Out of The Dark

By yellowbumblebee12

7.9K 121 130

Gracelynn (Gracie) McClyde was 18, and the younger sister to Ollie McClyde, (Bones) a special forces Captain... More

First Tour, Last Tour?
Don't Give Up Hope
Just Keep Fighting
Home, and R&R
Back on Tour, is it Time?
Bombshells and Wedding bells.
Let Me Love You
Date Night and Disasters.
We'll Get Them Back, I Promise.
A Wedding Again, and a Surprise.
Love and Loss.
Healing and Hope.
She has your eyes.
Sleepless Nights, and Arguments.
One Step, Two Step, Three Step...Four!
We'll get our baby back.
You Bitch!
A Wedding to Remember.
Thank You!

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

198 4 3
By yellowbumblebee12

{{Edited - 12/05/2020}}

December 25th 2018

^Gracie's PoV^

I was woken up by the most excited two year old in the universe.

Lilly had turned 2 last month, and a month previous to that I'd given birth to a healthy baby boy in October. He was coming up to being 2 months old and he was such a mamas boy, but I didn't mind one bit.

"Mama!! Dada!! Santa's been!" Her angelic voice was full of happiness.

I got up and Frankie sat up too. He kissed me softly and then pulled Lilly into the bed, attacking her with kisses.

"Merry Christmas my beautiful girl. And to you my love." Frankie said and I smiled. I got up when Theo started to stir and picked him up.

"Morning my gorgeous little man." I watched as he opened his eyes, they were blue just like mine and he had a head of perfect brown hair.

"Don't forget, all your uncles and aunties and cousins are coming for dinner today." I reminded Lilly and she clapped happily. She was so in love with her family.

She began to tug at Frankie's hand and he gave in. He pulled her up and she sat on his shoulders. I followed them down, and the sight was magical, but Lilly's face was the most magical of all.

"Santa was here!" She squealed with delight.

Under a rather messily decorated Christmas tree were presents of big and small sizes. I smiled as Lilly went straight to a present and handed it to me.

"For you and dada." She said smiling triumphantly.

I let Frankie open it and then I smiled with awe, it was a photograph in a patterned glass frame of the day Theo was born, with Lilly sat holding him for the first time and me and Frankie stood beside her.

"Uncle Ollie helped me." She said grinning.

"Aww baby, I love it so much. Thank you." I kissed her nose and then Frankie pulled her into a huge hug.

This was certainly going to be my most favourite Christmas ever.

After an excited morning and wrapping paper strewn all over the living room floor it was time to get ready, everyone was bringing their own dishes to the meal and we'd agreed me and Frankie would cook the turkey.

I dressed Lilly in a red dress and after her asking me nonstop wove silver tinsel into her braid.

I dressed Theo in a cute Christmas themed baby grow and then put on some black leggings and the most hilarious Christmas jumper I owned.

By the time everyone was ready the doorbell rang and our first guests arrived.

They walked straight in and I walked downstairs cradling Theo. Lilly practically flew into Ollie and Marie's arms.

Their son, Sam was almost 8 months old. He was super handsome, just like his daddy.

"Hi Ollie! Marie, merry Christmas." I say and hug two of the many family members to arrive. I could sense something was playing on Marie's mind and I looked at her.

"Can we talk Grace?" She asked me out of earshot of Ollie.

"Of course. Let me go give this little man to his daddy and we'll go outside." I say and find Frankie already conversing with Ollie, Lilly sat playing on the floor and Ollie was bouncing Sam on his knee.

"Babe, I'm just popping outside with Marie. Take Theo for me." I say and Frankie walks straight to me and takes Theo. Who immediately settles contently in his fathers arms. But whatever Frankie said Theo was a mamas boy at heart.

I linked my arm with Marie's and then walked outside. The grass still green, but tinged with frost. I so badly wanted snow but my wish hadn't been granted yet. Though the grey clouds looked promising.

We took a seat on the bench that me and Frankie had bought and positioned by Alexander's tree.

I made sure that the ground wasn't too disturbed by the trunk and then smiled.

"Merry Christmas baby." I whispered.

Then I turned my full attention to Marie.

"So my lovely lovely Marie. What's up?" I ask sitting beside her on the rather cold bench. My butt was quite literally freezing.

"Well..I wanted to ask you something, I know that you and Ollie are extremely close and growing up you were all you both had and that's why I feel it's only right that I ask you this...I want your approval to marry Ollie." Marie said, her eyes averted to the ground.

I moved in front of her, I was almost reduced to tears, happy tears mind. I lifted her chin up.

"I'm so happy that you asked me but you needn't have, of course I want you to marry my brother. You've made him so happy and I'm going to be so lucky to finally call you my sister. When did you plan to propose?" I ask as she hugs me and I hug her back.

"Today, after we've eaten. Is that okay?" She asks.

I nod frantically. I was so excited now.

I'm about to talk to her about so many things when I hear someone rapping on the patio door.

It's Lilly. She waves at me and then Frankie stands next to her. He mouths to me.

'More guests are here.'

I nod and take Marie's hand. We walk inside and I swear that as we reached the door a snowflake landed on my shoulder.

I smiled even more. This Christmas was turning out to be so much more than I could ever imagine.

We got inside and I welcomed the warmth and the laughter. Marie went over to Ollie and I ran and scooped Lilly up.

She giggled as I tickled her and then I set her down just before I was tackled into a hug by Elvis.

"Put me down!" I squeal and he obliges.

Georgie pulls me into a gentler hug and I take Isabella from her arms.

She was almost 1 and extremely adorable. Being my first and only niece we shared a special bond and I loved that.

"Gwacie.." She giggled when I began to tickle her.

Isabella had learnt to walk about a week ago so I set her down and she waddled happily to her Uncles and her cousin.

"Merry Christmas guys." I said to Elvis and Georgie. I took their contributions to the meal into the kitchen and poured the ladies a glass of wine.

After 3 hours and lots of whining about being hungry, not just from the children, dinner was served and if I do say so myself it was quite spectacular.

The snow had indeed began to fall and it had blanketed the garden outside. I'd covered the tree up and made sure the ground beneath wasn't too frozen.

I'd checked the weather forecast and it looked like a snowstorm was heading our way, but we could accommodate everyone so it wasn't a bother. I'd much rather have a house full of the people I love than have to let them drive home.

"The weather looks absolutely terrible. So everyone's staying here tonight no objections." I finished clearing up all of the dishes and then me, Marie and Georgie head upstairs to put the babies to bed.

We put the little ones down and then I got Lilly in the bath.

"Have you had a good day baby." I wash her hair, and she looks really tired.

"Yes mama." She yawns and I get her out of the bath and I wrap her bear towel around her and I scoop her up.

She cuddles close to me and I walk into her bedroom and then get her dried. She picks out her pyjamas and before I can even get her into bed she's asleep.

I close her bedroom door and head downstairs. I stand next to Georgie and she hands me a drink.

Ollie and Marie are outside and we watch it unfold as Marie gets down on one knee.

"They are so cute together!" Georgie giggles and I sip my glass of wine and I nod.

What a way to end the day.

"Merry Christmas George." I lean my head on her shoulder.

"Merry Christmas Grace."


For some reason I can't remember if I ever finished this or if Wattpad deleted the last part but I finished it off.

I'm so sorry you all had to read an unfinished chapter.

Hope you're all well.


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