop thinking about him. Sure I had a crush on him before, but he's an even more amazing person when you get to know him than simply what you see on TV. And that's when I realize - our hands are still connected. The sit between the two of us, resting lightly in one another. I lightly bite my lip, staring at the rack above us, being the roof of our fort. Butterflies swarm my whole body. I feel the presence of Aaron's gaze on me. I turn my head slightly to face him. All of my nerves taking over my body once again in the silent space. Aaron interupts the quiet. 

"You know, I really didn't want to leave the party to get the ice cream - but I'm glad I did." My head snaps towards him in the small fort we built, the silence surrounding us. I furrow my brows.

"Why?" My voice raises at the end, almost cracking. It's crazy how nervous I still am talking to him. I mean he is Aaron Judge afterall. Our eyes remained fixed on each other. Aaron lightly licks his lips, our eyes locked on each other.

"Because I got to meet you." 


this idea was so freaking cute but i just feel like i didn't bring exactly what you wanted to life :/ ALSO I JUST GOT 11K READS IM FREAKING OUT

anyways ,, i really hope you like it girl !! 💗💗


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