Twisted Cinderella

By emmyheaps

1.7K 112 15

Ever since I learned how to walk I did everything for my parents. When I turned five I learned how to do laun... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 10

80 3 1
By emmyheaps

"Okay so you can't do anything extreme with this boot on okay?" the doctor says as I nod. I was excited I was actually going to be able to walk, kind of, again! I walked out of the room just as Richie came up to me.

        "How does it feel?" She says. I smile, How does it feel?

        "Amazing, I just can't wait to run!" Richie laughs.

        "You know since your healing process is going faster then planned maybe you can try out for track, cross country or even soccer!" She sounds really excited. I nodded and went into the car.

        "Ya that would be pretty fun, I know those sports! Probally from watching my dads sports channel and getting the newspaper for him." I say. She nodds and then drives home.


        "Ooo I can see that you can walk now!" Sean says and hugs me as we enter the front door. I scruffed his his hair and looked at Caden standing against the wall. He smiles and hugs me.

        "Congrats Ash," I smile.

        "Thanks. We should go get fro yo, and I promise I won't run to the library again." I say as they all laugh. It was fun to be able to do things for my self.

        "Ya we can but Sean can't come." Caden says.

        "Why?" Sean said he was confused too.

        "My mom is going to take you to your registration," Caden smiles then his mom comes in. There mom and dad are so nice! Richie gets her looks from her mom and her personality from her dad. Caden is oppisote.

        "Thanks," Sean says then walks out the front door. Richie waves by to them then looks back at me and Caden. She smiles a little then a look of worry goes through her face.

        "What's wrong?" Caden asks.

        "I totally forgot, I have to go to a job interview. I am so sorry." She says then goes to our room. That mean't that Caden and I were going to be alone because there dad was working, awkward. I walk behind her.

        "Don't leave me alone, with him," I say as she grabs her purse.

        "This gives you time with him, like I said when you woke up, I think he likes you." I roll my eyes as she exits the room

        "Oh I see how it is, you go to that 'job interveiw" I say, rudely. She walks out the door and before she closes it she winks at me. For once a best friend wants her best friend to date her older brother, if that makes sense.

        "So, " He says pausing, thinking of what to say. "You still want to go to get some fro yo?" I smile and nod then go get my purse.

        I got cake batter this time and some toppings. Caden actually got something this time, vanilla. "Why not peanut butter flavored, or rasberry?" Caden laughs and takes another bite.

        "I don't know I just never really been into icecream, or frozen yogurt." He says smiling then puts his hand through his light brown hair.

        "Then what do you like?"

        "Well I like cake," I smile, stand up, then take my bowl and throw it away. Caden looks at me confused when I take his unfinished bowl and throw it away. "What are you doing?" He says standing up.

        "I am taking you to a bakery, my dad used to make me go there to get cupcakes for partys." He looks suprised then smiles. I smile back to him then we walk a couple blocks.

        "Tania's Bakery, hm. Aren't they like ten dollars a cupcake?" He says about to pull out his wallet.

        "I am paying," I say smiling then I turn around and walk in. There I see the great and wonderful Tania. She is italian, so of course she bakes. She has her dark brown hair in a braid with a hair net over it.

        "Hey you," she says walking over to me then hugging me. She looks at Caden and then looks back at me. "Who's this?" I roll my eyes knowing what she is thinking.

        "My friend Caden," I say walking over to the goodies. I look back at her to see her whispering something in Caden's ear. He nods and smiles then walks over to me.

        "So what are you and your 'friend' Caden going to get?" I laugh.

        "You know mine, what do you want my friend?" I say looking at her as she laughs then looking at Caden. He looks at all the different kinds then smiles.

        "How about the Caramel Chocolate?" He says. Tania nods and puts gloves on and picks our cupcakes out. She give Cadens his then takes my hand.

        "You know what you deserve." She says giving me the cupcake. I smile and walk to a table.

        "This is a nice bakery," He says.

        "Speaking of which," I say digging through my purse then find twenty dollars. I walk over to Tania and give her the money. She says thank you then opens the cash registar. I walk back to find Caden sitting there with a cupcake wrapper sitting in front of him.

        "These are good," I laugh then scooted my cupcake towards him. He smiles then takes a bite of it. Tania comes over then puts fifty dollars on the counter.

        "What?" I was confused. Why was she paying me?

        "It is your first payment, welcome to the bakery!" WAIT WHAT?!? I am getting a job!

        "Thankyou so much," I say jumping up and hugging her.

        "Well you pretty much know your way around," She says giving me an apron with my name on it, it says Ashley on the apron. I hug her again then look at my apron. "So I was thinking during the rest of summer you can work 1:30 to 6:30. During school you can work 6:00 to 7 then 4:30 to 7:30." I nod in amazment. "You will be paid minimum wage, so ten dollars an hour." Wow just wow, I will have enough to pay back Richie then I can save up for something. I look at Caden to see a frosting mustache.

        "Good job Ash!" he says getting up and hugging me. I was speachless, I actually got a job. Caden grabs the wrappers and goes to the trash can.

        "I see he has a nickname for you," she says wiggling her eyebrows at me. I playfully push her and she laughs. "That is no way to treat your boss," Tania jokes.  I laugh then see the time, it is 5:00, dinner time. Everyone was probally home by then.

        "I will see you tomorrow Tania," I say exiting the store.

        "So how do you feel with you new job," Caden says.

        "I am speachless, I mean I never thought I would get a job. Well besides the maid one," I say then laugh. Caden stops walking. "What's wrong with you?" I ask him.

        "Please don't joke about that." He says.

        "Oh I didn't know you cared that much." I say then smile. "Come on can't I be happy?" Caden smiles and hugs me.

        "Of course you can," He whispers into my ear. We look at eachother and I start blushing. He leans in and our lips meet. Wait what? He pulled out and was worried. My face must have looked confused or something. I turn around and walk to the bench then sit down. I put my face in my hands and start crying, I didn't know why. I looked up to find no Caden. Very manly of him. I got my phone and dialed Richies number.

        "Hi Ashley! Where are you?"

       "Can you pick me up?" I ask.

        "Can't Caden take you home?"

        "We kind of got separated," I say thinking about the kiss and how he ditched me.

        "What happened?" Richie said, she abviously knew something was up.

        "I will tell you in the car," I say as I hang up. I look around hoping Caden was somewhere around. He never came back, never. I look at my apron trying to get a smile on my face, but that wasn't working. He was probally embarresed thinking that I didn't think of him in that way. Or maybe it was an accident. It was hopeless I put the apron in my purse and walked towards the frozen yogurt place, where Richie assumed we were there.


        Richie pulled up and I got in. " Are you going to tell me what happened or am I going to have to pry it out of Caden," she says starring me down. I think of what to say.

        "Well he sort of ditched me, we had a fight." I say as Richie looks angrier.

        "Oh I am going to have a talking to him!" She says then starts driving us home. Hopefully Caden doesn't tell her that we kissed.


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