My Addiction

By Cam211

27.4K 707 194

Emily Fields meets seductive stripper, Alison DiLaurentis in a sleazy strip club. Damning secrets and a web o... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Five

5.2K 123 36
By Cam211

Chapter Five: Girl Crush


Exhaustion overtook Emily's body as she made her way into her bland apartment. She definitely needed to add a coat of paint onto the walls, noticing how plain her apartment was.

She locked the door behind her, before flipping the light on, when she glanced around her apartment she decided that it looked better with the light turned off.

She usually kept her place clean, but right now her apartment was littered with empty bottles of liquor and food containers. She'd clean it up later.

The pills always made her tired, aiding her in getting a half-decent sleep at night. Her body was painfully aching and she knew it was time for a few more. It would take the pain away.

Strewing her jacket over the couch, she made her way down the hallway to the bathroom.

Emily began to fill the luxurious bathtub with scalding hot water, it would take a couple of minutes to fill up. She sighed, sluggishly opening up the medicine cabinet and retrieved her daily fix.

She placed the tiny pills in her mouth, the bitter, chalky taste coating her tongue made her grimace and despite being used to it, she still wanted to gag.

Emily turned on her heels and made her way into the roomy kitchen. She opened the refrigerator, peeking inside for something to cleanse the god-awful taste from her mouth. A look inside revealed — a box of pizza, a few bottles of water, and half-eaten Chinese food that she didn't even recall ordering and a six-pack of beer.

Emily grabbed a beer and pushed the fridge door shut with a grunt. She unscrewed the top, chugging a large quantity of the tangy beverage down before resting it on the coffee table.

She finished the beer while she skimmed through the newspaper for a moment. She threw the paper across the table with a huff and headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Upon returning to the bathroom, Emily turned the water off and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. She looked tired, emotionally, and physically, but her appearance couldn't compare to the way she felt.

Removing her clothes, she hissed faintly at the hot water initially hitting her bare skin before she engulfed her sore body into the relaxing tranquility of the water.

The haziness sunk in as the pills began to go to work, making Emily lean her head against the back of the tub.

There was an issue that she was rather uncertain about. She was supposed to meet with Alison tomorrow and she wasn't sure if it was some sort of date.

It surely felt like a date, even if Alison hadn't actually said so. She sighed heavily, she wasn't even sure what she preferred at this point, staying home alone or go on a pity date with the girl she liked.

The whole concept of having a girlfriend to Emily didn't seem realistic. Who honestly, in their right mind, would want to have sex with her?

The thought of it was still unreal. Sometimes, it would make her uneasy as she felt the great responsibility to never disappoint in bed or if she would ever have the chance again.

The thought alone was eating at her because what if she couldn't? What if all she does is disappoint? Especially with a girl like Alison, who clearly expects nothing less than her expectations.

Emily turned the water off, climbing out of the lukewarm water carefully. She stood in the mirror, practically scowling at her own reflection. She knew she wasn't bad looking facially. Above the waist she was fine. She knew that part, but what she had in her boxer briefs made her feel like a complete monster. A freak. Other people had even told her as much.

Sighing wistfully, she slid on a t-shirt from her wardrobe and a pair of boxers and settled in bed with the light on.

What she needed to do was figure out what she was going to wear on Saturday. She hesitated for a moment and headed over to her laptop.

She opened up the browser before she paused for a moment and typed in: What to wear on a date.


Before Emily knew it, it was Saturday evening. She was standing in front of the mirror in the fourth outfit she had tried on for the night. She was thinking about wearing a suit, but she didn't want to be over-dressed.

She stood there in slim black jeans and a matching V-neck shirt. She also wore an expensive gold watch. Her father, Wayne, had purchased it for her birthday last year. She sighed uncertainly, deciding to go with what she had on.

She slid her arms through the sleeves of her jacket, double-checking her appearance in the vanity mirror. She wanted everything to be perfect. She wanted Alison to be impressed and feel proud standing next to her.

The doorbell rang, interrupting her internal turmoil and she looked over at the door then back at the shiny gold watch around her wrist.

It was showtime.

Emily combed her slender fingers through her dark locks as she anxiously stepped away from the mirror and headed out of the room.

Her favorite boots hit the floor rhythmically and for a moment she wondered if she should have worn something a bit more feminine on her feet.

Not wanting to keep Alison waiting too long, she shook her train of thought and jogged over to the front door. She tidied her appearance once more before pulling the door open and her jaw-dropped instantly.


Emily smacked herself out of her stupor as she stared at Alison, who was wearing a figure-hugging red blouse and a sinfully short skirt that clung to all her curves with black stockings underneath.

She was also wearing heels that almost brought her up to Emily's tall height. Her blonde curls were cascading down her shoulders flawlessly, and she smelled like strawberries, Emily thought with a faint smile.

"Sorry," Emily blushed embarrassingly after realizing she was too busy gawking at the blonde to greet her. She was flabbergasted and she suddenly felt insecure.

"Good evening, Em." Alison greeted sweetly as she kissed Emily's cheek. The tall brunette mentally chastised herself to snap out of her trance. Alison never failed to make her feel weak in the knees.

"Hey, Ali," Emily replied dumbly with a dopey smile. "You look... stunning." she continued in awe, her eyes wide. Currently, she was struggling to formulate a simple sentence, "I mean — wow."

"Thank you." Alison husked with a breathy giggle and Emily felt her heart flutter wildly. "You look quite dashing. I'm going to have such a hard time keeping my hands off you."

Emily grinned at Alison's not so subtle flirting with a bashful shrug. She played with her fingers absent-mindedly, her mind searching for an appropriate response to Alison's innuendo. "I feel like I'm underdressed."

"Oh, please. You look sexy. Very sexy." Alison bit her lip coyly, running a nimble finger down the valley of Emily's breasts with a sensual wink.

This was going well. Now all Emily needed to do was be herself. She blushed shyly and made sure to grab her keys on the kitchen counter before closing the door, locking it and peering over at Alison.

"You never told me where we're going," Emily quipped after a moment. Alison shrugged nonchalantly and curled into her right arm, enjoying the warmth radiating from the taller woman's body.

"That's part of the surprise, Em, but since you asked." she giggled feverishly and looked at Emily, who chuckled in response, listening to her carefully as they walked arm-in-arm. "We're going to the fair."


The now dark sky loomed over them. The vivid, colorful, neon lights creating an attraction for all those around. Emily and Alison paid for over-priced tickets, hopping on different rides, and trying out random games.

"If you're so damn great, then why don't you try it?" The blonde challenged Emily after she failed to hit every single target in the game.

Emily handed the game worker another ten dollars in exchange for another round. Alison stood next to her with a smirk, crossing her arms as Emily rolled her shoulders back and readied herself.

"Fine," she picked up the air rifle with an amused grin. She aimed, steadying the air rifle before firing. She hit the first target on her first try before laughing gleefully.

Every shot she took was successful and when she was done, the slightly over-weight man operating the stand handed her an over-sized pink bear with a white ribbon tied firmly around its neck.

Emily glanced at Alison meekly, a shy smile gracing her lips, "For you."

Alison bit her lip and accepted the fluffy bear from her hands, "Thank you, Em." she blushed a little, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. It was quiet for a long moment and for a second it felt like an actual date.

It clearly wasn't and Alison frowned slightly before reaching out to grab Emily's arm gently. "I'm going to win you something. You need something to remind you to have fun. You work entirely too hard, Em,"

"Ali, I have to warn you. I'm not really a stuffed animal person." Emily protested gently with a light-hearted smile as Alison beamed with a pleasant giggle.


After indulging in their fattening snack break, the duo continued to stroll around languidly, getting on several more rides.

It was no secret that Alison liked Emily and she liked how she made her feel. She was confused, conflicted and worried. Emily made her feel emotions she hadn't felt in a very long time.

Delight. Happiness. Nervousness. And sometimes, though it was hard for Alison to admit, Emily made her feel afraid.

Alison couldn't help but second-guess after being viciously hurt by the people she loved. She wasn't going to risk the excruciating pain of being betrayed again.

"I just wanted to thank you for taking me out tonight. I don't have usually have fun because I'm always working." Alison glanced down at the ground with sadness evident in her blue eyes.

Alison studied Emily's chiseled jawline and high cheekbones intently. Emily Fields was definitely a sight to see and with a flawless body like hers, she couldn't believe more women weren't throwing themselves at her.

Emily could do entirely better than her. She was just a promiscuous stripper with a dysfunctional family, she thought hurtfully. She could never be good enough.

"Yeah, no problem." Emily shrugged, positioning her head in Alison's direction with a nervous smile. "I-I had a lot of fun."

"Me too." she husked enticingly, leaning in and pressing her lips against Emily's much to her surprise.

It wasn't a deep kiss by any means, but it was enough for Emily's body to go rigid and Alison pulled away after a second.

"Was that okay?" she questioned and for a minute Alison wondered if she jumped the gun.


Emily blinked for a second and stared at Alison blankly, she hadn't expected that. It was as if this was a dream and she had just woken up.

"I like kissing you. Maybe we should do it again. If you want, of course. Only if y-you really want to, though. I'm sorry — fuck. I'll just stop talking." Emily closed her mouth, mentally cringing as she did so. She sounded like a damn fool right now and she didn't want to scare Alison away.

Alison tried not to giggle, Emily was so innocent and naive. She looked at her with an amused smirk, her arms still firmly gripping the over-sized teddy bear. "Loosen up a little," she nudged her shoulder with a giggle.

Emily smiled, looking down at the watch on her wrist. "We should go, it's getting late." She pulled a cigarette out of her pocket and wedged it between her lips. She dug her lighter out of her jeans and sparked it.

She sighed in contentment as she blew the smoke out into the fresh air. Combined with feeling the frisky Autumn breeze – it wasn't raining for once – on her skin, she felt heavenly.

"You shouldn't smoke, you know," Alison chastised softly. "It's expensive and very bad for you."

Emily sighed, nodding her head before speaking. "You're right. Very bad habit —where's your jacket?" Emily stopped mid-sentence as she realized that Alison was in freezing weather with revealing clothes on.

"I'm fine, Em. It's not really" Alison replied back in a honeyed voice.

Emily could practically hear the clattering of Alison's teeth when she spoke despite trying to seem unaffected. She rolled her eyes with a grin as she unzipped her jacket.

"No, you're not." Emily successfully pried off her jacket. "Come here. I wouldn't want you getting sick."

Alison did as she was told and Emily enclosed her jacket around her body as much as she could. She grinned thankfully, slipping her arms around Emily's waist. The brunette gazed at her in shock but nevertheless hugged her tightly as well to try and keep herself warm.


Emily's knuckles were ghostly white from her tight grasp around the steering wheel. Her shoulders were tense and her eyes staring blankly at the road in front of them.

"Did you have fun?" Alison questioned.

Emily chuckled wryly, nodding as she glanced over at the blonde. "Too much."

Alison giggled, letting her gaze stay on Emily's sinfully gorgeous face for longer than necessary.

Emily could barely focus on anything other than Alison, who was sitting in the passenger seat and her alone was enough to make her feel light-headed.

"Thanks for taking me out again," Alison commented. Emily nodded, squeezing the bridge of her nose.

"No problem, Ali," Emily replied coolly as she pulled up and parked in the garage underneath the apartment complex.

Alison didn't want to go home alone, but she knew for sure that Emily wasn't going to invite herself in. "Will you walk me to my door?" She inquired hopefully, her heart skipping a beat.

Emily nodded wordlessly and they proceeded up the three flights of stairs to her apartment. When they ultimately arrived at the door, Alison made no attempt to open it.

She peered at Emily with an affectionate smile plastered on her face. The brunette couldn't help it as she stepped forward and urged her lips against hers. She moaned keenly, wrapping her arms around Emily's neck as their kiss intensified.

Emily pulled away abruptly with a blush on
her cheeks, shoving her hands inside her jeans' pockets.

"Goodnight, Ali," Emily stated, awkwardly shifting on the balls of her feet.

"You're not driving home at this time of night." Alison shook her head in defiance as Emily turned around to depart.

"I'll be all right driving home." Emily insisted with a gentle smile.

"Stay with me," Alison pleaded with an adorable pout, one that Emily just couldn't seem to say no to. "Please, Em? I don't want to be alone tonight."

Emily caved almost immediately, "Okay, I'll stay."

Alison flashed Emily an appreciative smile before rummaged in her clutch for her keys. She unlocked the door, pulling the brunette inside by the hand before closing the door.

Suddenly, she turned to face Emily, placing her hands on her chiseled jaw. Her luscious lips were dangerously close to her and she wanted to take the opportunity. She could see the smoothness of Emily's sun-kissed skin along with a noticeable scar on her cheek.

Emily's heavenly scent was laced with expensive cologne and it only enticed her even more. Alison practically jumped into her arms, kissing her with urgency and wrapping her legs around her waist.

She sighed contently as Emily lifted her up and effortlessly pushed her against the wall along the side of the apartment. She simply wanted to show Emily how appreciative she was.

They kissed for an extended period of time, their eager hands exploring each other's bodies with zeal. Alison let out an impassioned moan when she felt Emily's strong hands squeeze her ass firmly.

She tilted her head, deepening the kiss, and releasing a light moan. She sighed in relief as their tongues intercepted. Suddenly, Emily leaned away much to her dismay.

"Sorry," Alison whispered, her gaze falling to the floor.

"What are you apologizing for?"

Alison's fingers traveled across the collar of Emily's shirt as she kept the close proximity between them.

"Am I going too fast for you?"

"N-no." Emily managed to state without breaking eye-contact. She was indeed nervous and it was taking everything in her right now to stay relaxed. "No, you're fine."

"Yeah?" Alison responded in a delicate voice that was reserved only for Emily Fields.

"I'm. . . just a little nervous, I guess," Emily admitted, shamefully burying her head into Alison's neck as the blonde's heart fluttered at her words.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, Em," she assured Emily soothingly as she started to caress her back in comforting motions. "We can always stop."

"No, I want this," Emily grumbled with a frustrated huff. "It's just. . ."

"What?" Alison asked as she stared at her intently.

Emily swallowed thickly, pursing her lips. "Of not being. . . I don't know—" she struggled to articulate the words out loud, but Alison pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and kneaded her cheek. "Of not being able to make you-you know."

"Oh, baby," Alison nodded understandingly as the pads of her thumbs stroked the smooth tanned skin on Emily's cheeks. "Don't worry about that. I'm more than positive that you can fuck me nice and hard."

"Ali," Emily damn near whimpered. Alison felt the slightest quiver of her hand as settled her own on top of hers.

"You can touch me as much as you wish," Alison encouraged with a seductive smirk. She held onto Emily's trembling hand, resting her head on her shoulder.

Butterflies erupted in Emily's stomach before she smiled reverently at her before removing her legs from around her waistline.

Emily looked down at the floor demurely as she leaned back against the wall. Her dark eyes filled with admiration as Alison pressed her curvy body against her. Her strong arms wrapped around Alison's waist and pulled her even closer while nudging her nose along a porcelain chin.

A little whimper escaped Alison's plump lips as her tiny hands slid up Emily's chest, pausing to squeeze her full breasts before wrapping her arms around her neck.

She grinned, "Relax."

"Sorry, you're just so pretty." Emily's words tumbled out through a deep exhale after Alison's remark.

Alison cocked her head, her big, expressive blue eyes glimmering brightly as Emily felt herself getting harder by the second. "You always call me beautiful, but you're absolutely stunning."

"Fuck, baby," Emily shuddered as Alison held her tighter, resisting the urge to grind forward. "I'm so hard." she murmured unintentionally, her cheeks flushing as she kissed Alison's forehead.

Alison giggled slyly before grinding her hips against Emily's. "Mmm, Em." she cocked her head slightly to nip at Emily's ear, "We'll take it slow."

Alison began to unbuckle her belt, loosening the button on the black jeans and sliding the zipper down teasingly.

Emily bit her lip timidly and raised her head up towards the ceiling as Alison moved closer and closer to doing something that couldn't be taken back.

Alison proceeded to distract her with neck kisses as she pulled her pants down, so they pooled around her ankles. Emily's rather large bulge was straining against her Calvin Klein briefs. She saw Alison's azure eyes drop to her groin and her heart began to expeditiously pound against her chest in fear.

Reflectively, Emily's dick sprung from her confinements and slapped her abdomen with a grunt.  Her shaft was fully erect. The hardest she had ever been in her entire life. Alison just did things to her.

As soon as Alison saw Emily's nine-inch dick, she nearly gasped. She was by far impressed. Her blue eyes widened comically as she stared at her member.

Emily's breath was ragged, her blood running cold as she carefully watched Alison's reaction. The blonde didn't look disgusted, neither did she appear to be disappointed.

Slowly and seductively, Alison started at Emily as if she was a lioness and Emily was her gazelle. She intended to devour her; it was in her every move. A feline ready to pounce. She studied Emily's face once more before removing the tall brunette's shirt. She trailed her manicured nails over her chiseled abs with an approving wink.

"Can I touch you?" Alison raised an eyebrow, her cheeks tinting bright red in the process. Emily stared at her blankly for a second before she nodded, watching as a flirtatious smirk spread across her lips.

Alison leaned in and smashed her lips against Emily's. With a hazy, sensual kiss her tongue entered Emily's mouth, ravaging the sweetness of her mouth. Oh — what an expert kisser she was.

Alison reluctantly pulled away, leaving a trail of hungry kisses along Emily's neck, then between her breasts. Slowly, she descended until she stopped at the brunette's toned abdomen.

Emily groaned in pleasure as she felt Alison kiss and nip her stomach. Her dick twitching involuntarily, her eyes never leaving Alison's as she watched her drop to her knees in front of her.

Alison gazed up, her seductive eyes gazing deeply into Emily's. She bit her lip and Emily swore it was the sexiest thing she had ever witnessed.

Emily watched with rapt attention as she gripped the base of her dick firmly but gently. She grunted at the contact and the fact that Alison's small hand could barely fit around her entire girth.

She shuddered slightly when she felt a wet tongue drag along the side of her cock;  gripping the back of Alison's head and releasing a breathless whimper.

"A-Ali—" she mumbled shakily as she tangled her fingers through Alison'silky hair.

"Do you think you'll fit in my mouth, Em?" Alison giggled with a sexy purr as her hand began to stroke Emily's dick.

"Oh, shit." Emily's eyes rolled back as she thrust her hips forward uncontrollably, "Ali—"

"I know, baby, I know." Alison gently spoke before she trailed her tongue over the tip of her dick a few times, pre-cum beginning to leak from the head. She slid Emily's dick in her mouth an inch or two.

Emily's eyes immediately went wide in shock, her teeth digging in her bottom lip to suppress an audible moan. "Fuck, Ali. . . that feels good." she released a groan at the intense pleasure of her dick being inside Alison's warm mouth. She couldn't move, she couldn't think. Her whole body was rigid.

Emily accidentally canted her hips forward and realized she hit the back of Alison's throat when she gagged suddenly. She immediately pulled out and stroked Alison's hair, waiting for her to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to hurt you." Emily uttered with a regretful frown.

Alison shook her head and tugged her dick back to her lips with her hand, "No, Em. I just wasn't expecting that. I'm ready this time, so you can put it inside all the way."

Emily used her dick to pry Alison's saccharine lips apart and thrust back in carefully. She threaded her hands through Alison's long hair, gently guiding her up and down her length.

"Fuck, baby. You're so sexy."

Alison seemed to enjoy her compliment because she only began sucking harder and faster.

"You like sucking my dick?" Emily groaned, her head thrown back in pleasure.

Alison was surprised by the dirty words that spewed from her mouth. She smirked slyly, now knowing the brunette wasn't as innocent and clueless about sex as she originally thought.

Emily could feel coiling in her stomach and for a moment she was worried that she would cum too quickly again, so she pulled away rather abruptly.

Emily slapped her dick a few times against Alison's luscious lips and cheeks just to calm herself down. Alison began jerking her off again, doing her best to ignore her clit throbbing for attention.

The pace was rather slow, but when Alison made it to the head, she ran her thumb over the slit as more pre-cum dripped from the tip. She rubbed the cum evenly all over Emily's shaft and the extra lubricant allowed her to stroke quicker.

"Fuck, yeah, baby."

"You like me jacking you off like this?" Alison rustled with a coquettish smirk.

"Y-yeah, keep going." Emily watched with heavy-lidded eyes as Alison lifted her dick up, exposing her testicles, which she eagerly sucked into her mouth. If this continued she would definitely cum.

But as if hearing her thoughts, Alison sucked once more then pulled away, taking her testicles with her before finally releasing them from her mouth.

"Mmm, I can't wait to have your cum all over my face."

Emily's dick twitched at the mere thought alone. Alison reached for her shaft again, but this time, she didn't tease or stroke it. She leaned in and wrapped her lips around the shaft with a bit of a struggle and it happened so fast that Emily's hips thrust forward tenaciously.

"God, Ali," A low grunt escaped her lips as she felt the head of her dick intrude Alison's throat. Emily moaned, her hand tangling in the blonde's hair, directing her up and down her thick shaft.

By then, Alison could hear Emily panting heavily above her. She moaned softly around her shaft as Emily cursed and writhed above her.

"Ugh, fuck, baby. I-I—" It was all Emily was able to get out before her hips began to buck into Alison's mouth. She felt apologetic for her sudden movement, but she was entirely too overcome with pleasure to think logically.

She expected Alison to immediately pull away, but she just kept going, the blonde even began rubbing her testicles. As much as she would love to cum in her mouth, she knew Alison would most likely be livid, so she reached out and gripped her shoulder.

"Baby, stop. I-I can't hold it—" Emily's warning was silently dismissed when Alison gazed up at her and winked before deepthroating her dick like a hardcore professional.

When Alison's nose touched her pelvis again, she couldn't stop herself from exploding. She tightened her hands in Alison's hair, pushing her dick further down her throat.

"Fuck, Ali, oh my God—!" Emily groaned loudly as she ejected thick, white seed inside of Alison's mouth.

Alison's throat constricted as she swallowed Emily's semen before standing up. Her eyes was darkened with lust, her breath ragged, and Emily could clearly see the outline of her very hard nipples.

"Can I touch you?" Emily asked.

Alison shook her head, tugging the brunette towards the couch. "I'm okay, Em." she took a seat on the worn leather couch before Emily took the liberty to sit beside her.

"I don't think so."

Emily placed a hand on each of Alison's knees, gently applying pressure until she allowed her legs to part and the very damp spot between her skirt was visible.

"I'm not going to pressure you into anything you don't want to do," Emily remarked in a hushed voice as she ran her thumb softly across her cheek. "I just want to please you. If you tell me to stop, I will."

Alison chewed her lip for a long moment, then nodded unsurely. Emily cleared her throat and rested a gentle hand on her shoulder.

She guided Alison to lay back on the couch, then placed a hand on her knee. As Emily maneuvered her hand up her thigh, she felt her stiffen a bit.

"Relax. Remember, all you have to do is tell me to stop." Emily patiently waited for the petite blonde to speak and Alison smiled weakly but didn't iterate a word, so she began moving her hand again.

Emily's hand stopped at the damp patch on her skirt and as soon as her slender fingers made contact, it was Alison's turn to gasp in pleasure.

Any nervousness she seemed to have faded as Emily pressed her nimble fingers against her folds. "I'm gonna take this off now," Emily informed her as she extended her fingers under the waistband of Alison's skirt. Alison squirmed in anticipation and lifted her hips off the couch to assist Emily with her motions.

Emily made quick work of pulling the miniskirt down her long, toned legs and discarding it neatly on the floor. She was astonished to discover that Alison wasn't wearing any panties underneath the skirt and all she could do was stare at her with desire evident in her eyes.

Her pupils dilated, her eyes hooded as she absorbed the sight of swollen, wet, pink lips and the hardened nub peeking out. She breathed in sharply as she gripped her dick, eyes trained on Alison's pussy in awe.

She thought she might actually cum again from just looking at Alison's outer lips glistening with pure wetness that had gathered while giving her oral. An audible groan escaped her, her eyes filled with need and lust.

"Is something wrong?" said Alison as she looked down at Emily's sudden immobility.

Emily shook her head instantly, "No, everything is fine. You're just. . . perfect." Emily reassured her with a genuine smile, she honestly couldn't believe this was really happening.

She felt more than apprehensive right now. She desperately wanted to make Alison feel good. Admittedly, she was a little afraid that she wouldn't enjoy it or worse, she'd accidentally hurt her.

Emily pulled Alison's blouse over her head before she unclasped her lace bra. She kissed her way down her taut stomach at a tantalizingly slow pace until she was face to face with her tight cunt.

"Em, please." Emily's dick twitched at the sound of her name coming from Alison's luscious lips. She leaned her head down, her strong hands spreading the dancer's legs as wide as they could go.

Alison proved to be very flexible as Emily leisurely flicked her tongue up and down her folds, sighing at the sensation of her tightening around her tongue. Wetness smeared all over her mouth and cheeks. This was far better than she had ever imagined.

"Oh, that feels good." Alison panted breathlessly, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as Emily's tongue explored every crevice of her slit. Emily caressed her breasts, rousing a melting sweetness within her lithe body.

The brunette rolled her rosy nipples between her thumb and index fingers before letting her mouth engulf around Alison's nipple.
Alison tilted her head back and whimpered in ecstasy as Emily let her teeth graze the area between her inner thighs while her hands continued to tease her hardened nipples.

"Please, baby," Alison pleaded as her hips longingly wandered up. Emily gave in and began her experimental licks up and down the blonde's clit, her tongue savoring the flavor drenching her taste buds.

Alison screamed, her back arching as she shuddered profoundly, pleasure coursing through her veins with every swipe of Emily's tongue. She grabbed the back of her head with force, firmly holding her in place as she struggled to keep her composure.

No-one had ever been able to pull that off and that alone enticed Alison even more. At this point, she was practically shaking as her arousal flooded Emily's chin. Emily didn't seem to mind it, though.

Emily ceased her movements for a split-second and slid two fingers inside her mouth, wetting them promptly. She moved her fingers lower and then teased Alison's entrance at a deliberately languid pace.

Alison panted and rotated her hips and if Emily hadn't moved her hand, her fingers would have slipped inside. Emily looked up at the tiny blonde with an intentional smirk and received an eye-roll in response.

Without warning, Emily thrust her two fingers inside of her. Alison let out a breathy moan at the sudden intrusion, moaning helplessly as Emily's slender fingers pumped in and out of her.

"You're so wet." Emily husked deeply as she stared up into blue hues.

"Yeah—" Alison's back arched up at Emily's significantly raspier, sex-driven voice. "That's w-what you do to me, baby."

"Really?" she questioned.

"Yes!" Alison exploded in a state of euphoria as Emily's tongue repeatedly brushed against her clit. Emily continued her ministrations and she moaned in sheer delight. She was fully aware Emily's neighbors could probably hear her, but she didn't care.

The brunette smirked dangerously as she worked through her folds steadily building a rhythm with her tongue while thrusting her fingers in and out of her pussy.

"Oh, Em!" Alison cried out as she rutted her hips to meet her thrusts. Her hips vigorously bucked again, but Emily held her down firmly as she shivered restlessly beneath her. She was extremely close to her climax and Emily could feel her tightening around her tongue.

Her cerulean eyes squeezed shut as she trembled greatly, her hips thrusting up when Emily did something with her tongue that made her pussy gush.

Alison's eyes fluttered as her breath came out in unsteady pants. She bit her knuckles before tangling her fingers in Emily's silky brown hair, gyrating herself against her mouth.

"That's it, baby. Just like that. Don't stop, Em!" Alison breathlessly begged as she bit her lip, her eyes studying Emily, who was currently slurping her clit with her tongue.

Emily gripped her thighs forcefully and slid her tongue deep inside of her, so skillfully and well-timed that the blonde couldn't help but voice her approval, louder than she ever had.
Emily continued her movements, groaning at her sweet taste, similar to the ravishing taste of nectarine.

"You feel so — oh, fuck!" Alison whined, almost uncontrollably humping Emily's face, her orgasm suddenly catching her off guard. Emily deliriously sucked on the swollen lips, loving the girlish, incoherent squeals that escaped her mouth.

Heavy sighs and moans echoed in the room as Alison came down from her climax. She began leaving soft kisses up Alison's stomach until she arrived at her throat where she nibbled lightly.

Alison's body was still trembling from the aftershocks of her powerful orgasm.

When it was clear that she wasn't going to say anything, Emily wearily sighed before pulling back; an incredulous smile appeared on her lips at what she saw.

Alison had fallen asleep. Emily felt a jolt of smugness knowing she made her slip into a state of unconsciousness.

Emily sat up gradually, being extra careful so she wouldn't wake Alison. Releasing a shaky breath, she held Alison up by the waist as she stood and walked over to the bed.

Emily bit her lip as she laid her down on the bed, pulling back the covers and sliding in beside her.

She had awoken for just a second, snuggling into Emily's side and hugging her. Emily sighed contently and wrapped an arm around her thin waist before holding her tightly.


Might update again tonight or tomorrow. Let me know how you guys feel about this chapter? Vote and comment, please!

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