Can Life be this Unfair?

By Gigi1020

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(Slowly Editing) Elizabeth has been left in an orphanage by her father. Why? Why does he leave her there? She... More

Chapter 1 Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Epilogue

Chapter 31

892 26 4
By Gigi1020

This one is a long chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the mistakes! Enjoy n.n

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I ran to the bathroom just in time! As soon as I put my face over the toilet I started to throw up my breakfast. I groaned and sat down on the floor. Stupid rancid waffles! I would never eat them again!

  Pfff that's what you said the last 4 days! A tiny voice said inside me. I closed my eyes, it had been true. The last week I had been throwing up my breakfast. But I just couldn't stop eating! I was so hungry all the time!

  I pulled my knees to my chin feeling a headache coming! Tears stung my eyes, I wanted Jake to be with me! Stupid work! I sighed and washed my teeth. After doing that I looked around. There was nothing to do at all! I sighed going over to the empty bed. I laid down and thought of my Jake. What was he doing now? Did he miss me just as much as I missed him? Probably not! I felt an empty piece of my heart missing.

  When would he be back!? It had already been 2 hours since he left!

  I whined loudly and closed my eyes. I was so bored! I had nothing to do!

  I went downstairs and into the living room turning on the tv. No one was home except me. Cynthia was at work, Sandra was in town, and my Jake was training wolfs. I should've gone with him!

  I flipped through the channels getting bored by the second! There was nothing interesting to watch. My stomach grumbled and I got up grinning eagerly. I wanted to eat something!

  I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I looked at all the possibilities of food! I grinned and grabbed a yogurt. I closed the fridge and went back to the living room eating my yogurt happily. As soon as I sat down I craved something else. I looked at my yogurt, I had barely eaten 4 spoon fulls.

  I got up and walked back to the kitchen. I opened the fridge again and decided I would make a bowl of ice cream. I looked at the ice cream, there was only cookies and cream but I wanted chocolate! I groaned and grabbed cookies and creams.

  I made a big bowl of ice-cream with chocolate syrup and a cherry. I started eating it eagerly walking back to the living room. I sat down feeling very comfortable. I smiled and flipped through the channels again deciding I would watch a movie called Titanic. It seemed good and the main actor was cute!

  In the middle of the movie I got hungry again. I groaned and paused the channel, I know weird tv! I went to the kitchen again looking around for something to eat. 

  "Want me to prepare you something Luna?" Beatrice said behind me. I jumped a mile and yelled. "Sorry Luna"  Beatrice said vowing. I smiled "No, it's okay, I was distracted" I said looking for something to eat.

  "I can make you a salad?" Beatrice said going to the fridge. I scrunched my face "Can you make me pasta?" I asked sweetly. Beatrice laughed and nodded "Of course Luna, whatever you want" she said going to the cupboards.

  I looked around for some cookies to munch on while my pasta was cooking. I was on my 4th little packet when I noticed Beatrice staring at me. I reddened "What?" I asked. Beatrice shook her head "nothing Luna, it's just that...never mind" she said smiling politely and going back to the stove.

  "No tell me" I insisted. She sighed "It's just that you usually dont eat much Luna" she said quietly.

  I reddened more and chewed my cookie uncomfortably. "Oh okay" I said quietly leaving the kitchen.

  I wasn't eating alot! I usually ate this much so I dint know what was different! I shrugged and went back to watching the movie.

  The whole house filled with the delicious smell of pasta. I sniffed the air feeling hungry again. I couldnt wait to try that pasta!

  Beatrice approached me slowly with a plate full of spaghetti. I smiled "Thanks!" I said happily grabbing the fork out of her hands. My stomach was grumbling like crazy!

 "I'm sorry if I offended you Luna" Beatrice said slowly. I smiled "Its okay Beatrice you dont have to apologize" I said eating the spaghetti. I closed my eyes "Mmmmm this is delicious!" I said marveling the taste.

  Beatrice smiled "If you need anything I'll be down in the basement cleaning" she said. I nodded and went back to eating. I watched Beatrice as she left. I dint know we had a basement. I would have to go check it out soon!

  I sat back in the couch with my plate in my lap feeling relaxed. I continued watching Titanic, it was getting to the good part! I smiled and ate happily.................................................................................


1 hour later and Jake came home finding me sobbing in the couch eating cookies again. He saw me and ran to me with a worried look. "Lizzie!!! What's wrong baby are you hurt?" he asked cupping my face concerned. His eyes roaming my body to see if I was hurt. I shook my head and tried to speak but only sobs came out. Jake shook me "Liz! Tell me whats wrong?!" he said desperately.

  "Why... why did he have to die?!" I sobbed wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me tightly "Who baby, who died?!" he asked quietly. I sobbed "Jack!!".

  Jake pulled back and looked at me with an upset face. "Who's Jack? Was he an old friend of yours?" he said wiping away my tears. I shook my head and pointed to the tv. Jake frowned and turned to the tv. Realization hit his face. He turned back to me with a smirk.

  "Wooooow Liz! I thought something else had happened princess!" he said hugging me. I sniffled in his arms. "Why did he have to die Jake? He was so cute!" I said feeling tears in my eyes. Jake chuckled "its just a movie, he's still alive" he said stroking my hair. I pulled back and wiped my tears away eating another cookie. Titanic was seriously the saddest movie I had ever seen! I literally felt my heart break a little when Jack dies.

 Even remembering brought tears to my eyes. Jake laughed and kissed my forehead "Jeez Lizzie, dont scare me like that ever again!" he said standing up. I grabbed his hand quickly "Dont leave me!" I said looking pleadingly into his eyes. Jake frowned and sat back down.

  I arranged myself so I was sitting down on his lap. I snuggled into him enjoying his warmth. He smelled like fresh pine trees. "Are you okay princess?" he asked kissing my head.

  I nodded, I just wanted to be close to him. "I want to be with you" I said snuggling more into him. He wrapped his arms around me and I closed my eyes feeling tired. I started to fall asleep when I heard the stupid tv commercials loudly. I pouted and huffed "sshhh!" I said annoyed. Jake chuckled and I heard the tv noise getting lower.

  I fell asleep quick after that, save in Jake's arms....................


 I woke up feeling grumpy. My neck hurt. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was on the couch!! What the hell! Where was Jake?! A lump formed in my throat. He had just waited for me to fall asleep here and leave me here!

  I stood up and felt mad, and hungry again. I wanted something cold! I needed ice cream!

  I went into the kitchen and bumped into Jake, he cached me easily before I fell on my butt. "Hey you woke up" he said smiling. I jerked away angrily "WHERE WERE YOU?!" I shrieked. Jake frowned "I came to get water" he said calmly.

  "YOU WERE GONE WHEN I WOKE UP! YOU LEFT ME!" I yelled at him close to tears. Jake grabbed my shoulders "Calm down baby, it was just 2 minutes"  he said looking into my eyes.

  I looked at his beautiful green eyes and sighed. I felt like a jerk for yelling at him "Sorry babe, I just woke up and, you werent there.." I said quietly going to the fridge.

 "Im sorry baby, I was just thirsty." he said following me to the fridge. "You're hungry babe?" he said smirking. I grinned sheepishly and nodded. "Yeah" I replied grabbing some ice cream.

  I got a plate but decided to eat the ice cream right out of the box. Jake chuckled "Shouldn't you have something more... less desserty?" he said. I laughed "Is desserty even a word?" I said getting a spoon. I digged into the ice cream and ate it eagerly.

  Jake laughed "I dont know but it's ten already" he said sitting down on the counter. My eyes popped! How long had I been asleep?! I felt so bad! Jake's arms probably hurt!

  "Sorry baby!" I said blushing. Jake chuckled "For eating ice cream?" he said. I shook my head "no, for sleeping in your arms for this long! You should've waken me up!" I said secretly glad he hadnt waken me up. Jake laughed and shook his head " I dint care babe, besides you look so peaceful when you're sleeping" he said stroking my cheek.

  I beamed at him and ate more ice cream with Jake just watching me.

  "Where's everyone?" I asked wondering were Sandra was. I hadnt seen her in all day long!

  "Moms at work and Sandra is with some friends" he said rolling my eyes. I laughed and hoped she was having a great time. Sandy was such a party person.

  Jake just sat there watching me eat all the ice cream. He stifled many yawns and I felt guilty, but I was hungry! As soon as I finished the ice cream I was satisfied. I looked up at Jake and smiled "Bed time?" I said. He nodded and yawned. He jumped from the counter and smiled down at me.

 "I'm not feeding you properly" he said nuzzling my neck. I laughed and got on his back. "Yeah you go to work too much!" I said sighing. Jake went up the stairs and chuckled "I'll have to cut down my hours to 3 then" he said. I dint reply I was falling asleep on his back.

  "Liz?" Jake said. "Mmm?" I mumbled. "Are you falling asleep?" he said opening the door. I nodded, my eyes felt heavy. Jake laughed and put me on the bed. I snuggled under the blankets feeling too lazy to even change!

 I felt Jake kiss my forehead. "Goodnight princess" he whispered and I fell asleep again dreaming about a giant pizza!...................................


  I felt a heavy weight on my stomach. It wasnt letting me breathe properly, I gasped and opened my eyes. Jake was on top of me sleeping.

 "Jake!" I said trying to get him of me, but he was heavy! I gasped for breath. "Jake!" I said again wincing, the pain in my stomach was increasing. "JAKE!" I said wriggling under him.

  Jake mumbled in his sleep. "Get off me!" I said wincing again. Jake opened his eyes and nodded "Sorry sorry" he mumbled still half asleep as he rolled of me. I gasped for breath. Jake had never felt this heavy before! Maybe he was growing stronger and thats why he felt heavier.

 I rubbed my stomach feeling hungry. I looked at the clock, it was 2 in the morning. I smiled, a late snack wouldnt hurt anyone. I was about to get up when Jake threw his arm around me. I yelped half scared.

  "Jake!" I whined squirming in his grasp. "Go to sleep" he said with his eyes closed. "But im hungry! " I whined pouting. I wanted some bacon!

  Jake sighed and tightened his grasp on me. I wriggled under him "Jake!" I said trying to get his arm off me.

  He opened his eyes and sighed "Liz its two in the morning!" he groaned. I nodded "I know, go back to sleep baby!" I said getting his arm of me and standing up before he could get me back in bed. I was still wearing my jeans and tank top.

  Jake chuckled and stood up too. "You dont have to come with me" I said feeling bad I had woken him up. He shook his head "I dont mind princess, lets go get you food" he said. I nodded eagerly and followed him  eyeing his body. He had only his boxers on and a white shirt which made his biceps look smoking hot!

  We creeped down to the kitchen, I winced when Jake turned on the lights. He smiled at me and hoisted me up on the counter "What does my princess want to eat?" he said fully awake. I shrugged "Take out options and I'll tell you" I said cocking my head to the fridge. Jake laughed "I'm not feeding you enough!" he said. I nodded and laughed following Jake with my eyes as he took out things from the fridge. "I want an omelet!" I said quickly when he took out the eggs, "Ohh with lots of cheese, oh and bacon! Oh oh and more cheese!" I said jumping in my spot.

  Jake nodded "If it burns... and it tastes bad..well..." he said with a smirk. I giggled and rolled my eyes "Dont worry I would still eat it" I said. Jake smiled and pinched my cheek "I know you would human!" he said smiling. I smiled, I knew Jake was a great cook! I dint know why he didnt do it more often!

  He got to work and I enjoyed watching the way his biceps would flex every time he would get something. I roamed my eyes over his body feeling the tingles growing inside of me. But the tingles were soon replaced by hunger! The omelet smelled great!

  "Oh yummy, that smells good! How long will it take to cook?" I asked impatiently. Jake laughed "Hold on, in a minute it'll be ready!" he said flipping the omelet.

  I started to drum my fingers on the counter impatient. I felt as if I hadnt eaten in days! I jumped down and went to the stove. I saw the big golden omelet cooking. I could feel my mouth starting to water. I was so hungry!

  I grabbed a fork and grabbed a piece out of the pan. I grabbed it quickly and popped it into my mouth. It burned my tongue but it tasted delicious! My hand was suddenly smacked, "Liz wait!"Jake said laughing. I pouted "Like that is good, turn of the stove!" I told Jake moving to turn of the stove. Jake laughed and grabbed my waist "Wait...." he said. I pouted and made my big puppy dog eyes.

 Jake chuckled "You know, you make me feel bad!" he said going to the stove and turning it of. "But I guess you just saved yourself from eating a burned omelet!"he said smiling. His smile was so beautiful it made my whole heart fill with love. I grinned and kissed Jake on the chin "You're the best you know that?"I told him hugging him to me. He nodded "The very best?"he asked. I nodded and kissed his lips. Jake sighed and put his forehead to me. "I love you" he said. I smiled "I love you too!" I responded.

 I let go of him and went to the counter to grab a plate. I put the omelet on the plate and I started to eat it like if there was no food in the world left! Jake sat in front of me and frowned "We're you really that hungry?" he asked quietly. I nodded and ate the omelet too busy to speak. Jake frowned again "Sorry baby, I havent been checking if you eat or not" he said. I laughed "Its okay baby, dont apologise" I said with my mouth full. Jake's eyes softened and he gave me a look that made me blush and feel tingles.

 I finished my omelet and I looked at Jake pouting, he laughed "Want another one?" he asked laughing. I joined his laughter "Shut up!" I said passing him my plate. He kissed my forehead and went to the stove to make me another omelet. I rubbed my tummy. It felt sore, like if I had done 30 sit ups non stop!

  I watched Jake do another omelet but this time I sat down waiting patiently for it.  When he finished he put the plate in front of me "What a good girl you are!" he joked. I ignored him and went to eating my omelet. It tasted even better than the first one! "Mmmm oh man! Jake you should be a professional cook!" I said meaning it. Jake did a little vow "Änything for my princess" he said smiling.

 I devoured the second omelet much faster than the first one! I really was hungry! I bit my lip and looked at Jake giving him my most adorable puppy dog face. Jake's eyes filled with loved, I could tell by the way his tender soft green eyes looked. He smiled at me and dint even say anything, he just went to the stove again. "Thank you babe!"I said.

  "You're welcome Lizzie" he said not turning around. I rubbed my tummy again. It felt really sore! Maybe Jake had accidentally hurt me when he slept on top of me. It was weird, I usually enjoyed it alot when he slept on top of me, and he dint weigh anything! But tonight I couldnt even breath! I wondered why....

  Jake put my plate in front of me again and I smiled "Thank you Jake!"I said he smiled and shook his head "You dont have to thank me Liz" he said. I rolled my eyes "I know I know but not every simple boyfriend makes his girlfriend food at 2 in the morning" I said eating my omelet. "Thats because I'm not any simple boyfriend, im you're mate" he said giving me his wonderful smile that made my knees go weak.

  I sighed happily "Yeah, my wonderful mate!" I said eating more. Jake grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over it. I smiled happily eating my omelet.

  Suddenly I felt a wave of nausea. I stopped chewing and looked at the omelet. The yellow cheese spilling out of it and the thick greasy bacon made me feel sick. Had I really eaten two of those? 

  I put my fork down and closed my eyes feeling nausea again. "Whats wrong Liz?" Jake said. I dint open my mouth, I took deep breathes but my cheeks started to water! The nausea wasnt passing! "Lizzie?" Jake said.

 I let go of his hand and ran to the bathroom full speed. I went to the corner of the house using the guests bathroom . As soon as I crouched over the toilet I started to throw up the omelets. I gagged feeling even more nauseous over the smell.

  Tears stung my eyes my throat felt on fire. I gagged again and threw up more. "Liz?" Jake said behind me. Fuck, I had forgotten to close the door! "go away!" I said more rudely than I had intended. I felt his arm around me. I threw up more and Jake pulled back my hair.

  When my stomach was empty I flushed the toilet. My cheeks we're on fire! Seeing your girlfriend puke what you cooked for her musnt be a pretty sight!

 "Are you okay baby?" Jake asked stroking my hair. I nodded and dint look at him. "Im fine" I said leaving the bathroom. I had to brush my teeth and sleep had suddenly entered my body.

 "Do you need anything? Water, pills?" Jake asked behind me. "No thanks, I'mm going to brush my teeth!" I said going upstairs. "I'll be right there soon princess" he said going into the kitchen.

 "Okay hurry!" I said. I went into our bedroom straight into the bathroom. I looked at myself, I dint look any different. Maybe since I was used to not eating much my stomach was returning everything I ate? At the orphanage they wouldnt really feed us much, so that was probably it.

 I brushed my teeth twice when I heard Jake enter the room. This time I had been precocious and I closed the door. The doorknob rattled "Liz, you ok?" Jake asked. I rolled my eyes, I had said I was fine!

 "Yes I'm fine Jake" I said annoyed. "Okay just making sure" he said. I rolled my eyes and left the bathroom. Jake had already turned off the lights. I jumped to the bed feeling sleepy! Jake was on his side with his eyes closed, he was probably just as tired as I was.

  I hugged Jake but his warm body made me feel hot and sticky! "Jake open a window!" I said standing up. Jake grabbed me and hugged me. "Noo it's cold" he mumbled. I wriggled in his arms. "NO its not! It's hot in here!" I said close to tears. Jake hugged me tighter making my stomach hurt. I flinched, he surely had gotten stronger!

  "Jake!" I said, tears slipping down my face. I dint even know why I was crying! The tears we're just falling down my face!

  "Baby whats wrong?" Jake said sitting up. He cupped my face in his hands. I shook my head "It's hot!" I said with more tears slipping down my face. Jake smirked "And so you're crying because of that?" he said wiping my tears. I nodded and blushed, when he said it, it did sound like a stupid reason to cry.

 He kissed my lips and stood up to open a window. The cool breeze was soothing. I smiled happily and laid down. Jake laid next to me. "Thats better!" I said closing my eyes. Jake laughed "You'll catch a cold with those jeans!" he said. I giggled, I was still wearing my jeans!

  I hugged Jake ignoring the soreness in my stomach. "Night Jake" I said half asleep already...............


  I felt him move next to me and I quickly grabbed his shirt. "Dont leave me!" I said opening my eyes. The room was bright and cold. I quickly looked at the clock, it was 1!!!

  "Babe, I have to go train the wolfs!" Jake said quietly. I looked up at him hopeful, "Stay with me Jake" I said pleadingly. Jake sighed "Baby I have to go, we have to be ready in case any one comes and attacks!" he said looking upset. I let go of his shirt harshly "FINE!  Go away and leave me here all alone!" I said crossing my arms.

  Jake kissed my forehead "It's not that way Lizzie, I just want you to be safe. All this, I do it so you can be safe" he said. Tears stung my eyes, "Then take me with you!" I said angrily.

 Jake looked at me surprised "I cant Liz, it's dangerous!" he said standing up. The tears slipped down my face "You dont love me!" I shrieked. Jake turned around and looked at me with shock. He came to me and sat down next to me. "Lizzie, whats wrong?" he asked caressing my cheek.

  I jerked away "Whats wrong is that you dont love me enough to stay here with me one fucken day!" I said irritated,  I was in the worst mood ever!

 Jake widened his eyes "Okay Liz, I'll stay home today and be with you" he said smiling. I shook my head "NO, NO! I dont want you to be here! Go train your stupid wolfs!" I said angrily looking away. Jake grabbed my hand "But Liz, I want to stay with you" he said. I shook my head "Well I dont anymore! Go away!" I said with more tears in my eyes. Jake sighed "I'll be home soon" he said.

  I sobbed "See?! You dont care about me! You're already leaving!" I cried. Jake turned around again "But..but... you said you wanted me to leave!" he said. "I obviously wanted you to beg to stay! ! But noooo! You prefer your wolfs!" I said laying down.

  Jake hovered over me "Want me to stay with you?" he asked in a sweet tone. But it dint make a difference to me what tone he used. "No go away" I said closing my eyes. Jake sighed "Okay Lizzie" he said. I growled and opened my eyes to see Jake going into the closet. He was actually going to work!

  I sighed frustrated and threw a pillow across the room. I laid back down putting one over my face. I yelled into it as hard as I could, but the pillow was soon moved. Jake was staring down at me "Lizzie whats wrong?!" he asked frowning. "Nothing is wrong!!" I said grabbing the pillow.

  "Well your not acting like yourself!" he said. I huffed and stood up "And how do I usually act Jake? Sweet and innocent all the damn time?!" I asked going into the closet. These jeans we're really tight around me!

  "No baby, I can tell something is bothering you! What is it?" Jake said going into the closet with me. I pulled of the jeans and grabbed some shorts. I would take a shower later in the waterfall!

  I shook my head "Whats bothering me is that you prefer your wolfs than me!" I said with tears in my eyes again. Jake shook his head "I told you, its not that way" he said breathing in. I could tell he was getting irritated too.

 I pulled on the shorts but they wouldnt close! They were like 3 fingers away from closing! I took them of angrily and threw them on the floor "Stupid shorts!" I grumbled. I grabbed another pair and tired them on but again they wouldnt close! I threw them again feeling super annoyed!

  "UGH stupid clothes!" I said. I looked up at Jake, he was staring at me "Are you getting fat?" he asked with a smirk.

  I gasped, a lump formed in my throat. I know I dint have the greatest body, but he dint have to remind me!

  I pushed away from him going into the room. "Liz I was kidding!" he said grabbing my wrist. I let out a sob "LEAVE ALREADY!" I cried. He dint let go of my wrist. "LET GO! You're hurting me!" I said crying. He immediately let go of me.

  "Listen to me Lizzie, I was kidding! You have the most perfect body ever" he said trying to kiss my lips. I backed away hurt. He growled "I was just kidding Lizzie! I swear!" he said, his eyes got darker.

  "I dont care, go away to your wolfs and call THEM fat too!" I whispered wiping my tears.

   "You're being impossible today!" he growled and left the room banging the door.

  I looked at the door for a couple of seconds before slumping on the floor and crying. He was right! I was being impossible today! I dint know what was wrong with me! I usually took everything as a joke, I was crying over stupid things, and I was being a totaly bitch to Jake, AND to top it off... I was starving!!

  I sniffled and stood up deciding I would take a shower. Maybe the cool water would calm me down.

  After a long cold shower I felt better. I changed into some loose jeans and a dark blue shirt and put my hair in a messy bun, I noticed my bra was tight on me! I shrugged and sighed and sat down on the bed. I missed Jake. Was he mad at me? He must be, he hadnt called me yet.

 I rubbed my sore tummy and noticed it was rock hard. I frowned, was I really getting fat? I stood up and went to the mirror. I had a bump on my stomach. I groaned, I would have to stop eating less!

  I grabbed my phone and scrolled down to the J's, I would call Jake and apologize for being a bitch in the morning. I usually loved it when he would train his wolfs. It made me feel proud of him. I pressed call and waited for him to answer, but afte the 8th ring I hung up. He was probably busy, or he dint want to talk to me!

  I was going to close my phone when Gericho's name caught my attention. I hadnt seen him in forever! Maybe he could take me to a restaurant, I was really craving mexican food! I grinned and started to get excited. I pressed call, hopeful he would pick up!

  "Sup sis!" he answered. I squealed with excitement "Hey Gericho! Can you do me a favor?" I asked happily. He laughed "It depends Liz, if you ask me to teach you how to drive again well..." he said. I giggled "No silly, nothing like that. Listen I'm starving, can you take me to a restaurant?" I asked biting my lip. He was silent "Take you to eat? Where's Jake?" he asked.

 I frowned "busy with the wolfs" I said. Gericho laughed "Oh I see, well I guess I could take you, but I feel so lazy! And I was going to take a nap and..."

 "Please please please please!? I'm really hungry!" I pleaded. Gericho laughed "Okay sis, but call Jake and let him know! I'll be there in 10 minutes" he said. I grinned "Sure thing Gericho, HURRY!" I said ending the call.

  I texted Jake 'I'll be out eating with Gericho babe, Im hungry! Oh and sorry about this morning for being a bitch to you. Forgive me? Love you -Your princess'

 I smiled and closed my phone going over to the mirror again. My stomach felt really sore! I looked at the stupid fat roll! I sighed, I wouldnt eat much at the restaurant!

 5 minutes later and I heard Gericho's car honking. I ran down the stairs happily, I was starving!

  I went to Gerichos now fixed car. "Hey Liz" he said smiling. I grinned "Hey Gericho, thanks so much for hanging out with me!" I said buckling my seatbelt. "You mean this isnt a date?" Gericho asked pretending to be hurt. I giggled "Not unless you want Jake kicking you in the balls" I said laughing. Gericho laughed too "I guess it's only lunch for the sake of my unborn children!" he said.

  We talked about random things on the way to some Mexican food restaurant.I liked hanging out with Gericho, I could joke just about anything with him.

 I smiled as we parked outside the restaurant. I jumped out before Gericho had a chance to unbuckle his seat belt. He laughed "Wow, I'm lecturing Jake now! He dosent feed you enough!" he said shaking his head. I rolled my eyes "Lecture my stomach not Jake" I said entering the restaurant.

  Gericho ordered while I sat on the table looking at a text from Jake 'Ok baby, dont take long, and Im sorry too for being a jerk. You have nothing to apologize for. Love you princess -Jake'

 I smiled and closed my phone waiting for Gericho to come with the food. I rubbed my sore tummy and my lower back, my whole back was starting to hurt now too.

 Gericho came back with a tray full of fries and tacos. "Yay Finally!" I said grabbing a plate full of tacos. Gericho laughed "Definitively lecturing Jake" he said.

  I ate 3 tacos in less than 5 minutes. Gericho was still on his 1st taco. He laughed "Were you starving yourself?" he said giving me another one of his tacos. I took it eagerly and ate it "Nope, it's just that these last few days I've been really hungry!" I said eating the taco.

  Gericho laughed "Maybe you're pregnant" he joked eating some fries.

  I laughed too but then chewed slowly as I thought of my last menstrual period. I couldnt remember! My breath caught in my throat. I put the taco down and looked at Gericho. He was busy eating the fries.

 "Gericho..." I said with my eyes full of tears. Oh dear god!

  "What?" he said still busy eating the fries.

 I remembered all of those times I had thrown up in the morning, all the time being hungry and in a bad mood, crying over stupid things, the long naps, my stomach being sore and...hard...

  Oh my god!

  I stood up suddenly. "We have to go!" I shrieked at Gericho. He jumped in his seat "What?! Why?" he said looking around alarmed. "We have to go Gericho!" I repeated with tears in my eyes.

 I couldnt be pregnant! The last time Jake and I had sex was at least a month ago! And we always used protection!! Except for that one time in the waterfall......

 "Oh god!" I chocked out. My heart was beating fast. I had to get to a pharmacy! "Gericho lets go!" I shrieked and started to leave the restauurant. I ignore the people statring at me.

  Gericho stood up "Wait why?" he yelled. He took out a 20 dollar bill and put it on the table. I ran out of the restaurant into Gericho's car. "Liz Wait!" Gericho said behind me.

  "Hurry up!" I said shaking. Gericho got in the car "Liz calm down, what the hell happened?!" he asked looking around still.

  "Take me to a pharmacy!" I yelled at him. Gericho widened his eyes "Do you feel sick? Maybe we should call Jake" he said taking out his phone. "NO!" I yelled snatching his phone away. Gericho stared at me.

 "Gericho just go!" I said controlling my tears. Gericho frowned "Tell me why first!" he said crossing his arms. I took long deep breathes "Please...please just take me.." I said giving him my best puppy dog face. Gericho's face softened and he nodded "Fine, but you'll tell me?" he said. I nodded and bit my lip.

  I couldnt be pregnant. I just couldnt be! I touched my stomach and wondered if there was a baby in there. I dint think so. But Jake and I had sex in the waterfall...with no protection at all...

  I put my chin on my knees and cried silently. I felt Gericho's arm rubbing my back soothingly "Lizzie tell me whats wrong!" he pleaded. "DRIVE FASTER!" I shrieked. Gericho frowned and had a confused look on his face but he drove faster.

  We got to a pharmacy and I jumped out before Gericho had even parked right. I had to find out if I was pregnant or not.

 I entered the pharmacy and went to the counter cutting all the people in line. "Wait for your turn" "What the hell?" " Rude!" people said behind me.

 I turned around and surprisingly saw Gericho behind me. "Liz what the hell?" he said quietly. He grabbed my arm "Wait for you turn" he whispered. Hah! Yeah right! Like if I would!

 I snatched my hand away from him and turned to the person behind the counter. "Wait for your turn miss" she told me. I shook my head "This is an emergency!" I told her. Gericho started tugging on my hand. I gripped his hand tightly "I need a pregnancy test" I told her with tears in my eyes.

  I heard Gericho gasp behind me, he let go of my hand. I dint turn around "Please" I told the lady with a frantic look. She looked at me and nodded. She gave me a pregnancy test box and I took it gratefully. "Thank you so much" I told her, a few tears slipped down my face. She nodded "No problem miss" she said giving me an understanding look.

 I nodded and gave her a 20 dollar bill not caring about the change. I left going to the bathroom right next to the counter. I turned around almost forgetting about Gericho. He had a shocked expression on his face, his mouth was open and his eyes had gotten darker. "Liz.... please tell me...your not.." he started. I shook my head and held up the box. "We'll see" I see taking a deep breath.

 Gericho nodded and I worried. Could werewolfs go into shock? "Are you going to be alright?" I asked taking his hand. He nodded again but dint close his mouth. I sighed and went to the bathroom praying I wasnt pregnant......

 5 minutes later and I came out of the bathroom with the pregnancy test. Gericho was sitting down on one of the chairs. He stood up and came to me. "Liz...?" he said with a worried look.

  I held up the pink little plus sign +....

  Gericho's eyes widened and his mouth fell open again. "You're- you're pregnant?" he whispered. I bit my lip and nodded. "Oh Lizzie" he said holding out his arms open. I ran to him and hugged him so tight it probably hurt him. I sobbed in his arms. "Oh Gericho! Jake will kill me!" I repeated over and over again. Jake's reaction terrified me to the core!

 "Shhhh its okay Lizzie" Gericho said rubbing my back. I tried calming down, but just thinking of what Jake would do terrified me!

  I ignored all the people staring at us and I cried harder in Gerichos arms. "You can always abort it Liz" Gericho whispered in my ear. I stiffened and pushed away from him. "WHAT..?" I shrieked. Gerciho stared at me "You're having it?!?!" he said raising his voice. I stared at Gericho opened mouthed. "Of course I am!!!" I yelled angrily. How dare he even suggest I abort?!

  I held my stomach protectively. I would not abort this baby! I already loved it! It was a creation Jake and I had done. It was our baby. Our precious little baby.

 Gericho grabbed my arm and tugged me outside the store. I jerked away from him still angry he had suggested I abort it. He grabbed my shoulders and pinned me against the car "Listen to me Elizabeth! YOU..WILL..DIE if you have this baby!" he said looking at my stomach with disgust. I gulped my lump away and held my stomach again protectively. "I dont care. Im not aborting!" I yelled at him. Gericho's gray eyes turned black "I will not let my Luna die! I will hurt anything that hurts her" he said his voice full of rage.

 I bit my lip instantly afraid of him. "You wouldnt hurt us..." I said quietly with tears in my eyes.

  "I wouldnt hurt YOU!" he said frowning. I started to sob, " can you be so cruel!" I sobbed covering my face. "Lizzie" he said tugging on my hands. I looked up at him with teary eyes feeling hurt.

  "Think of Jake Liz! How is he going to react to this!!" Gericho said holding my face. I shook my head "I dont care what he thinks Gericho... Im having this baby he wants it or not!" I said pushing myself away from him. I started to walk fast towards the bus station but Gericho grabbed my hand.

 "Liz,  please please think about this!" he said tugging me to his car. "LET GO!" I yelled.

  He grabbed me tighter and pushed me inside his car buckling my seatbelt "Dont leave!" he said closing the door. I huffed and crossed my arms. I dint care how much Gericho begged. I had made up my mind I wasnt aborting! I dint care if this baby killed me! I would NOT abort it!

 Gericho got in the car and sighed "Liz, please... think about it. You'r going to die if you have this baby" he repeated. I shook my head "I will not!" I said stubbornly. Gericho grabbed my arms "YES YOU ARE!" he yelled in my face.

 I flinched and bit my lip. He sighed "Elizabeth please abort!" he said looking at me pleadingly.

 I sighed and grabbed my phone dialling Jake's number.

  "What are you doing?" Gericho asked. I dint answer him. After the 4th ring Jake answered "Hey baby" he said cheerfully. I gulped and took a deep breath " I need to talk to you" I said shivering with fear already.

 "Is something wrong?" Jake said. "YES SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG!" Gericho yelled. I frowned, sometimes I forgot he was a werewolf! I punched his balls hard and he winced "Shut up!" I yelled at him. He huffed but kept quiet.

 "Liz whats wrong?" Jake asked. "Meet me at the house in 30 minutes, also call Cynthia and tell her also" I said feeling determined. I had to be strong.

 "Okay, but what is this all about?" Jake asked. I held my stomach in my arm protectively "You'll see" I said quietly. I ended the call and threw my phone. I dint feel strong enough to tell Jake. I started to cry like a little baby. I was frightened, but one thing was for sure. I wouldnt abort!

  Gericho wrapped his arms around me "Lizzie, everything will be fine" he said quietly. I cried more feeling alone. Jake and Cynthia we're probably going to be against this baby. I had no one on my side!

 "Get me home" I told Gericho quietly. He looked at me worried and held my hand "I'm here for you" he said quietly. I smiled weakly, "Thanks" I said, but I knew he was going to be on Jake's side.

  We drove home and every minute seemed like an hour! As we approached the house my heart started beating like crazy, I was shaking.

 "Liz calm down" Gericho said holding my hand tighter. I started to panic. And if Jake hit me and made me abort? I wrapped my arm around my stomach. It'll be alright baby. I said in my head.

 We parked outside the house and I was shaking like a leaf! My heart was crashing in my chest. Gericho turned of the engine and took a deep breath. "Gericho wait," I told him grabbing his arm. "What?" he whispered. "If Jake gets violent...will you..protect us?" I asked. His eyes softened and he  made me get a lump in my throat "I will always protect my Luna" he said vowing. I nodded and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

 I jumped out of the car. I saw Jake's and Cynthia's car outside. I gulped and grabbed Gerichos arm for support! My knees felt like Jelly!

  As soon as I went through the door Jake came to me. "Hey baby, whats wrong?" he asked looking at me with so much worry.

 I gulped and shook my head "Living room" I said pointing to it. Jake frowned but followed me. Gericho was behind us. "Whats this about?" Jake whispered to Gericho. Gericho shook his head and walked behind me.

 "Hey honey!" Cynthia said cheerfully as we entered the living room. Sandra was here too. Good I wouldnt have to repeat myself. I forced a smile "Hey guys" I said, my heart was literally in my throat! I took a long deep breath.

 "Whats wrong Liz?" Sandra said sitting up. Sweat started to form in my forhead and I wiped it away. I saw Jake looking from me to Gericho with a confused expression.

  "Jake sit down, Gericho come here" I commanded. Gericho came to my side and Jake dint move from his spot. My heart thumped so loudly I was sure everyone in town could hear it!

  "Whats this about Elizabeth?" Jake asked narrowing his eyes at Gericho. I shook my head "Its nothing that you think" I said forcing a smile. "Trust me" I said, Jake's eyes softened and he sat down next to his mom.

 I started to crack my fingers and I bit my lip. I took a deep breath finding no courage at all.

 "I-I have to t-tell you guys something" I stuttered. 6 pairs of eyes eyes me curiously. "What is it honey?" Cynthia asked.

 How do I do this?! Do i just say it? Or do I beg for forgiveness?

 "Liz, princess, you know you can tell us anything" Jake said smiling.

 His smile brought tears to my eyes.

  I took several deep breaths. My heart was pumping wildly.

  "Jake..." I started...

 "Yeah?" Jake said looking at me confused.

  "Jake...I" I said biting my lip so hard I was surprised blood dint come out!

  "you?" Jake said.

  "Jake.....I'm.... I-m.....p-p-pregnant" I said quietly............

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