A Traitor's Shadow

By breezythunder

2.5K 106 24

➸ ❦ ➸ Patchkit and his littermates grow up with cold, hard treatment from their Clanmates...They are constan... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Art Contest Results & Official Artwork

Chapter 2

341 11 10
By breezythunder

The river was running rapidly, surging up to his paws and pulling reeds and other things near the bank of the river as it rushed on...It was showing no mercy or signs of slowing down.

He then heard thunder boom close by. It almost sounded as if it had struck right next to him, and it made his ears ring painful. But, he didn't feel even slightly frightened by this.

Even when the hard wind blew against his back that was attempted to throw him into the surging river, he stood calm and unafraid and focused.

His attention was set on the other side of the river where the two dark clumps of reeds were laying amongst the tall grass that was bending and shaking feverishly in the harsh wind by the river...Or that's what he believed they were until one of the clumps twitched and shuddered.

After focusing in on them, he could see to his horror it the bodies of two cats. Their pelts were mattered by mud and some dark red substance that he assumed to be blood.

One cat was massive with a dark brown tabby pelt that was littered with hideous scratch
marks and other large and terrible gashes that were still oozing blood...Though, he seemed to be still alive; twitching and rasping heavily...His wounds could've only been done by a ferocious animal...A fox...Maybe a dog? Was it still near by?

Then he looked at the other. It had a pale golden dotted pelt; and it's face was directed towards him. He could hardly see its face from all the terrible scratches and gashes...Then he saw also that its throat had been slit by the blood pouring from it and turning the green grass below it a sickeningly dark crimson.

He felt an urge to swim to them, to help them. Even the wind pushed at his back urgently as if willing him to go. But, he stood where he was. He could see danger, the predator, stalking in the shadows of the tall marsh grass as if waiting for him to go help thm...And then after a moment that terrible thing stepped out onto the shore beside the wounded cats.

It was a massive, dark brown thing that LOOKED like a cat, but it was nearly 3 times his size with sharp haunting amber eyes that pierced him with a fire of anger blazing in them, and it had a round muzzle covered in fresh blood.

Though, the fire in its eyes died out once it spotted him, and it lowered its head and glared at him as if asking him a question...Though, he didn't exactly know what the question was.

He stayed where he was, planting himself down on the riverbank and getting himself ready in case the beast tried to swim over to him and attack or maybe fling itself across the river at him.

Though, thankfully, it stayed where it was on the other side of the river...Maybe it was afraid of the water, or it simply didn't want to attack him...And then it opened its terrible maw to reveal bloodstained teeth. Then, it spoke in a bone chilling ominously low voice.


"Patchkit! Patchkit! Wake up!"

Patchkit scrambled to his paws with a cold chill going up his spin that ruffled every piece of fur on his body and a terror that gripped his heart and filled him with panicked energy.

But then after a moment he realized he was back in the Nursery...He was safe and warm with Larchkit standing over him with his amber eyes filled with excitement and his dark tail twitching happily behind him.

Patchkit had only ever seen Larchkit look like this when they ate their first prey, and the first time they listened to a story about a battle from Rabbitfur...But this was the most excited that Patchkit had ever saw him...It seemed a bit odd to see such excitement only one night after Rabbitfur's death.

But after Larchkit saw Patchkit's terror and uneasy, his excitement turned quickly to concern...And then of course to amusement.

"Why so scared, Patchkit? Having another nightmare?" Larchkit asked with a bit of a taunt in his voice, but Patchkit just ignored it and nodded dismissively as he licked his paw and drew it over his head nervously.

"Yes...Just a normal nightmare..," Patchkit mumbled lowly, looking off to the left to avoid Larchkit's eye. He knew he was probably smirking at him right now.

I've never had such a horrific dream like that before though...But I can't talk about it with Larchkit or Petalkit or even Mistpelt...They'll just make fun of me...!

Larchkit snorted a bit in amusement before then leaning forward and suddenly nuzzling Patchkit's shoulder which made Patchkit freeze in shock.

"Well, clean yourself up and get out there; Oakstar just called a meeting...!" Larchkit purred softly before then quickly drawing himself away, looking at Patchkit with wide excited amber eyes. Then, he bolted toward the entrance of the Nursery without even looking back.

Patchkit was too stunned to speak for a moment, his mouth open, feeling overwhelmed and rushed...First his dream and now five seconds later he was being told to join a Clan meeting...AND Larchkit had actually tried to physically soothe him...It was all going too fast for him.

"He's going to make us apprentices...!" Petalkit murmured, suddenly appearing from beside the Nursery entrance with her green eyes gleaming with excitement and her stubbed tail doing an excited twitch that Patchkit found sort of funny.

And after a moment, Patchkit managed to shove down the cold knotted feeling in his throat as he responded shakily.

"Right...! I hope it's just that and nothing bad..." He murmured lowly; and he saw Petalkit roll her eyes as she heard him.

He tried not to react to that. He just carefully trotted out of the Nursery past Larchkit and Petalkit who snickered to themselves as he went past them...And then he ran right into Mistpelt; who he hadn't even seen sitting at the front of the Nursery.

"Sorry Mistpelt!" Patchkit apologized quickly, shyly pushing past her and trying to avoid her eyes; not wanting her to see the panic in them.

"It's okay...Are you ready, Patchkit?" Mistpelt asked him kindly, licking Patchkit's ruffled patched head, and he quickly rolled away from her to avoid anymore of her licking, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Q-Quit...! But I-I...I don't FEEL ready...I don't want to leave the Nursery..," he muttered weakly, his ears flattened to his head as he continued to avoid Mistpelt'e eye.

Then, he slowly continued before she could respond with his head low and his heart wretching painfully in his chest and the blood in him running cold.

"There are so many dangerous things out in the forest and all around it...I'm just not sure I can handle it all..."

Mistpelt gave him a pitiful look, gently brushing her muzzle against his cheek, bringing warmth to him before responding in her normal gentle tone.

"Well you can't stay in here forever...I have to go on with my Warrior duties...And, there will be nobody will be here to look after you..." Mistpelt then paused, drawing away from his cheek and sighing.

"If I could stay with you every pawstep of your apprenticeship I would but that can't happen...You must walk this path without me"

Patchkit shifted his paws uneasily, staring at them and sighing heavily and flattening his ears to his head. He knew she was right.

"I understand that...I'm just..." Patchkit trailed off; not sure what he should say...He didn't want to voice to her what he was thinking to her...she'd just keep pitying him...

Why doesn't she see I'm too weak to face the dangers out there...That I can't be a Warrior...How can I do this...? How can I become an Apprentice knowing I'll be no good at it...?

I'd just be a waste of time...

"I know Patchkit...You're nervous...You'd be stupid not to be...," Mistpelt meowed softly as she gently nudged his shoulder with one of her gray paws.

"But don't worry too much okay...? You'll be finally seeing the world and being protected by the Clan..," Mistpelt cooed, trying to be reassuring, and Patchkit looked up to see a new glint in her wise green eyes. Pride.

"And I'll be proud of you no matter what..."

She says that she's proud now but what if I fail my training...? Will she still be proud...?

But his doubts were silenced quickly as he watched Oakstar creep out from his den on Highrock, his broad shoulders stiff and his head held high.

Oakstar then settled himself down on his hindquarters before pausing, scanning the clearing with his haunting yellow eyes before calling out in his low yet strong and powerful intimidating voice.

"Every cat old enough to catch their own prey gather below Highrock for a Clan meeting!" He yowled out, his voice slowly getting stronger as he spoke.

He even sounds powerful...Oakstar is so intimidating...But I'm glad he's our leader...If he wasn't, maybe me and my siblings wouldn't be here today.

"This is it! Our ceremony!" Larchkit suddenly butted in, running past Patchkit with his dark pelt bristling in excitement.

"Calm down, would you Larchkit? I don't want Oakstar to think we are all still fluff-brained kits," Petalkit retorted, following Larchkit with her creamy pelt sleek shimmering in the light. She had obviously been preparing for this all morning.

"Petalkit, don't be so rude," Mistpelt scolded; though she then added in a softer tone,"But please Larchkit, try to control yourself..."

Patchkit could hear Larchkit snort from up ahead in anger and Petalkit huff shortly in annoyance. And from that, Patchkit couldn't help but snort in amusement at them.

At least I have them...

Patchkit then slowly got to his paws, trailing after his littermates with a lot less bounce in his step, his head low as he tried to avoid attention, then they all began settling down at the edge of the clearing near the Apprentice's den. 

And as soon as Patchkit got comfortable he began to glanced around nervously, studying the faces of his Clanmates...He could see some cats staring at them with curiosity and some even suspicion as if they were a threat or some pack of strangers...Then he saw Frecklewish sitting with Rooktail and Nettlebreeze, who were both newly made Warriors.

Her amber eyes were scorching Patchkit and his siblings with their intense angry heat that she didn't even try to hide, and he had to forced himself to just look away and directed his eyes to Oakstar.

She obviously isn't going to get over her grudge today...I doubt she ever will...Our father murdered her closest friend and brother; Barkface...I heard how they were always together and so close...I wonder how I'd feel if Larchkit was murdered...

But he was brought quickly out of that terrifying thought as Oakstar suddenly began to speak again.

"Petalkit, step forward!" He ordered, and Patchkit couldn't help but shudder from how authoritative and hard his voice sounded and how he was staring down at Petalkit with an intense gleam in his eyes.

But Petalkit didn't seem intimidated or mind and did just that. She hurriedly got to her paws and trotted in front of Highrock with her head held high and proud, her green eyes gleaming with pride in herself.

She obviously wasn't going to pay any attention to Frecklewish or the suspicious glares of some of her Clanmates.

She's so brave and proud...She never seems to care about what others think of her...I wonder if Petalkit ever even gets nervous...

"Petalkit, you have a much different path then your brothers...you've shown a keen interest in Medicine Cat training...Me and Cloudberry believe you'd do best to become one...," Oakstar began slowly, giving Cloudberry a sideways look as he spoke as if wanting a response.

Patchkit directed his attention to her, and Cloudberry simply nodded her head slowly at Oakstar. And with his approval, Oakstar then continued on.

"Petalkit...Is the path of healing what you choose...The path of a Medicine Cat?" Oakstar asked roughly, and Patchkit thought maybe Petalkit would be feeling the pressure by now. He surely would be; being forced to choose between being a Warrior and Medicine Cat knowing once you choose it cannot be changed easily.

But when Patchkit looked at Petalkit, he only saw determination flashing in Petalkit's green eyes and her stubbed tail twitching excitedly.

She didn't seem at all frightened of the path ahead of her. She had her shoulders stiff and her head still high.

There was no doubt or fear in her voice as she responded clearly and determinedly.

"Yes! This is the path I choose!"

Oakstar stared at her for a moment, and Patchkit swore he saw approval flashing in his gaze as he nodded his head at her.

"Then from this day forward you shall be known as Petalpaw until Cloudberry gives you your full Medicine Cat name...StarClan light your path," Oakstar muttered out, and Patchkit now could hear a small bit of distain in his voice as he murmured the last words out.

I wonder if Oakstar believes they will...I'm sure they will though...We are true Clan cats and we've done nothing wrong to push our ancestors away...I hope...

But Petalpaw didn't seem to notice or care about his tone at all as she happily trotted over to Cloudberry who gently nuzzled her cheek.

And as he did, the entire camp suddenly erupted into a chorus of excited and happy meows.

"Petalpaw! Petalpaw!" Cats yowled around Patchkit...Yet even with all the clamor he could hear that there was a lack of voices...Some cats were not joining in on this...

Frecklewish and the cats with her most likely...

But he tried to push that thought away, yowling joyfully his sister's new name along with Mistpelt and Larchkit who sort of drowned his voice out.

But after a moment the yowling ceased, and Oakstar's intense yellow eyes focused on Patchkit and Larchkit, and that sort of made Patchkit shudder and feel intense anxiety from his hard and cold stare.

I hope he picks Larchkit next...I don't want to be center of attention like him and Petalkit do...

"Patchkit, step forward," Oakstar muttered coolly, and Patchkit felt his heart lurch inside his chest painfully once again, beginning to tremble.

He almost turned to run into the Nursery where he could hopefully hide from Oakstar's smoldering yellow eyes that now bore into him and the judgement seeding eyes of his Clanmates; all expecting. All waiting.

But, he managed to swallow down his worries and the anxious feeling as he stepped forward towards Oakstar and to the base of Highrock, his head down and ears flattened to his head wishing he could avoid the stares of his Clanmates that he felt were burning into him.

They are all probably thinking about how I don't deserve this...That I won't make it...

But, no cat protested against Patchkit as he sat down below Highrock. Not yet anyway.

And after a moment he willed himself to look up at Oakstar, who was seemingly studying him with his sharp yellow eyes before he took a breath and spoke.

"Patchkit, from this day on you shall be known as Patchpaw until you recieve your Warrior name..," Oakstar calmly stated with a flick of his brown tabby tail before tipping his head to the side and looking into the crowd of cats below him with narrowed eyes.

"You're mentor shall be Bloomheart...He may have not been able to keep your mother loyal and safe, but I trust this time will be different," Oakstar meowed, and Patchpaw quickly glance back, expecting to see the stunned and angry faces of his Clanmates.

But all he saw was sadness and surprise on their faces as they heard this, and an even greater sadness lighting the blue eyes of Bloomheart as he slowly approached Highrock with his eyes on Patchpaw then Oakstar, emotion thick in his voice.

"Thank you, Oakstar...I won't let you down again," Bloomheart murmured lowly, dipping his head towards Oakstar slowly and solemnly, and Patchpaw felt a lot of pity for him. He must have felt that his mother's doings were partly his fault since he had been the one to teach her.

He won't have to feel that way about me I hope...I don't think i'll be any great Warrior but...I want to at least make Bloomheart proud of me and be loyal...

Then after a moment Bloomheart slowly turned to Patchpaw; his blue eyes shimmering with emotion and somewhat making Patchpaw uneasy as Bloomheart slowly nuzzled his cheek, his whiskers tickling his muzzle.

But, Patchpaw managed to force himself to relax into this and simply just nuzzled him back, feeling some relief as he pressed his nose to Bloomheart's warm cheek.

I feel so sorry for him...I'll try to show him loyalty at least if I can't show him courage or strength...

And then as Patchpaw slowly drew away from Bloomheart, his Clanmates broke back into a chorus, all shouting his name like they had with Petalpaw, but this time a sadness was rooted in each of their yowls which didn't exactly make him feel anymore at ease.

"Patchpaw! Patchpaw!"

And then after the yowling had settled, Patchpaw sat shyly down beside Bloomheart a few paces away from below the Highrock, and he heard Bloomheart begin to chuckle lightly in a sort of amusement at him.

"Don't worry Patchpaw...I promise, I won't bite"

Patchpaw nodded slowly at him, even if he wasn't exactly worried about that as much as he was worried about embarrassing himself...But he forced himself to relax, letting out a soft long stressed sigh as he and the rest of the Clan waited for Oakstar to continue.

And after a moment of silence, Oakstar dipped his head towards Bloomheart and Patchpaw as if respecting them before then moving his gaze to the back of the crowd on Larchkit who Patchpaw could see from here was trembling with excitement and joy, his amber eyes gleaming brighter then the sun.

"Now, Larchkit, step forward," Oakstar meowed calmly, and Patchpaw hardly even had time to blink before Larchkit reached the bottom of Highrock, bolting past everyone in a rush, and Patchpaw heard Petalpaw snort in disapproval from her position beside Cloudberry along with a few other cats, but Patchpaw couldn't help but smile from his enthusiasm.

Larchpaw's dark fur was bristling with an excitement and determination he didn't bother to hide as he settled himself down below the Highrock, and Patchpaw heard Bloomheart make an amused chuckle beside him.

"He seems very excited for this...You'll both turn out to be fine Warriors," Bloomheart murmured, moving his soft blue gaze down to Patchpaw who just frowned at him.

That's only true for Larchkit maybe...I don't have that Warrior fire in me like he does

Patchpaw shoved those negative feelings down and just made a low amused purr back at Bloomheart as a response. Then just went back to watching his brother shift impatiently beanth the Highrock with his fluffed tail tapping against the ground.

Oakstar paused, seemingly studying Larchkit carefully before beginning,"Larchkit, from now on you'll be known as Larchpaw..."

And then he hesitated again, his yellow eyes suddenly troubled as he turned his gaze onto one of the cats in the clearing.

"...And your mentor shall be Frecklewish..."

And with that, gasps of horror and surprise filled the clearing and Patchpaw felt pity for Larchpaw.

His excited and happy face was now gone. It had been replaced by horror and anger, and it looked like he was about to protest.

I think he should protest...Frecklewish has to be the worst possible choice for Larchpaw...She hates us all and she'll never agree to this.

Echoing his thoughts, Bloomheart murmured lowly, "Oakstar is insane if he thinks Frecklewish will train him..."

And before Patchpaw could respond, Frecklewish suddenly made an outraged yowl behind him that made him freeze in fear and made the fur on his neck stand up.

"How DARE you Oakstar!" Frecklewish hissed, and Patchpaw turned his head to see her stalking through the crowd of cats with her dotted golden fur bristling and her teeth bared and her lips drawn back as she glared up at Oakstar, her father.

Though Oakstar seemed undaunted by her hostility and anger and just dismissively flicked his tail.

"My word is law, Frecklewish. I will not take any protests," Oakstar harshly growled before then looking down at Larchpaw who Patchpaw could see was looking devastated and confused.

"I believe this is best for the both of you....You two need to learn how to get along for the good of the Clan," Oakstar colly explained, but no cat seemed to be satisfied.

"That is cruel Oakstar! Change this at once!" Yowled one cat

"No it is not! That traitorous kit deserves to have her as a mentor!" Yowled another right back

Patchpaw flinched at that comment, looking behind his shoulder once again and seeing that the two cats, Mistpelt and Neetlebreeze, were glaring at each other with their fur bristling and teeth bared as if willing to fight on this.

Then suddenly the two froze and drew back a bit, and Patchpaw followed their gazes to see Oakstar glowering down at them with a dangerous fire in his yellow eyes, his wicked claws digging into the stone below his paws.

"I am your leader..," Oakstar growled, his tail now angrily lashing behind him as he stiffened his shoulders, looking even far more threatening then before.

"My word is law!" He repeated, growling loudly, and Patchpaw turned his head back to look at Mistpelt and Neetlebreeze who had broken apart completely now and were looking quite embarrassed.

There was a tense moment of silence after that, but it was broken by a desperate wail.

"I don't want her as my mentor though! Please, Oakstar!" Larchpaw wailed, and Patchpaw turned to see Larchpaw on his paws and staring at Oakstar with giant pleading and sad amber eyes

"Please, Oakstar..," Larchpaw whimpered out again weakly, still try to plead, and Patchpaw looked up to see Oakstar's reaction to this.

Oakstar didn't seem affected by his pleas; glowering at Larchpaw with seemingly even more anger then before.

"Frecklewish will mentor you. This is not your choice," Oakstar sharply muttered and then suddenly turned his back on Larchpaw and his Clanmates without another word and vanished into his den quickly.

And a few moments later his mate, Sweetbriar, ran up Highrock after him with obvious concern in her eyes for her mate, calling his name and vanishing into the den after him.

Patchpaw quickly looked over at Larchpaw, and he could see him staring after Oakstar with  clear hurt flashing in his amber eyes...And lots of intense anger.

And before Patchpaw could go and attempt to soothe his littermate, Frecklewish finally spoke again.

"Well I don't care what Oakstar says!" Frecklewish spat angrily, and Patchpaw turned to watch as she stalked off towards the camp entrance with her tail flicking quickly back and forth in agitation behind her.

"I wouldn't train that mangy kit for all the prey in the forest!" She snapped again sharply before vanishing out into the forest.

And of course, only a few short moments later Neetlebreeze trotted after her quickly, calling out for her.

"Frecklewish! Wait for me!" Neetlebreeze hurriedly meowed, and Patchpaw was surprised he was going after her...Frecklewish was always in a sour mood and it seemed no cat could get her out of it, but it seemed Neetlebreeze was going to try.

After Neetlbreeze had gone, Patchpaw felt relieved yet also sick to his stomach as he turned back to look at Larchpaw who was now staring at his paws with a grimace; his claws dug into the ground below him.

This can't be happening...Poor Larchpaw...Why did it have to be him...?

Should I go and say something...?

Then suddenly Bloomheart spoke, and Patchpaw nearly jumped out of his fur. He had completely forgotten he was there.

"That poor kit...I'm sure Oakstar has his reasons for this but..," Bloomheart sighed deeply, then he continued in a more softer tone

"Why don't you go talk to him?" Bloomheart suggested, and when Patchpaw looked unsure he tried to convince him.

"Or just tell him I'll take him out today and we can explore the forest," Bloomheart murmured softly, and Patchpaw himself even felt excited by that idea.

"Oh! Larchpaw would love that!" Patchpaw cooed, remembering how adventurous and easily excited Larchpaw was.

Bloomheart chuckled softly in amusement before nodded, drawing away from Patchpaw and turning his back slowly.

"I'm glad...! But, hurry up, would you? If you want to see the whole territory we'll need all the time we can get," Bloomheart gently murmured as he stalked away, and Patchpaw quickly nodded his head even if Bloomheart couldn't see it now.

"Of course! We'll be there in a moment!" Patchpaw cooed after him, and then quickly turned and trotted over to where Larchpaw was sitting.

He was still planted stiffly at the bottom of Highrock even though most of their Clanmates were gone now; off to share tongues and do their duties...And probably gossip about what happened.

And as soon as Patchpaw got close to him, Larchpaw sharply turned his head toward him with his amber eyes blazing with fury...A dark anger that made Patchpaw freeze and even made the fur along his spin stand up.

"Oakstar led our mother to her death, and now he's leading me right into the paws of a cat who hates my guts!" Larchpaw snarled, and he turned his eyes back up to where Oakstar had been sitting only moments ago.

"He'll regret it all someday...I'll make sure of it"

- - - - -

Sorry this took so long. My mother breaking my phone really did take a lot of time out of my writing and plus I've been pretty lazy and it takes a lot of time to type all this and edit it over and over again and add so much detail but I hope it was good enough.

The  next chapter will be more exciting I promise ~ Breeze & Thunder

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