Stepbrother ~Zarry Brother St...

By ThisisJennifer

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Zayn was a Mexican boy with no rich life. His mother got then married with a rich man that had 3 rich kids,2... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Update T_T

Chapter 6

517 17 4
By ThisisJennifer

Chapter #6: Mischivious Day



Zayn's POV

I woke up next morning, shit. I had to go to school and I don't feel like going, we sit our asses for knowledge and then they give us a test without knowing no shit.

I standed up from my bed and walked to the restroom. I knocked the door to make sure Harry is not there naked. No response, I opened the door and nobody, so I got in and closed the door and took off my clothes got in the shower.

Ten minutes later, I got off the shower and went to my room to get myself ready. Then another five minutes, I got out of my room and went to the kitchen and Harry and the girls where eating in the kitchen and I joined them.

"Good morning Zayn." Thomas said.

I didn't respond to him, I just sat down and ate. Then Harry and me got in the car and drived to school. Luigi and Liam were waiting outside of school and then they saw us getting out of the car. They smiled and walked towards us.

"Boys, you finally came. What have you boys done while we were waiting here?" Luigi said.

I just looked at him and smiled, we then walked together in a line to get inside the school.

Later after the first class, which was Math or Algebra whatever they call it. We got separated, Harry was going to Science class and Me and Luigi and Liam where going to History then we get out of that class and get together. Yay, but it sucks, I want to be with Harry, since he was my brother, he was 19 and I was 20. I'll say he's my little brother.

"Mrs... Kendra, can I go to the restroom?" I said.

Mrs.Kendra turned to look at me, dead serious on her eyes. Gosh, that women can kill little puppies by giving them a heart attack. She was tapping her heels on the floor, sending me some shivers.

"I can't let you go by yourself, we need two students to go with you due to the thing you.." She said then I cut her off.

"Luigi and Liam can go with me, cmon women?! I need to go tinkle! Please.. Mrs Kendra?" I said. Giving her the puppy eyes.

She looked at me, she then pointed Luigi and Liam to go with me. They standed up and I did also and we got out of the classroom.

"Wow, every teacher dosen't trust you anymore." Luigi said.

"I know. Ever since that pendejo made me mad and I started to beat him up. Then I got caught and then got suspended. I got mad and went to his house and then I saw him home alone and I beat him up." I said and then I heard a whimper.

Luigi and Liam and I stopped walking, we wanted to know who was whimpering. This time, it was a loud whimpering, then some loud punches. It sounded like it came in the restroom.

"You little rich shit. Look at him, he looks so ugly." A boy said.

We then looked at the restroom, two people standing and one curled up in a ball in the floor.

"Why won't you leave me alone." The boy curled up on the floor said while sobbing.

"Because," The boy on the right said and then grabbed the curled up boy in the shirt and pushed him on the floor.

Then we realize was that Harry was the one that was getting hurt. I made my hands into a fist. Luigi and Liam were holding me back.

"Zayn, I know your mad. You need to wait till the right Moment to know why they are hurting him." Liam said.

The right boy smirked and punched Harry on the face. Then blood coming out of the mouth a bit.

"I like your mom. She looks so young and sexy," He said then dropped him to the floor.

"Your new sisters and brother are fucking stupid. When your mom came yesturday, we started to flirt with her. She never knew what we were doing, then we talked about her relationship status. She said she found a new husband, and you got new sisters and a brother. Then we decided to follow her to her house," The boy said.

I was so freaking disgusted and pissed. I know my mom is beautiful and she is very young. She does have a good body, she has a beautiful face. People think she is fifthteen, when she is actually twenty-four. People like to flirt with her, I always go with my mom wherever she goes, to protect her from dudes.

"We then knew it was your house when your dad picked up the door and your sisters came and hugged her from the door. So we are gonna love to learn her taste." He said before he was on the floor.

I couldn't take it anymore and I found a fire extinguisher and ran to him and hitted his head in it. He then was looking to me. The other boy ran, then got punched by Luigi.

"Don't hurt me please Zayn." He said fighting with sobs.

I was so freaking pissed with him and I started to beat the crap out of him. Luigi and Liam took the other boy to the girl's restrooms to have space to beat him up.

Harry was laying on the floor, then his eyes where shut.

I stopped beating him up, I grabbed him by the shirt and I pushed him up high on the wall.

"You want my mom so bad? You called me and my sisters stupid? And you don't want me to hurt you?" I said and growled at him.

He was so scared that he had wet his pants. Then I laughed at him and then punched him and throwed him on the floor and kicked him. I then grabbed him and we went to a stall and I dunked his head on the toilet three times.

Then I throwed him on the floor.

"If you hurt Harry one more time, or go to my house or talk to or about mi mama, te voy a chingar la madre, im gonna beat the shit out of you." I said.

He nodded and started to run away.Then I throwed a punch on him on the back, making him get knocked up.

I then looked at Harry, who was knocked out on the floor. Then Luigi and Liam walked out of the girl's resroom, laughing and smiling.

"What happend to the other boy?" I asked them.

Both looked at each other, chuckled and both took my hand and we went inside the girls' restroom. We stopped and saw him wearing nothing but his boxers, and a Corona.

"We are gonna get him suspend because that is what he did to you. We knocked him out and thought about putting him with a 2 beers drinked out and leave him on the hallway and blame it on the principal." Luigi said.

I smiled and hugged him. He had the awsome plans of mischives.

"I got mine knocked up to. We should blame it on both of them. I'll get him on boxers and you two will scream some moanings very loud. Then we will blame both about having sex on the hallway and drinking beer." I said.

Luigi smiled really bad.

"That is be best badass plan you Ever made Zayn." Luigi said.

The knocked up boy woke up but Liam chocked him and putted him asleep. I went to get the other boy. He was still knocked up, I punched him once to make him still knocked up. Then I dragged his body on top of the other. Took all off his clothes, leaving him some boxers.

Then I dranked two Coronas and putted next to them. I went to the restroom and grabbed carefully Harry. I then walked out of the restroom and laid him on the floor.

I got my camera and started to record so that when Harry wakes up, he won't miss what happend.

"FUCK GIVE ME MORE BABY!" Luigi yelled across the hallway.

"BABY YOU LIKE THAT?!" Liam yelled against the other hallway.

"YEAH! I LOVE YOUR DICK! UHH BABY IM GONNA CUM BABY!" Luigi yelled while doing some moaning sounds loudly.


I was laughing quietly, trying to hold my laugh really loud.

Luigi screamed a sexy orgasm, then Liam followed him and screamed one really loud.

I then hided Harry on the boys'restroom, in a stall. I then hided my camera, still recording and we rushed to the pprincipal restroom.

"Mr.RONALD! Mr.Ronald" Luigi screamed.

Mr.Ronald looked at us, then gave me a disgusted face.

"What is it?" He asked us.

I acted hurt on my face cuz I had some blood on my face since I made him bleed.

"Zayn was attacked by two students, they both were drinking then they were drunk and they had done some innapropriate scene outside in the hallway. Me and Liam were with Zayn and we saw him getting hurt and we separated them and they pushed us and they started to do nasty things on the hallway. They are passed out in the hallway. Come with us, we'll show you were it happend." Luigi said.

Luigi is a good Master of Mischives of Plans, and also very good at acting. He should get an Oscar Award.

Mr.Ronald got up of his desk and followed us, we pointed were they were.

Mr.Ronald got mad and woke them up. I got my camera out and he started to yell at them and he took them to the office. When they left, we laughed hard and I putted my camera off.

"Lets go back to class." Liam said.

"We can't, Harry is hurt." I told him.

We thought about a plan and Luigi said that we should tell Mrs.Kendra that our parents called and we needed to pick up our sisters. We went as told her, she let us go. We rushed out of the classroom and went to the boys' restroom and got Harry out and we went to Liam's car and he told me that he was gonna take us to their hotel.

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