Scary Stories

By lauralukridge

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I decided to write a book about scary stories, however these stories are not written by me. Enjoy! More

War of Conquest
The Body in the Bed
The Babysitter and the Man
Bloody Mary
The Clown Statue
Black Aggie
Axe Murder Hollow
Black Magic
Raw Head and Bloody Bones
Bloody Mary Returns
Bloody Mary Whales
The Brick Wall
The Brothers' Revenge
Burnt Church
Dancing with the Devil
Death Waltz
Devil on Washington Rock
Don't Turn on The Light
The Face
Goblin of Easton
Golden Hand
Ghost in The Alley
Hairy Toe
The Handshake
Hatchet Man
The Hook
The Bad Hour
No Trespassing
Playing Piano
Screaming Jenny
Storm Hag
Sifty Sifty San
Vampire Hermit
Where's My Liver?
White Lady
White Wolf
Wrath of the Creek
Army of The Dead
Aunty Greenleaf and The White Deer
Bear Lake Monster
Big Liz
Black Bartelmy's Ghost
Black Dog of Hanging Hills
Blackbeard's Ghost
Bleeding Sink
Bloody Knife
Bloody Mary, Quite Contrary
Boo Hag
Cow's Head
Death Coach
Dem Bones
Don't Sell My House
Drowned Man
Dungarvon Whooper
The Dead (El Muerto)
Express Train From Hell
Fifty Cent Piece
First Day of School
Ghost Handprints
Ghost Pilots of Time Square
Ghost Ship of Captain Sandovate
Ghost Train
Ghost in the Stacks
Ghost of Pearl White
Ghost on the Tracks
Ghosts of Ringwood Manor
Girl in White
Going Courting
Green Lantern
Haunted Christmas
A Baker's Dozen
A Gift from Saint Nicholas
Der Belznickel
I'm All Right
Wait Until Emmet Comes
Never Mind Them Watermelons
Henry Hudson and the Catskill Gnomes
Hold Him, Tabb
I Know Moonrise
I'm Coming Down Now
Invisible Hands
Jack O' Lantern
Jack and the Devil
Joaquin Murietta: Bandit of The Goldfields
La Corriveau
La Llorona
Lady in Lace
Lady in Red
Lincoln Death Train
Llorona, Omen of Death
Maco Ghost Light
McLoughlin's Ghost
Milk Bottles
Moll DeGrow
Ocean-Born Mary
Ogopogo, The Lake Monster
Olde Forte Mifflin
Phantom Diner
Phantom Drummer
Phantom Hiker of Grandfather Mountain
Phantom Lovers of Dismal Swamp
Phantom Train Wreck
Piece By Piece
Presumed Drowned
Red Dwarf of Detroit
Sachs Bridge
Screaming Tunnel
Shadow Train
Spuyten Duyvil
Swept Over
Telltale Seaweed
That Pesky Fellow
The Barn Dance
The Bells
The Black Cat's Message
The Bloodstain
The Bloody Mary Ritual
The Blue Rocks
The Cursing of Colonel Buck
The Cut-Off
The Devil and the Werewolves
The Devil's Hole
The Doctor and the Ghost
The Figure in the Window
The Flying Canoe
The Ghost That Followed Me Home
The Grave
The Grocer
The Headless Horseman
The Headless Sentry
The Hitchhiker
The Jersey Devil and the Hat
The Melt Shop
The Phantom Bellman
The Skeleton
The Skeleton's Lantern
The Wailing Woman
The Wampus Cat
Tolling of the Bell
Tommy Knockers
Trapper's Ghost
Turnabout is Fairplay
Werewolf's Bride
White House Ghosts
White Riders
Who Calls?
Yancey's Ghost
Yellow Ribbon
You Can't Get Out
The Russian Sleep Experiment
Humans Can Lick Too
Bride and Seek
Killer In The Backseat
The Choking Doberman
Fatal Hairdo
The Knife and Ductape
The Killer in the Window
The Premature Burial
Carmen Winstead
The Bell Witch
Creepy Crawlies

The Headless Bride

1.3K 29 1
By lauralukridge

Once there was a lovely young woman growing up in a wealthy shipping family in New York.   In those days, wealthy young women were expected to make their debut in society and to marry a wealthy young man from a good family.  But our young lady was a bit of a rebel.  When she grew old enough to marry, she scorned the wealthy young society men in favor of an older man who was working as a servant in her house.  Once there was a lovely young woman growing up in a wealthy shipping family in New York.In those days, wealthy young women were expected to make their debut in society and to marry a wealthy young man from a good family.But our young lady was a bit of a rebel.When she grew old enough to marry, she scorned the wealthy young society men in favor of an older man who was working as a servant in her house.

     Of course, there was a big argument within the family when the young woman announced her choice of husband.  Her parents were furious, particularly her father, who accused the servant of courting his daughter in order to gain a prominent position in the shipping company.  When the young lady insisted upon the marriage, her father gave the couple a lump sum of cash with the stipulation that they leave New York after the wedding and never come back.

        By the time the young couple reached the Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone, the new husband had gambled away all of the money that his wife’s family had bestowed upon the newlyweds.  There was barely enough money for the couple to finish their honeymoon trip, and nothing whatsoever with which to buy a house or start a family. 

      The young woman was upset with her husband.  They had quarreled often about money during their honeymoon journey, and by this time, she knew that her father had been right about the greed of her new husband.  He was obviously more interested in her money than in her.  Still, the couple was flat broke and needed something to pay the concessioners here at Yellowstone, so she telephoned her father to ask him for some money.  Her father refused to give her a penny. 

      That night, the couple had a terrific fight in the relative privacy of their bedroom at the inn.  The husband stalked out of the Inn in a fury, leaving his bride locked in her room.   The bride did not emerge for days, and finally the staff of the Inn sent someone to check on her.  

      No one answered when the housekeeper knocked on the door.  Using the housekeeping key, the staffer sent stepped into the room and gasped in shock.  The room looked as if a hurricane had swept through the interior.  Clothes were strewn everywhere, and the bedclothes were partially on the floor.  Worse, the housekeeper was overwhelmed by the metallic odor smell that permeated everything.  There was no sign of the bride, but the stink that wafted from the attached bathroom hinted at what the housekeeper might see.  Lying in the bathtub in a pool of congealed blood was the body of the unhappy bride, which ended grotesquely in the ragged stump of a neck.  Her head was nowhere to be seen.    

      The housekeeper’s screams summoned the rest of the staff.  The authorities were summoned, the family was notified and the room cleaned.  Everything was done to locate the murderer, but the husband was never apprehended.  Finally, the whole story was hushed up to avoid scandal to the prominent family. 

      A few days after the discovery of the murder, a foul smell up in the Crows Nest where the musicians often played for the evening dances was traced to its source:  The bride’s severed head.  Tousled blond curls framed the wide-eyed, horror-twisted face; already beginning to rot.   

      The burial of the poor, murdered bride should have been the end of the terrible incident.   And so it proved, until one midnight when a staff member who was up late reading a book heard a strange noise coming from the lobby.  It was the stroke of midnight when he hurried out onto the balcony and looked upward, seeking the source of the noise.  He looked up towards the Crows Nest, far above, and saw a glowing figure in white slowly descending the stairs from the Crows Nest.  Tucked under its arm was a tousle-curled, wide-eyed head!  Frozen with horror, the man watched the bride descend the steps and float along the corridor until she reached the door of her room.  Then she vanished!    

      From that day onward, there are people who say they can see the headless bride walking down the stairs from the Crows Nest at the stroke of midnight; sadly seeking for her lost husband and her lost dreams.  Myself, I’ve never stayed up to see.

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