In My Blood {FIN}

By couraegeous

100K 5.3K 2.3K

On the outside everything seems fine, but on the inside Shawn is a broken man. He only has his daughter with... More



3K 163 141
By couraegeous


I sighed and took another sip of my wine. I rubbed my fingers through Egypt's hair as he laid on my lap asleep.

Everyone says I baby him, but I definitely don't care. He was my only kid and I had every right to baby him until I can't baby him anymore.

As cute as he was, I knew I'd have to wake him up soon so we could eat.

"E." I said shaking him. "Egy."

"Hmmmm?" He groaned.

"Wake up. You hungry, babe?"

"Yes... Can we go to Cici's?" He asked sweetly.

"Yes, but we're eating healthy for the rest of the week. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner all nutritious foods. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay, go put your shoes on."

He ran upstairs to put his shoes on and I took the time to down the rest of my drink.

In no time, Egypt was running back.

"You ready?"

"Yes!" He yelled.

I let him in the car and hopped in the driver's seat. I turned the radio on and jammed to it while making the drive to get something to eat.

Cici's wasn't too far away from our house. I stopped at the red light and glanced down at my hands. Moments later I felt a car crash into me.

"Oh my God. Egypt, are you okay?" I asked immediately looking back at him. He nodded, but I could tell he was a little scared. "It's okay, baby. Are you hurting anywhere?"

He shook his head. "Okay. Stay right here, I'm going to go see what's going on."

I stepped out of the car and eyed the man that had ran into the back of my car. He was just getting out of his vehicle when I approached him. "Damn." We both mumbled eyeing each other at the same time.

I shook my head. "Are you fucking kidding me? You didn't see that the light was red?!"

"Aye, Chill. I'm sorry. My daughter was saying something and I was distracted." He said defensively.

I rolled my eyes and stared at the damage to my Honda Civic Sport.

"Whatchu want me to do?" He asked with a stupid look on his face.

"Well, did you call someone?" I asked irritated at this whole situation.

"What's your name, Miss?"


"Aight, Beyoncé. I'm Jay and I really need you to calm the fuck down. It's called a car accident for a damn reason. I didn't do it on purpose. I apologized, now can we can handle the rest of this situation like adults please?"

I bit my lip to keep from saying something smart while looking up at him. He was fine, I'm not going to lie, but I was too pissed to acknowledge it any further.

He eyed me at the same time before a small smirk crept upon his face. "That's better."

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my car to turn it off. "You okay?"

"Yes, mommy. Can we leave? I'm hungry." He groaned.

I shook my head. "You have to wait now. I have to get the car towed, so they can fix it. Let me call them now. I'm sorry, baby."

I shut the door and called my insurance company for them to send a tow truck. I could probably still drive it, but I rather have them tow it so I don't have to worry about dropping it off anywhere.

After I hung the phone up, I saw Jay approaching me. "You good?"

"Mhm." I nodded and leaned on my car.

"Cool. I called my insurance company and shit, so it's going to be good. Just waiting for the police to come and write a report. And tow trucks to tow my shit."

"Okay. My son is hungry. I'm just trying to get out of here."

He checked his Apple Watch. "They're probably going to take a while. I can walk right across the street to Wendy's and get the kids something. My daughter hungry too."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. He can wait."

"You sure? I don't mind-"

"It's fine." I repeated.

He rolled his eyes. "Bitch, I'm just trying to do something nice for your ugly ass." He mumbled as he walked away.

Ugly? Did he just call me ugly?

"Watch your mouth!" I yelled to him so he could hear me. He looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "Asshole."

I just wanted to go and get something to eat with my son, but no. I am so irritated it's ridiculous.

I sat in the backseat with Egypt until the tow truck finally came. I grabbed my purse and checked to see if there was anything else I needed. "Come on, E." We stood off to the side while they towed my Civic.

"How we gonna get home, mommy?"

"I'll get a lyft to pick us up. Do you want to go to Wendy's instead?"

He nodded.

The tow truck driver handed me the card with where they were taking my car to. Now I had to go get a rental car in the morning and all this extra shit.

"Aye, ma. My bad again." Jay said coming back over to me.

"Okay." I said plainly.

"That stank ass attitude of yours is ridiculous." He said shaking his head. "I have never seen somebody so bent out of shape over a fucking ACCIDENT."

"Whether it was an accident or not, it still inconvenienced me severely. So I have every right to have an attitude, sir. Enjoy the rest of your fucking day and I hope your insurance rates go up."

I grabbed Egypt by the hand and pulled him towards the Wendy's that was right across the street. I hated to feed him fast food junk, but he sure loved it.

When we got home, Egypt headed upstairs while I headed to the kitchen to get a drink. I needed one bad.

I downed one glass then poured another. I took it with me while I went upstairs to check on E.

"What you doing, baby?"

"Getting ready for bed. Can I take a shower instead of a bath?"

"Yup. I'll turn the water on, just be careful and call me when you're done."

"I will."

I started the shower for him and went to my room with my drink. I didn't shut the door because I wanted to be able to hear him call me when he was done.

That didn't happen for another 15 minutes. By then my drink was gone and I was getting ready for bed myself.

"Mommy! I'm done!"

I got up and went to the bathroom to turn the water off. "Don't get the floor wet."

"I'm not."

"Good, go put some pajamas on and then come tell me good night."

After another 10 minutes or so, Egypt came running into my room. He leaped onto my bed and I giggled at his silliness.

"Good night, mommy. I love you." He said laying his head on my chest.

"I love you too, my baby. Good night." I kissed his head and put him out of my room. I was still irritated, but if anybody could turn my frown upside down it was Egypt.

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