My Secret Love Song #TransPRI...

By TheInvisibleGrayson

10.9K 862 192

When a class assignment accidentally goes viral, Milo Evans is suddenly thrust into the life of the rich and... More

00. The Ship Sets Sail
Authors Note
01. Milo's Solitude
02. Eli's Truth
03. Milo's Cry For Help
04. Eli's Question Mark
05. Let the Competition Begin!
06: Eli's Masculinity
07: Milo's First Friends
08. Eli's Dysphoria
9. Milo's Gauntlet
10: Eli's Crush
11: Milo's Insecurities
coming soon
12. Eli's Popularity
13. Milo's First Kiss
14. Eli's Acceptance
15. Matty's Mistake
15: Matty's Mistake
16. Eli's Autumn Addiction
17. Parental Intuition
18. Milo's Demisexuality
19. El's Broken Heart
20. Milo's Lost Sunshine
21. El's Health
22. Milo's Gift
23. El's Last Breakdown
24. Milo's New Page
25. Kai's Recovery
27. Kai's Reputation
28. Milo's New Name
29. Kailani's Melody
30. Truth or Else

26. Milo's Stealth

276 24 0
By TheInvisibleGrayson

pt 1

~Milo POV~

"And that's a wrap!" 

I snap my suspenders as the student director calls for the end of our first music video without Kai. With the camera's off, I double over my knees panting from the intense choreography from the song we just covered called 'Hey Ya' by outcast. A large hand cups my shoulder and I look up to see Thomas looking concerned.

"You alright there buddy?" He asks and I give him a thumbs up.

"Yeah, just...with the's hard..." I pant and personal assistants surround me with fans and water bottles. I take a swig from one of the bottles and stand up straight. 

"You were doing really good today, I just wanted to compliment you on your improvement." He says with a large smile and ruffles my sweaty mop of light brown hair. 

"Thanks bro, what are you up to tonight?" I ask as we start walking out of our school where we were filming for the weekend. Thanking the production team on our way out for their hard work.

"Same old stuff, planning for our NYC comeback," he says with a small shrug and I punch him on the shoulder.

"Fuck man, you work too hard sometimes. Our comeback is like two months away," I try to get him to loosen up but he shakes his head.

"This is going to massive Milo and we have to be ready. Our fans are already forming conspiracy theories about what happened to Kai and your ex-girlfriend isn't helping things." He eyes me and I put my hands up.

"I can't control what Emily does, don't put that on me, Thomas. I know she's a bitch but she's just hurt is all. One day she'll get over it...I hope," I explain but Thomas doesn't look convinced.

"We can all cross our fingers but it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better," He says and pats me on the back before we part ways. 

I take a car back to the apartment to take a long shower before spending the night with Kai. It was Saturday which was the only day her parents allowed me to have her alone after a lot of trusts and random check ups. She was looking healthier each time I saw her beautiful face and I hope she'll get out of the hospital soon because I miss having her around. 

Kai, my beautiful yellow sunshine. 

How would I tell her it was me all along? 

As I wash the soap from my hair, I ponder all the different ways I could reveal my identity to her as well as all the different ways it could end.

For some reason, I came up with a 1% chance of this going well and a 99% chance of her thinking I'm some creep who wanted to get with her all along. 

I hop out of the shower and toss on a cozy white t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans, grabbing one of Kai's favorite gray hooded sweatshirts before walking out the door, knowing my baby might want to steal it to keep her fragile little body warm. 

Just when I'm about to leave, the all too familiar beeping starts to chime from my phone and I didn't have to look down to know what it was for. I step back into my room and into my closet, yanking out a small leather bag and plopping down on the bed with a loud sigh.

I aggressively swipe my thigh with the small alcohol prep pad before filling my needle with the prescribed testosterone and shooting it into my body. Covering the spot with a small yellow band-aid and I remember the present I had bought for her a day earlier. I reach into my sock drawer and pull out the little blue box from Tiffany's and sliding it into my pocket before resuming my exit from the building. 


I reach the hospital under the cover of darkness with Wesley by my side. Agent Anderson was my favorite body guard out of the line up so far because when I was with him I really did feel safe.

Holding a small bouquet of yellow roses, I walk up to her assigned private room, getting by without being noticed by the hoards of fangirls. Wes leaves me at the door and stands guard as I walk in, nearly dropping the bouquet when I see Kai. 

She was standing by the window in a short white crop top which showed off her flawless curves. I could no longer see her protruding rib cage as she stuck her hands the pockets of her dusty rose shorts.

She was so beautiful that my heart skipped three beats. 

"Oh! You're here!" Kai squealed and quickly jumped into my arms and I engulfed my baby in a warm embrace. 

"Look Milo! It's gone!" She sings as she pulls back just enough for me to see her glowing face and I notice the feeding tube was gone.

"We're one step closer to going home! Wait...what's wrong?" She asks and I look at her confused.

"Nothings wrong baby, why do you ask that?" I imply and she gives me a curious pout.

"You're not saying anything, that's kind of weird babe," she grunts and I shake my head. 

"Sorry, It's just, you're so beautiful and I missed you so fucking much," I sigh as I bury my head in her shoulder, taking in her sweet lilac scent like it was a breath of relaxing fresh air. 

"I missed you too baby," She giggles sweetly and I gently kiss her neck before letting her out of my arms as she takes the flowers from me and her smile alone could light up this entire hospital.

"Did you know yellow is my favorite color?" She asks and I toy with her soft black hair, unable to keep my needy hands off her. 

"As a matter of fact I did. I remember you saying it in practice or something," I lied and she stood on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. 

"I love you," she sighs into my ear as she does and I reach into my back pocket, pulling out the small blue box.

"I love you too, which is why I got you this small present," I explain and she gives me a strange look until she sees the box and gasps out loud.

"Milo! What is this? You don't have to do this," She was flustered and confused as I handed it to her.

"You're right, I didn't have to. But I wanted you to have it before our comeback," I mention and her big crystal gray eyes open wide.

"MILO! YOU DID NOT!" She squeals as she realizes what it is and I motion for her to open it.

"It might not be, won't know until you open it," I shrug and she anxiously pops open the lid to find the small necklace with a small simple silver pendant holding my initial. 

"It's just like hers, I love it, baby," she smiles and I take it out of the box before clasping it around her neck before meeting her soft lips, with one hand gently caressing her cheek with my thumb and the other cupped around the soft bare skin of her waist, I found myself delieriously lost in her touch. With her elegant fingers curled in my hair as she kept her body pressed against mine, I deepened our soft pecks, playing with her shy tongue like it was a delicious little candy. She purrs out a soft moan when I sucked on her bottom lip before both of our phones went off at the same time, breaking out kiss. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a really good kisser?" Kai asks and I swipe the saliva off her swollen lips with the pad of my thumb while licking mine.

"Mmm, you think so?" I asked with my voice growing deeper and huskier than usual. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink and I gently kiss each one before resting my chin on her shoulder and checking my phone. Not wanting to let go of her for a single second. 

"Oh shit, are you seeing this?" she asks as I check my spasming twitter feed. 

"Kai, give me your phone," I growl after seeing just the username all these retweets and mentions were coming from.

"Milo..." I quickly pull away from her and snatch her phone away from her.

"You're not stable enough for this dramatic bullshit," I tell her before she protests and her eyes start to flood with tears.

"Is that how you see me? As just some crazy psycho bitch?" She asks and I nearly groan our miscommunication.

"No Kai, this woman right here? Emily? She's a crazy psycho bitch. You're just a normal girl in the a period of your transition where you're very fragile and I don't want some transphobic hater on the internet to hurt you," I explain and she nods.

"Can you at least screen it and tell me what the war is about?" She asks and I agree. Sitting down on her hospital bed and scrolling to the top of the rant. 

"She tweeted, 'I like how you could sing thru your phone without mentioning your dirty conscience. Because when I looked through my man's phone, all I found was you. Fuck you for making me feel this way,' and then she posted a youtube cover," I explain. Thankful that I took her phone away because after just a single scroll I could already see the stupid comments.

Things like,

'I don't know why he'd leave a beautiful woman like you to begin with, then again, he was never a real man to begin with ;)'

'Dickless bottom bitch getting fucked in the vag by a man in a dress, Y'all are sick'

'She'll never beat you, honey, cause you've been blessed by God with all the things she could only dream of having, #REALWOMAN'

'Let's gang rape the little bitch and cut off his dick after, since he wants to be a woman now,'

My own stomach starts to churn when I read the mutilating comments and I gulp before closing her phone.

"What should we do baby? We can't just ignore this right?" She asks with fear in her watery gray eyes.

"We'll be fine. No one can get to you with Wesley outside, I'm sure he's already taking cautionary measures," I reassure her while secretly trying to reassure myself. 

"What was the video about?" She asks and I scroll to the Youtube video she posted with the title, 'he cheated on me with a man' in bold letters.

"It's not worth our time baby, let's just watch Netflix and cuddle," I suggest but she shakes her head with a small shiver. I quickly take off my jacket and hand it over without a second to spare. 

"You know what song this kind of reminds me off?" She asks with a myschievious smirk and I pull her close to me.


"I don't fuck with you," 

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