Fix Me (Sequel to Deadly in L...

By justin_blzzle

62.4K 1.3K 220

-sequel to Deadly in Love- 18 year old Christie Lewis has faced the last 2 months in hell as her boyfriend, J... More

Fix Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chaper 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 16

1.5K 24 5
By justin_blzzle

(Justin's pov)
Damn, last night was long. That's the closest we've been in months. I felt like maybe we have a real chance to renew our relationship. We can start over, forget about everything. She's mine, and only mine. She's been hurt way too much. I'd do anything to make her happy. I'd protect her with my life.

"Justin, are you up?" Christie mumbles sleeping in my arms. I look down into her perfect dark brown eyes, wide open and interested.
"Yeah. Babe, you wanna get breakfast?" I hover myself over her, studying her tired expression.
"Yeah," she smiles warmly at me.
"Ok, let's go then," I help her up, then let her use the bathroom first, so I can pop a couple painkillers. When Christie walks out, I plant a small kiss on her cheek before we walk out of the room.
"You awake now, Bieber?" Khalil smirks with Za and Ryan behind him.
"No, I'm actually in a deep sleep right now," I joke around with him.
"Oh, I see," Khalil nods playfully.
"Aye, Christie and I are gonna get something to eat," I fit on a blue SnapBack and intertwine fingers with Christie's.
"Ok. Oh, and you can take the car if you want. Za's brothers coming over," Ryan announces; then I immediately tense up, clenching my jaw and glaring at the floor.
"...Bro, it's just for three days. Get along with him, ok?" Za lowers his voice, trying not to make a scene.
"I can't say I will with that asshole," I mutter irritably.
"Justin, he's my brother, dude," Za hardens his stare on me, but I ignore it.
"Whatever," I sigh before walking out the door, letting Christie go first. Heaving with anger, I drive aggressively down the road.

"Justin. Justin, what happened?" Christie shakes my shoulder from the passenger side. I'm almost tempted to just ram into another car. But I stop before I hurt her. That's the last thing I want.
"Justin, why are you upset?" Christie takes off her seatbelt after I park on the side of the road.
"...I'll tell you after breakfast." I slow my breaths as I rest my head against the seat.

Once I'm able focus. I drive towards Chick-Fil-A. We order, then eat in complete silence. I don't even notice it until I'm done eating. Even though we're both wordless, I take her for hot chocolate. At the coffee shop, we sit at a table, face to face. I know she's waiting for an explanation.
"Christie, the reason why I'm so mad is because of Za's brother, Twist. We don't get a long very well, at all," I mutter flatly, not wanting to go into detail. But I know I have to, for her.
"Why?" she looks at me with more concern than curiosity.
"Because...we fight a lot. I never knew why, but he hates me. He snitched on me a few years ago, and it got me 6 months in prison for vandalism." I confess, looking directly at her so she knows I'm not bullshitting her.
"For doing what?" Despite her concern, she still looks like an angel. We're such opposites.
"Breaking into a restaurant, and destroying a lot of their property," I admit as nonchalantly as I can. This isn't the best confession in front of my girlfriend.
"Justin, why?" She seems a bit disappointed. I've seen the look before.
"I don't know. Christie, I was mad and I couldn't help myself," I sigh and rub my temples.
"...It's fine. So that's why you don't get along?" she sips from her hot chocolate.
"Yeah, and now I have to spend 3 three days with that asshole," I grumble and scowl at the table.
"Don't worry about it, Justin. I'll be right here." An adorable smile formed on her face, and it never fails to brighten my mood.
"I love you, babygirl," I grin back, kissing her hand sweetly.
"I love you too, Justin," She giggles cutely, making me chuckle. After we finish our drinks, she asks me to bring her to a music shop. Of course, I say yes. She doesn't even try to force me. I just give in, because I love her.

I'm so bored, just sitting here, waiting for her to finish looking through the music.
"Justin, do you like jazz music?" she holds up a music album and waves it at me.
"No," I reply like it's an obvious fact, and she just rolls her eyes.
"Ok, do you like R&B?" she glances at me while searching through the shelves of cds.
"I don't like music," I mutter indifferently.
"C'mon Justin, everybody likes music. How come you know the words to the songs on the radio?" she raises her eyebrows at me.
"...I know everything," I smirk, feeling happy with my response.
"Oh, Justin. C'mon, I know you like some kind of music," she tilts her head to the side.
"Fine, I do like R&B a little," I confess while stepping close to her.
"Me too. Hey, can you sing something for me? There's a guitar over there," Christie grabs my hand and pulls me towards a guitar stand.
"No baby, not now," I let go of her hand, smiling softly at her.
"Please Justin. No one's looking. Just a little something?" Her eyes widen at me when she pleads.
"Christie," I look around for nearby people. Why the hell am I even considering this?
"Pleeaasseee Justin," she gently tugs my arm.
"...Ugh, fine," I give in, sitting on the stool and setting up the guitar in my hands.
"Say you love me.
As much as I love you, yeah.
Would you hurt me, baby?
Could you do that to me, yeah?
Would you lie to me, baby?
'Cause the truth hurts so much more.
Would you do the things that drive me crazy?
Leave my heart still at the door?
Oh, I can't help it, I'm just selfish
There's no way that I could share you.
That would break my heart to pieces.
Honestly the truth is
If I could just die in your arms. [sings Die in Your Arms]."
I sing as quietly as possible, so people don't make a scene. I face Christie to see her eyes filled with happiness.
"Omigod Justin...You're so amazing," she beams, hugging me tightly.
"Aw babe, that was nothing," I hug back after putting up the guitar.
"C'mon, let's look some more," Christie clings to my arm and leads me to another section.

We eventually left the music store, because it was getting late; then I took Christie for a walk in the park, where we just talked. Now it's about that time to head back to the condo. Damn. I'm not in the mood to see that piece of shit, Twist. I've already got too much on my mind to deal with him.

Christie and I silently stand in front of the door. I sigh, holding Christie's hand before walking in.
"Hey guys," Ryan greets us. I only stay quiet, stepping towards my room. Twist is here, on the couch. They all stand up, including Twist. He smirks, like he always does when he's purposely trying to get on my nerves. Suddenly, I feel Christie tug back on my arm. I snap my head towards her to see a panicky hue in her eyes. Instantly, I lower my ear to her lips, so she can talk.
"Justin, I don't wanna be here," she mumbles quietly in my ear, sounding scared and hurt. Without asking questions, I pull her into my room.
"Christie, what's up, baby? Is something wrong?" I grab her hand and face her.
"Justin, please don't make me go out there." Her eyes were teary, like her world is about to break down.
"Why? Christie, what happened?" I pull her closer, lifting her face to meet mine.
"He was the one that tried to take me that the club," she pulls away to look at the floor and wipe her eyes. Fury builds up inside me, and I clench my jaw, feeling my eyes go cold.
"He...hit you?" I hiss through clenched teeth.
"He tried to take me with him," she nods softly and sniffles.
"Fucking asshole," I ball my fists in pure hatred and rage.
"Yo Bieber! Get over here!" Khalil shouts from the other room. My breathing picks up its pace. I don't say anything, but walk into to other room. Once I see Twist, I pause my steps and harden my glare on him.
"Bro, say something to my brother," Za nudges me, trying to get rid of the tension.
"Fuck you," I snap, getting angrier by the the second. Twist backs away, like he's the innocent one. Fuck no.
"The fuck is your problem, man?" he mutters irritably, pretending to have no fucking clue why I'm mad. Before I can say another word, someone pulls me back into another room.

"Justin, what the hell?" Za keeps a firm hold on my arm.
"He hurt her. At the party, he tried to take her," I seethe angrily and push his hand off.
"Woah, what did he do to her?" Za remains in front of me, willing to hear me out.
"I don't know exactly, but he hit her. He tried to take her home with him." My voice is cold and merciless. I swear if Twist pushes any limits, I'm going to end him.
"Ok...Justin, I need you guys to get along. Just for 3 days. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything...And I'm sorry," Za pats my back, then pushes me back out of his room before I can respond. The room is quiet, and Twist is still smirking at me. I just stand as far away from him as possible, because I could snap at any second.
"We're having pizza for dinner," Za announces while stepping into the kitchen.
"Great," I mutter sarcastically before walking back towards my room.
"Yo, Biebs, can I see your girl?" Twist still has that smirk that makes me wanna cut his throat out. I fucking hate him.
"Go to hell," I hiss coldly at him before slamming my door.
"Son of a bitch!" I bark at the wall, threatening to punch a hole in it. Christie's on the bed, staring at the floor, but I know she's dying to talk to me.

I catch my breath, then sit next to her.
"Everything ok?" I mumble, staring at the floor too.
"I guess..." Her voice is almost at a whisper.
"Christie, I don't want you to worry right now. I won't let him come near you, not even talk to you. Don't be surprised if I won't let him even look at you," I murmur softly, yet still upset and concerned.
"It's fine. You don't have to be that protective." A weak smile appears on her face, making me chuckle softly, but it's mostly air coming out of my nose.
"Sorry babe. I guess I love you too much," I shrug and toss her another warm smile.
"Stop it, Justin." Finally, she looks at me with the same smile, and it makes me feel so much better.
"We're not going with them to dinner. You ok with that?" I stand up.
"What do you think?" she smiles again, but weaker this time.
"I'll go tell them," I smirk at her sarcasm. Once I walk out the door, its just Ryan in here. Thank god.
"Hey Justin," Ryan grins at me.
"Aye," I walk up to him in a friendlier manner than I did earlier.
"You going with us?" he asks me while grabbing his car keys.
"Nah, I'm staying here with Christie," I decline firmly.
"Ok..Hey bro...Whatever happened, just don't do anything stupid. I'm on everyone's side here," Ryan assures me as I stand here, motionless and agitated. He then walks out the door. I never do anything stupid. Fuck him. I call for Christie, and she walks up to me.
"You want pizza rolls, babe?" I head into the kitchen, forgetting about what Ryan just said.
"Yeah," she follows me before I put some pizza rolls on a pan, then stick them in the oven.
"When are they coming back?" she questions timidly from beside me.
"In about an hour," I reply, setting the table. Christie only stays quiet.
"That gives us plenty of time for dessert. You know what I mean?" I nudge her playfully.
"Justin," she blushes, and I chuckle at her shyness.
"Just kidding." After twisting open a water bottle, I hand it to her.

The oven soon goes off, so I take the pan out. We split them into 8 but she only eats 5. I'm ok with that. I don't have to worry as much about her anymore.
"So what do we do now?" Christie stands with her arms wrapped around herself.
"Hmmm, I don't know," I pull her close, kissing her deeply. During the kiss, I lay down on the floor, and slide her on top of my chest. I snake my arms around her waist and under her sweater. She feels so much healthier than before, and her entire self seems way happier. Her hands cup around my face, her legs on either side of my torso. I switch to a French kiss to intensify the moment. Her hands hold me close, enough to sense that she's turned on. And it turns me on. My fingers inch their way to the hem of her pants. Suddenly, the door swings opens. Dammit, dammit, dammit.

"Ugh, you guys always do this," someone sighs. It hasn't even been 30 minutes. What the fuck? We quickly get off the floor. Christie immediately hides behind my back.
"We were just leaving," I lead Christie into my room. There's a half-smirk and half-glare on Twist's face. After Christie enters my room, Khalil pulls me back, and I heatedly shake his hand off.
"What?!" I hiss at him, but it's because of Twist.
"What's your problem, Bieber? Why are you acting like an asshole?" Khalil is pissed, and his taut grip on my shoulder proves it.
"Because that dumbass motherfucker is here!" I shout furiously. I don't care if that bastard is listening.
"Calm down Bieber, don't make a scene here. Go spend time with your girl. Take your mind off everything." Khalil takes his hand off me and backs away. I glare at both him and Twist before storming in my room. Christie's getting ready for bed and freshening up in the bathroom. I'm guessing she took a shower because her hair is damp. After she steps out of the bathroom, I plant a kiss on her cheek.
"You ok, babygirl?" I ask, concerned about her because of everything that just happened. She only nods, but her eyes are so sad. I decide to take a quick shower before I can cheer her up.

"Hey babe?" I walk out shirtless in my underwear. She's lying on the bed, face down and quiet.
"Christie, are you ok?" I sit beside her and rub the small of her back.
"...Yeah," she sits up, but she looks down.
"Baby, it's ok. Don't let it get to your head," I guide her on the edge of the bed, where I kneel in front of her, caressing her cheek to make things better.
"Ok," she nods, looking calmer and more relaxed. There's a long pause, where she's staring at the floor while I'm staring at her. I make the first move, leaning close to her; then I slowly grip her knees and spread her legs apart.
"Justin," she gasps, her eyes wide and alert now. In response, I press our foreheads together.
"I know you're not happy, baby. Let me make you feel better," I whisper seductively and kiss her, lowering my hands to her thighs. I push her back against the bed and tug her sweats and panties off. She takes a deep breath and looses her body. I breathe against her wetness, and it turns me on. She shudders from how close I am. I press my lips against her, pushing her in bed. Moaning, she doesn't hesitate to run her fingers through my hair.

"J-Jus-Justin," she whimpers, so I proceed to push her closer to her climax.
"Oh shit Justin," she moans loudly. I tighten my grip on her, intensifying her pleasure.
"Justi-in!" she gasps before releasing in my mouth; then I pull away from her with a smirk. We're both breathing hard, but I still have a boner to get rid of. I fish out a condom from my jeans. She's still panting, so she takes off her sweater.
"Babe, I wanna make you forget everything. So let's fuck," I smirk as I coo into her ear.
"Justin," she blushes and bites her lip.
"What are you waiting for?" Flicking my eyebrows at her, I slip on the condom before hovering over her.

(A/N: Just a heads up, this week and next week are going to be really stressful for me, so I might not be as active. I'm going to try my best to post. Thank you so much for your understanding. Next post is Out of Control on Tuesday/Wednesday)

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